View Full Version : A question for our UK members

08-29-2020, 07:59 PM
I have a question for Castboolit members in the UK. We have some friends in the South Hampton area. My wife was video chatting with them, when I walked through the house, and got snagged to say “Hello”. I mentioned that I was loading some .303 British, for my wife to shoot on our weekly range trip. Well, they got excited. It seems they shoot air rifles but have never been able to fire a real firearm.

If they lived around here they would be on my next range trip and come home with a gunpowder grin. That is the smile folks get the first time they shoot!

Is there any UK member in their area who could take them shooting? They are nice folks who seem to have reasonable table manners. I don’t know what is involved in doing this over there, but if I can manage it in Commie California it should be possible.

And thanks for sending all the Webleys and Enfields over here.
