View Full Version : Romak PSL availability

08-28-2020, 02:31 PM
Up here, in Canada, we are not spoiled with any AK/RPK clones, since they are a taboo since 1998: banned.
I keep an eye on the US market, just for awareness sake, and for some time I was under the impression, possibly mistaken, that US was awash in Romaian RPK clone in a rifle configuration, called PSL.
But now I am googling and only finding them on RIA auction, Gunbroker, and only a few. Have the supply dried up, or am I not looking in the right places?

08-28-2020, 06:30 PM
I have had a PSL and I was not impressed I sold it and bought a VEPR in 7.62x54r


Here is my RPK

08-29-2020, 04:53 PM
are they still available from the stores, new?

RU shooter
08-29-2020, 07:04 PM
I haven't seen any for sale at distributors in a while (years) decent enough rifles for what they are but far from a marksmens rifle . I owned one and used it in a 500 yd match once, kept all shots on a humanoid silhouette target just barely with ammo it liked .

Texas by God
08-29-2020, 09:42 PM
They are simply a scaled up AK47 and they are built for no heavier ammo than 150 gr bullets. Mine worked just fine but I never liked the feel of it- so I let it go.

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09-21-2020, 02:27 PM
I had one for quite a while, a 1998 Cuguir made example, all Romanian. If you use spam can ammo out of it, the barrel heats up real fast after 10 rounds or so. I got sick of it and sold it. They pop up from time to time when Cuguir factory feels like churning out civilian models in between military orders. At the prices today they are far from worth it. I think last time I saw them advertised was with Classic for like 1,800 or so. That's without a scope on it. For that kind of money you could buy something better, they are far from worth that kind of cash.

09-21-2020, 11:10 PM
WinchesterM1: that’s a nice M72! I took a deer with the one I built two seasons ago.

Back to the original thread, I’ve been wanting to get my hands on a PSL since I first saw one at a gun show in high school. I saved up enough to get one a year or two later and they were sold out everywhere. I ended up with a .308 VEPR to scratch that itch but have never been really satisfied with it. That said, I’m not sure a PSL would have lived up to my expectations either. They are bringing nutty money for what they are and that’s when you can find one.