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View Full Version : 7-mindful-quotes-by-confucius

08-24-2020, 11:26 PM
Read the whole story here


1. “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones… It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.”

2. “Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart… And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.”

3. “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”

4. “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”

5. “The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.”

6. “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.”

7. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated… To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.”


08-25-2020, 05:09 AM
Here's a mindful quote from my Graddaddy, "Boy, common sense ain't nearly as common as you'd think it should be! ".[smilie=b:

08-25-2020, 05:52 AM
in layman's terms

1. eating a gorilla is easy ...one bite at a time.~unknown

2. Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown
So I've started out for God knows where
I guess I'll know when I get there. ~tom petty

3. i didn't know what i didn't know...when i did know, i wished that i didn't.~me

4. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ~ unknown

5. we best chew on this a while and see what's best. ~my grand dad

6. if i do it ....i'll get a whippin'...I dood it!....i'll never do that again!~ again me

7. the beatitudes from the bible~ written by man with the help of God.

08-25-2020, 09:26 AM
Why would I want to read from a dead Chinese social philosopher whose bones lie some where on the planet.

When I can read the words of Jesus who's tomb is empty for He is alive for evermore.

08-25-2020, 09:53 AM
Yes, Confucius had some wisdom and those are good quotes. As Christians, we must realize all truth is God's truth and God's people do not have a monopoly on truth. There are lots of wise unbelievers.

What some may not realize is that many of the Proverbs were borrowed from nations outside of Israel.

08-25-2020, 10:25 AM
4. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ~ unknown

Yeah. But ugly goes clear to the bone.

My 78 year old life partner and wife of 61 years is still a very pretty and witty 17 year old girl ... in my eyes. Life can be hard but, by the power of God, it can still be very good if we live it right!

Beauty is skin deep but ugly really does go clear to the bone.

08-25-2020, 11:23 AM
Duck that flys upside down has quack up

08-25-2020, 12:43 PM
I saw a card the other day that made me chuckle

on the front it said "Confucius say"

and opening it up it said "I never said any of that crap!"

08-25-2020, 01:58 PM
Confucius said: Man who passes gas in church, sits in his own pew.

08-25-2020, 02:53 PM
who flung poo ? By fan maker.

08-25-2020, 02:59 PM

Not much interest in deep theology here.


08-25-2020, 03:01 PM
Why would I want to read from a dead Chinese social philosopher whose bones lie some where on the planet.

When I can read the words of Jesus who's tomb is empty for He is alive for evermore.

Because God caused Confucius to be born and write great things hundreds of years before Jesus.

08-25-2020, 04:00 PM

Not much interest in deep theology here.


Naw. It's actually getting more theological attention than it deserves. Good ol' Confuse-us himself wasn't much on theology and he never said many of the things attributed to him anyway. :)

Hey, I just got to 2,500 posts! Think I go potty and then have another cup of coffee to celebrate my achievement.[smilie=w:

08-25-2020, 04:34 PM
Naw. It's actually getting more theological attention than it deserves. Good ol' Confuse-us himself wasn't much on theology and he never said many of the things attributed to him anyway.

It is clear you know almost nothing about Confucius or Confucianism. I see the same kind of jokes from others here. Putting crass words in a great man's mouth. Just because he did not claim to be God does not mean he did not believe in God. There is much on theology in Confucianism, in the 5 Classics and the Analects but certainly it was more focused on what was good for society and its people. We could benefit from more of this:

"Confucius taught that a ruler's sense of virtue was his primary prerequisite for leadership. His primary goal in educating his students was to produce ethically well-cultivated men who would carry themselves with gravity, speak correctly, and demonstrate consummate integrity in all things."


08-25-2020, 06:13 PM
Because God caused Confucius to be born and write great things hundreds of years before Jesus.

The book of John Chapter 1 proves that Jesus was arround long before Confucius.

08-25-2020, 06:27 PM
The book of John Chapter 1 proves that Jesus was arround long before Confucius.

Good point well made! :)

08-25-2020, 06:41 PM
The book of John Chapter 1 proves that Jesus was arround long before Confucius.

The Bible proves nothing but it claims much. I should have said God caused Confucius to be born and write great things hundreds of years before Jesus was born of Mary. Hundreds of years before Jesus was crucified. There are copies of Confucius' work that are older than the oldest Dead Sea Scrolls. Older and wiser that the oldest page of the oldest bible.


Snow ninja
08-25-2020, 07:00 PM
I look at the teachings of the Bible and Confucius and most (not all) religions the same. For the most part, good rules and guidance to live by. Nothing more, nothing less.

08-25-2020, 07:11 PM
I look at the teachings of the Bible and Confucius and most (not all) religions the same. For the most part, good rules and guidance to live by. Nothing more, nothing less.

Please remember you can be a Christian but don't have to follow a Religion because Religion is man made not made by God. Nowhere in KJB does it say to wear a funny hat with a propeller on it. That's man made. All the trimmings of Churches is just that trimmings.

08-25-2020, 07:40 PM
Ah, Tim, you struck out again. I will say you are persistent in your weak jabs at Christianity. More devious souls than you have taken swipes at Jesus, including the father of lies himself. You deny Him yet cling pitifully to this forum for validation. Sad, sad your bitter wail....

08-25-2020, 07:42 PM
Confucius somewhere around 300-400 BC, Israel established way before that. Gotta get your timeline right. yes, proverbs from areas other than 'promised' land but Israelites spread around pretty good at that time too. IIRC Seneckarab had some good sayings too. Then the accounting tablets (Urals area ) from 9k BC. And the Ashkelon city gate, which is huge.

08-25-2020, 09:48 PM
Confucius somewhere around 300-400 BC, Israel established way before that. Gotta get your timeline right. yes, proverbs from areas other than 'promised' land but Israelites spread around pretty good at that time too. IIRC Seneckarab had some good sayings too. Then the accounting tablets (Urals area ) from 9k BC. And the Ashkelon city gate, which is huge.

I did not say that Confucius predated Moses, I said he predated Jesus made man. Moses lived a millennia before Confucius. Wisdom did not originate with Jesus, it already existed. The writings of Moses are only know thru copies and memories. Confucius' writings have contemporary copies.


08-26-2020, 07:54 AM
The more I think about Confucius, I don't see any real proof that he really existed, probly just a fictional made up by someone.

08-26-2020, 06:08 PM
Confucius was a very bright man, and had much knowledge and wisdom. But he never claimed to be a God. Never. Not once. He was good to his fellow man, but that won't take you to Heaven, according to my reading of the KJV of the Bible. Will Confucius be in Heaven when I get there? Who knows. Christ can do as He pleases, and He never claimed to have left us with ALL we might know or find interesting or instructive. But He left us ENOUGH to find our Salvation. His wisdom is far greater than ours, and His ways VERY much more calculated than ours could ever be, because He knows where we're all headed and why. He knows the beginning, the middle and the end - things that are unknown to us mere mortals. But He left us ENOUGH to guide our lives and behavior, and to find Salvation. Personally, I'm just thankful for that. So very thankful! Pelple who argue all the time and seem to love to create dissention cannot be very thankful for so very much that we've been given. I'll keep my gratitudes, and leave that other stuff behind me.

08-29-2020, 02:58 PM
I finally got around to going to the link in Post#1 and reading it:

I especially liked:

"5. “The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.”

Consider this: If you’re sitting in a movie theatre and you’re watching a horror movie, how will you feel? You’d probably be tense and afraid.

Now, if we were to keep you in the exact same seat, but change the film that is being projected onto the screen and play a comedy instead, how will you feel? You’d be much more relaxed. And if that motion picture that is being projected is funny, you’ll laugh.

Here’s what I’d like you to realize:

The projector in the theatre is your mind projecting thoughts.
The series of thoughts is the motion picture that you are watching on the screen (and thus evoking emotion in you).
What you feel as a result of these thoughts is the reality that you experience in real life."

The above reminds me of a thinking that "Life is but a dream."
When we dream during sleep, some dreams seem so real!
We see ourselves interacting in situations much like we do while awake.
Such that one may think that what we experience during our wakefulness is actually a dream itself.
God projects (like a movie) His Dream of Creation to us and we have a dream within that dream movie of our physical existence.

How can all of this material world come out of nothing?
In a dream it can.

Thanks for the link provided.

09-09-2020, 04:59 AM
gee tim...lighten up!

06-08-2021, 06:33 PM
As every history graduate, I was in love with Confucius when I was studying Chinese history.

I believe ol' Confuseus is credited to say a lot more than he ever said. I have to wonder how many self-made "wise men" have managed to get their own quotes injected into his mouth.

Anyway, no matter what anyone thinks of him, study/contemplation of what's attributed to Confuseus is by no means any kind of "theology", deep or shallow; Goggle it.

06-08-2021, 07:34 PM
Lilypage is a possible spammer, please ignore her post.

06-09-2021, 04:47 AM
We've been having some bad problems with spammers, trying to figure out who is who before hand is tough. Can't always get it right.

Truth is where you find it, there have been far worse people on earth than Confucius, seems to me.

06-10-2021, 03:21 AM
Where would the world be without spam?
Yes, I took CompReg. I enjoyed "To Bone An Ox".

China has a covenant with Confucius.
America's founding fathers made a covenant with God.

In America you are free to study Confucius.
In China Christianity is "discouraged".

So which has a better system?
Their covenant is old and has stood the test of time.
Our covenant depended on moral Christians to save our nation.
Oops. We lost. Unless...nah, we lost.
This is just damage control now a days.

Look up Confucius' attitude toward women.

Paul thought women should be quiet in church
good advice for anybody
and Greek women were likely the reason.
Although my Pastor is a man, women operate my church.

Study Lao-tze, Buddha, Confucius, they were men trying to make sense of this world. You are sitting in a deck chair on the Titanic listening to the band play "Nearer My God To Thee" watching the deck tilt while America's covenant is being broken. God does not forget. We forgot.

My God made math so we might understand His works.
His math predicts a paradigm shift, a phase change, a sudden change.
We like gradual change so we can get used to it. Not this time.
Tomorrow or the next day, this year, on a day
God will call time on America
remove His grace and protection.
Next time that you see him ask Confucius what to do.
Confucius would say we need a wise king.
We had our Lord. We rejected Him.

I evangelize and apologize. Sorry for the rant.
Get ready for that day.
We might save America by revival.
We might not, too.

06-12-2021, 10:27 AM
284390 - Buddha

07-12-2021, 09:58 AM
Berg runter schieben alle Heiligen.

All Saints help when going downhill.


07-12-2021, 02:52 PM
As every history graduate, I was in love with Confucius when I was studying Chinese history.

That proves the USA is a very rich country; only a society with much more time and money than it really needs could afford to waste either one on such an education.