View Full Version : Different PC Q

08-22-2020, 06:36 PM
I want to powdercoat an anodized aluminum slide mounted optical sight mount.

The issues are..

1. The mount has a dovetail which is inserted into the slide OEM sight mount and I want to mask off the sight mount dovetail. Best method? Hi temp silicone tape?

2. How can I block fine threaded screw holes? I was thinking of squirting silicone sealer but that would be a pain to remove.

3. How to PC over new anodizing? I read I can just clean and go?

08-22-2020, 10:55 PM
I had a steel part that I wanted to partially PC (similar situation). I used a brush and brushed PC only on the surfaces I wanted and just put it in the oven that way. Worked fine

08-23-2020, 01:28 AM
Might move this to the gunsmithing part of the forum. Not saying you have to but probably people who watch that section of the forum have more experience with non-lead metal finishes.

08-23-2020, 08:22 AM
for the screw holes if you have extra screws could use the screw in the holes , just break them loose before the part cools down
eastwood company sells tape for this purpose