View Full Version : Wildfire season your area

Ozark mike
08-19-2020, 08:04 PM
Seen em a whole lot worse than this here dont know about other places. Kinda funny when nazis burn stuff down the news ignores it but when natural fires catch its global warming and everyone needs to give up automobiles and beef burgers

Thunder Stick
08-19-2020, 08:31 PM
Lot of fires currently in California. My area of SoCal has been covered in smoke for a week. Couldn’t go to the shooting range last Friday because of the Lake fire. https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents

Winger Ed.
08-19-2020, 09:02 PM
It's almost a surprise to see there something left to burn out west.

08-19-2020, 09:07 PM
I’m out west, it’s raining ash at my home as I type. We have been evacuated 3 times in the last 3 years. It’s wearing on me and my family. There is plenty to burn out west, it’s a big state full of hard working people. Not all of us wear flip flops and surf. I80 is shut down, it’s a major artery.

country gent
08-19-2020, 09:23 PM
Im in the black swamp area, its illegal to burn with out a township issued permit and if anyone complains the fire dept comes and puts it out :razz:

Seriously now My heart goes out to those fighting the fires and those affected by them.

08-19-2020, 09:40 PM
northwestern ontario is still red in the hazard indicator for forest fire just finished one north of us had to evac the town and all out laying hamlets rnly road in and out was closed due to fire crossing a lot of the people had to airlift out most got out with only what they had on thier person as they could'nt return to homes so they came straight off job sites and work places. We opened up our place to a family at 2am they coulnt get a room anywhere as a lot had phoned ahead and booked all the local motels. About 5000 were displaced for about a week.

08-19-2020, 09:53 PM
Raining ash here too, from the fire near Grand Junction, CO. Looks like its going to be the biggest fire in state history, probably by tomorrow. Plenty of others in the state too. Pic from just a little while ago. Interstate 70 has been shut down for about a week, from a fire just East of Glenwood Springs, CO

08-19-2020, 10:06 PM
We have 3 cookers going right now. The most disruptive is the Canyon Fire, it has I-70 closed from Dotsero to Glenwood Springs this means if your rig is over 35 ft you go 203 miles via Craig/Steamboat to get to Rifle from Wolcott (normaly about 67 miles).

08-19-2020, 10:11 PM
Always fires here in Idaho in the summer. A mix of clouds and smoke here today. At least it's knocking 10-15 degrees o0f the temp. Gp

Chill Wills
08-19-2020, 10:25 PM
Yup. And the Rifle, Colorado fish hatchery (trout) is being threatened. Glenwood Springs and the Roaring Fork valley has had its share of big fires in the last 20 plus or so years. One huge fire in the Roaring Fork started at the small rifle range above Basalt by tracer ammo (banned there). The Storm King on the 4th of July fire took some brave lives. They are remembered here for their service.
It has been tough in the west lately.
I wish it would rain soon!

08-19-2020, 11:04 PM
Hear! Hear! On the rain.

Mal Paso
08-20-2020, 10:15 AM
This was the sunset yesterday. Most of the smoke is from Santa Cruz. We have 3 other fires closer, 0 containment on Carmel and Dolan Fires, 7% on the River Fire. The slight red glow about even with the top of the tree is the ocean reflecting the sun. Sunset was about 5:30 as it disappeared into the smoke.

Ozark mike
08-20-2020, 02:12 PM
Jus seen a smoke map looks like some of em are getting big out in crazyfornia. Were getting smoke here i think its comming up from the bob Marshall but not sure

08-20-2020, 05:02 PM
It's been a mild fire season in my area so far, mostly due to summer taking so long to get here. I'm used to extremely poor air quality this time each year due to massive wildfires and harvest in full swing. Last year, we actually shut down our manufacturing facility due to air quality affecting employees and electrical components.

Hasn't been bad at all so far this year.

My sister is 300 miles south in Twin Falls, Idaho area and said the air quality is horrible.

My company has an office in Vacaville, CA, so when I return to work tonight I will be tasked with getting up to speed on the massive fires in that area and keeping employees informed on the latest evacuations and hazards.

08-20-2020, 10:01 PM
I'm used to extremely poor air quality this time each year due to massive wildfires and harvest in full swing. ds.

The air quality index runs from 1 - 300 for differing levels of pollutants in the air, in segments of 50 from good to very unhealthy from 250-300. Anything above 300 is considered Hazardous. I am in the Central Valley of California. The forecast AQI for this coming Saturday is 721 and Sunday is 913. If I have to do anything outside this weekend I will have to use one of my two remaining N95 masks.

My wife and I thought of going to the coast for the weekend to get away from it for a few days, but everything is either booked or at scalper prices.

08-21-2020, 01:58 PM
I just checked the National Interagency Fire Center's website and got some interesting wildfire information about acreage burned nationally as of this date. The ten year average for this date (Aug. 21) is about 4.9 million acres. This year as of today it is 2.9 million acres nationally and the lowest in five years. This is not to minimize the terrible fires in California and the horrible air quality caused by them. One surprise is how few active fires are burning in Nevada.

08-21-2020, 05:25 PM
I just checked the National Interagency Fire Center's website and got some interesting wildfire information about acreage burned nationally as of this date. The ten year average for this date (Aug. 21) is about 4.9 million acres. This year as of today it is 2.9 million acres nationally and the lowest in five years. This is not to minimize the terrible fires in California and the horrible air quality caused by them. One surprise is how few active fires are burning in Nevada.

Yet the media will intentionally lie and claim it is all due to Donald Trump and climate change and act like the end of the world is here.

08-21-2020, 09:53 PM
Log it, graze it or BURN IT!


08-21-2020, 11:31 PM
I live in Santa Clara County in California and we are surronded by fires. I am lucky in that there are none close to me and all I have to worry about is my trhoat and eyes being bothered by the smoke. It is a mess in Eastern Santa Clara Count and also Santa Cruz County which are the two counties closest to me. I am afraid that the fire will really not be over until the rainy season starts. I hope I am wrong though.

08-22-2020, 03:04 AM
Interesting map of air quality in the US...


08-22-2020, 04:30 PM
We don't have any fires in western ND because we don't have anything to burn. But as of yesterday we are starting to get the smoke from out west.

Mal Paso
08-22-2020, 06:24 PM
I went to town today to get a new battery for the Cat and plumbing supplies. I'm going to add a few faucets plus extra in case some gets destroyed. A fire started in Carmel Valley then a crazy tourist started another one at Dolan Creek. He's under arrest but there's no taking it back. There is also a red flag warning for dry lightning through Monday. I'm not worried about the virus anymore. LOL

08-23-2020, 09:27 AM
Hopefully we dont have fires like last year, but also hope we wont have the ridiculous world media response either. It was beyond bizarre-, viral satellite maps showing the whole continent on fire, news reports saying some species were being wiped out, the posters of the kid in a gas mask(??) holding koalas with what looks like a nuclear blast behind her. I had friends from overseas mailing to ask me whether I had nearby islands I could escape to. The realities were less than 1.5% of the land area went under flame. Most of the states and territories enjoyed a mild, unremarkable summer.

08-23-2020, 11:36 AM
No worry here ... the cross fire hurricanes will put out any wildfires in our area .
Ain't we lucky ... I'll take hurricane over wild fire any day !

08-23-2020, 12:38 PM
I keep a supply of this around.


08-23-2020, 01:07 PM
I remember the Gatlinburg fire of a few years ago. Here in NE Tennessee the haze was thick and didn't smell like smoke but it was harsh on the lungs.

Two years ago, my son and I crossed the border into Montana from Canada at Roosville and spent the next 5 days cycling down to Helena. It was hot and very very dry. The locals were all concerned about fires breaking out as the should be.

Ozark mike
08-23-2020, 01:23 PM
Port of roosville is just north of me about 60 miles. I don't worry about but many do my theory is it is what it is. Its part of living here kinda like if ya live in Florida expect hurricanes or hawaii expect volcanoes. Jus part of life here. Without wildfires lodgepole cant reproduce the ceder will smother out the aspen and it also kills bugs and rejuvenates the land.

MT Gianni
08-23-2020, 03:37 PM
We have a fire south of Dillon that is putting out some smoke but all in all a very late fire season. The woods are so full of out of State RV's I hope they have enough sense to get out if something does burn. It is tough to outrun fire.

08-24-2020, 04:04 PM
Drove from Portland OR to Los Angeles CA over the weekend. Saw smoke in Grants Pass and was in smoke in Medford OR all the way to Gorman CA. Tehapchi mtns are keeping smoke out of LA. The two bigger fires are #2 and #3 on the all time big fire list for Cal. Both are closing in on #1 with very little containment for either one. We are in serious need of some major rain storms.

Mal Paso
08-24-2020, 10:02 PM
CalFire is calling it "The August Lightning Siege of 2020". I'm doing laundry and airing the house for the first time in a week. We have west winds now but it's not going to last. North winds will return bringing back the smoke.

Governor Newsom upset the Sierra Club earlier this year by suspending Wilderness Protection and got clearing and fire breaks built, some right here. More needs to be done.

I think we should save Guantanamo for fire bugs.

08-24-2020, 10:32 PM
Here in Winnemucca we are about 170 miles northeast of the California border. No wildfires yet in northern nevada, but we're breathing California-- so much smoke in the air the mountain 7 miles away is invisible.

08-28-2020, 06:48 PM
Particularly in CA not all wildfires are in forests. However, for a timeless perspective on US wildfires that are forest fires I recommend anyone read the autobiographical Breaking New Ground, by Gifford Pinchot. Pinchot was Governor of PA and one of the first professional foresters in America. President Teddy Roosevelt hired him to create the USFS, partly because of wildfires in the western US. I have likely read the book 3 times over the decades. I still find it remarkable how much of the advice about forest management and fire suppression is as applicable today as it was at the beginning of the 20th century. Departing from forest management and at the same time building suburbia into fire prone forest lands explains the very expensive forest fire seasons we now have most years, and the advice Pinchot had for TR is every bit as worthwhile today. The book long pre-dates the religion of climate change and global warming of course. Here in the 49th state we had a quiet and damp fire season this year. That was handy because with oil prices at just above $40 the state is broke.

Ozark mike
09-12-2020, 03:51 AM
Looks like they are sayin some of the fires out west was started by antifa and environmentalists dont know why these groups would burn the forest but being sane never was in their job description

09-12-2020, 06:08 AM
I see claim after claim by the ultra leftist media that arsonists are not starting fires.......very convenient as this allows the leftists to side with radical greens and blame climate change .....when I was having a great deal of trouble with teens and young adult hangers-on,they were lighting fire after fire in my small acreage ....I had all kinds of proof,which the cops chose to ignore for over 3 years ...finally in the big fire outbreaks ,I got thru to a media person ,and the cops came and arrested one over 18 and charged him with "lighting a fire in bushland " and "lighting a fire which damaged property over $5000"......this being the side fence on the Mc Donalds next door (owner claimed $7000 insurance payout ,and the fence has now fallen down completely.).....Anyway ,there are your fires .....teenage and young adult arsonists,no matter how much the media deny it,and blame 'climate change'

Ozark mike
09-12-2020, 06:12 AM
Theres a video i cant post here because of language on youtube a feller is discussing it with a sheriff in i believe Washington. If ya google antifa wildfires ya get a whole bunch of thats just crazy Republican gossip and how antifa wouldn't harm a hair on anyones head and how there to peaceful to do such a thing. Makes me sick to my stomach just reading there bull and i have been known to eat things that would make a buzzard puke

09-12-2020, 06:58 AM
We have been at an evacuation level 2 for a week now due to a 140K acre fire that lapped over from Happy Camp, Ca.
Air quality index is at over 450 here. Damned smoky.

Ozark mike
09-12-2020, 07:03 AM
Closest fire here is about 20 miles away just got started 3 days ago its jus south of troy but it looks like it really blew up today smoke is rolling over the mtns looks like the whole range is on fire but the fire is over on the other side of em

Der Gebirgsjager
09-12-2020, 10:52 AM
I live in Santa Clara County in California and we are surronded by fires. I am lucky in that there are none close to me and all I have to worry about is my trhoat and eyes being bothered by the smoke. It is a mess in Eastern Santa Clara Count and also Santa Cruz County which are the two counties closest to me. I am afraid that the fire will really not be over until the rainy season starts. I hope I am wrong though.

First post! Welcome to the forum, RudyN. Stay safe.

Der Gebirgsjager
09-12-2020, 10:59 AM
We've got over 30 fires active here in Oregon, and most aren't contained, some don't even have fire crews on the job. I've got one to the north-west of me, and one to the west. It's smoky, but not as bad as some photos I've seen. I'd say a moderate fog. Last I heard they had 12 confirmed fatalities, but expect more as there are many people unaccounted for, and residences in areas that they can't get to.

Yes, the rumor has been going around about lefties setting fires; and yes, all of the authorities are saying there's no truth to it and to disregard the rumors. But, they have arrested several people for setting the fires, arson, and caught one guy red handed setting one in the median strip of a highway. The authorities say that they haven't yet been able to tell if there is a connection between those arrested.

Apparently Portland is seriously threatened by a big fire. Almost like the Hand of God, isn't it?

Anyway, having lived here now for 32 years, I've never seen such a bad fire season. Help is coming in from other states, and even other countries. Last night they had a firefighter from Israel who flew in to help. He said the fire he was working on is half the size of his entire country.

09-12-2020, 12:23 PM
No fires close to us (yet) but we are getting smoke from the Oregon and California fires blowing around from the ocean. Visibility here is about half a mile and breathing is nasty.
The smoke is being held at lower elevation so I may head up to 4,000 feet in the Olympic Mtns. tomorrow to find a little fresh air hopefully.

09-12-2020, 02:47 PM
My vacation cabin is up in Shaver Lake. The Creek Fire threatened my neighborhood & the firefighters fought it off of my street. They are true heroes as they battled through two days & nights & saved my cabin & the whole subdivision.

Ozark mike
09-12-2020, 05:50 PM
This is the mt dnrc map


09-12-2020, 08:09 PM
Had a fire started last night at 1 am about 20 miles West of me.

Today, it is smoky as heck...


Ozark mike
09-12-2020, 08:24 PM
I can only see half that far dont have a way of doing pictures or id show ya

09-12-2020, 08:42 PM
I was once completely surrounded by Florida wildlife very close call but got out of there alive couldn't see anything though the smoke and flames. wildfires very serious stuff, hope y'all stay safe, when it comes right down to it everything can be replaced but life. but losing everything can destroy someones life just the same. from news I've seen this this year seems it is a national emergency.

Ozark mike
09-12-2020, 08:50 PM
i expect em here just a part of the life cycle several of our trees depend on fires to reproduce not to mention other benefits but there are some downsides also i dont know what started the one over on callahan creek but i know we hadn't had lighting in quite some time

09-12-2020, 09:33 PM
When I first moved to California, I saw a T-shirt outlining our 4 seasons: Earthquake, Fire, Mudslide and Civil Unrest:

Civil unrest and fire are checked off. Because of the fires, mudslide is sure to come when it rains. All that's left is...:veryconfu

Winger Ed.
09-13-2020, 01:28 AM
Watching some of the news coverage out there, they said firefighters were coming in from all over.

There were some from Israel.
The news reporter was asking them if there was much difference between the fires here or back over there.
He told them the firefighting techniques were the same, but one of the fires he'd worked on was bigger than his whole country.

09-14-2020, 04:27 PM
No fresh air at 4,000 feet in the Olympic Mtns but on the way up my Contender 45/410 made meat with a huge old blue grouse. The meat was a little tough from the old bird but it was certainly tasty.
This morning I looked into one of the Oregon fires east of Salem and found that the forest around my favorite summer run steelhead fishing holes was burned on the N. Santiam River along with the nearby hatchery release facility. That was a downer. It was a gorgeous place to fish in the morning before all the inner tubers hit the river.