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08-15-2020, 07:51 PM
Did you feed yourself? Before you feed yourself do you provide food to someone who has a hard time or maybe can't even provide food for themselves?

How long have you been helping feed those who have a hard time feeding themselves?

How many different ways do you help feed the poor?

Do you belong to a church that helps feed the poor? Do you give money to that church and how much of that actually goes to feed the poor?

Are you happy that your taxes help feed the poor no matter how much goes to those you consider undeserving?

Do you actually cook food and provide it to people?

Do you give food to food pantries that provide meals to any who come?

If you can afford to and don't help the poor, is it a sin of greed?


08-17-2020, 10:35 AM
The Bible's guidance for feeding the poor is probably counter to what many might think.

First, people in Bible times became poor when calamity struck. The poor were usually widows and orphans that had very few options to make a living.

In the Old Testament, the Israelites were directed to leave the corners of their fields for the poor who would go out and pick what was left. The poor would have to do some work for this food. It was not just a free gift dropped off at their door step.

Paul told his churches that if a man refused to work, he should not be fed. Also, a man who did not care for his family was worse than an unbeliever (a person's family came first). Paul didn't believe in feeding lazy people.

Paul suggested younger widows seek out marriage so they could contribute to a family and be cared for (marriage at one time was just as much a business arrangement as a romantic one). When it came to older women, he insisted that widows be first cared for by their families before burdening the Church. He also excluded widows who were busy-bodies and gossips from Church support.

Considering all this, one can see that the requirement for Church benefits was more than just being hungry. Additionally, it was meant as a last resort. If Paul were asked today who the Church should feed, he'd probably give the same answers but would suggest the poor first seek out government help before burdening the Church.

We live in different times. Our society has a ton of government run programs that are in place to feed the hungry and provide much more than that. We have redefined poverty to the point where our poor live better than most of the world. America has solved the problem of hunger within its borders. This, of course, is paid for by our tax dollars. Like any program run by the government, it is abused and costs too much. We are not only taking care of people who truly cannot help themselves, but we also take care of lazy people who don't want to work or chronically make bad decisions. No, I am not happy about this.

I will only touch upon the idea that one should have life insurance to protect his family if he dies. This along with property insurance helps in the event of calamity. Something the ancient people did not have.

For an example: I do not give money to the beggars who stand alongside the road. I know lots of people do and it makes them feel good about doing so. But from what I can see, it is all a scam. There's just too many programs to help the poor and too many jobs available.

08-17-2020, 01:02 PM
I and several of my friends have observed highway beggars "end their shift" when they are picked up by someone in a nice vehicle. Seems professional beggars do pretty well.

Go to a grocery store and look at the fat people in trendy dress and wearing lots of golden trinkets. They usually buy carts full of expensive cuts of meat, sweets, greasy stuff and beer, then pay with welfare cards and leave in mostly new vehicles. They confirm that being "poor" and loafing for a living pays a lot more than low/no skill workers.

Politicians have learned that if they want more of something they should subsidize it and if they want less they should tax it. So, at least in Dimocrat's considered wisdom, they are determined to subsidize loafing and tax working. (It's a process they learned from FDR to legally buy votes with other people's money.)

Biblical welfare was given to local people known to be poor, not lazy (2 Thess 3:10). Seems a little hunger was a great motivator to the lazy in colonial Jamestown and even kindly ol' V. Lenin fully understood the psychology of that. I wish our "university trained poverty experts" did.

It's proven, give a man a fish for lunch and he'll be back for dinner. But if he's a bit hungry he'll probably find a job pretty quick and he'll probably develop a bit of dignity doing so.

I've no idea how much money our poverty experts think we'd need to give a loafer to entice him to go to work for himself! ??? ;)

Petrol & Powder
08-17-2020, 01:12 PM
Any disposable income I had was consumed by taxes to support liberal agendas; So - No, I didn't go out of my way to feed anyone today.
However, I was forced through taxes to support the following:

Public housing so that non-working, able bodied people can sponge off of productive members of society while they commit crimes and produce off-spring they will not care for.

Subsidized housing so that non-working, able bodied people can sponge off of productive members of society while they commit crimes and produce off-spring they will not care for.

Free or reduced cost lunches for the off-spring of all of the above. (even when they are not in school)

Free medical care for all of the above.

Free food for the above.

Free utilities for all of the above

Legal representation for the defendants that commit crimes while I'm paying for their housing, food, medical care, utilities and clothing.

Through my taxes I also subsidize public transportation that they use to go from one crime scene to another. (no need to buy a car so that you can shoplift from distant retailers).

I am current paying for giant empty school buildings that we must continue to maintain even though we are not using them.

I am also paying for teachers that no longer have the responsibility to physically care for and discipline students that they are teaching remotely.

By taxing me and re-distributing my limited wealth to purchase votes, the democrats are using my forced contributions to secure their political control.


08-17-2020, 02:31 PM
I have witnessed pan-handlers at our city street intersections wielding crude hand-drawn signs about hard times that would make a sailor weep. Then later they go down the street and get into a new BMW and drive away. Have heard many stories of these "profession" beggars making $150k+ (under the table) on top of the welfare, war pensions, and SS payments they get.

I attend church regularly and support the international outreach programs sponsored my the Methodist church. Even then there are scoundrels~~~~~! A few Christmases ago I was on a committee that distributed the "Angel's Gifts" to supposed needy families that had applied to the Church. When we arrived at the homes/apartments, I saw high end big screen TV's, tons of video game systems, expensive surround stereo systems, and all the top-of-the-line appliances in the kitchens. And here we were giving these lousy lying slobs presents and food they said they needed. Never did that again!!!!!! And I do not donate to that tree scam anymore.

No! I did not feed anyone today................and never will again. My taxes "feed" the socialist Democrat machine in the government. And they want more!

As Jesus said to his Apostles at Lazarus's home, "...the poor will be with you always." I can live with that concept.

next topic.

08-17-2020, 02:42 PM
Just myself today. I don't go for 'snacks for teachers/etc' stuff. Pandemic food giveaway and many are in need even though they have nice cars, still got payments and mortgage to pay. Many DON'T. many churches have vetted lists of those in need.Got a section 8 audit on some property, for 2019. 20% were NOT really eligible or never paid any of the rent.

08-17-2020, 02:48 PM
I ask if the individual is hungry.
If the answer is yes, I ask them to join me at the nearest eatery.
I wait for them at the door and open it for them.
Then we order, and when it comes, we sit and eat together.
I tear off my credit data and hand them the receipt so they
can return to the establishment to use the rest room if needed.
Often, they will say "I can not leave my station"
but sometimes they will join me and we will have a nice visit.

I also support Snack Pack for Kids and Church Pantry and others,
But RARELY hand out money as it may well cause them issues
down the line.


08-17-2020, 04:21 PM
For me the bottom line is if God puts it upon my heart to give food or cash, I do it. What they do with it after I give it to them is on them. I am sure I could always do more. Our church tries its best to make sure we always have food to give no matter the persons circumstance.

08-17-2020, 04:28 PM
I was a widower at 41, but as the Bible calls a widow indeed, I was not. I had a job, food and a house. Now what I did need was prayer. Will also add that being depressed and having a hard time to get motivated some friends did go get me groceries and cut my grass. God will always let you know if someone needs something and He wants you to be His hands to provide it.

Petrol & Powder
08-17-2020, 05:31 PM
For years my sister would offer beggars food instead of money. She NEVER had a single one accept the offer.

08-17-2020, 11:28 PM
The beggars around here are part of a scam. I don't know who the gangster is who runs the show but they drop them off and pick them up. They work in shifts. I don't and won't give them anything including food.

I give food to a local food pantry. The food I give them and the food they give away is basic stuff, no treats, no junk, only a little canned meat, mostly pancake mix, rice, canned veggies and beans they do get some almost fresh vegetables.

I paid around $25,000 in Federal Income Taxes and of that the government only spent $370 of my money on SNAP (food stamps). My taxes do not even pay one month of a family's food stamp benefit. If you pay less in taxes your taxes don't do much to feed the poor. Most of our tax money goes for other things.

I don't give money to feed the poor in Africa because I believe the money just goes to gangsters and terrorists.

I married two women who struggled to feed their kids. It is the working poor who struggle. They have too much and make too much to get food stamps but barely can pay the rent, child care and utilities. When they have car trouble or medical bills, they have no money for food.


Petrol & Powder
08-18-2020, 07:12 AM
I pay federal income tax, state income tax, real estate tax, personal property tax, sales tax, state and federal fuel tax, utilities tax, federal and state excise taxes and probably a few others.
I get to keep very little of what I produce.
I could do a far better job of redistributing some of that money than the government, but there isn't any left to redistribute.

08-18-2020, 09:02 AM
Well I fed St Peggy's nephew Colton a fine pot roast supper last night.

Peggy had fed me several times this summer when my wife was in hospital or rehab so I considered this a good chance to pay one back.

A few years ago my step daughter Katie and I were waiting at a food pantry. She was feeling pretty bad about the whole thing.

So I pointed out to her. Do you see a car in this area as old as ours.
"No, they are all less than 2 years old" (ours was 15)

So do you still feel like you are denying someone who is truly poor?

"No, and they all have nicer clothes than ours too!"

Take what you can use, ONLY what you can use, and be thankful.

And yes I help when and where I can. But I have never had anyone come to my door and tell me they were weak with hunger. Because if they had I would have fed them.

As to church, it is in a small farming community some 40 miles away so I do not make it often.

They closed for a spell due to covid, they tried reopening and had 3 people show up.
The last time I was there I think it was 8. Small towns up north are drying up and blowing away.

There are very few good jobs so the kids don't stay. Haven't been since the 70's.
My church is on life support in the ICU and it is soon time to pull the plug.

What will be will be.

08-18-2020, 11:54 AM
The beggars around here are part of a scam. I don't know who the gangster is who runs the show but they drop them off and pick them up. They work in shifts. I don't and won't give them anything including food.

I give food to a local food pantry. The food I give them and the food they give away is basic stuff, no treats, no junk, only a little canned meat, mostly pancake mix, rice, canned veggies and beans they do get some almost fresh vegetables.

I paid around $25,000 in Federal Income Taxes and of that the government only spent $370 of my money on SNAP (food stamps). My taxes do not even pay one month of a family's food stamp benefit. If you pay less in taxes your taxes don't do much to feed the poor. Most of our tax money goes for other things.

I don't give money to feed the poor in Africa because I believe the money just goes to gangsters and terrorists.

I married two women who struggled to feed their kids. It is the working poor who struggle. They have too much and make too much to get food stamps but barely can pay the rent, child care and utilities. When they have car trouble or medical bills, they have no money for food.


It goes beyond providing food. Our taxes also provide public schools, security, safety, health care, etc. that many enjoy, but don't pay for. Don't forget all the people who get a tax refund even though they pay nothing in income taxes (i.e., Earned Income Tax Credit).

08-18-2020, 12:10 PM
P&P, you forgot school tax.....

08-18-2020, 12:27 PM
I monthly give to 3 charities. None of which are designed to feed people. There is no reason for an American to go hungry. There are those who do and it’s because the programs are not administered correctly. There is welfare program to feed the poor. Many of their children are hungry because the parents misuse their benefits. So Govt has 3 meals at school for kids, some even on weekends and holidays. There are also other programs to insure nobody goes hungry. I want no American to go hungry. It is a crime that we are supporting millions of illegals while our own people are hungry. I can tell you that a guy with a wife and 3 kids and a $15-$20 hr job can’t afford to eat as high on the hog as welfare people. The working man has to budget and shop for what he can afford. The welfare crowd just fills the buggy. They could care less about prices and check outs have to refuse some purchases that aren’t under the program. I’m talking here about people who should be out working. These programs were for the people who couldn’t work or for temporary support of those who lost employment. They were never intended as a life style. We have now gotten into the 4th generation of families living off welfare.

08-18-2020, 04:03 PM
Al Sharpton (and the many other poverty pimps) constantly whine about how the gap between "poor" people and the working classes continue to grow. And, explained his way, he's right; at least until the Democrat's great "War on Poverty", people who don't work have always had less money than those who do. But, that's been reversed by lavish welfare programs, many low paid people could have more realized income just staying home drinking beer, smoking dope and watching Ophrah like professional poverty whores do.

Where Sharptons poverty deception (aka, "lying") comes in is that welfare money in its many guises isn't counted as "income". So, no matter how much of other people's money Democrats ladle on the non-working "poor" they will never have a dime of earned income and thus will eternally remain legally improverished! Thus, given the way welfare is UNcounted, they could get another $100K a year and would still officially be penneyless and whine for more!

Anyone want to see a few tons of "reparations" tax money vanish without a trace? Just pass it out like more confetti, many folk would live well for awhile but it won't last long in the hands that would get it, nothing ever does!

08-18-2020, 04:30 PM
Sharpton should not have any beef with me. I remember when I was a kid I didn’t like peas. My maw told me to eat them because little kids in Africa would love to have them. I didn’t hesitate told ma to send them dudes straight to Africa. I thought I would get a plaque or something for my
sacrifice. I did without my peas and got nothing. Obama did nothing and got Nobel prize, go figure.

08-18-2020, 07:34 PM
Obama did nothing and got Nobel prize, go figure.

I figger libs live by virtue signaling, not what they accomplish. Conservatives give to functioning charities, Liberals give to radical politicians and "I love to feel good about myself" groups like Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood and BLM.

08-18-2020, 09:13 PM
took in a family evacuated from their home town 200 miles north of us. Forest fire burned right into town they had no warning police took her from work place straight to ck point on outskirts of town her spouse was driving back from a job site out of town and met her there. Local police banged on door here and asked if we would take someone in from fire evac at 2 am in the morn, she only had work clothes she was wearing and he was the same no purse, wallet, nothing. Wife opened up house made something to eat, set up a room (we're renovating) got them showered fed and bedded for the nite, showed her where everything was set some clothes out for her and said if you dont like the fit or colour just go in closet and pick something you do "I cant wear them all at once " They've been here about a week I have a new fishing hunt partner, she's got a new hen friend. Didnt know them from adams off ox, now its a lifetime. Authorities say they can now return in the morn, hope if was me and mine I like to think someone would do same, its really easy to be kind.

08-18-2020, 09:25 PM
... hope if was me and mine I like to think someone would do same, its really easy to be kind.

And it's much better when it's in person, one on one, not by some jaded and indifferent government agency team of drones.

08-18-2020, 09:41 PM
And it's much better when it's in person, one on one, not by some jaded and indifferent government agency team of drones.

That's what I am talking about. I don't know why this thread went down the politics dirt road. Are you a member of your community and do you help take care of your neighbors who need help. That should not be the governments job, it is ours. I gave another bag of food to the food pantry today.

After Katrina a church in St. Louis sent a crew down to my town to help clear debris and such. I knew one of the crew and they were tent camping at a local church of their denomination. They were roughing it so I told them to come by my place and they could shower watch some tube and chill while we grilled some food. I still had one big limb down in the yard that I had not removed. They wanted to clear it for me and I told them to save their energy for someone else as I could handle it but they would not take no for an answer. This kind of fellowship and charity and desire to be of service is something we need to recapture in this country. Too many people look to the government for answers. WRONG!!!


08-19-2020, 08:55 PM
To me, the questions asked in Post #1 are a personal thing.

They certainly are food for thought that make one review their thoughts and actions on those issues.

The question that comes to my mind is does one do those things for a self centered reason.
That is, are you doing those charitible acts to make YOURSELF feel good because you did those things?

Such as, after reading those questions in Post #1 one may think "Oh!,....no, I haven't been doing those things...I probably should."
That gets into a bit of psychology, and I'm not a psychologist but the reason one does charitable acts should come from the heart and sometimes it can be a spontaneous situation where you see someone in need and you act on it in a non-self centered manner.

My opinion: Be charitable from the heart but keep it to yourself and don't brag about it.
By bragging it puts it back on you as you doing it for selfish reasons.

Ozark mike
08-19-2020, 11:09 PM
Yep we got professional beggars here to i think they get kicked out of wa and id then come to mt ya start seeing em in the spring and they migrate west or something in the fall. Told a few of em that we was hiring down at the mill. Boy if looks could kill. So i no longer offer em a job. Worthless bunch i tell ya

08-20-2020, 05:25 AM
I grow two large gardens that help feed us. My extended family, many who are willing to come to the harvest, and a few who aren't able to pick veggies I deliver to. I do this because I enjoy growing things and sharing my blessings. I actually had a fellow say to me one time, "why do you grow that garden? I can buy those veggies down at the frozen food locker cheaper than you can grow them!". My reply was, yes, but you can't give away as much as I do every season. My take is God gives me stewardship over things. It's up to me to use them for good.

08-20-2020, 08:41 AM
... "why do you grow that garden? I can buy those veggies down at the frozen food locker cheaper than you can grow them!". My reply was, yes, but you can't give away as much as I do every season. My take is God gives me stewardship over things. It's up to me to use them for good.

You are commendable for a labor of love requiring hundreds of hours of commitment each year.

Knowing people who are fortunate enough to have more money than they need buying an occasional bag of food and carrying it all the way to a food bank for others to hand out is neither physically demanding nor meaningful time intensive nor costly to them but ... I guess it sounds good; better than doing nothing.

* A total aside: Anyone living near Titusville, FL, should check out the Westside Baptist church, I know it used to be a good one. And, any gunners in the area should check out the Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club, they're good guys with a great all-around shooting facility just a few miles east of Mims.

08-20-2020, 09:48 AM
I do believe that the majority of the panhandlers that I see,when I am in the city on my parts route, are just what they are "urban outdoorsmen" because I have seen the same guy's over and over in different locations sometimes just standing and other times (same guy) faking a disability. Once I even confronted one at a public paid entry event (he had several of his collegues who I also recognized with him ) He just laughed it off saying it was a a taxfree partime job. Its hard sometimes to distinguish Need from Greed I try to give benefit of doubt.

08-20-2020, 09:56 AM
You are commendable for a labor of love requiring hundreds of hours of commitment each year.

Knowing people who are fortunate enough to have more money than they need buying an occasional bag of food and carrying it all the way to a food bank for others to hand out is neither physically demanding nor meaningful time intensive nor costly to them but ... I guess it sounds good; better than doing nothing.

* A total aside: Anyone living near Titusville, FL, should check out the Westside Baptist church, I know it used to be a good one. And, any gunners in the area should check out the Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club, they're good guys with a great all-around shooting facility just a few miles east of Mims.

I was a member of that club and enjoyed their bench rest matches


08-20-2020, 10:03 AM
........Knowing people who are fortunate enough to have more money than they need buying an occasional bag of food and carrying it all the way to a food bank for others to hand out is neither physically demanding nor meaningful time intensive nor costly to them but ... I guess it sounds good; better than doing nothing........

Yes, it is such a small thing a lot more people should be doing it. If a lot more people did a few more small things it would change the world.


08-20-2020, 10:24 AM
I spent time in the third world and have seen poverty first hand. People who worked for us on one project made $300.00 a month and worked 10+ hours a day and did so without complaint. With the opportunities that America provides, if the American poor worked half as hard as people in the third world are willing to do, they would no longer be poor.

We have sponsored kids through Compassion International for well over 20 years and will likely continue doing so.

One side anecdote about CI. We had one girl, Angela, that we had sponsored since she was 4. When she hit 15, she suddenly dropped out of the program. As mentioned, I've been in the third world in South America and have seen many young girls pregnant at 15 or 16. Sadly, those young girls make better mothers than many American women. I contacted Compassion about why she had left the program suspecting that she had gotten pregnant. I suspected that they might try to brush it under the carpet. It will sound judgemental, but I can see many "church lady" types having a hard time coming to grips with their little sponsored girl having gotten pregnant. One of Compassion's field agents, from Ecuador of all places, called me and we talked for quite a while. Angela had just completed the program and was doing very well. They told me that girls do get pregnant and they contact the sponsors and are very out in the open with them about it. We also talked about an area in Ecuador between Salinas and Manta where they had an outreach specifically for poor young mothers. I had even been through the small village a couple of times.
Well, I opened the can of worms, so I had to pay the piper. :) and from that day on, added that project to my monthly bill.

08-20-2020, 10:38 AM
I get phone call almost every day from people wanting donations, I tell them I would love to help out, tell me where I can go and donate my time to a worthwhile effort, well they can't cuz they are calling from India or some other far off place.
I make my donations in person in form of food or other needed stuff to elderly not so well off neighbors or the local church

08-20-2020, 06:50 PM
Christ gave us directions and advice to guide our walk through this life, and to govern our actions when we're confronted with opportunities to serve Him. He never intended for us to go about willy nilly seeking someone to donate to. Your view of Christ, the church and Christian faith is rather warped, sir. But you can't confuse or bewilder one who understands our Lord. That will never come about. I think you just like to argue, and if you don't have someone to argue with, you probably argue with yourself.

08-20-2020, 07:17 PM
Christ gave us directions and advice to guide our walk through this life, and to govern our actions when we're confronted with opportunities to serve Him. He never intended for us to go about willy nilly seeking someone to donate to. Your view of Christ, the church and Christian faith is rather warped, sir. But you can't confuse or bewilder one who understands our Lord. That will never come about. I think you just like to argue, and if you don't have someone to argue with, you probably argue with yourself.

This has nothing to do with being Christian. It has to do with being a good person. I did not mention Christian, Christ, God or Jesus at all in this thread. It is about a Philosophy of Life, the Golden Rule. Wouldn't you want someone to help you feed your family if you were struggling. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Pay it forward, if someone fed you in the past then feed someone else now or in the future. It never hurts to build good Karma.

I know that many people look at everything thru the lens of the Bible. I think that is a very narrow minded view.


08-20-2020, 08:05 PM
I know that many people look at everything thru the lens of the Bible. I think that is a very narrow minded view.


I'm happy to say you're right this one time! This isn't about "feel good about yourself" philosophy: Straight is the way, narrow is the gate, etc.

08-20-2020, 08:27 PM
Here in the old folks home town I met a guy who really really shouldn't drive, so I told him call me. I'll take you. You see these geezers driving and say they are a menace. They are. So pick them up and take them to the doctor. America is based on cars, driving, who is going to drive you when you can't? I call it driving miss daisy. Anybody anywhere. I have seen you drive. Don't. Christian or practical? Just get them off the road. Drive them. My grandfather was a chauffeur, I was born to it.
Don't like their driving?
They are doing the best they can.
You can do better.
You know who. Go get them. Dentist. Doctors. Dennys. Do it.
Give em a brake when you meet em hey! they can't see you.
No! they should not be driving. Go get them.
Works for me. Who is going to drive for you or me, one day? Uber?

08-20-2020, 10:12 PM
Here in the old folks home town I met a guy who really really shouldn't drive, so I told him call me. I'll take you. You see these geezers driving and say they are a menace. They are. So pick them up and take them to the doctor. America is based on cars, driving, who is going to drive you when you can't? I call it driving miss daisy. Anybody anywhere. I have seen you drive. Don't. Christian or practical? Just get them off the road. Drive them. My grandfather was a chauffeur, I was born to it.
Don't like their driving?
They are doing the best they can.
You can do better.
You know who. Go get them. Dentist. Doctors. Dennys. Do it.
Give em a brake when you meet em hey! they can't see you.
No! they should not be driving. Go get them.
Works for me. Who is going to drive for you or me, one day? Uber?

Good points. We have a service, free service in town. It is called Go Stat. They will take the old and disabled to the Doctor, I don't know if they will take them to the store and I am sure they don't do Denny's. My wife is 20 years younger than me so I hope I can keep her happy and will stick around to drive me places when I am too old to drive.


08-21-2020, 12:44 AM
Takes a lot of time to get these old folks (I'm an old folk!) anywhere.
Patience and understanding. I followed this one home, you woulda called the cops. He's not impaired, he can't see. People get behind them, can't get around them: they are only doing the speed limit. They can't breathe in a mask, can't get to the supermarket, or carry groceries. Feed my sheep.
I am happy to help, and you might check the geezers around you, this mask thing is starving them, isolated, alone. What good is money, if you can't spend it? Great speech in "Breakfast Club": are these kids going to take care of us? Don't count on it. Not likely. We must take care of each other.
Fun to round up a bunch and go to Dennys, now that its open again.
James 1:27. Do it.

08-21-2020, 10:11 AM
Takes a lot of time to get these old folks (I'm an old folk!) anywhere.
Patience and understanding. I followed this one home, you woulda called the cops. He's not impaired, he can't see. People get behind them, can't get around them: they are only doing the speed limit. They can't breathe in a mask, can't get to the supermarket, or carry groceries. Feed my sheep.
I am happy to help, and you might check the geezers around you, this mask thing is starving them, isolated, alone. What good is money, if you can't spend it? Great speech in "Breakfast Club": are these kids going to take care of us? Don't count on it. Not likely. We must take care of each other.
Fun to round up a bunch and go to Dennys, now that its open again.
James 1:27. Do it.

Being able to do more with a computer and internet could save these people. Order meals and groceries delivered, even do doctors appointments over the computer and get your medicines delivered. Use See You See Me type video conferences to see and chat with friends and family. Mostly I like to text and e-mail but with some older people you want to see them to make sure they are well and taking care of themselves and of course with kids you want to see them as they grow up and seeing kids smile can make your day.

I used to drive 60 miles on most days now I drive less than 10. My mom used to drive to town once a week and it was only a few miles. Be careful being in a bunch, make sure everyone is careful with their contacts so your bubble does not become infected.


08-21-2020, 10:17 AM
.... are these kids going to take care of us? Don't count on it. Not likely. We must take care of each other.
Fun to round up a bunch and go to Dennys, now that its open again.
James 1:27. Do it.

As an example of loving "liberal" politics (i.e., our panic stricken fake news media and power mad Democrats) my nearest Denny's is closed and will not re-open, at least not as a Denny's.

Sadly, Denny's isn't the only business that has been destroyed in this punishing experiment by our dominate political "master" class.
Obozo made many promises in 2008 but the only one he kept was to "remake America" (in his own image of course) and, as everyone with a brain warned, the results have not been pretty!

I thank God for our politically gutsy Trump and the still growing resurgence of common sense (i.e., conservative) political understanding.

America's rudder has been deliberately broken and we are broached in a bitterly tossed civil sea but we have not yet been sunk. We have a much better captain now but he needs a better crew to help right our still sinking ship of state. We need to vote - again - as if our children's lives depend on it, because they do!

God save the USA from stupid "lib" politicians of any party who are determined to kill infants on a whim but don't even know which public potty they should use - and they don't want the rest of us to know either!

08-21-2020, 12:34 PM
In Pima county most sitdown restaurants are open at half capacity, probably never will reopen the buffets. My church is open, most are closed. Locking out old folks does a lot of harm. Everybody needed a haircut.