View Full Version : Starbucks best coffee yet?

08-15-2020, 01:27 PM
I never had any but today 30-35 cars in a very long line most Windows up running AC

Now according to the blog Fast Food Price, the absolute cheapest drink on the Starbucks menu is an organic apple juice box for $1.75. Maybe this fluctuates based on location, maybe not, but it's only 20 cents more for a tall black coffee and probably pretty close in price to a short black coffee.Oct 11, 2019

Starbucks seems to be VERY proud of there coffee. For me thanks but no thanks

08-15-2020, 01:36 PM
We buy a cup from them about every 3 years just to see if the taste has changed.
Nope, it still tastes like burnt tar to both my wife and myself. A senior coffee from McDonalds tastes like a gourmet cup compared to SB's.
I honest to god dont know how people enjoy their coffee, it is that bad.

08-15-2020, 01:36 PM
As far as I am concerned Starbucks makes the worst coffee! I do ocassionaly enjoy a Chocolate Raspberry Mocha but I will go to independent Stands or Dutch Bro's. If none around AM/PM has good coffee. Besides Starbucks is a Liberal/socialist owned company.

08-15-2020, 01:40 PM
I can't stand the stuff.

When I'm on the road I will drink Dunkin' Donuts coffee on occasion...but if I have a choice, it's McDonald's for me.


08-15-2020, 02:27 PM
Can't stand starbucks, and I could drink the coffee in the Navy.

08-15-2020, 02:34 PM
I was a Truck Stop coffee drinker for a while, I could get my 2 qt thermos re filled for $.79 usually and sometimes for free if the person selling it was in a good mood. I have to admit that quantity was more important to me at the time than gourmet quality. It was fuel, not desert. A couple of months ago I got my same 2 qt thermos filled at a Flying J and it cost $1.79. I guess 12 years makes a slight difference. The quality was just the same.

08-15-2020, 02:35 PM
:groner: I`d rather drink GI field rats coffee(even WW2 leftovers) than Staryucks anyday.Much better quality.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

08-15-2020, 02:35 PM
McD's has a maintenance schedule they have to keep, if they don't and get caught by a district manager they can lose the franchise. So coffee pots get a hot vinegar cleaning cycle every week keeping them clean. Friend worked at a Starsucks, I asked how often they clean the coffee pots. She answered " No clue, in the 6 months I have been there we have never broke them down for cleaning..."

08-15-2020, 04:39 PM
I like Tom Horton's coffee. It is a bit strong and very HOT, but it is never more than 30, minutes old when you buy it. The downside is I always end up with a couple donuts when all i stopped for was coffee.


08-15-2020, 05:08 PM
Guess I am old school on this. I make coffee at home, using Folgers, and then fill the travel mug and take it with me. $6 to $7 for 30 ounces which will make maybe 100? cups of coffee, and I can make it the way I like it.

joe leadslinger
08-15-2020, 05:11 PM
I don't care to drink coffee that has oil on top, I drink it black. Star bucks adds enough sugar, cream, and other assorted flavors to make it so soyboys can drink it and feel manly. :coffee:

08-15-2020, 09:54 PM
Starbucks best coffee yet?

That's a pretty low hurdle to get over!

08-15-2020, 10:06 PM
I to dislike the politics of starbucks , will not buy it . Funny how many gun owning conservatives I work with order it on the grocery order though . I make my coffee at home in a electric percolator pot made by presto .

Wayne Smith
08-15-2020, 10:07 PM
one pound dark roast Colombian, two pounds Tanzanian Peaberry medium roast is my mix. I buy beans and grind my own every morning. FWIW. I drink it black too. No problem with a little oil on top, I know it's fresh.

Ozark mike
08-15-2020, 10:15 PM
As far as Starbucks cant remember what it tasted like but i do remember it being expensive. Most wont drink my coffee lead floats in it

08-15-2020, 11:02 PM
I buy green beans online, usually Ethiopian and Brazil or Honduras, and I roast them to full city+ (dark and very oily) for about $6/lb, $8/lb for the really good stuff. My grinder is a huge old commercial Grindmaster that weighs about 40lbs, it grinds consistently with none of the annoying "fines" and the awful static that seem to be the norm with even high end home/kitchen grinders.

I use a 1950s vintage Farberware Superfast percolator (the original one with gold badge and the two line address on the bottom, before kidde corp or div. of LCA) which brews dark, oily, full bodied coffee every bit as good as a French Press but with 75% less sediment. This is my daily routine. Unplug it after it perks.

I found that Circle K stores in my area have a GREAT coffee setup, there are 3 machines with 2-3 hoppers full of roasted beans on top, you choose which varietal you want, push the touch screen a few times, it grinds the beans and brews your coffee in short order, and you know what? It's REALLY good coffee!! The dark roast Colombian brews with a nice crema that you want to sip off immediately.

Starbucks can't touch any of this, mine or Circle K.

08-15-2020, 11:24 PM
A lady my wife knows gave her a Starbucks gift card and she gave it to me since she doesn't like coffee at all. I tried a cup of their "regular" coffee. To me it was so strong and bitter I didn't even drink it I dumped it out. I won't ever go back, I like the coffee at our McDonalds, Burger King and Hardee's. I also like the coffee at Dunkin Doughnuts. I just say no to Starbucks.

Texas by God
08-15-2020, 11:25 PM
Guess I am old school on this. I make coffee at home, using Folgers, and then fill the travel mug and take it with me. $6 to $7 for 30 ounces which will make maybe 100? cups of coffee, and I can make it the way I like it.
Same, I can even girly it up when I’m feeling sweet.
Since I first heard the name, I have drank one cup of Starbucks plain black coffee. I haven’t been back.

08-16-2020, 08:22 AM
My first experience with Starbucks was at a coffee shop in the Mall of America. That stuff was HOT enough to melt lead, and so strong that I fully expected it to raise up and start barking at me.

08-16-2020, 09:05 AM
Born and raised on Community Dark roast. When I lived in Canada I had it shipped to upstate NY and drove down to get it.

08-16-2020, 09:40 AM
IMO Starbucks = S___ucks

08-16-2020, 04:21 PM
I buy green beans online, usually Ethiopian and Brazil or Honduras, and I roast them to full city+ (dark and very oily) for about $6/lb, $8/lb for the really good stuff.

Where do you find Ethiopian beans that cheap? My daughter brought some back from a deployment stop in Djibouti and it was like you said, "really good stuff".

I just looked on Amazon. Looks like I will need to learn to roast my own. I don't drink enough coffee to buy a roaster. Is there a way to roast on the stove top or in the oven?

Hawks Feather
08-16-2020, 05:10 PM
I have tried Starbucks a couple of times and am glad that I don't have to drink it. I agree with the ones above that McDonald's is the best for me.

08-16-2020, 05:20 PM
Where do you find Ethiopian beans that cheap? My daughter brought some back from a deployment stop in Djibouti and it was like you said, "really good stuff".

I just looked on Amazon. Looks like I will need to learn to roast my own. I don't drink enough coffee to buy a roaster. Is there a way to roast on the stove top or in the oven?

Not a dark roast, the smoke will run you out of the house. Ethiopians roast over an open fire in a skillet. You will need to look to Bodhi coffee traders, Sweet Maria, Burman, there are a bunch of sellers of green beans. You can use a popcorn popper, a tabletop convection oven lid over a whirly pop bottom makes a decent roaster I used one for years, youtube for roasting coffee you will see any number of methods for home roasting.

Wayne Smith
08-16-2020, 06:38 PM
Where do you find Ethiopian beans that cheap? My daughter brought some back from a deployment stop in Djibouti and it was like you said, "really good stuff".

I just looked on Amazon. Looks like I will need to learn to roast my own. I don't drink enough coffee to buy a roaster. Is there a way to roast on the stove top or in the oven?

I accidentally bought green beans once. The Teaberry - and discovered that roasting beans in the oven is very possible, at least to second crack - but the smell of beans roasting (not good) and coffee brewing are very different. And the outer skin is very light, white, and goes everywhere.

08-16-2020, 06:46 PM
Just discovered this coffee. We love it, even if for just a change from our regular Maxwell House. The "Black Rifle Coffee Company" was formed & run by vet's. Buy from Amazon, Cabela's or direct. We like "Just Black" (JB) medium roast. :happy dance:

11-20-2020, 07:30 PM
I order from Rhoads Roast Coffees and The Green Dragon Coffee House. Vet owned and they import a lot of coffee. I like Costa Rican SHB Ep Tarrazu La Pastora Fresh Roasted 100% Arabica Coffee Beans. Been drinking Tarrazu for more years than I care to remember. When Folgers started using cheap beans their taste went down the tubes.

11-20-2020, 08:01 PM
Starbucks coffee is heartburn city for me. I'll pass, thank you.

Plate plinker
11-20-2020, 08:12 PM
I to dislike the politics of starbucks , will not buy it . Funny how many gun owning conservatives I work with order it on the grocery order though . I make my coffee at home in a electric percolator pot made by presto .

Ditto I have never spent a single dime in a Starbucks. I was dragged into one by some family members. I did not pay....

11-23-2020, 09:19 AM
Look. I'm not the biggest Starbucks fan. But when I need my caffeine and it's the only thing around, it'll do. Given choices, it wouldn't be my first. But I'm not gonna dog em for giving me that burnt bean juice. Much better than boat coffee.

11-23-2020, 09:57 AM
Here I am sitting in my deer stand, reading about all this good coffee, not Starbucks, and drinking instant coffee...you guys suck. :)
As to Starbucks, my kids love it, when they ask if I want anything, I get a chai tea latte, bout all I can stand from them. They are too expensive, and to top it off, they put a tip jar at the drive through...as if.

11-23-2020, 10:05 AM
Instant coffee is world's better than starbucks.

11-23-2020, 11:04 AM
I like the burnt tar description. I find it bitter and unpleasant. I prefer a light roast, even the French Vanilla or Hazelnut stuff, keep the Coconut Cream for weekends. I do go through 2 Joe Dimaggio pots a day and have been drinking the local (Denver) Boyer's Coffee's for 20 plus years. It is available at our local Sam's Club.

11-23-2020, 11:27 AM
I'm like dougguy but I normally don't roast them quite that dark.

Any of the Central american country beans tend to be good.
I like to blend some fresh roasted green beans after roasting with some older store roasted.

Hazelnut, in sumertime Mississippi grog with its wide array of flavors is good.

Wintertime its Pedro's Pride to keep a northern boy awake on a cold below zero morning.

The best of all was a small wood fire of plum branches a stainless steel utensil holder, a vice grip handle, and beans roasted over an open fire with a hint of that smoky flavor. Man that stuff was good.

As to where to find the beans, you have to hunt for them.


Those are 20$ for 3 lbs, which is just a bit over 6$ per pound. But they are good enough that it is worth it.


I like blending my own blends. Grinding fresh every morning. Adjusting how much to grind based on weather and how I'm feeling.

Most of my green coffee is saved for when or if I can no longer buy good whole bean coffee. I aim to be the last guy in the state of North Dakota that has coffee, and if that day comes my prices will make starbucks look like they were giving it away.

11-23-2020, 06:58 PM
Starbucks coffw is hot dirty water.

If the coffee is made in a thermous /carfe I won't touch it.

I live in Utah were coffee is a sin.

I have been consuming it since I was 20. I got hooked in the army working night shift.

I will buy coffee from gas stations but never starbucks as the will burn the crap out of it by keeping it in a heated thermous.

Btw the best cup of coffee [emoji477]. Is when you are camping. It doesn't matter how you make it.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

11-23-2020, 07:04 PM
Starbucks is anti 2A. I guess everybody forgot.

Black Rifle Coffee Co. pooped on their pop tart throwing Kyle Rittenhouse under the bus over a pic that surfaced of the kid with a BRCC T-shirt.

11-23-2020, 07:08 PM
i think i'm about to puke!!!!!!! star!@#$% coffee sucks!!!!

11-23-2020, 09:34 PM
The only time I have tried Starbucks coffee is when waiting in the mall while my wife shops. The only bright spot about this pandemic is no malls(no Starbucks).

For years I brewed Community coffee at home. Someone recommended Folger's Black Silk. I saw that I could buy it in those tall plastic containers so I tried it. I really like it. She drinks Keurig(actually, Tully's Italian Roast) and I drink Black Silk, both black. Now I've got all sorts of containers for brass, etc.

11-23-2020, 09:35 PM
The only time I have tried Starbucks coffee is when waiting in the mall while my wife shops. The only bright spot about this pandemic is no malls(no Starbucks).

For years I brewed Community Dark Roast coffee at home. Someone recommended Folger's Black Silk. I saw that I could buy it in those tall plastic containers so I tried it. I really like it. She drinks Keurig(actually, Tully's Italian Roast) and I drink Black Silk, both black. Now I've got all sorts of containers for brass, etc.

11-23-2020, 10:51 PM
I drank mild coffee from when I was about 16 on. I really learned to drink coffe in the Army, especially when in the field. Our mess Sgt. would put a 15 gallon pot of water on the field stove. When it began a good rolling boil he would dump in a 2 quart ladel of coffe grounds, when it was black it was done. We would dip our canteen cup in to drink it. That stuff would make your hair stand on end.
That being said, I can't stand Starbucks coffee. My wife got a gift card once for a medium coffee at SB, since she doesn't drink coffee I got it. I ordered a regular coffee and it tasted like they burned the grounds before adding any water, haven't been back since. I too like MacDonalds or Burger King coffee better.

11-24-2020, 03:54 AM
I never really drank much coffee until I went in the Service. Learned to survive and even flourish on Mid-rats coffee.
These days I drink STRONG 3/4 decaf, 1/4 leaded. That's all My Wife will let me get away with, HBP.
And it's the cheapest sale stuff, 32oz a day.
I don't give a darn, if it's strong enough I'll drink it.

"Float a horse shoe on top" Louis L'Amour

starbucks ? they can go to blazes. Never drink it, never will.

11-24-2020, 06:15 AM
I would say that Starbucks is OK-ish. It really depends which establishment you get to. An Americano is my go to when I get it sometimes. People go there a lot but i'm not a fan of their stuff.

However, I would have to say that McDonalds has really stepped up their game when it comes to McCafe. It's cheap, hot and pretty tasty.

Still, my preference is coffee from my own Grind and brew coffee maker. I use Medium Roast kirkland brand Coffee from Costco. Now THAT thing has certainly spoiled me.

11-28-2020, 10:39 AM
In the last 25 years, we had Starbucks once. Love field in Dallas Texas for a flight home. It was Starbucks or nothing.


11-28-2020, 10:49 AM
yeah I'm a coffee addict, in hospital id ask the nurse fore a big bottle on a hook and a line put right in the vein.
if you can get a fresh bag of sello rojo and drink it within a few minutes off brewing, its one of the best there is. the trick is finding a fresh bag of it to brew unless you know someone flying in from Columbia.
next to it, Sams club bulk bags of Columbia supremo is pretty darn good

11-29-2020, 07:50 AM
I remember Starbucks coffee as having a burnt taste. I haven’t indulged in over 15 yrs. Their politics is not to my taste either.

11-29-2020, 12:29 PM
[smilie=s: Another brand of coffee that I like is 8 O`clock.An old A&P brand.Anyone remember that wonderful aroma in the old A&P stores?
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

11-29-2020, 12:38 PM
[smilie=s: Another brand of coffee that I like is 8 O`clock.An old A&P brand.Anyone remember that wonderful aroma in the old A&P stores?
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

You can still get it, can't remember at the moment where, but I know I bought some for the office a few years ago.

I am a coffee addict, but generally, the Folgers or Maxwell house standard stuff is good enough for me. I brew it strong and drink it black. Like many others have mentioned, an Army career made me the coffee addict I am today. Seems rare to find a career Soldier who isn't badly addicted.

11-29-2020, 12:47 PM
I live in the land of Coffee, near Seattle (hopefully not to much longer!!)

Only the new money angry soccer Mom’s consider starbucks to be good coffee. Any ine who actually has any taste buds considers it low rate at best.

I’ll take McDs coffee any day over $bucks. It’s Seattle best (brand name) coffee. Much better.

And having been to big Mr Bucks house, I dont feel bad not supporting his business. He’s doing fine.

11-29-2020, 01:45 PM
I have often wondered what makes starbucks so good. I think some people drink it as a social status thing. I am amazed when I pass by and the drive through it 10 cars deep. I think that the vast majority of those in line are not getting a cup of coffee, my bet is they are getting some kind of blended flavory and sugary drink. Me i am good with 7/11 coffee, or what ever I make at home.

11-29-2020, 01:58 PM

STARBUCKS is for soccer moms and hippies

I prep the coffee maker every night before bed, set to go off at 0545am



Ural Driver
11-29-2020, 02:17 PM
Might be blasphemin here......but I never have liked coffee. The parents always had a pot on the stove, siblings too, but not me. And, even loaded up with lots of milk and sugar, it just wasn't my drink of choice.....I'd just as soon drink plain water. I will say that I used lots of it in my Army days. I always got a canteen cup full, but just to get my hands warmed up on a cold day. And those cold leftover bucketful's made a great bore cleaner for the howitzer barrels. :|

11-29-2020, 02:59 PM
I'm not the SB type mostly because of the cost. Up till this year I would have a moca twice a year. A guy that I would meet with to go over some stuff would like to meet me there and buy me a cup. But for the most part I have my two cups at home strait up when I get up and I'm good for the day.

Now something I just read this morning sitting here looking at the old computer is to add a pinch of salt to your coffee. It said that the salt helps kill the taste of bitter in food and that it did the same thing to coffee. So I thought I would give it a try. We have a Mr. Coffee espresso maker that makes one cup at a time so I put a little sprinkle on top of the grounds for my second cup and dang if it didn't cut the bitter. I didn't mind the way it was but if you get some bitter coffee give it a try. I don't know how much to use so don't put in alot to start, just a pinch per cup.

11-29-2020, 04:20 PM
A little salt when brewing beer makes beer taste sweeter so same chemical process...old timers in New Ulm MN would shake salt in their beer to cut the hop bitterness. I tried it, it does work, but sweet beer is not my thing unless I intentionally brew it that way as an after supper beer...

11-30-2020, 04:30 PM
[smilie=s: The local Food Lion sells 8 O`clock coffee.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

12-02-2020, 12:53 PM
8 o clock is alright for sure. But Chock full o nuts...that's something special.

12-03-2020, 10:41 PM
My 15 year old granddaughter loves Starbuncles. I took a drink of her's once- it tasted like mop water with old coffee in it.

No thanks.

12-06-2020, 11:18 AM
:shock: Was going to buy some more 8 O`Clock the other day.Good God Miss Agnes.$9.98
for 14oz.That`s a bit out of my budget.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

12-09-2020, 01:31 PM
Starbucks is much better when you don't drink it as an actual cup of Joe. But if you've got a sweet tooth... get one of them foo-foo drinks. With extra whipped cream and sprinkles. Sure, not the manliest thing. But they tasty.

12-10-2020, 11:25 AM
Black Rifle AK all the way

12-12-2020, 07:52 PM
Alaskans drink a lot of coffee so coffee is expensive. You have to pay for shipping. SWMBO is a Swede who loves coffee- did you know King of Sweden invented coffee?- and she found Gevalia on-line. Called up Sweden, old home week, Gevalia would send a case, and pay freight. From Sweden. Great stuff, we gave a lot away. Got a case a month, away cheaper than at the supermarket. Marry a Swede! But don't get her mad.
Starbucks you say? They banned guns, right? They still around?

Chihuahua Floyd
12-12-2020, 09:17 PM
I picked up 20 pounds of fresh roasted coffee in Guatemala in March on a missions trip for $2 / pound. Filled my backpack.
Vacuum sealed in one pound bags. Always give a few away.
Almost out. Grind every night and prep coffee maker.
Gonna suck when I have to buy coffee again.

12-12-2020, 09:27 PM
I keep seeing post by those that grind their own beans. Although I am not dissatisfied with my present coffee, when I have looked into coffee grinders, I am overwhelmed and somewhat suspicious of posted reviews. I would like to try home grind. Any recommendations?

12-13-2020, 01:49 AM
Starbucks, is that stuff any good for washing mud off the truck tires?:redneck:

12-13-2020, 03:05 AM
I keep seeing post by those that grind their own beans. Although I am not dissatisfied with my present coffee, when I have looked into coffee grinders, I am overwhelmed and somewhat suspicious of posted reviews. I would like to try home grind. Any recommendations?

Go to a store that has whole beans and a grinder to grind it. That way you can try the different grinds and beans. It'll give you a chance to see if you like it better or not

I do that at the Costco so I can get the grind that works the best in our coffee maker.

12-13-2020, 08:46 AM
Could very well be!

But Ill never know cause I try never to give any dollars to those who seek to destroy my way if life.

They would need to give it away fro me to know.


12-14-2020, 11:43 AM
My wife and I would do Starbucks, her in Colorado, and me in California while I was still working. That stopped when she found out they would not ship their coffee to overseas service personnel. I already knew, I didn't want to pee on her cornflakes by telling her why I didn't like Starbucks. She did still drink it when one of her friends was working at SB where they gave employees 2 lbs a week of unground coffee. Her friend didn't drink coffee so the wife was gifted the coffee beans. Friend later went to work at a veteran owned and ran a small coffee shop. Nowadays, we just make our own at home.

I worked in Law Enforcement for 30+ years out west. Along the way, an old man I knew made coffee in an urn designed for 275 cups a batch. He said he learned how to make good strong coffee in the Navy. Anyway, his secret was to make a mound in the basket, then put a crater in the top of the mound. He would pour a 1/2 gallon of cold water onto the mound to wet the grounds, then sprinkle a paper packet of salt over the mound. The urn would be run as usual, too hot for my taste as it leaches out the oil and acids, but his coffee was not. He also used 2/3rds of the coffee normally required for the pot and have strong but not bitter brew.

For the office and at home, I have taken to modifying the typical 'mr coffee type' drip pot by moving the thermal coupler closer to the electrical 'burner' so it cycled at a lower temperature. Sure, it took longer but was brewed cooler and less bitter. That brew didn't need the aforementioned salt to kill the bitter as it was not covered with an acidic oil slick when finished.

Decades ago, Dad was cutting out caffeine thinking it would help reduce his blood pressure. For him at 81, the only thing that works is hitting the treadmill for 45 minutes after his oatmeal and fruit juice breakfast in bed. Mom, also 81, still spoils the heck out of him every day as she has done when they married at 17. Mom gets up at 4:30 - 5:00 every morning to read her bible or watch bible studies until she hears dad wake up.

Anyway, mom hits a rowing machine while dad is on the treadmill, and Dad still takes a brisk 1 hour walk during the day. They used to go together until Mom had to have a knee replaced, sometimes walking for several miles together. Farm kids, they grew up and live very active as much as limitations allow.

They 'bought the farm' (in a good way) when they were 39, 10 acres, 2 houses, 2 barns, lots of critters. Dad finished concrete until 40, and rook a 5 year hiatus. What the heck, farm was paid for, money in the bank, money in the safe. Dad went back to finishing concrete until he was 64, not needing the money for then, just to keep building their nest egg. Dad and Mom moved to town 7 years ago as the farm took just a little more than Mom wanted Dad to have to do. They still own the farm, and paid cash for the house in town. The lease from the farm and Dad's union retirement are taking care of them well.

They bought vehicles paying cash, as the only bills being utilities, as the garden fed the family and 1/2 the seniors at church. Sundays were fun as those still 'farming' would bring in their excess and swap/trade/donate until everyone had the milk/eggs/cheese/veggies, and sometimes beef, pork, or rabbit they needed. I loved how much the seniors appreciated things from their youth in the 'old country' that being Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, and one couple from Sweden.

Mom and Dad went to farm auctions and bought equipment and things for the old farmhouse. The kitchen was huge, with room for a full butcher block, a cream separator, and an old wood burning cook stove. The water tank was useless due to age, so there was always a cast iron pot of stew or soup, and a cast iron kettle on for hot water, which leads to the absolute best coffee ever.

Mom would 'cold brew' one pound of coffee into a 1 quart container, making a concentrate devoid of acid or oil, certainly no bitter taste. There was a carafe in the fridge and all it took was a shot glass and hot water. Poof, instant coffee. There was nothing better than to go home for a visit and there was always coffee ready to go. Fresh bread, a bowl of soup or stew, and catch up with the folks over a cup of coffee with the folks.

Funny how a thread about coffee brings out more than just a hot beverage, but a lifetime of fond memories of simpler things and an old fashioned way of life worth living. Maybe the reason the coffee was so good was it brought back those things coffee goes with so well. First cup at dawn when the birds started to fly, first cup from the Stanley thermos on the job site, or the first cup I ever had. I was almost 5, my bothers were in school, Mom had an appointment. I spent the morning with my Grandmother, and had coffee with cream and sugar at her kitchen table. Maybe that was the best coffee ever.

12-15-2020, 09:16 PM
I've only consumed Starbucks coffee a couple of times in the last 30 years. First time was in Seattle in the early 90's. I thought it was awful then. Last time I had it was almost 10 yrs ago, it was still awful. Even if it was good coffee I can't support them due to their outspoken political, socialist bent. There is a locally owned Dunn Brothers coffee shop in town. We buy a pound every week of in-house fresh roasted Columbian beans. They grind them for us, because I'm too lazy to mess with it. I like rich dark coffee, no additives.

12-16-2020, 12:01 AM
"Funny how a thread about coffee brings out more than just a hot beverage, but a lifetime of fond memories of simpler things and an old fashioned way of life worth loving "
Kinda like my Thread, Favorite . Sandwich. Kinda takes you back to good times. I remember having a good cup of coffee with my parents and grandparents many years ago. Great memories.

12-20-2020, 08:12 PM
We buy a cup from them about every 3 years just to see if the taste has changed.
Nope, it still tastes like burnt tar to both my wife and myself. A senior coffee from McDonalds tastes like a gourmet cup compared to SB's.
I honest to god dont know how people enjoy their coffee, it is that bad.

About the only thing I get from Mac's is the coffee.
Improved a lot over the years.
