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08-14-2020, 12:08 PM
After several months of relative peace, Windows 10 took over my computer for 2 hours last night for updates(I kept picking the "later" option but they did it anyway) . Now I can't keep a screen up very long, they minimize at random while I'm reading/typing.
The screen lock thing still has 20 minutes showing- oops , just minimized on me again ! - don't know where else to look, my cursor moves when I don't - dang near unusable.

08-14-2020, 12:13 PM
Mine did the update too last night when i was sleeping. No screen issues though.

08-14-2020, 12:23 PM
Windows often introduces errors with updates. When they find out about them they issue another update to correct the update.

08-14-2020, 12:25 PM
you can select "never update" on some computers, I think it depends on the hardware manufacture

Der Gebirgsjager
08-14-2020, 12:27 PM
Very interesting....I haven't been victimized yet, but I can see it on the horizon. I've been using an HP computer that came with Wndows 8.1 for about 7 years now. A couple of months ago the monitor would light up, but nothing would appear on the screen. I just knew that the computer had died, since the monitor was a couple of years newer and usually about 5 years is all I've gotten out of a computer. So I bought a new HP (because I was happy with the old one-- had lasted 2 years longer that the preceding two Dell computers), and of course it was Windows 10. I couldn't get it to work either, and decided that it must be the monitor after all. That turned out to be the case, and I replaced it with a small RCA TV that only cost $100. I was going through the Windows 10 learning process when it occurred to me that the old computer might still be good. Hooked it up and was back in business with what I knew. The new Windows 10 computer went back into the box and is sitting in the corner waiting for the inevitable.


08-14-2020, 12:35 PM
you can select "never update" on some computers, I think it depends on the hardware manufacture

Unfortunately, there are worse villains out there than Microsoft. If security updates are refused trouble may ensue.

08-14-2020, 12:50 PM
Back in 02 - 26 - 2019 member Land Owner posted a three part instruction on how to rid your computer of "stuff" that makes it act squirrely ... my computer had been acting like your's ... I'm not a computer person...I'm illiterate , totally ! My computer would let me start doing something and then it would veer off and start acting weird ... I couldn't use it .
I printed the Part I , Part II and Part III of the instructions and everything Land Owner said ...read it all 3-4 times ( I didn't understand much of it) but did everything he directed and went on a search and destroy mission of things that were in there but shouldn't have been . After destroying all the "things", that was on 02-26-2019 to this day my computer has worked just fine and not gone squirrely on me.
It was in the "Our Town" section but I only printed post #5 , post #6 and post #7 which have parts I , II and III of the instructions ... I don't have the thread Title or who started it ...and don't have a clue as how to find it ..
But if you can find it and follow the directions and get lucky you just might de-bug your computer .
Land Owner was the person who had the answer .

08-14-2020, 07:03 PM
One more situation were I have to be that guy. I am a “computer guy” (not career just tech savvy) and for all my personal computer I have Macs. I never worry about updates bricking my computer cause they do them in the background overnight by default. They also aren’t as prone to cyber attack or glitchy bugs.

Part of the reason they are more reliable is that OSX doesn’t use third party “driver” files. Apple vets and approves secure hardware and programs the OS to accept it. If they haven’t vetted it it won’t work. In windows world, a lot of hackers find holes in those driver files and exploit them.

Another personal experience, Windows based computers tend to be lower priced which is nice, but you have to replace them more frequently as they become worn out or obsolete faster. I have had to replace my windows based work laptop 5 times in last 8 years while I’ve had one MacBook Pro laptop for 11 years and a MacMini desktop for 8 and both still work great for general purpose work.

As with most things, you get what you pay for in computers.

08-14-2020, 09:01 PM
Can you say "Linux Mint" ? Cinnamon edition.

I'm running 2 towers now; one with Win10 (because QuickBooks won't run on anything but Windows) for QuickBooks. One tower for everything else, and it runs on Linux Mint.

Really, if I can figure out how to do it, you can too. I am not usually the smartest person in the room.

08-14-2020, 09:09 PM
Can you say "Linux Mint" ? Cinnamon edition.

I'm running 2 towers now; one with Win10 (because QuickBooks won't run on anything but Windows) for QuickBooks. One tower for everything else, and it runs on Linux Mint.

Really, if I can figure out how to do it, you can too. I am not usually the smartest person in the room.

Yep ... another fan of Iinux here and using the "Mint" version on two old mini laptops that are five years old ..
Love it .
Linux keeps on working even with the older machines ... you get your money's worth with a free operating system.

08-14-2020, 10:09 PM
Uhh GAIN the opportunity to move to Linux Mint with the Cinnamon desktop. It looks like windows 7, doesn't bug you to death, solid as a rock, and FREE! Comes with a full suite of office stuff that opens and edits any M$ document, music players, cd/dvd burning, photo, audio, and video editors plus tons of other stuff you can install for free as well.

I have 3 desktops and 2 laptops all running linux mint 20 cinnamon. I have one desktop that I used to throw every new flavor of linux on just to learn it and check out the different distros, always reverted back to linux mint for ease of operation, nary a "gotcha" and plenty of support if you need it via forums and live irc channel. Free of course.

You can install wine into it, wine is a windows emulator that lets you run a considerable amount of programs and games written for windows. QuickLoad runs flawlessly in linux!

I could go on and on but there's really no point, it's just better all around, more secure by a long shot, and easier to deal with than win10. Plus it runs on hardware that windows won't run on anymore because they force you to go out and buy new hardware so windows can run on it. Enough is enough.

Can you say "Linux Mint" ? Cinnamon edition.

I'm running 2 towers now; one with Win10 (because QuickBooks won't run on anything but Windows) for QuickBooks. One tower for everything else, and it runs on Linux Mint.

Really, if I can figure out how to do it, you can too. I am not usually the smartest person in the room.

This may interest you sir... How to open QuickBooks with linux: https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-open-quickbooks-with-linux

I'm still struggling with file sharing across my Windows network but I'm finally getting up to speed on the OS.

Open a terminal in linux and type: sudo apt install samba

Once samba is installed you need to add a user, I just use my name and since I am the same user name on all my puters here, I only need to create one user password, so I type: sudo smbpasswd -a USER (where USER is the username to be added).

You will be prompted to enter and verify a new password for the user. Next issue the command sudo smbpasswd -e USER and the user will be enabled for Samba shares.

So once you have created shares on your linux mint, by enabling sharing on a folder, you should be able to login from windows and access the shared resources using your user and password that you put in samba.

Linux Mint 20 also has a feature called Warpinator where you can send files to other computers on your network that are also running Warpinator. It's VERY simple, and very fast, I think you have to run the same version on each computer, so far it isn't ported to windows, but it FLIES transferring files among linux machines!

08-14-2020, 10:10 PM
I'm a Windows guy & I'm very comfortable using Windows 7. Finally after worrying about viruses & security breech attempts, I switched to Linux Ubuntu. It was easy to install & lots of open source (FREE) software. The Libre office suite matches MS-Office, at least for my needs. I'm still struggling with file sharing across my Windows network but I'm finally getting up to speed on the OS. I believe there is something called "Wine" that will run windows' programs on Linux & perhaps it would work with Quickbooks along with other proprietary apps.

Need a new computer running a complete office suite? Google "Rasberry Pie Computer". Assemble a Linux based computer with all software as low as $50. Buy on Amazon. Little to no tech skill needed!

Ozark mike
08-14-2020, 11:11 PM
You can back up prior to the update tho i forgot how haven't owned a puter in many years or any electronic devices for that matter

Mal Paso
08-14-2020, 11:29 PM
Win 10 updates are the scariest, you don't know how long it will take or if you will get your computer back. They lost my personal settings twice. Windows is a bureaucracy and can only get worse.

Apple actually validates updates before installing them. That's where I'm headed when this Win7 machine goes down.

08-15-2020, 04:05 AM
Last up date I had problems with, was when they installed EDGE.
So many things changed by default.
Still having to change things back to NOT use MS EDGE.
Seems the more they fool with it, the more problems they have.

Petrol & Powder
08-15-2020, 08:46 AM
I miss Windows 7.

As for MS Edge, I hate it but after about 2 hours I almost got it to do what I wanted it to do.

Mircosoft is like the The Borg from Star Trek - You will assimilate, resistance is futile :razz:

Mal Paso
08-15-2020, 10:26 AM
One thing about Win 10, you can have the fastest, fanciest computer in the world and still have the driveline of a Yugo.

08-15-2020, 11:31 AM
Win 10 updates are the scariest, you don't know how long it will take or if you will get your computer back. They lost my personal settings twice. Windows is a bureaucracy and can only get worse.

Apple actually validates updates before installing them. That's where I'm headed when this Win7 machine goes down.

Windows 10 will update everyday, and not remove old updates. Loads up your computer in no time, and makes it move like frozen molasses.

08-15-2020, 02:05 PM
You can back up prior to the update tho i forgot how haven't owned a puter in many years or any electronic devices for that matter

Me too

Ozark mike
08-15-2020, 03:19 PM
Laat one i owned had xp on it

08-15-2020, 10:10 PM
Pay for Win10 Pro or suffer the consequences. You have more control of everything. Most important is updates which you can defer for a long amount of time. While this may not be the most secure. It gives them time to fix any issues before it’s installed on your computer.

There is a power shell script on Github that I’m going to link. This is to remove all, and I mean all, the bloatware that Win10 comes w/. I’m still evaluating it but I’ve had it running on one of my laptops for about three weeks w/ no issues. It does turn of Windows Defender so be aware: https://github.com/Sycnex/Windows10Debloater

All operating systems are what you make of them. Linux has its advantages but it’s not for a casual user. There are many programs that won’t run on it, even in Wine. And learning how to use it has a steep curve at times. It can be for a casual user if all they want to do is use the internet and edit documents. For that I recommend PopOS. But there are many driver issues especially for gaming, not that I expect most here to be into that.

I tend to try out any new flavor of Linux in a VM on my server or one of my spare laptops. I still haven’t found one to replace Windows. There’s always a compromise that I don’t want to make. But I could say the same thing about switching to Macs even though I use iPhones and iPads already. A clean install of an OS, even Win10, has a habit of clearing up lots of issues. Kind of like clearing CMOS on a motherboard. Puts your back to square one so you can start over. Microsoft has made it very easy to install Win10.

08-15-2020, 10:41 PM
If you about to pay - pay for hardware, get Mac with OSX and forget about all those nightmares :D

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

08-15-2020, 10:58 PM
i make my internet connection a limited metered connection.. it gets rid of most of the update stuff and problems. PM me if you need help with this option.

take a peek at this...


08-15-2020, 11:33 PM
There is a power shell script on Github that I’m going to link. This is to remove all, and I mean all, the bloatware that Win10 comes w/. I’m still evaluating it but I’ve had it running on one of my laptops for about three weeks w/ no issues. It does turn of Windows Defender so be aware: https://github.com/Sycnex/Windows10Debloater

This looks very interesting. I would ALMOST want to run w10 again just to see it. Notes say to run it before you create a user profile, or it may not remove everything and it might leave broken tiles on the start menu.

I ran XP mini, a stripped version that was only 184mb on the install cd, it was the best XP of all. I ran Tiny7, again a stripped version of win7 that was much faster and way more stable than the as issued version, so I wondered when someone would make a pared down w10. I do agree w10 is the best windows so far, but there is SO much crap in there that it doesn't need. They did a wonderful thing bringing it to the point of (almost) fixing itself.

If M$ REALLY wanted to please and retain users, they would compartmentalize the OS and let users login, put components in their shopping cart, it would then build the dependencies and let you know if you were missing anything to run the stuff you picked out, and it would leave out all the games, all the Bing junk, all the office stuff if you didn't want that, and then it would compile your .iso file that you could download and put on a DVD to install, or simply boot to a small image on a USB stick and it would download and install your own personalized and customized w10. You reboot the computer and it comes to life with your own user profile already installed. M$ stores this profile in the cloud, encrypted, and instead of ever having to install windows on another computer, you just let the cloud install it on whatever new computer you buy and it comes to life exactly where you left off with the old one.

08-18-2020, 01:21 PM
also recommending Linux Mint. get a thumb drive and download the versinon of unetbootin for whatever system you currently have:
then download Linux Mint:
run unetbootin to install the mint system on the thumbdrive, then you can use the thumb drive to run any computer with the mint system on the thumbdrive, or install the mint system on same or another computer.

save the jump drive for later use. look on youtube for instructions. use any working computer to get the vids on youtube and set up the thumb drive.

08-21-2020, 06:56 PM
Window 7 pro on an 8 year old desktop and an 11 Y/O Netbook (small laptop). Brother upgraded to Win10 on one of his computers (from Win7) and regrets it. Too many upgrades even when he declines. He wishes he had made a mirror of his hard drive before making the upgrade.

Wife bought me 2 different IPads over the past few years and upgraded to IPhones when FaceTime became a thing. Well, she only bought one IPad, the other was a freebie with phone upgrades. As we spend a lot of time apart we have our coffee long distance. Funny, she always calls the IPhone rather than the IPads which have bigger screens. I like a bigger screen for the times I'm teaching my 4 Y/O gran daughter guitar, or checking out the wife's craft projects.

The older IPad doesn't run certain apps anymore as they won't upgrade the IOS for that model. It does run one thing quite well, VNC viewer which allows networking to another computer. My brother and I are both Amateur Radio Operators and have recently delved into digital mode communications. The radio is run by a Raspberry Pi computer, and I can control the Pi with the tablet. Kind of cool to have the radio on the porch, and me in an easy chair in the house.

We went up in the hills, no cell service, no wifi, but connected using an ad hoc/wifi connection between the IPad and the Pi. All of this powered with a solar cell connected to a small 8 amp hour battery. I've heard folks as far away as the Virgin Islands, Brazil, New York, Puerto Rico, and made connections on only 5 watts. The goal eventually is to have the rigs in the truck and sit by the campfire with some 'sippage' as some would say. Whiskey for some, iced tea for me thank you.

08-22-2020, 04:52 AM
I just got done with another update from windows.
Took over an hour to do.
So far everything seem to be working fine.
Only thing I noticed change is the bottom of the screen, (tool bar???) has changed color.
Used to be black and now it's gray.
I wonder if OBLM might have had something to do with the change in color.
I only hope none of my settings has changed, or programs taken over by windows.

country gent
08-22-2020, 10:32 PM
My computer got hit with the windows 10 download last night. went to bed with a working computer and internet. Got up to a slow computer missing Icons and no e-mail access. Called micro soft and the tech (almost an hour on hold waiting) launched into his spiel how much better it was after.I told him before I had a working computer and internet after I had nothing how is that better? after an hour or so he had most of it working. I then had to call aol to get the rest going another hour on hold then about 45 mins to straighten it out, we thought. Later in the afternoon I got on to check e-mails and again couldn't see them. Showed 26 but nothing in the screen so another call to aol and another 45 min wait to get to a tech, again about 45 mins and seemed fine. I just got on before bed and again shows the 26 e-mails but nothing in the screen. I also had to start over on the MS call once due to being disconnected while on hold. Im going on 5 hours straightening this out now and am betting I end up replacing the computer before its over.

If I had done this shoddy of work Id have been fired in short order

08-23-2020, 10:00 AM
I still dont understand how we had the ability to send an email, run a spreadsheet, play an MP3, stream a video almost 20 years ago using computers dozens of times less powerful than now. But for some reason to do all the above I now need 'regular updates' with a vastly more powerful computer that still crashes about the same rate over a simple word document. Great sales pitching by Microsoft is all I can say.

08-23-2020, 10:32 AM
I don't use my computer for a lot of different things, mostly internet use. I really got tired of the long wait for windows to update and complained to my son the computer programmer. He suggested for my limited use I should get a chrome book. As far as I can tell it has never updated or had any kind of hickup in the 2 to 3 years I have had it. I have no idea what it won't do but it does everything I want without any issues and was fairly cheap. About $200 IIRC.

08-23-2020, 10:56 AM
The biggest problem with windows is they insist on updates. The updates are usually to fix bugs in the update system. Imagine if your telephone was always live and connected to some unknown listener and that's what windows does. Once MS stopped supporting WinXP the system became stable and works great. Unfortunately MS pressures software programmers to use 'new improved' features that are not backwards compatible to try to force users to the new systems.

country gent
08-23-2020, 11:02 AM
THe big change ive seen is it used to be you bought a program one time fee and used for duration, now alot of programs are "rented" monthly or yearly fee to keep active. Imagine the out rage if auto companies had a yearly fee for driving their cars.

08-23-2020, 04:03 PM
THe big change ive seen is it used to be you bought a program one time fee and used for duration, now alot of programs are "rented" monthly or yearly fee to keep active. Imagine the out rage if auto companies had a yearly fee for driving their cars.

Software as a service is a horrible business model for the consumer. It’s great for the company selling it because they have monthly income. As much as I’m not for regulation, software as a service needs to be regulated into nonexistence.

And auto companies have already floated such ideas. And if goes beyond yearly fees. A few weeks ago BMW floated the idea of paying to have certain features turned on. Say you want heated seats in the winter, just pay them a fee and they will turn it on. This is also the company that charges you for Apple CarPlay even though it’s every other make free of charge. You already paid for the hardware to be in your car so what would give them the right to disable features?

The question w/ this type of thins becomes “do you own it?” Why would I pay for a car where they could disable features. Or worse yet the entire vehicle because there was a clerical error and they thought you didn’t may this month. I already have a major issue w/ OnStar being installed in everything. I don’t consent to the tracking. But most people want convenience over privacy so the rest are made to suffer.

Land Owner
08-24-2020, 07:15 AM
Back in 02 - 26 - 2019 member Land Owner posted a three part instruction...


I vaguely remember posting a 3-part set of instructions, which specific instructions I don't remember, and cannot find that dated post through SEARCH on Castboolits. Can you provide some of the unique wording in those copied instructions? Just type out a line or two. That should help SEARCH find that 2019 thread, and if it is in context to the User's issue, link it here.

In the meantime, here's a laundry list of routine and customary items to run on a Dell/HP/IBM PC:

1.) How "full" is your hard drive? Go to Windows Explorer. Hold your cursor over the C:/ Drive. RIGHT click. In the drop down menu==>PROPERTIES will tell you how full or empty your computer has become. If you are running Windows 10, there is a DISK CLEANUP button there. Use it. If you have not run this before, or it has "been awhile", this may take a very long time for it to complete its run. Be Patient. Get a cup of coffee (it may take two) in the meantime.

2.) Go to START (bottom left corner at Microsoft logo) SETTINGS==>APPS, sort by SIZE and see if there are any large applications that you do not want, then UNINSTALL them. This is probably not going to retrieve a lot of space, but it will get rid of unwanted applications and their bulk.

3.) You do not have to seek the TEMP files to delete. Start off with CTRL-SHIFT-DELETE simultaneously. This is the acceptable "first volley" against TEMP file storage.

At the drop down menu check ALL of the boxes and let your machine's software, the software put there by Microsoft for this very thing, do its best to delete the junk in TEMP folders. Repeat the process multiple times to be sure. On exit, CHECK the box that removes this junk every time you turn your computer off.

4.) Go to RECYCLE BIN and EMPTY it.

5.) Turn OFF your computer for 20-30 seconds and turn it ON again. Check disk space as in 1.) above.

6.) Download and run Freeware (link)
CCleaner (http://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner?source=CgcOAwoDBw0&utm_source=cj-13913991&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Skimlinks&utm_content=100107583&utm_term=5370367&CJEVENT=8ecbf481e5ff11ea82f002580a240613&x-origin=9). RUN cleaner and only clean/remove the files from the default setting, to sweep the dust out of the corners.

7.) Download and run Freeware (link)
defraggler (http://www.ccleaner.com/defraggler/download?source=CgcOAwoDBw0&utm_source=cj-13913991&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Skimlinks&utm_content=100107583&utm_term=5370367&CJEVENT=da900c72e5ff11ea82f002580a240613&x-origin=9) click the ▼ by defrag and select "quick defrag". It will offer to empty your recycle bin say yes. This doesn't remove anything (besides emptying the recycle bin) but it organizes your files so your computer runs better.

Land Owner

08-24-2020, 12:40 PM
Defragging isn’t necessary if you’re using a SSD. The controller in the drive takes care of it already. Spinning rust will benefit but it takes a long time to get it to the point where it makes a difference. The single best way to speed up your system is to run the OS off a SSD. They are cheap at the moment and easy to install. And a clean OS install is always a sure way to clean everything up. Even a comparatively slow QLC SSD is a lot faster than a conventional hard drive.

08-24-2020, 06:18 PM
Get the CCcleaner. Run it every week, especially the registry cleaner.

Years ago I had a laptop that became too slow to use. I ran the registry cleaner, it must have come up with thousands of old junk registries that were clogging everything up.
I cleaned it, and the laptop worked just peachy afterwards.