View Full Version : RCBS Trim Pro not holding casing

08-05-2020, 05:13 PM
My RCBS Trim Pro just won't hold a casing solid enough to trim it. They spin with each turn of the handle.
I did have trouble recently with reloading some 32-20 Rifle, that I put aside and forgot to size before this but that's long been sorted out.
Now no casing will hold solid enough to trim it.
Did I forget a step in the process or something? There's no logical reason for it to not hold.
I'm using the proper size shell holders, but 38 SPL, 45, 32-20, 380? Can I be that wrong in every caliber?
Need a refresher course.265773265774265775265776265777265778265778

08-05-2020, 05:36 PM
Screw those little post that hold the shell holder in farther...measure them at the same spacing off the face of the holder where the cartridge case sits or the case will cock from side to side with their uneven tension.

08-05-2020, 06:53 PM
I looked at what you suggested, but the tabs are solid to the cylinder and don't adjust. The spring is good, strong. If you take the whole unit off the stand there is No rust inside or under the unit. I thought maybe that was a cause. Binding the tabs, but it's a clean unit.
The cases are not lubed. This just gets me!

08-05-2020, 07:12 PM
Do your pilots slip easily into the cases ?

08-05-2020, 07:27 PM
I just adjusted mine, don't recall how old it is but 7 years or so?
I looked at the other side of that assembly where the handle comes off and saw that the holes are threaded. That's how I got mine to stop cocking to the side and trimming uneven.

If you need photos I can do that too.

08-05-2020, 07:47 PM
The holders fit the cases, they don't wobble in them. So it's the right holders for cases.
I would appreciate any photos of can offer. We have the same model and age frame, mines about 7-8 too.

08-05-2020, 08:39 PM
These looked like threaded holes that the retainer pins screwed into...I tried adjusting one with a small pair of pliers and the measurement changed so I made them both the exact same, measured off the face to the top of the pin.
(I removed the handle and took the hood off the top with the one allen screw on top towards the front.)





This measurement here holds mine snug and the case will not spin using a .45ACP case.


Make sure your shell holder plate fits on and slides down completely into the slot on both sides too. I put a little Imperial Sizing Wax on my pins because they are a really snug fit & I always struggle a bit getting them on and off. Don't scar up the pins with your pliers or that snug fit will be impossible.


Hope this'll help some.

08-05-2020, 08:59 PM
Thank you for the photos. I'll strip this down tomorrow and get it adjusted. The photos are a great help. I didn't remove the top screw on the hood. I'll keep you informed as I go. One thing for sure, I'll get this to work as it has to.

08-06-2020, 04:25 AM
Those little nubs on mines always seem to screw out.
I just turn them back in, and all is fine.

Land Owner
08-06-2020, 05:05 AM
The disk spring pack (#186131 - 6 washers) on the inside can and do break and "wear out". A call to RCBS will get you new ones, no questions asked.


08-06-2020, 07:39 AM
Thank you all for the quick and accurate responses. I have never taken the spring washer holder, compression block apart up to now. Never really saw the need to do this before.
What I did find was some light rust on the pins themselves. Nothing to really bind the parts. A quick light steel wool cleaned them up.
The pins would not unscrew at all. I have the part soaking in some PB Blaster to see if that will free them up.
The disc springs look okay but I think they may have lost the spring tension they are supposed to give.
I’ll contact RCBS by phone later today, they never seem to answer emails sent, and see if they will send replacement springs and or compression pin assembly.
I’ll let you know how I make out.
Thanks again.

08-06-2020, 01:47 PM
Contacted RCBS today, they’re replacing the compression washers inside (6), like Land Owner said.
One thing they did ask was how the washers were installed in the cylinder.
They have to be this way () ......NOT this way ))) to each other, to give the tension you need to hold the casing in place.
3 of mine were almost impossible to see that bow they need, let alone give a spring action.
Thank you all for your kind help and guidance.....and check those washer placements.

08-06-2020, 02:52 PM
Yours looks like a newer model.
On my old one, the pins come out.
Maybe yours doesn't.
I've never had to change the spring washers.
I wonder if they could be replaced with a regular coil spring????

08-06-2020, 03:03 PM
I don't have that exact model but I've found on mine that I:

depress the handle and set in the brass

slide the cutter buching into the brass

work the handle one more time with the cutter bushing in the brass and it centers the brass in the holder eliminating biding/spinning

08-06-2020, 03:42 PM
After a good soaking and cleaning, these pins do not unscrew, and weren’t meant to as far as I can see. I didn’t remember to ask RCBS if they were removable when I spoke with them, as we were concentrating on the tension holding capabilities only.
But I could really damage the pins by using a vise grip on them to try to unscrew them, I really don’t want to try that right now.
And your right, I thought a spring would be a much better option rather than the washer system.
Tension and size of spring to fit snuggly could be a challenge to find on my own. I’ll look into it though.
Maybe their newest models do have springs rather than washers. Others with the new ones will have to weigh in on this.

08-06-2020, 04:58 PM
In your pics your shell plate is installed bass ackwards, just turn it around. There is a pic in post #7 that shows a shell plate installed correctly.

08-06-2020, 05:33 PM
Cupajoe, your right about my pictures. At that point I was trying everything I could to get the case to hold. I’d even put it on upside down if it would work. Just posted the wrong picture. I even tried a thin piece of rubber to get it to stop spinning.
It is a common mistake though, but easily picked up on when you try to trim, then just reverse it. In my case I’d have to superglue the case in place to trim it.
The frustrating part was I was all set to start in trimming cases so I could move on, then this happened. Frustrating.

08-09-2020, 04:25 AM
I wonder why they went with spring washers and not a coil spring???

08-09-2020, 10:13 AM
I wonder why they went with spring washers and not a coil spring???

Spring washers can provide much greater force in the same or smaller space.

08-13-2020, 05:31 PM
My replacement spring washers came in today. A definite difference between old and new.
The trimmer is working as it should again, I’m back in business.
I’m including some pictures of measurements of old vs new. The difference is like night and day.

08-15-2020, 08:31 AM
I would keep a spare set on hand for the future to eliminate any down time. I don’t think you could replace the Belleville washers with a strong enough spring to work in this situation.

08-15-2020, 09:17 AM
I'm glad you got it fixed. I'll keep the spring washer replacement in mind if my trim pro starts loosing its grip.

08-15-2020, 11:53 AM
You and me both! Nothing worse than setting up and not being able to go.
I did keep the old washers, just in case. They have "some" spring left in them and in a pinch combined with others you could probably make a strong enough spring.
RCBS sent 7, so they give you a spare one.