View Full Version : Probably should keep my mouth shut ?

08-03-2020, 09:08 AM
To those keeping up with the...Reading the bible...thread above . I probably should keep my mouth shut but seem unable to . What I'll say is not theology and only thoughts which might be considered..or not . I'll describe my 'impression' of the first two chapters of what we have read so far after today's reading of chapter 2 . I suffer no illusions that it is an interpretation and only thoughts given to ME !

I'll also relate a couple of occasions or events that have been part of my own personal life that you can take or leave , consider or cast aside . I seek no self aggrandizement nor credit in my telling of those things of long ago . They were decisions made in the moment . So often we are called on to use our own discernment given hoping it is 'right' .

The first chapter of the book of James introduces us to his style of delivery in his message to us . He is short spoken , he gets to the point quickly without wasted words . I like his methodology plain speaking , he to me seems to be restraining himself in written delivery of his words . In person before a group of the faithful I see him in my mind as being much more 'fiery' a speaker . But even in the subdued fashion of his writing he is profound , only providing 'meat' and not milk . His words are not only for the new believer but also to build those with more experience and commitment .

To be continued .

08-03-2020, 09:21 AM
Amen, Keep up the good word and work of the Lord!

08-06-2020, 03:01 PM
Well ! the reading of the book of James is finished in the ...Reading the bible...thread above . It might sound silly or of no matter but I enjoyed reading it again this time more . Reason being I knew there were members of the forum reading it with me .

There are no wasted words in the book of James , it is only 5 chapters long . If Paul had written it I believe it would be 10 chapters long . Paul was an elegant and educated man , he was a good speaker . Is it a wonder that GOD chose Paul to deliver his word ? James was a fisherman , James delivers what GOD has given him in his own way. Short , direct , pointed , no frills and just straight truth . Though I have never checked it I believe he uses the word 'you' more than any other author of a New Testament book .

The reader should truly understand he is talking to ..YOU . He speaks directly to the reader . The examples he gives , the situations and the times he speaks of are simple to understand and relate to . There's a lot more to James and his life I won't get into but you might consider studying him .

Pine Baron
08-06-2020, 04:36 PM
I particularly enjoyed reading James this time around too. And you sir are correct, there are no hidden meanings, innuendos or obtuse messages in James.

08-06-2020, 05:03 PM
I agree.......maybe you should.

Wayne Smith
08-07-2020, 07:39 AM
Be aware too that when you read a Bible organized in historical or chronological order you read the Gospels, a couple verses of Acts, and then James. It was the first letter written. Simple practical lessons for living.