View Full Version : Fire come to cherry valley

08-02-2020, 01:35 PM
If you have been watching the news you have probably seen the story. The fire started last week and is still going. It was in the hills behind our house. We watched the flames coming over the hill. The fire fighters kept dropping water on it as well as working on the ground. I could hear their chain saws going all night. I heard the fire was set and they caught the person who did it. I spent all day yesterday evacuating my guns and reloading supplies, powder, primers and of course loaded ammo. Good grief, you have no idea how much you have until you have to move it. I took many guns to our daughters house and the rest to a friends place. I asked my friend if he had an M1 Garand and he said of course so I gave him a shoe box full of of loaded clips from the Korean War era. I have a lot of older ammo that I would gladly give to anyone willing to come by and pick it up. I won't mail it. I am attaching pictures of the smoke . I never saw a fire that big. I am having trouble getting the pictures to upload. I will reduce their size and see if that works. Be back shortly . That worked. I will sign off for now. I need to re- wet the mask I am wearing. It helps filter out the odor of the smoke.

08-02-2020, 01:43 PM
Stay safe over there. I know what it's like having a wildfire close by. Last summer a fire rained burning embers onto my roof and in my yard. Very scary stuff for sure.

08-02-2020, 02:20 PM
Will include you in our prayers, stay safe. I wish I was close enough to be a safe place for some of your stuff. Keep us posted.

08-02-2020, 06:35 PM
With conditions to the extreme there , heat and wind , prayers are with you and all in your neighborhood.

08-02-2020, 06:56 PM
Hope all ends up OK for you. I'm also worried about my folks in Beaumont and my friends in Cherry Valley.

Winger Ed.
08-02-2020, 07:14 PM
I'm almost surprised to see anything left out there that isn't already burned off.
Good luck with all that.

You might remind your buddy about doing a little extra cleaning for the corrosive primers from that early 50's ammo.

08-02-2020, 07:52 PM
Wishing you the best of Luck. Hope they get it put out before it does much more damage.

08-02-2020, 08:03 PM
From what the mapping looks like , with the winds usually coming from the west , the bulk of it is headed into the mountains northeast , hopefully away from the populated areas.
Steep terrain , mountain peaks and possibly getting near my childhood area there in Forest Falls , just below Mt San Gorgonio

08-03-2020, 07:09 PM
I’m not far from the Cherry Valley area. If any members here need somebody to do an wellness check on a friend of family member, I’ll make the drive and report my findings.

Or if any members in that area need any help getting stuff moved, pulling a trailer, ect...that offer is on the table also.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-03-2020, 09:19 PM
Thanks to all for your concerns. Safe for now. Can't say the same for those folks north of Banning. I will keep praying for rain.

08-03-2020, 10:37 PM
Hope things work out for you and everyone near there. Used to live just West of you, in Redlands.