View Full Version : Chinese Seeds

08-01-2020, 10:38 AM
It has been reported that people in the US and some in other countries are receiving unsolicited packets of seeds from China.

The recommendation is to not open these suspicious packets but instead contact your State Department of Agriculture and give it to them.

The thinking is that there is nothing friendly going on with this.


They may or not be from China but in any case you have no idea as to what the origin or contents of package is.

Beware and play it safe!


08-01-2020, 10:45 AM
Seed identification. What plant are they? Grow them in a controlled lab environment? Are they all different types of seeds. Inquiring minds want know! Maybe they are just 'good will seeds'!

08-01-2020, 04:54 PM
They are a super strain of the wacky weed and when you smoke it you become a commie democrat.

08-01-2020, 06:03 PM
I think they are magic seeds that will grow a huge plant that will lift you into the realm of the cloud giant.

08-01-2020, 06:08 PM
According to an article in the WSJ, 19 species of plant seeds have been found so far but none mentioned specifically. It has been speculated that this is a test to see how we respond for a future long term bio-warfare attack from the CCP. That would make sense given my opinion that the Wuhan virus is a bio-warfare agent that accidentally got loose early. The CCP in their writings have3 made it clear that biowarfare is in their agenda to incapacitate their enemies.

08-01-2020, 06:13 PM
Could be a modern CHICOM real life version of the old move "Day of the Triffids"! Scared the carp out of me as a kid!

Just like the original "Body Snatchers" movie did.

08-01-2020, 07:26 PM
I keep ordering them and they keep shipping them to the wrong address��

08-01-2020, 08:15 PM
Just remember Nothing good comes from China

08-02-2020, 09:31 PM
There have been reports of face masks and some with an unknown powder in the mailings.

08-03-2020, 03:38 AM
First the illegals, then the chinese virus, and now contaminated chinese seeds.
What coming next????

Petrol & Powder
08-03-2020, 07:01 AM
They are a super strain of the wacky weed and when you smoke it you become a commie democrat.

If that's the case, they've been here for decades.

08-03-2020, 07:53 AM
First the illegals, then the chinese virus, and now contaminated chinese seeds.
What coming next????

If we ain't careful, sleepy joe!

08-03-2020, 08:06 AM
I think we should send them poison ivy seeds.

08-03-2020, 09:41 AM
crate up 10 lbs black flys with 15 lbs of northern Ontario/Minnesota mosquitos and send them there postage due.

08-03-2020, 10:40 AM
I don't know what the plants are, but mine like hot dogs, and liver.

08-03-2020, 10:58 AM
Send them some foxtail and some sand burr and maybe some dandelion seeds!!!! Oh yeah, russian olive tree seeds too!!

08-03-2020, 11:09 AM
It seems that people all over have been the recipients of these “seed packets”. While some may “make light” of it, it is a potentially serious issue until the Dept. of Agriculture, as well as Homeland Security, get a grip on what is going on . . . and hopefully they are working on it. One has to wonder just how many who receive these seed packets will actually just plant them to see what they are . . . and a pot sitting on a deck or a corner of a garden is not a “controlled environment”.

We are already dealing with a “present” from Communist China. China has been collecting data on American citizens for years and thanks to our illustrious politicians in Washington, who think they know how “things should be”, while ignoring their “stupid, lowly constituents”, have climbed in bed with the Chinese and allowed them to come in to this country and buy out businesses, real estate, steal our technology and try to undermine our country . . and it has put a lot of money in their pockets. So what is next? What is a better way to continue to undermine this country further than to flood it with seeds of an invasive plant, sending them all over the country to naïve everyday people, who out of curiosity decide to plant them “to see what they are”. Past history has shown that it doesn’t take long for an invasive species of plant or insect can be introduced into a country/region where it is not native, and it doesn’t take long and it is a real problem. Think it can’t happen? It can . . . and what better way to further undermine our country than to introduce an invasive plant that could spread rapidly over a course of several years and invade the main sources of our food supply?

Think hard about it. The Socialist Democrats will do anything to gain power back and what do they want to do? Raise taxes, open boarders, amnesty for illegals, free health care, free college, and one of their top priorities will be to dis-arm law abiding citizens. Their “New Green Deal” will destroy the economy, they want to “de-fund law enforcement”, abolish the bail and bond system, for those that break the law and put them right back on the street to commit more crimes . . . . and if the riots, destruction, burning, assaults of the “peaceful demonstrations” which are being supported and paid for by Leftists do not make you wary . . . . then you’d better start thinking. And the Chinese are just sitting back and laughing at this country . . . as well as supporting the disruptive things that are going on . . . . and a good majority of the Left politicians in Washington are all for it . . . . they don’t care about this country or the law abiding citizens and I am surprised that they aren’t chanting . . “let them eat cake”.

So, if you get unsolicited seeds from China . . . don’t open them . . . contact your local Dept. of Agriculture or LE and let them deal with the problem.

08-03-2020, 12:37 PM
Waksupi, that made me laugh!

But on a serious note, I hope it doesn't give the Gov't the idea that we need strict supervision on what and where we can plant, we can't be letting just anyone plant a garden on their ground, without permission and an environmental impact study.

08-03-2020, 12:59 PM
The Communist Chinese are not your friends ... they don't send Americans "free stuff " because they like us . The last free stuff was Covid 19 ...how many have died now .
They wouldn't mind seeing us all dead and buried .