View Full Version : August 1st 2020 update, and thank you.

08-01-2020, 10:24 AM
Well, I am still lurking around, but I don't post much these days. I just wanted to say, again, thank you for all the well wishes and prayers; and give an update.

My wife was on track for full remission of cancer earlier this year, then her oncologist literally packed up the office, shut down, and left for who knows where. His records have been moved to my oncologist, but as of right now she still hasn't been able to get in to see him. Upside, she had one clean visit left before her oncologist "officially" declared her cancer free and full remission. Downside is we probably won't be able to get her back in to an oncologist until fall because of everything else going on with family and the world. Allergies from this season are eating us both up, but other than that it is looking great. Thank the good Lord.

Me. Still plenty of issues with both mental and physical health, but I am hanging in there. I'm writing again, which is a big step, but it is hard for me on most days to do anything at all.

My uncle is in the hospital. Doctors don't know why he is still alive. Short version is dialysis turned into hemo-dialysis which turned into heart failure. He can't breathe without a ventilator, they can't do dialysis because his heart fails (6 times so far they have had to jump start his ticker) within' minutes of the start, and without dialysis his system is poisoning him. The upside is they predicted he would never wake up again and would pass almost a month ago. He is awake, can follow you with his eyes, squeeze a hand, control the hospital tv remote, and his BP is verging on normal again. We have no illusions, he doesn't have long, and we have been expected it for a long while; but in all honesty his hanging on seems to be God's will more than anything else. My Aunt believes (and I agree with her) that it is somebody working in the hospital the Lord is trying to effect change in. Medically there is no explanation, so here we are.

The family is mostly in good shape. We are blessed, there are alot that aren't as fortunate. Anyway, still lurking around. I'm praying for ya'll too.

Thanks again my friends, and God Bless.


Pine Baron
08-01-2020, 10:41 AM
I love your attitude and outlook brother. May God continue to bless you and yours as He reveals His grace and mercy.

08-01-2020, 11:51 AM
It's good to hear from you Richard ! I have thought of you often , will be praying for you and yours..especially your uncle and wife .

08-01-2020, 12:45 PM
I'll be praying for you and your family sir, glad to hear your wife is doing good.

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08-02-2020, 01:26 PM
Praying for full recovery for your wife, and peace and healing for you. Also peace and healing for your uncle. Good to hear from you, brother Richard.


08-05-2020, 02:26 AM
Thank you, again, everybody.

My Uncle passed away around 6pm on April 3rd 2020. My Aunt (my father's sister) and he helped raise me and were always like another set of parents to me. He had a good sense of humor, and was always working on his next wooden toy project until the last few years when he got down. He will be sorely missed, but at least he went peacefully, and he isn't hurting anymore.

God Bless.


Pine Baron
08-05-2020, 06:50 AM
Sincere condolences on the passing of your uncle. May God bring His comfort and mercy to you and the family.

08-05-2020, 08:54 AM
It is always great to hear a testimony for God and what He has and is doing for us, Your family is on our prayer list and know that all things work for good for those who love God!

Der Gebirgsjager
08-05-2020, 09:50 AM
Richard-- sorry to hear about the passing of your uncle. We seem to have witnessed a miraculous healing of your wife-- how wonderful.
May God bless and continue to strengthen you and your family.

08-05-2020, 04:35 PM
Condolences for your loss . It's hard to lose people in our lives , prayer given for the whole family .

08-07-2020, 04:45 PM
Thanks everybody. With everything going on in the world this will wind up just being a graveside service. If we get through it in this heat without anybody fallin' out it will be another miracle. He's already missed, but we'll see him again someday. Thanks for the prayers, and well wishes.

God Bless
