View Full Version : VCI paper... where do you get yours?

07-30-2020, 05:19 PM
I have been using a pile of scrap VCI paper that someone here very generously sent me. I am about out and this stuff really does work in our high humidity in die boxes and plano cases. I do not work in an industry that has parts shipped with it, so no access to scraps here.

So, where do you buy yours and the cheap side of me is looking for the best deal. Also, I do not know if they are all created equally or not. When small amount of oil get on the paper does that kill it?


07-30-2020, 06:02 PM
Oil doesn't seem to bother the pieces I wrap my molds with. I bought off Amazon, 18x200 roll for $56.00 in March. I see its up to 75 now.


07-30-2020, 06:10 PM
I am not sure I would ever use that much more, although I think you are supposed to replace it every couple of years.

07-30-2020, 06:58 PM
I just googled it and this is the first hit; They have it for $33 for 12" X 200 yards.

https://www.uline.com/Grp_89/VCI-Products?pricode=WO612&AdKeyword=vci%20paper&AdMatchtype=e&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoLDRjIn26gIVyrzACh2vCg6qEAAYASAA EgL95vD_BwE&gclsrc=

07-30-2020, 11:27 PM
Amazon carries the VCI paper also.

08-01-2020, 07:49 AM
The last that I bought was from Brownell's. There were 12 sheets in a sample pack. I think they had it in rolls also.

08-01-2020, 12:09 PM
In case you don't, VCI works by the chemical "evaporating" off the paper to then envelope the item wrapped. For best protection, put the wrapped item in a sealed plastic bag. Same for storing your unused VCI. Just my experience.