View Full Version : K-31 and Swiss Products Sights

07-30-2020, 09:41 AM
It's a winning combination. My K-31 has been parked in the back of the safe for over a year. It was wearing Swiss Products receiver sights when I found it at a small gunshop in Iowa Falls, Iowa

The founder of Swiss Products is a wonderful gentlemen named Pierre St Marie. I met him 20 years ago when he was marketing his first product, the receiver sight. This is not a paid commercial, rather it is my feelings for Pierre and the products he makes. I am proud to call him a friend.

Currently the company makes a nice line of Swiss rifle accessories that are crafted in Montana. I use the term crafted because of the fine quality of the workmanship on every piece.

They are offering an upgrade for the front sight that adds an optical insert to the front of the sight to make the sights and target appear sharper to the shooter. At my age that is a big plus. So I had to order one, along with it I ordered their clamp on muzzle break and the adapter for installing a recoil pad without cutting the stock. The stock is already a bit short, being made for cold weather operations and heavy clothing. A nice recoil pad softens the moderate kick of the 7.5 cartridge and gives a much needed increase in length of pull.

So, off to the range to get it on paper and try out the new accessories. Shooting from just 25 yards it was apparent that the point of impact was way high and to the left. Unlike some scopes I have fiddled with the windage and elevation adjustments on the rear sight are spot on. Turn the knob and the point of impact moves correspondingly.

I fired 20 rounds, both for sighting and for me to get used to the rifle since it has been 18 years since I fired any big centerfire rifle. At that point the barrel was hot and I was tired. Time to stop. Using PPU ammunition from Graf's I was able to shoot one hole groups, most of the time. More practice and a more appropriate target is needed for steady, consistent shooting. I was using a silhouette target rather than a round bullseye.

The rifle is fun to shoot and I enjoy working the straight pull bolt. A good yank pulls it open without ejecting the case into the grass, then shove it home with manly authority to chamber another round.

Pierre is working on a .22 subcaliber adapter that is nearly completed, I can't wait to try it out. For those who prefer a scope mount he has them also, Everything is well made and fits with no modifications of the rifle necessary.

www.swissproductsusa.com is the place to find them. While you are there check out the Rifle Info section for an in-depth look at reloading for the K-31 and the older K-11. Plus many other great articles on how to get the best accuracy from your K-31. They have 20 years of experience shooting and testing their products and have gladly shared the results of that experience.





07-30-2020, 11:36 AM
I have the same sights on my K31. Eighteen years since you shot a "big" centerfire rifle? The sights are very well made.

07-30-2020, 05:26 PM
Thanks for posting . I bought a K-11 for $29.95 back in 1968 ... I can no longer use the open military open iron sights . My best option is a scope , red dot or Peep ... going to head over there and see what I can find !
Thanks for the heads up and the Link ,

08-03-2020, 10:47 AM
Pierre is a friend of mine. He does things right, ot he doesn't do it.

08-03-2020, 11:40 AM
Waksupi, you are right. I was wondering if you knew him. If it were not for time, distance and COVID I would make a visit out there.

08-03-2020, 01:00 PM
Thanks for the link. I've been shooting a 1889 and a 96/11 some lately, and found some nice loads, so I just ordered a mount for the 1889, and if it shoots as well as I suspect it will, I might get the diopter sights as well.

35 Whelen
08-09-2020, 01:15 AM
I Poor-Boy'ed it, but it turned out quite functional and spanked a few of the AR boys at our local High Power matches.









08-10-2020, 03:00 AM
I have one of the Swiss target sight set.
It works OK.

08-10-2020, 07:42 AM
35Whelen,what is that sight on your rifle? That last target shot with the Bullseye load is impressive, I hope I can get my 1889 shooting that well.

08-10-2020, 08:06 AM
From what St. Pierre told me the 1889 is the most accurate of all the Swiss models. They fired 100's of rounds during the testing of their products to come to that conclusion.

08-10-2020, 08:31 AM
I got one made in the 50’s glad you posted this site. My K 31 is the most well made military rifle I have . I remember when they came out in shotgun news for 49$ new condition.always wanted one but I waited untill they where 200$ to buy mine.

08-10-2020, 11:14 AM
$200 still was not bad, currently they are running near $850. Another reason Swiss products accessories are nice, no drilling and tapping what people are no calling an expensive collectible rifle.

08-10-2020, 11:52 AM
From what St. Pierre told me the 1889 is the most accurate of all the Swiss models. They fired 100's of rounds during the testing of their products to come to that conclusion.
I could of bought the older rifle .I thought like my Polish molsen Carbine and my 4mk2 that was made in the 50’s The quality was so much better than the war time ones.

08-10-2020, 08:21 PM
I received my scope mounts today, and found a Weaver K-6 that looks as old as the 96/11 that I decided to mount it on. Their products are of very high quality, and I might have to get one of their diopter sights. Gosh, I sure love saving money by using old surplus rifles.