View Full Version : N95 3M Masks for those at risk

07-27-2020, 08:43 PM
I went through my respirator box this past week and discovered an unopened box of real, old stock, N95 masks by 3M that I would like one or many here that are vulnerable or at high risk to claim. This is gratis, a PIF deal, just a small gesture in a world gone mad. Please PM me after posting here, "I'll take it!"

There are 12, please only ask for what you need.

07-27-2020, 08:50 PM
I am a surgeon, my wife is a resident doctor in the ICU, if shipping to Argentina were not so expensive, I would surely ask them. Good masks are in short supply here. I went to the operating room with it a month ago.

07-27-2020, 09:00 PM
I surely would if I could afford it!

Thanks for what you do!

07-27-2020, 10:36 PM
A friend gave me a p100 mask to protect me from powder coat and hi-tech coat particles and fumes. I almost had a heart attack when I tried to buy a replacement filter. I surely wont buy them by the dozen!

07-27-2020, 10:42 PM
I'd be very glad to get them or maybe some of them, PM sent. THANK you sir!

02-08-2022, 05:41 AM
Here in NZ we had a mandate for " forward facing staff" think retail, to wear n 95? masks without any thought if there is enough supply. I can guarantee there isn't. It's another I'll thought out move from the minister of hugs and sad faces

Red River Rick
02-08-2022, 01:51 PM
Before this thread gets involved or carried away with "Covid" discussion, it is now closed.