View Full Version : Decided to explore tumble lube

07-16-2020, 02:12 AM
I decided I was going to play with simple tumble lubes. All will be bed wax based.

First one I made is 1 oz bees wax, 1 TBL spool coconut oil.

Second one is 1oz bees wax, 1 oz marvel mystery oil.

The wax and coconut oil have zero smell and are technically organic, which I admire

The wax and marvel interest me because it's color is like Ben's red. But it also didn't smoke when I spilt it on the glass top stove like the other mix did.

Both of these smell good, and both need to be warmed up to tumble lube.

I might try dipping them as well.

I'm doing this in very small amounts to avoid waste and get consistent measurements.

07-16-2020, 05:55 AM
While testing don't forget to try thinning some Lee Alox with mineral spirits or such. One batch I even tried Isopropal Alcohol. But I screwed up. Instead of the 90% one I got the 50% one and it seperated. Siphoned the water out, added some mineral spirits and a lump of Johnson's paste wax. Ended up with something that looks and drives like Bens Liquid Lube it just a bit strange.

Eventually got my Ragu Jar I mix in cleaned out and used up all the funky lube. Tumbled it, dried it. Then put a good coat of BLL on top.

Works good.

So you see you can get off the trail, go 4 wheelin in the weeds, get turned around, mixed up and still end up with a lube that works. Can't beat that IMO.

Rock on Ben!

07-16-2020, 08:47 AM
BLL is going to be hard to beat. When One-Step was being discontinued I got 10 cans or so. $100 of wax should last my lifetime. Will need to stock up on liquid Alox if they ever discontinue it...LOL. Ben came up with a substitute wax for the Johnson's product if you want something that is assured to work. But if you like to tinker keep on experimenting. After all that is how we got BLL.

Had to laugh at the "organic" comment. Not something I ever worry about.

07-16-2020, 08:48 AM
You are all nice with your remarks on BLL !
Please enjoy the lube.

Many thanks,

07-16-2020, 09:49 AM
The organic thing is something I like Incase my 4 year old grabs a wax ingot somehow and tries to play with it. Along with i can lube in my house when it's currently 122°f outside

Mr Peabody
07-16-2020, 07:56 PM
I can't say how much I like BLL. If your doing a batch and you have Lee alox- heat it up and get it thin! Use a SMALL amount. It works