View Full Version : Prayer request

07-12-2020, 07:45 AM
Today I'd ask you to give prayer of help and relief for two couples I know well .

Eddie and Rose .

Eddie and Rose go to my church . They are both in their late eighty's . They are both suffering from dementia . Eddie was placed in a nursing home about three months ago . Unable to walk or think properly , Rose had taken care of him as long as she could at home . Rose is now living alone , I have personally talked to her at the nursing facility when the 'pandemic' first started . She didn't even remember who I was until after I started talking to her .

These are good people and strong in their belief of our Lord . I'll not go into detail over their various additional health problems . I worry for Rose the most , Eddie is at least monitored at the nursing home . Rose insists on living at home , they have one family member here that is helping her some . They have lived in the same house Eddie and his father built in the 1950's . That neighborhood has degraded into a bad place to live .
I worry for them both with little I can do to help with the pandemic going on . I ask you to pray for them .

Charlie and Betty .

Charlie and Betty also go to my church . Outgoing and a loving couple they have been very active in church and many charitable events . They are both around seventy years old . Betty is basically home bound now due to problems with her hips and legs , Charlie has barely been able to get around for some time with his back and serious migraine headaches . He has been the provider keeping them up .

I received word yesterday that Charlie is in the hospital , he has been having terrible stomach pain . I could go into greater detail about other medical and situational problems they have to go with it but I have said enough .

I ask you to pray for their situation .

As a side note I'll add that I feel helpless . Under normal conditions I and many others would be visiting or providing support . The pandemic has provided a barrier for any kind of giving help or providing intervention for situations like these . It's the first time for me not to be physically able to do anything . But we have prayer . Thank all those that are able to pray for these couples , there are many out there right now that are isolated .

07-12-2020, 08:04 AM
Prayers sent.

Pine Baron
07-12-2020, 08:28 AM
Truly sounds like our faith is being tested like never before in these trying times.
Prayers for grace, mercy, healing and comfort as only our Lord can provide. In Jesus name. Amen

07-12-2020, 08:39 AM
I agree in prayer for the needs of the two couples to be ment and Boaz I pray that the Lord will give you peace beond understanding for the problems you face. I aks this In Jesus Name . Amen

07-12-2020, 09:06 AM
Prayer sent

07-12-2020, 09:27 AM
prayers sent for

Charlie and Betty
Eddy and Rose...

may God's will be done...

07-12-2020, 09:28 AM
I know you would be there with them if you could but we are all here to call out to God on behalf of these requests. We are going to place these requests on our prayer list.

07-12-2020, 10:28 AM
Praying for all of them.


07-12-2020, 10:53 AM
Prayers sent.

I agree.

Truly sounds like our faith is being tested like never before in these trying times.
Prayers for grace, mercy, healing and comfort as only our Lord can provide. In Jesus name. Amen

07-12-2020, 11:17 AM
Father, I come to you to ask for comfort, peace and healing for Charlie and Betty as well as Eddie and Rose. You are the great healer and it is up to You to decide what is the best path for each person. You can rest assured that all four are devoted to You and Jesus. Father, I ask that You hear all the prayers that are being sent up on their behalf. Further, Father, please be with Charlie as he tries to go about his mission to spread Your Word and comfort to those that are ill and house bound. AMEN

07-12-2020, 11:37 AM
Prayers sent

07-12-2020, 10:02 PM
Ill be praying for both couples!

07-13-2020, 06:02 AM
Prayers for all these from your church Boaz. I know the feeling!

07-13-2020, 05:47 PM
I thank all of you that have asked our Lord to help these couples ...and me . We truly are living in trying times that seem make us helpless in many ways to find solutions . But GOD has all the answers , time to let him guide .

Pine Baron
07-13-2020, 08:49 PM