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07-10-2020, 09:07 AM
We live on some pretty heavily wooded acreage out in the sticks away from it all and each year, have a doe, sometimes two, with fawns. I know about where this year's beds down and we see her a lot and sometimes the babies, more and more often now that they're getting bigger.

They don't normally come up close to the house like they used to, we have a fairly active dog who's outside now and then which we didn't a few years ago, I think that's the reason. Anyway, sitting here drinking coffee when one of the fawns walked by the back patio glass door. A minute later, its sibling came by and stopped, got close and actually looked in for a while. Seems like when you see fawns, one is almost always braver and more curious than the other.

They're about as tall and long as a good sized dog now, still skinny. Spots are already starting to fade away and by mid September will be gone.

Much as I like to hunt them, I fond myself just enjoying watching them more and more every year, even when I'm on a deer stand.

07-10-2020, 09:18 AM
One year, during our annual July 2 wk shut diwn, we had one doe with one fawn walk through our backyard. A day or so later, a doe with twins walked through, and a day later, a doe with triplets walked through. 3 does with 6 fawns in one week, it was amazing.

Mal Paso
07-10-2020, 09:28 AM
3 have been hanging in the driveway. 2 have lost most of their spots. No doe. Lots of Quail and rabbits this year.

I was sitting here yesterday in a zoom meeting and let out a yelp. A vulture in the middle of a turn was headed strait for the window I was sitting behind. He missed by 5 feet but pretty well covered the window as he passed. They have too much fun.

07-10-2020, 09:34 AM
Doe and her twins in front pasture, doe browsing, twins jumping and running around. Wife said they’re so cute, lets give them names.......ok I got the perfect names already to go. Sausage and Hamburger. End of conversation.

07-10-2020, 09:36 AM
3 have been hanging in the driveway. 2 have lost most of their spots. No doe. Lots of Quail and rabbits this year.

There's a small covey on our place here, I sure wish there were more. Quail have gotten dang scarce in these parts and it's classic upland bird country. I wouldn't dare shoot one anymore. Love to hear that "bob white" call in the evenings.

We have tons of rabbits. Last year, we had a die off of them, it seem, they got few and far between in Summer, but they're back. They come up on our patio and graze around it, makes our cats crazy to watch them at the glass, but they all stay inside 100%, so they'll never get one.

07-10-2020, 09:42 AM
Doe and her twins in front pasture, doe browsing, twins jumping and running around. Wife said they’re so cute, lets give them names.......ok I got the perfect names already to go. Sausage and Hamburger. End of conversation.

Been living on this place five years now and have yet to take a deer on it. It's only 18 acres, but I could if I seriously tried. I've kept hunting the public land I've hunted for years. Part of it is that I'd know in the back of my mind one might be one of the little ones we watched grow up. I must be getting old and soft, but I have gotten a lot slower to pull a trigger on anything the past few years, not ready to stop hunting yet, and I sure do like venison, but I have found myself the past few years letting more and more of them walk just because I didn't feel like shooting them.

We don't feed them or otherwise encourage them to not be scared of us, though I will talk to them sometimes when I'm outside (does that make me weird?) They see us all the time and haven't connected us with a threat to their safety, they aren't tame by any means but not nearly as apprehensive as truly wild deer.

07-10-2020, 10:20 AM
3 or 4 days ago we had a Doe and twin fawns in the yard. That is the second time I have seen them in the past week or so. Yesterday there was a 2 point (one side) little buck grazing along the base of the hill just outside my computer room. We got lots of Buzzards flying around as well.

07-10-2020, 10:20 AM
More Deer than Quail in these parts now, actually more Deer and Turkey for that matter. I think the Turkey play a large part in the smaller Quail populations. When I settled in this part of KS some 40 years ago, NO Turkey and Quail under nearly every brush pile. Wasn't a need for a dog cause you could bust 8 to 10 coveys every time you went hunting. I plowed some virgin soil this past spring and with the help of KDWPT (fish and game) broadcast spread Sorghum and Millet to try and attract some Quail. This fall should tell.

07-10-2020, 10:48 AM
Where we lived on the back corner of the farm for years, we always enjoyed the does and their fawns coming up by the house - we were in a wooded lot with mostly oaks so plenty of acorns for them to browse and I would put out a section of eave trough on a couple of saw horses and fill it with shelled corn ad it didn't take them long to find it. One year I was able to buy grain sacks full of sugar beets and they loved those as well - a lot of hours of enjoyment watching them. We sold the house and moved into town into a condo - there are seven double units and the back yards are adjacent to a large farm field - usually they rotate from soy beans to corn. We both figured our deer watching days were over - wrong! We have does and fawns come right up to the condo and try to look in and check things out - even have a couple of sandhill cranes that hang around pretty much year long as well as turkeys. I "hunted" for years - small game and deer - but I never took a deer. Call me a "softie", but the times I did have a good shot opportunity, I couldn't pull the trigger - I just enjoyed watching them too much.

07-10-2020, 01:00 PM
I haven’t seen any fawns in a long time but I miss watching them (one of the downsides of living in “town”). I just wish they wouldn’t wait until you were right on top of them to move. I’ve nearly shot a couple of them out of reflex because they waited to break cover until I was about to step on them.

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07-10-2020, 01:16 PM
I haven’t seen any fawns in a long time but I miss watching them (one of the downsides of living in “town”). I just wish they wouldn’t wait until you were right on top of them to move. I’ve nearly shot a couple of them out of reflex because they waited to break cover until I was about to step on them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's unfortunate that when they're small, a lot of them get killed by farm machinery when they bed down in crops here. Their defense mechanism is to hide and be still and quiet, but that doesn't work so well against tractors. Nobody's fault, the farmers can't see them usually, just kind of sad.

07-10-2020, 02:10 PM
Saw three fawns this morning just down the road. Last deer season we saw many skippers( what we call the 6 month olds) and hopefully most made it through the winter.

07-10-2020, 03:00 PM
We have a big doe with twins living by our pond. It's getting hot, so they have a nice quiet spot to water.
I think this doe has had fawns there several years in a row.

07-10-2020, 03:14 PM
Some fawns in the pines across the street(windbreak) that I see playing now and then. But the corn is now 5+ feet tall so only seen them if they are on the edge. I have pheasant chicks in the backyard that are fun to watch as they go after insects. I never hunt them, they are off limits. More fun to watch the ones that live with you! I do not feed any of them!

07-10-2020, 05:54 PM
Some friends and I were riding our ATV's in Mark Twain NF about 3 weeks ago and 2 riders went ahead and while I was looking for a different route I saw a brand new fawn walk right in front of me. It bed down right at the side of the track and watched us go by. I'm sure mom was close by but I wonder about the little thing.

Rich, we've got a small group of deer around our house and lots of times when I come out of the house they'll stop and watch me, I talk to them too and tell them to not mind me. I couldn't shoot any of them if I wanted to, I guess I'm getting soft myself.

07-10-2020, 06:37 PM
The other day, my youngest son walked out to the mail box and took the dog with him. We never leash the dog outside and he usually wanders around but won't stray out of the mowed parts of the yard much. Anyway, he wasn't following closely and when my son was checking the mail, he heard a noise to his right and there was one of the fawns just a few feet from him looking up at him. Youngest son is kind of a free spirit, but he has a nack for animals and all of them seem to take to him more than most people, so he talked softly to the fawn and it came closer, he thought he'd be able to pet it, but about that time the dog caught up and that was the end of it. The dog wouldn't hurt a fly, but he's active and curious and a little too much for a baby deer.

I have gotten very close to fawns during muzzle loader season. I even came around a bend and was face to face with one while walking in to my stand and he followed me nearly all the way to it out of curiousity. That was out on public hunting land too, they are so naive and dumb when they're that young, you just gotta love them.

07-11-2020, 08:11 AM
Was walking the woods shortly after getting this place. Young un and I came around a bend from opposite sides at the same time. Neither of us moved. Guess he/she didnt know what to do as I was in its path. I walked in the woods a bit to get around it. Once passed it just watched me then crossed to where I was. Was pretty funny and cool.

07-11-2020, 08:20 AM
On drive around the place yesterday I came upon one the had just been born. I didn't see the doe but the fawn was still wet and trying to figure out how to operate all four legs at the same time.

Ozark mike
07-11-2020, 11:59 AM
There everywhere around here. Hand fed a spotted fawn in the back yard i think it was 2 years ago there more domesticated then most cats and dogs in these parts and dont get me started on the Turkey's

07-12-2020, 12:44 PM
Fawns grow up. These have been hanging out for the past few years. Have you ever seen forked eye guards?

07-12-2020, 01:00 PM
Here is the ones that show up in the front of the house looking outside the picture window. I try to upload some photos but did not work .

07-13-2020, 08:58 PM
We have a couple of does that hang around the cows on my back neighbors 100 acres plus some turkeys and yotes and some huge raccoons got some panther tracks back there back in march of this year havent seen em since but a neighbor on the other side of the hwy had a cat try to take down her quarter horse about the same time we had tracks back here. We also got a old man around here that swears he has seen bigfoot out in back of his place I dont know maybe maybe not we live in the sticks so anything is possible maybe//////////////////////

07-13-2020, 11:38 PM
They are fully out of control in Minnesota. I would like deer a lot more if they didn't take just one bite out of every tomato, and leave.

07-14-2020, 10:00 AM
We live in the top deer harvest county in Ohio and deer are everywhere. It's a rare day when we don't see deer. We enjoy seeing them and love to watch the fawns. We would appreciate it though if they wouldn't eat the flowers and veggies and not get nose prints on the windows.

A couple years ago on the 2nd day of gun season there were 10 does outside my bedroom window when I got up.

Deer are definitely out of control around here.

07-14-2020, 02:02 PM
Been here since 1995 and have seen fawns with spots twice. We see does that look like they swallowed a beer keg, then they disappear for a while then show up with young. These three are around every evening.


07-14-2020, 02:41 PM
We have a doe and fawn living in a thicket behind the house. When we first saw them they got separated when the fawn couldn't get over or through a fence, so I left a couple of gates open (no livestock) and they have a much better life now.