View Full Version : Corroded Greek surplus

07-08-2020, 08:30 AM
I bought seven "Spam" cans (192 rounds ea.) a few years ago from C.M.P. I recently tried to use it and found that moisture had found it's way into the cans and much of it had some corrosion. Using some steel wool and elbow grease I was able to clean considerable amounts off but there is no way I have the energy for 1,344 rounds. Any suggestions for quick cleanup or how to recover some of my over $1,000.00 loss ?.

07-08-2020, 08:57 AM
Dry tumble...

I bought a case of 303 brass ammo 5 years ago that was so tarnished it wouldn’t chamber. Dropped it into dry tumbler and shoots great.

07-08-2020, 10:20 AM
I’ve got some HXP stuff I don’t think it will work any more lol


07-08-2020, 10:27 AM
I hope this makes sense w/o pictures. I took a washing machine motor and plugged it in. As the spindle turns, hold a file against it to make it cone shaped and the size of the caliber you are using. . Put the empty casing on the spindle holding your thumb against the headstamp to hold it on while it is turning. With the other hand using steel wool (0000) put it against the casing (or use Flitz on a rag) and the casing will clean up and look like new.

07-08-2020, 10:29 AM
I hope this makes sense w/o pictures. I took a washing machine motor and plugged it in. As the spindle turns, hold a file against it to make it cone shaped and the size of the caliber you are using. . Put the empty casing on the spindle holding your thumb against the headstamp to hold it on while it is turning. With the other hand using steel wool (0000) put it against the casing (or use Flitz on a rag) and the casing will clean up and look like new. Of course this is good for empty cases only.

07-08-2020, 11:11 AM
Back in the day when cheap milsurp was readily available, I cleaned up an awful lot of it in various tumblers using corncob media with a shake or two of 'Barkeep's Friend For Copper'.


07-08-2020, 02:46 PM
I considered using my dry tumbler, I use corncob media. I considered buying some Walnut media as I heard it cleaned better. I have heard of steel balls or roller pins, but I am afraid of detonation.

07-08-2020, 04:37 PM
Was it stored in a cool, dry place? Reason I ask is that I have a case of it in my cool dry basement. I am wondering if it is corroding as you describe. I've had it for probably 15 years.

07-08-2020, 05:09 PM
I’ve got some HXP stuff I don’t think it will work any more lol


That is not a factory HXP round. HXP never made soft point ammo.

07-08-2020, 05:14 PM
lemishine/citric-acid in hot boiling water.
ammo in metal fryer wire basket.
oven mitts/welding gloves.
dunk basket, count to 30, dunk in cool rinse water, dump on towel.


glue chore boy in 3" deep plastic cup.
drill 1/4" hole in cup bottom and insert 1/4-20 2" hex head bolt, add washers and nut.
chuck bolt in drill, clamp drill in padded vice.
turn on drill, don gloves, insert cartridge, remove, repeat.

07-08-2020, 08:55 PM
Wondering if I should go dig out and open up my stockpiled HXP/CMP for possible disappointment. Mine has been sitting in A/C since it arrived twenty something ago but I guess we never know until. In regard to cleaning, how about a battery drill and a piece of 1/4" fuel line in chuck. Nose in bullet and wool or Scotch pad spun case.

07-09-2020, 10:38 PM
That is not a factory HXP round. HXP never made soft point ammo.

It also appears to have been fired previously. I have never seen a HXP neck so dark. It looks like soot.

07-09-2020, 10:42 PM
I bought seven "Spam" cans (192 rounds ea.) a few years ago from C.M.P. I recently tried to use it and found that moisture had found it's way into the cans and much of it had some corrosion. Using some steel wool and elbow grease I was able to clean considerable amounts off but there is no way I have the energy for 1,344 rounds. Any suggestions for quick cleanup or how to recover some of my over $1,000.00 loss ?.

Were these in boxes or on clips? Were the SPAM cans still sealed? The glue on the boxes of some ammo caused corrosion problems for rounds that touched it. I think it was a Greek ammo but don’t remember for sure. All the HXP I have is on clips and I haven’t seen any corrosion.

07-10-2020, 12:17 PM
Dry tumble them for a little while to get rid of the crusty crap. When they're done, look them over and discard any that look like they might have had the zinc leached out of the brass by the corrosion process.

IIRC, I think the problem with this HXP was the cardboard boxes weren't acid-free and caused corrosion where they touched the cases. I unboxed a bunch of this a few years back, and there were quite a few with corrosion spots. Most cleaned up pretty easily with a short tumble, but there were a couple hundred that were really bad that I just scrapped. After the cleanup, I bagged them in 40-count groups by headstamp data and put them in GI cans.

07-29-2020, 06:47 PM
for future storage .

Get some HomeDepot 5 gal buckets with the tops that hare a rubber seal... and some desicent bags..for long term storage.

maybe i need to oprn up my sealed cans and have a look

07-29-2020, 08:03 PM
Back in the late 80s early 90s I found a bunch of M1 Garand ammo in a lake I was fishing at. Once I seen the clip sticking out of the mud I waded in and retrieved roughly 70-100 rounds, some still loaded in the clips. Some of the clips were corroded beyond saving, and many of the rounds seemed to be as well. I took a chance and put them in my tumbler with walnut medium and what do you know, not a single FTF. I threw away some of the brass, as there were some spots I didn't feel confident in firing twice, but most of it was quite reusable. Now, I would not think twice about using lemishine, seeing as those M1 rounds must have been underwater for some time, a few minutes in lemishine should be a no problem.

08-01-2020, 07:12 AM
Most of the HXP that CMP sold was perfect. However there was also quite a lot that CMP advertised as being possibly tarnished. I bought some cans and most was perfect, but one can was tarnished. Tumbled it for several hours and all is well.

08-01-2020, 09:54 AM
I bought quite a bit of the HXP 30-06 1st fired brass to convert to 8x57. It made great 8mm brass and I thought very highly of it. I think the later lots of CMP Greek ammo did have some corrosion on it but it was advertised as such. ,my experience anyway, james