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06-24-2020, 12:51 AM
I had to call the vet yesterday to arrange to have my dog put down. Hardest call I've ever had to make. She arrives tomorrow night at 5:30 to put him to sleep and take him away for cremation. I will get his ashes in an urn a week later.

Rowdy would have turned 14 on September 11th of this year. He's a 100lb Great Dane/Lab mix who has outlived his life expectancy by about 3 years. Just a big, goofy, sweet dog that I love like a child. My heart has been breaking for weeks since he started going downhill fast.

His hips finally gave out and his body is riddled with arthritis. Two days ago, he may have suffered a stroke or had sudden onset of dementia. He can hardly walk, can't focus, and keeps bumping into things. I have to help him up and get out the door to use the bathroom.

He was my daughter's 15th birthday present to help her deal with teen drama and he pretty much saved her life. She is now married to a man in the Air Force and has three kids. When they got orders to Japan 4 years ago, she asked me to take him, as he was nearly ten and they didn't think he would survive the 6 months of quarantine in Japan. I reluctantly did and had to build a privacy fence around my yard and new deck complete with doggy door.

When I adopted him, I put him on joint/hip supplements and a grain-free diet. A year ago, I started him on CBD/hemp oil. Six months ago when the arthritis reared it's ugly head, I started giving him daily cans of tuna and stronger CBD oil. A month ago, he was prescribed anti-inflammatory meds by the vet. He seemed to be improving until that week of nasty cold and wet weather. He got worse and when the weather got warmer, he didn't improve and his mental health went south.

So here I am enjoying my last night with my best friend.

I'm drinking Pendleton Whiskey and he's getting hot dogs and leftover pizza.

My girlfriend lost her grandmother last week and I'm blubbering more over this old dog than she did for her grandma.

I messaged my daughter and gave her the news. She sent me the money to cover the vet expenses, which were ridiculous. $416 to have a house call, euthanasia, cremation, and urn. I tried to refuse it, but she wanted to show her appreciation for all I've done for him.

Goodbye old friend...

The day we adopted him at three years old...


Loving on my first grandchild...


One of our last adventures in the woods this winter...


06-24-2020, 01:00 AM
Looks like a good pup, and sounds like you've all served him well. Sorry for your loss, my friend.....

06-24-2020, 01:36 AM
A dogs companionship and friendship are unmatched. Thoughts and prayers for healing and easing of your sorrows during his passing. It’s been 4 years since I put down my Lab mix, scout. She was the best dog I could have ever asked for.

Winger Ed.
06-24-2020, 01:49 AM
Sorry to hear that.

All in good time, he'll be waiting for ya on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

06-24-2020, 07:23 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your loss!

Pets are special of every stripe, but once in a while we are blessed with a really special one like yours.

As a cattle rancher I have had a number of cattle dogs. Part watch dog, certainly stock dogs everyone of them. Constant friend and consular on a bad day. On good days entertainment, each one has left their mark on my life and times.

On Good Friday this year my wife and I lost our “Dixie”. She was one in a million. Half Blue Heeler, quarter Australian Shepard and quarter Catahoula. She reached into her rich ancestry and pushed the button for the kind of dog that was called for at that particular moment.

My preference for the majority of stock dog work aligns better with our Border Collie, but Dixie was different and the big kicker was that quarter slice of Catahoula.

Dixie was far more than a good pack animal, she ran the show! She told you when things were wrong or good. She imposed her will on our Border Collie and herded the cats when they were unruly.

But most importantly, she ran my wife and I like a finely tuned fiddle and we miss her dearly.

So when I see that intent look on your dog’s face in your pictures and how much your dearly departed dog loved being a member of your pack, I am reminded so much about our Dixie!

Trust me, your dog did not grow up from a pup with all of you, but very very much adored all of you just the same! And that’s rare!


06-24-2020, 08:50 AM
I am very sorry. My buddy is my constant companion and I couldn't have asked for a better friend during my moving out here and divorce. One of my main requirements when looking for girlfriend was she had to have a dog and be a good owner. I got lucky in that my girlfriend loves Ruger and he adores her along with her dog. I am dreading the day when his time is up. I have never had a better dog. Again sorry for your loss.

06-24-2020, 08:56 AM
First, you have my heart felt condolences. I know what it is to lose a partner like that.

Looks to me like he had a pretty grand life. Little girls and baby's to love, grandpa's to take him on adventures.
I think you were both lucky.

I can not imagine life without my companion, a 16 lb chihuahua/Pomeranian cross.
He's a bit like "ol Yeller" only a lot smaller so although his name is Casey i often call him little yeller.

He also loves to bark, package on the steps, doorbell, truck on the street outside. He'll bark at any excuse.

I suspect he'll be waiting for you when you finally pass through deaths door.

Losing a loved one is hard, but it is part of the deal we accept when we allow those rascals into our hearts.

Rowdy, this ones for you, Fare thee well!

06-24-2020, 08:58 AM
Been there, done that, is tough! When you realize how greedy we are by keeping them here, it gets better. Bear is resting under a big oak tree out back, but he's always in our heart! I'm sure Rowdy will be in your families as well!

06-24-2020, 11:06 AM
I am very sorry for your terrible loss. Dogs are really our best friends, when everyone hates you your dog will always love you. We had five now we have four, we lost our wirehaired daschshund Barney about two weeks so I can feel your pain...……………...Curdog

06-25-2020, 03:33 PM

The vet arrived and observed him unable to walk straight and bump into things, gave him a thorough exam, and thought that he had a treatable condition called vestibular disease.

She said I could try two new meds; one was dramamine to address the drunken behavior, and the other was a more potent anti-inflammatory to address the arthritis.

She said when she heard a nearly 14yr old 100lb dog was having trouble walking, that he was ready to go home. But she said he's mentally all there, not suffering, and in incredibly good shape for his age and it was worth trying the treatment.

So Rowdy is on his new meds and we will wait a week to see if he responds.

06-25-2020, 03:59 PM
Great news for Rowdy. I have had a couple of great dogs in the past. lost one at seventeen years I now have seven Rat Terriers all different personalities, but all with aggressive trait for rats, squirrels, etc. Pups are now two years old and have earned their place in our family.

06-25-2020, 04:04 PM
I am so sorry. As I read this I am planting soybeans balling my eyes out as I go across the field. Again so sorry. Getting old sucks losing a dear old dog is worse. I got two now that I don’t know what I am going to do when their time comes. Which can’t be to many more years. I rent so I don’t have a place to bury them that I can come visit them. Cremation is had for me because I don’t believe in burning the bodies. Because I can’t do that for myself. It just tears me up inside thinking what I got to do. Anyways give her a hug for me and hang in there.


06-25-2020, 05:04 PM
I am so happy for you that medication may help your dog. The best dog I ever had was 9 years old and looked to be going downhill fast. Called the vet and he said bring her in and we will put her to sleep. When he saw her he said she was too good of a dog to not try. He gave me different medications to try and she pulled out of it and lived for another 6 years.
I pray you get the same results.

06-25-2020, 05:23 PM
Our Katie went through some rough times in her later years. But was up and active until the last 48 hours when she faded fast. We were blessed by her presence as it sounds like your family was by Rowdy. Sometimes the only way we can return the love they give us is by letting go and making the tough decision we know is best for them. Our girl went out with a last nibble of hot dog bits and being told what a good and wonderful dog she was and how much she was loved.

The say hearing is last sense to go when they pass, I like to think the last connection they have with this world is our words of love. It breaks our hearts at the time, and to think of it for a long time is painful but they give us so much it is the least we can do. And take what comfort we can in doing right by them.

Winger Ed.
06-25-2020, 05:25 PM
Rowdy is on his new meds and we will wait a week to see if he responds.

I wish the best for ya.

We've got a 16 year old, Heinz 57, tater tot looking guy that has been on heart pills a couple years now-
after we thought he was a goner.

06-25-2020, 05:45 PM
I had to call the vet yesterday to arrange to have my dog put down. Hardest call I've ever had to make. She arrives tomorrow night at 5:30 to put him to sleep and take him away for cremation. I will get his ashes in an urn a week later.

Rowdy would have turned 14 on September 11th of this year. He's a 100lb Great Dane/Lab mix who has outlived his life expectancy by about 3 years. Just a big, goofy, sweet dog that I love like a child. My heart has been breaking for weeks since he started going downhill fast.

His hips finally gave out and his body is riddled with arthritis. Two days ago, he may have suffered a stroke or had sudden onset of dementia. He can hardly walk, can't focus, and keeps bumping into things. I have to help him up and get out the door to use the bathroom.

He was my daughter's 15th birthday present to help her deal with teen drama and he pretty much saved her life. She is now married to a man in the Air Force and has three kids. When they got orders to Japan 4 years ago, she asked me to take him, as he was nearly ten and they didn't think he would survive the 6 months of quarantine in Japan. I reluctantly did and had to build a privacy fence around my yard and new deck complete with doggy door.

When I adopted him, I put him on joint/hip supplements and a grain-free diet. A year ago, I started him on CBD/hemp oil. Six months ago when the arthritis reared it's ugly head, I started giving him daily cans of tuna and stronger CBD oil. A month ago, he was prescribed anti-inflammatory meds by the vet. He seemed to be improving until that week of nasty cold and wet weather. He got worse and when the weather got warmer, he didn't improve and his mental health went south.

So here I am enjoying my last night with my best friend.

I'm drinking Pendleton Whiskey and he's getting hot dogs and leftover pizza.

My girlfriend lost her grandmother last week and I'm blubbering more over this old dog than she did for her grandma.

I messaged my daughter and gave her the news. She sent me the money to cover the vet expenses, which were ridiculous. $416 to have a house call, euthanasia, cremation, and urn. I tried to refuse it, but she wanted to show her appreciation for all I've done for him.

Goodbye old friend...

The day we adopted him at three years old...


Loving on my first grandchild...


One of our last adventures in the woods this winter...


A dog is the only Love money can buy. My Orca (50% Border Collie/50% Greater Pyrenees) is the only one here who is always happy to see me. We've had him 8 years. My life would be a great deal harder without him. Rudyard Kipling knew. https://poets.org/poem/power-dog

06-26-2020, 01:50 PM
Condolences to you. Losing a Dog is as hard or harder than losing some people.

06-27-2020, 02:14 PM
I'm hoping the new meds do the trick. Will keep my heart with you, man.


06-27-2020, 05:38 PM
Strikes close. Our baby, 100lbs of bulldog boxer, is over 10 and now has trouble walking. We are hoping for one last trip up north so she can Wade in the pond and bark at frogs like she used to. She showed up when we bought our house and stayed. I'm pretty sure the wife will want to sell when she is gone and I won't fight it. Best dog ever much like yours. No barking, friendly and just wants a treat or hot dog, nothing else. Loves kids. Step granddaughter would climb all over her, pull her ears and she would just give her a big lick and follow her around. Once at home a neighbor dog came into the yard and walked near her and Ralph came close to tearing that dog into bits.

Sorry for what you have to do to let your buddy find peace. Ours is coming to that point, too.

06-27-2020, 06:18 PM
Rowdy passed away peacefully in the arms of me and my girlfriend today. I went to create a new photo album of him and realized that I had more photos of him than of my grandkids.

Just a great dog.


Winger Ed.
06-27-2020, 06:34 PM
Sorry to hear that bro.

You probably have more pictures of him than grandkids because he would hold still more often.

Texas by God
06-27-2020, 07:13 PM
Looking back 61 years, the worst time was the few years that I Didn't have a dog at all. A dog (or four) completes me. So sorry for your loss.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

06-27-2020, 07:27 PM
You gave Rowdy a great life and in return he blessed you with his love and loyalty.
my sincerest condolences for your loss

06-27-2020, 09:14 PM
Thank you all for the kind words.

06-27-2020, 09:36 PM
Tough times. I look at my current dogs and tear up when I think about their end. Hang in there.

Lloyd Smale
06-28-2020, 05:43 AM
yesterday was the 4th anniversary of when we had to put down old elmer kieth the lab in my avatar. best dog I ever had. Wife and I took his little brother luke (another chocolate) to his favorite spot on the beach to fetch sticks in the water in memory of him. Some of his ashes are spread there. His brother is a fine dog but a bit more high strung that elmer was. I feel for you. Sitting on the beach I teared up even after 4 years. That day was one of the worse days of my life!

Buzz Krumhunger
06-28-2020, 06:16 AM
Sorry for the loss of your pal Rowdy.

06-28-2020, 10:19 AM
Your dog's love for you is unconditional. You cared for him well. God's peace be with all of you.


06-28-2020, 11:34 AM
Very sorry to hear of this.


06-28-2020, 06:38 PM
Sorry for your Loss
Never had any Two legged Kids
Had Numerous 4 Legged Ones, Cats, Like Dogs May still get one when we start to travel?

Keep the Faith!!

William Yanda
06-28-2020, 06:53 PM
I feel your pain. Brings back memories of dogs I have lost, Trigger, Benji, and more. Treasure the good times.

06-28-2020, 07:16 PM
Sorry about you losing Rowdy after all. It is tough to get a boost from false hope and have it all crash in again!

RIP Rowdy!

Best regards


06-28-2020, 07:38 PM
Sorry for the loss of Rowdy.