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View Full Version : Bethal, Ohio

J Six
06-16-2020, 11:31 PM
I've never been to Ohio. But it may be time to go, whichever side you come down on.


06-17-2020, 07:38 AM
Good glad to see people standing up to looters and thugs.A lot of American need to wake up

Chihuahua Floyd
06-17-2020, 09:52 AM
A blm protester complaining that someone is causing division, look in a mirror!

06-17-2020, 10:55 AM
I see this was from The Seattle Times . . . well there you go . . . fair accurate and truthful reporting. I find it interesting that the protester is portrayed as an innocent individual who only wants racism to end. Hmmm . . . isn't that what we ALL want as Americans? But, oh yea, those who showed up to counter protest are all classified as "biker gangs" and "police supporters" who showed up with guns, chains, etc.

Any Americn should be upset by mistreatment by a LEO, but let's get real . . . there are bad apples in any group . . . police, teachers, lawyers, and even politicians . . . which seem to have more than their share. Let's look at both sides of the coin though . . . . . while the death of an individual in police custody - regardless of what color or ethnic group they are - is disturbing . . . making them out to be a martyr and a choirboy after the incident isn't reality at all . . . let's hear both sides . . . if they have a rap sheet, make that public as well if you are going to drag every LEO through the mud because of the action of the few.

Those who are doing a lot of the protesting in the name of "better race relations" are just using what has happened as an excuse to go crazy . . . loot, rob, burn and assault others who don't agree with them or are faced with the job of having to control their actions as they break any number of laws. I was always taught that "two wrongs don't make a right" so how does destroying a persons's business, looting everything out of it and torching it come up to being any better than the actions of a rogue cop who loses control?

These protests are nothing more than a ploy backed by the Left to try to gather more votes - especially from the minorities who they have always made promises to at election time and then turned their backs on for the next four years. They paint all of us who disagree with them and their elite attitude as being racist, deplorable, gun toting Bible thumpers because so many of us are fed up with them and support the POTUS. Trump has shown Washington and state political machines to be what they truly are - self serving septic tanks who indoctrinate their followers like sheep being lead to slaughter by a Judas goat. The minorities have gained more under Trump that any other POTUS but the Left machine has done nothing but impeded any progress that could be made by the two parties actually working together to solve some issues instead of their usual business as usual of passing laws that screw everything up and then attempting to fix it.

People are getting sick and tired of all of the PC garbage, tearing down statues in an attempt to erase history and a party that claims to be "progressive" but no longer even resembles the party they once were. They are eager to raise taxes for all of us as if we are a checkbook with no shortage of funds. They claim to support the Constitution yet want to take away our rights. My wife and I watched very Democratic debate out of curiosity - what a farce they were. Not one candidate could clearly state what there "policies" were but they all had a lot to say about how "we have to beat Trump" as he is destroying the country. Really? A booming economy - high employment for everyone including the minorities who have been better off than ever before as far as job opportunities go. The list goes on and on - yet the one thing I did notice during watching the Democratic debates was that there was NEVERR an American Flag on display during the debates - but let's all remember Pelosi's little speech about the American Flag ands the Pledge and her support for it as she held a conference as they got ready to sign the Impeachment papers - you know . .. the papers that she spent over $10,oo on gold pens with her name on them to use for signing the papers and then hand them out to her Ledftist cronies like she had just signed the Declaration Of Independence.

For all of the protesters who are "supporting" all of these things . . the ones who burn and steal and assault others . . I have a couple of questions. Where are you and what are you doing to help your neighborhoods? What are you doing to drive out the drug dealers who get kids hooked on street drugs? What are you doing to drive out the gangs? What are you doing to help those kids who have single moms with no male influence in their lives. These aren't racist comments and questions as these are neighborhoods all across this country that are comprised of all ethnic groups. Those good people in the neighborhoods are overshadowed by those who would rather complain and tear things down rather than take responsibility for themselves and their own actions, pull up their bootstrap and do something constructive rather than destructive. Unfortunately, a good majority of these "protesters' don't even live in the neighborhoods they are destroying in many of the well planned protests that are being backed by the radical Left supporters and which are being bankrolled by them.

A small town in Ohio is "surprised" by the number of counter protesters???? I'm not . . . people are getting fed up with all of this nonsense that the Left and the Leftist media is trying to spoon feed everyone . . . unfortunately there are many who buy into it instead of standing back and looking and using common sense. Funny how they want the police to "look into the incidents" of the big bad nasty counter protesters but they don't seem concerned at all about all of the damage, arson, looting and assaults on LE at a lot of the protests in the paces where it has gone on . . . most of which have Dempocrat mayors and Governors. Hmmmmm . . .

06-17-2020, 01:04 PM
Well said Mr. Bedbugbilly!


06-17-2020, 01:26 PM
I cannot recall a time when the outcome of a big election year was so critical to law-abiding people who value the entire Bill of Rights. In particular, the First Amendment and the Second Amendment are under assault in the media and by people who want to take clear control of the Congress and the White House. My state will have an overwhelming voter majority in November for continuing to send forthright pro-Second Amendment Republicans to Congress and for a second term for President Trump. But gun-owners in so-called swing states need to make sure that the Far Left doesn't roll right over the top of the America we have known. We could see the Electoral College and the US Senate majority depend on a very small number of voters in many states.

06-17-2020, 01:42 PM
Small town America doesn't want their town burnt down? Who could have guessed?

06-17-2020, 02:01 PM
Wonder how much a pawn shop will give for a gold inlaid Pelosi pen that she used to sign an impeachment that was thrown out of court and never happened?

Meaning, in life application for an adult American, the eternal spectacle of self adulation by pompous Dimmycrats and their docile, lock-step fake "news" media and their millions of brain dead sheeple have (for some 80 years now) been a never ending source of laffs. And, sadly, the cause of many tears shed for our decaying country.

Winger Ed.
06-17-2020, 02:31 PM
That's good.

A decent size town SE of Dallas had a group that planned one of their protests there,
to include pulling down a Civil War monument was cancelled yesterday.

Law enforcement authorities made it clear they could not guarantee their safety.

Not sure what they'll do instead.
Maybe they'll all meet at Starbucks and tell each other how oppressed they are.