View Full Version : contender help needed

06-10-2020, 06:50 PM
got a new extractor for my 25-20 contender, installed it and started shooting. everything was going well, then had an issue with not being able to cock it. tried snapping it briskly, like I did before if a problem, no luck. so got out a 223 barrel, same thing, no luck, maybe got it cocked 1 of 5 tries. dug out the 45/410 pistol, used that old blue frame, and it worked perfectly. both of these are the old style frame. had in the past a very few failure to cock issues, but never like this, so I am asking if anyone has experienced it and what needs to be done to fix the problem. thanks, Barry

06-10-2020, 06:53 PM
Have you tried depressing the interlock without a barrel mounted?
Little tab visible inside receiver that keeps one from cocking the hammer without the barrel locked in.

06-10-2020, 06:59 PM
Also check little set screw on trigger guard turn it in or out a little also see if the grip screw is to tight NOT the trigger stop screw the one on top

06-10-2020, 07:03 PM

While this isn’t about your issue, it goes into great depth on the tear down and might help you diagnose your issue.

Does the hammer not go all the way to the cock position? Ie it hits a hard stop prior to reaching the point where it should engage the sear. OR does it go all the way back but doesn’t catch the sear?

06-10-2020, 07:13 PM
Right about your mention of "25-20 Contender", I got a little dizzy....

06-10-2020, 08:09 PM
Try backing out the stock screw a full turn, and see if that will allow the hammer to cock. Of course make sure your chamber is empty first, for obvious safety reasons!

If you are still having issues, and after trying the above solution, send me a PM.

06-10-2020, 08:16 PM
Did it work with the old extractor. Is your new extractor standing proud of the barrel face?

06-11-2020, 08:07 PM
first off I want to thank you all for the help. It took turning out of the trigger screw a bit, and also turning out the grip screw. started working again, but a little harder to open. If I turn in the grip screw a bit, it stops again. have not messed with the trigger screw any more. it is fine where it is. when I installed the new mgm 25-20 barrel all I did was take off the 223 and put the new one on. did not touch another thing, except the extractor problem, which I will explain. just got the mgm a bit ago, was having a problem with the extractor not working all the time, when loading, sometimes the round would pass over the extractor and slide right into the chamber, and then would not extract. mgm was nice enough to send me a new extractor with a little leaf spring under it, and it worked like a charm, 100% now. good people to deal with, the new barrel in nice. it is matte blued, so I will leave the blue action on it, put the 357 herrett barrel on the stainless action while working on your suggestions, so will leave it at that. thanks again , Barry

06-11-2020, 08:09 PM
Right about your mention of "25-20 Contender", I got a little dizzy....
25-20 is a fun round, I have a Marlin cl and now the mgm 25-20 barrel, it is a 23" carbine. I like to shoot the 257/420 bullet in both.

06-11-2020, 09:40 PM
Glad you got it working good again