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06-06-2020, 09:51 PM
Denver experienced a powerful straight. Wind today. One of our 40+ foot fir trees went down. I put on my knee braces and hobbled out to start. Cutting the branches off in preparation. Of cutting the trunk up. My next door neighbors (wife a dancer husband a lawyer), who have no tools came over and started to help. Then other people they knew but I haven't met started s showing up. Ultimately 11-12 people arrived with various tools including chain saws. That tree was cut into manageable lengths in just a few hours. I e heard of but never experienced this level of. Helpful neighborly kindness. Now to cut up all the. Branches. That I can do sitting down.

Buzz Krumhunger
06-06-2020, 10:16 PM
There are still a few good people in the world.
Thank you for posting this.

06-06-2020, 10:50 PM
Sounds like fun to me. Wish I was close enough to help you. Glad you had a blessing.

country gent
06-06-2020, 11:31 PM
I can remember when the one neighbor wrecked his motorcycle. ending up paralyzed from neck down. Neighbors watched his field and when the time came to harvest everything went on hold. There were 4 combines in that 80 acre field of corn, and I dont think any truck or wagons made 2 trips to the elevator. I went down with the big tractor and 2 wagons and Dad with the old farm truck. That field came in fast. Our fields like all the others went on hold

Us boys in the neighborhood would mow and take care of the ones with health issues. Wasn't ever considered to ask or request anything. It was what was done. Have things changed today.

Der Gebirgsjager
06-07-2020, 10:40 AM
Great story. Good people. Don't miss a chance, however small, to do something for them.

06-07-2020, 11:05 AM
During the winter after a storm I'm out with the snow blower clearing my yard the sidewalk then any neighbor who needs help I'll dig them out. Some have offered to pay me,for gas I've refused the payment. My only requirement is that I got to go inside for a bit to warm up then ai'm back out clearing snow. And if curious Ariens pro grade 15 hp cuts a 32" path,

country gent
06-07-2020, 12:46 PM
1066 International diesel 10' blade very seldom did the governor or turbo kick in plowing snow LOL. Heated cab to boot. Here with snow the first farmer out did his then the others around him. Back then farm diesel was 50 cents a gallon 10 gallons went a long way.

06-07-2020, 01:37 PM
A few years ago our area was hit with several tornados, and lots of neighbors showed up to help with clean-up on several farms. People would show up with loaders, saws, hand tools, and would just start doing what needed done. Women brought lots of food, everyone helping made a rough job kind of fun.

Country gent, I'm familiar with your tractor, we had a 966 that I had the joy of spending about 8000 hrs of it's 11,000hrs on it, before we traded it off. No cab and no air, but plenty of heat !

Geezer in NH
06-07-2020, 03:53 PM
Most folks are good. All we get to see in news and boards are not.

My neighbors 1 mile around are pretty great. Note in a big city small town in NH no store, no gas station. Pop. 4100, during the summer we get another 10K. Those folks are very different.

country gent
06-07-2020, 07:55 PM
when the tornado wen thru here a few years ago everyone was out chainsaws loaders hand saws aces hay wagons farm trucks trailers all the equipment was in use"cleaning up". Dad ran into the local hardware for a saw chain and more bar oil. The owner at the register asked if he had been hit hard . Dad told him no but son and I are helping Shiloh church clean up. Owner looked at him scanned the items and told him no charge .

Until you see an small town or farm community pull together in bad times you really dont realize what a good neighborhood is fully.

06-08-2020, 08:36 AM
I live in Denver proper. This is what surprised me.

smoked turkey
06-08-2020, 10:32 AM
This is a great thread. We need good posting like this so we can know that yes there are a lot of good people in this world. I'm glad you happen to be in a nest of them. I too have good neighbors and it sure does make it a better place to live.

06-08-2020, 01:43 PM
There are good people every place. Things like this just don't make the news like they should. I live in a neighborhood where we help and watch out for each other.

06-08-2020, 02:13 PM
I live in Denver proper. This is what surprised me.
Glad to hear there are a few left out there, I left in 83' and only visit now and then since my mom lives out by the old airport area.

06-08-2020, 04:14 PM
Sounds like when the straight line winds hit here. You couldn't see down the street because of all the branches blocking the road. Everyone grabbed whatever they had and started in. I had 4 people show up and help cut up the tree top I lost, drag it to the curb, and pile it. City was using the front end loader and grapple to pick up piles and drop them in the dump truck to haul to the burn site. People were also using pickups to haul smaller brush, I think I made 30 trips in 2 days just driving around town seeing who needed help.

06-08-2020, 09:03 PM
I wish I lived close enough to you to join in the fun. I have always enjoyed that kind of work, and the icing on the cake would be to help you with a situation. I'm certainly glad you were blessed with so many willing to help.

06-12-2020, 08:03 AM
No man left standing on the side of the road...

When you help your neighbors they become your friends.
I have done everything possible to make life easier for my neighbors and they return the favor. It is part of a community spirit of support that builds a community into a safe and quality place to live.