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06-06-2020, 10:12 AM
June 6, 1944. D Day!

The beginning of the end for Hitler and the Third Reich!




06-06-2020, 11:07 AM
Thank you for reminding me! I’m embarrassed to say that it slipped my mind that today, June 6 is the anniversary of the D day landings! To all the men and women of the greatest generation, most of which have already passed , I sincerely thank you! Uncle Frank I still miss you!

06-06-2020, 11:09 AM
My great uncle John stormed the beach. Respect.

06-06-2020, 11:42 AM
Like many of us here . . . I have known many veterans who were at the Normany landings . . . . almost all would not or could not share their experiences. They all had one thing in common though . . . THEY NEVER FORGOT their buddies who didn't.t make it . . . and NO ONE should ever forget what they all did . . . their sacrifices . . . . for us and the rest of the world. Say a prayer of thanks today for all of them . . . .

Just a thought running through my mind as I type this. I wonder how many of those who are agitating the mobs across the U.S. and those who are throwing bricks, attacking the police, burning and destroying property that is owned by other citizens, looting and stealing because they feel "entitled" to do so would have the courage to do what our parent's generation did? I highly doubt that any of them are taking the time to remember those who sacrificed everything on this day 76 years ago today . . . .or even know that it occurred and why. Perhaps it is time that we all remind them of it and one of the best ways is at the voting booth in November . . .. . .

06-06-2020, 11:47 AM
The Greatest Generation! Shall we never forget!

06-06-2020, 03:20 PM
my dad was on the third boat to land at Point de Hac

06-06-2020, 08:19 PM
One would think that a group claiming to be “anti-fascist” to be standing up cheering the attributes of our Republic but instead they know nothing of the day, 6-6-1944 or what happened then.

Instead these supposed anti fascists (ANTIFA) are burning the “guts” out of our larger cities!

Go figure!


06-06-2020, 08:46 PM
It's a damn shame we're still dealing with Nazi's and white supremacists and other aryan crap in today's day and age.

All the men and women who sacrificed deserve better.

06-06-2020, 09:21 PM
There we go again!

Anarchists, yes
Communists, yes
Terrorists, yes
Fascists, maybe

Right wing extremists? No

The left is trying to twist the very basis of this uprising by blaming right wingers. It is not working, that trial balloon went flat!


06-06-2020, 09:30 PM
Not sure what you're on about man, but you shouldn't be defending anything close to Nazism or the principles those monsters stood for on D Day.

06-06-2020, 10:28 PM
Wore my Nine-line D-Day shirt today . Kid at Hardee's asked what it meant. Schools today are great, huh ?

06-06-2020, 10:50 PM
Not sure what you're on about man, but you shouldn't be defending anything close to Nazism or the principles those monsters stood for on D Day.

That is the left, conflate the truth!

The so called Right wing extremists are a no show in these protests, they belong to the left, lock stock and barrel!

Saying that does not make me a nazi sympathizer anymore than the experts that analyzed the arrest details and issued their findings.

I would not even concern myself with whether so called right winger “skin heads” were involved in the protests or not if it were not for the left claiming anyone more conservative than Joe Biden is a nazi!

In similar fashion, the Left has been brain washing our youngest citizens in public schools for decades that nazis and fascism is on the “right” and it is a lie. Nazism, Facsism and Communism are leftist ideologies, period. They are all founded in the principle of Socialism.

The left engineered this notion that being to the right of center as in being Conservative as being a “right wing extremist”, but being conservative is the polar opposite of believing in socialist principles.

So where does ANTIFA stand in the political spectrum? Well, their name portends that they are anti-facsist and as such as socialists that leaves Communists. But the left in this country are really straddling the political divide between Facsism and Communism, it’s really a hybrid of the two movements.

The left needs to marginalize Conservatives by demonizing them and labeling them as NAZIS! .... right wing NAZIS, yeah, [I]Nazis are right wing, little kiddies, Nazis are right wing, repeat after me![I]

Wrong, Nazis are Socialists


Winger Ed.
06-06-2020, 10:58 PM
It's a damn shame we're still dealing with Nazi's and white supremacists and other aryan crap in today's day and age.
All the men and women who sacrificed deserve better.

I see so many people walking around our country today who are not worthy of their efforts or sacrifices.

country gent
06-06-2020, 11:21 PM
Also remember all the troops in North Africa fighting that kept the Germans from a "full" retaliation. The Normandy landings were well orchestrated and supported from the start. And it was still a great loss of life and property. Great Uncle Jim was an ambulance driver under Pattons command. He died in Belgium during the run to Germany from heart problems. At one time Dad told there were 7 family members over seas but most were in the island fighting.

06-06-2020, 11:57 PM
That is the left, conflate the truth!

Wrong, Nazis are Socialists


Incorrect. The National Socialist Party was not strictly socialist. Hitler's stance early on showed disdain for both hardline Communist values as well as Capitalist values, as he saw the latter as work of Jews to create class warfare. From "Mein Kampf": "Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors ... But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms."

Nazi Germany was a fascist right wing dictatorship with Socialist in it's name, in the same way that Stalin's Russia was a fascist under the guise of communism to control it's populace. Facism is right wing by it's nature.

Educate yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism

Read the section about the political spectrum, then read the citations in the sources from experts on the subject.

06-07-2020, 12:07 AM
We are also lucky that Hitler was as crazy as he was and made a number of poor decisions. The top of the list was abandoning his attacks on England and turning his venom on Russia. Had he finished off Britain we would have lost a crucial ally and good access for the Normandy invasion.

That would have left the African Continent to build up from. We did invade Italy and our 10th Mountain Division fought the Germans in the North of that country. Invading Germany by going over the Alps would have been a non-starter. Going around them would have taken a lot of time, treasure and blood.

Imagine, eleven months after D Day plus a few days and it was over! Amazing!


06-07-2020, 12:19 AM
In this country, a socialist is a leftist. Who wrote for Wikipedia are cut from the same cloth as who our brainwashing our students in public schools. Even in WIKI there contradictions admitted.

In this country, we chose between having liberty and economic freedom on the right and socialism and government control and loss of liberty on the left. Both Fascism and Communism control production, the difference being under Communism the production is owned by the Government. Under Fascism the owners are private but they are really just stooges of the Government. Two heads of the same coin from an American perspective.

Here is a test: Was Barry Goldwater a right wing extremist? How about Ronald Reagan?

ANTIFA and BLM would argue yes, what say you?


06-07-2020, 01:49 AM
May we never forget the sacrifices of D-day or in the Pacific. Truly our service men have made America a world power that we enjoy today.
Two things I think of on this day. One is the question- Would the public stand for another invasion such as D-day that would leave so many dead and wounded? Would the citizens of today stand behind our elected officals if such an event would take place?
The other thing that amazes me. The number of deaths in WW2 is around 50 million.men women and children. The number of deaths for our servicemen is around 560,000. That is 1.12% of the total deaths. America fought in Europe , Asia, Africa and the Pacific. We supplied Russia and China with war materials and America "did most of the fighting" yet our deaths were only 1 per cent of the total. That does not take away from the bravery of our troops but shows how good they were.

06-07-2020, 08:10 AM
Well, when you think about it one major difference was that the war was fought “over there”.

Another huge difference was that the Russians, Germans and the Japanese killed civilians in atrocious numbers, (in the case of Germany and Russia) often their own. The Japanese were loyal to a fault so they confined the butchery to everyone else.

We did target civilians in some very notable ways as well but again, no one reached us in any substantive manner, even the attack on Pearl Harbor was primarily at our Fleet and Airfields.

Do Americans have the stomach for a fight where the casualties rival our losses like the landings at Normandy and the multiple ones in the Pacific?

I think that is a very good question!

The easy answer is no. But I believe it depends on how the conflict starts. We see how the left treats combat casualties these days as more of a political game. If we wake up and Los Angeles, Seattle or New York has been vaporized .... or an EMP device has been unleashed and Americans are dying like flies, then all bets are off, at least for a while.


06-07-2020, 12:08 PM
I see so many people walking around our country today who are not worthy of their efforts or sacrifices.

That may be the way you see it. But the greatest generation went to war to fight for America and its ideals, that all men are created equal. The extremists on both sides had/have no more right to force their beliefs on others period. We may not agree with their actions or beliefs but in America they have that right because those that did not return died to protect that right for ALL. We can call them unAmerican, antiAmerica, or just fools but they still have their right to their beliefs just like we do.

With that said I agree that many of the rioters and protesters forget how they got these freedoms and don't deserve them, but.....

06-07-2020, 01:26 PM
If you think about it, they were not taught about history or civics in the first place. The students ..... and the people paying for them to get educated ... have been cheated!

So there belies the basic problem. It is not their fault, they are victims (and products) of an education system bent on teaching a leftist ideology.

You have to wonder how they can justify thinking that free speech is regulated by which side of the current political divide you sit? If you are “woke” then you have a “right” to burn whatever you take a notion to, steal whatever affords itself and beat anyone to a pulp who disagrees with you (or even “might” disagree) all in the name of free speech.

But if you are not “woke” you had better crawl under a rock and hide because you are vermin and fair game!

Our Founding Father’s warned us of this day and it is upon us!


06-07-2020, 11:26 PM
My dad was 16 when he stepped on Omaha Beach.


06-06-2021, 07:35 PM
only 77 years ago

06-06-2021, 08:05 PM
In high school, I had 3 coaches who made the landing, 1 (Oneil) was in the 101st and jumped in. One (Davidson) was in a tank and his turret was blown appart, he had a steel plate in his head for the rest of his days. The other (Adams) was a commander of an infantry company. All great men, highly respected. The Greatest Generation, all I can say. Our superintendent (Vincent) was an Infantry LTC on Okinawa.

06-06-2021, 10:10 PM
I grew up in a semi functional Family! My Brother spent time in Juvenal Hall for Felony Theft as 16yo. Yet my Father rewarded him by buying him his 1st car. My Brother said he was going to join the Navy yet they wouldn't have him Not even the Army would have him and that was in the early 70's. My Father Joined the Navy when he was 17 during WW2. I joined the Navy in 1971 , I didn't even have a Drivers License until I came home on Boot Camp Leave. I had to Buy a Car on my own. I made a Career out of the Navy, I learned how to respect other people until they prove they don't deserve my respect. I have a great love for the WW2 Veterans and always have. After almost 22 years I retired, I still have respect for our warriors even today.

06-06-2021, 10:40 PM
my late grandpap was in the first wave at omaha beach. his two cousins came in later waves at omaha, but they both died on the beach. it is a Day of Remembrance for our family.

06-07-2021, 07:28 PM
One of my uncles lost both legs on the beach that day, so I can never forget the date. He was with the Big Red One, same outfit I would later serve with during the late 1960's.

06-07-2021, 07:43 PM
I grew up in a semi functional Family! My Brother spent time in Juvenal Hall for Felony Theft as 16yo. Yet my Father rewarded him by buying him his 1st car. My Brother said he was going to join the Navy yet they wouldn't have him Not even the Army would have him and that was in the early 70's. My Father Joined the Navy when he was 17 during WW2. I joined the Navy in 1971 , I didn't even have a Drivers License until I came home on Boot Camp Leave. I had to Buy a Car on my own. I made a Career out of the Navy, I learned how to respect other people until they prove they don't deserve my respect. I have a great love for the WW2 Veterans and always have. After almost 22 years I retired, I still have respect for our warriors even today.

Thank you for your service !!!!!!!!!


06-08-2021, 11:58 AM
Altogether, six uncles served between Europe and the Pacific, but none were in the D-Day landings. Two almost participated.
Mom’s second oldest brother was killed in England prior to D-Day when the truck his unit was riding in was struck head-on by another army transport truck at night under blackout conditions. Nobody survived the accident.
Dad’s oldest brother served in 1st Regiment of Essex Scottish and survived the first invasion at Dieppe. Afterward while on leave in England, he dove into a shallow lake, broke his neck & died.
Oddly enough a first cousin perished the same way two days before his tour of duty was over in Vietnam.