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View Full Version : I was in need of something to do.........

05-30-2020, 06:04 PM
So I gathered up some random scraps of lead and plugged in the pot. I wanted some of the 311041 plain base boolits to play with and so I dug out the mold and started to warm it up. It is a 6 cavity and has not been used in about 4 years and so was kind of sluggish to get it running right. It took maybe 200 boolits that had wrinkles before I was getting good casts, so backin the pot they go. I probably should have washed the mold, it was oily , but I thought , " the next ones will be good" and finally it was true. So once everything is clicking along nice it is very difficult to stop. But eventually I get a nice crick in my back and then unplug the pot and cast until it freezes up and stops. I hate to waste all that energy that it took to heat the pot and so I just kind of coast to a stop.


I will make some empty 30/30 brass into cast boolit loads with these.

05-30-2020, 07:35 PM
A few years ago Sr. you sent me a dozen or so of that very boolit as a sample , those were the first cast boolits I tried in a rifle . It helped me greatly figuring out what I needed to do to actually get cast boolits loaded in a case without damaging them . Your assistance was and is very much appreciated .

05-30-2020, 09:11 PM
My pleasure!!!