View Full Version : Lortone tumbler motor

05-29-2020, 10:17 PM
I have a Lortone QT-NR tumpler.
The motor get really hot.
Even when not under load.
I tried adding a computer fan to suck heat out, but nothing.
I'm thinking the motor is just to small.
It's rated at MHP30.
30 metric horse power.
What is metric horse power in real numbers????
What motor hp should I look for????

05-29-2020, 11:22 PM
What would Tim the Tool man Taylor do? More horse Power!

05-29-2020, 11:27 PM
I think that motor is .3 metric HP





05-30-2020, 03:47 AM
There is only about 2 or 3% difference between metric and our horsepower. I expect your motor is 0.3 hp not 30 hp. There should be a load capacity for the tumbler so the motor is not overloaded. Does the motor have a cooling fan?
The motor may well run hotter than can be toiched by the hand. Does the motor get hot enough to stink?
Is it a 60 cycle motor? With a metric horsepower it may be a 50 cycle motor.

05-30-2020, 05:17 AM
It's a GE motor.
MHP30 on the label.
No load capacity that I can find.
It is a two drum tumbler.
I only use one drum.
Motor get hot. I think to hot.
When running it, I have a fan blowing on it.
I rigged a computer fan to suck through it, but I think it's to small.
Will look for another type of fan.
I'm thinking the motor is old, or just to small.
Would like to find a motor with more power.
It cleans well.

05-30-2020, 11:17 AM
Older lorone motors will Run Hot they were Not Thernal protected. . sound Like Your machine is a Model 33 2 Three Lb or double 66 / 2 /6 lb drums. Try removing the motor From the machine submerge In mineral spirits overnight . Let air Dry . then Plug in, oil shaft lightly. This will dissolve all the dried Grease and oil.

05-30-2020, 11:31 AM
Perhaps a good cleaning and lubing the motor would help. I have lubed all the bearings I can get to on a couple of my rotary tumblers; drive rods, motor, etc., and I would guess that if it's a stock motor, one that came with the tumbler, it will be sufficient power...

05-30-2020, 06:51 PM
I will check the motor.
I'm sure it hasn't been cleaned or lubed.
Looks clean inside. No dust or lint.
The front and back don't get all that hot.
It's the center (stator) that get hot
Motor over working????
I did lube the rollers when i got it.

Running it again today.
I found a duct fan I had for another project that didn't work out.
Bigger and seems to suck more air.
Have it rigged up now.
We'll see how it goes.

05-30-2020, 09:36 PM
I have 2 lortone QT12 tumblers and the instructions for them state that the motor will run hot to the touch
So I would say that your tumbler is running correctly

05-30-2020, 09:55 PM
I got QT 3,33 and 66. They run hot as the hubs of hell. But they keep on running. I weigh how much goes in each drum and stay 20% under max. Just as hot empty, full or anywhere in between.

05-31-2020, 03:28 AM
Ok, so it's probably normal.
It sure is hot.
The fan I added helped a bunch.
It's still hot, but not hot enough to burn like before.
I'll post a picture later.

05-31-2020, 08:48 AM
Yes, they do run hot. I have a timer I plug both my tumblers into and run them for 2-4 hours. My ancient Lortone is too hot to touch in less then 20 minutes. It's been that way since new. Having been an electrician for 42 years at first it concerned me. Some 35 years later, it's still tumbling away. Your fan on it is a good idea but I don't believe it's necessary although it should add life to the motor.

05-31-2020, 10:11 AM
All Rock tumblers Lortone, Covington, Diamond pacific, Sears( old model), Thumler Are designed to run Continuous . Guys who Tumble Rocks. with the several Stages . from rough to Polish take a Good Month Day in and Day out of Continuous running for each stage . they are Built for that.. They Run very hot to the touch. There is nothing wrong with them. Reloading Tumblers are not Built for that type of Run.

05-31-2020, 03:58 PM
Some pictures of what I came up with.
The motor does have a fan in it, but seems like it's not doing much.
110v fan.
Have the fan just sitting on some rags.
Have it sucking through the motor.
No seal to keep the flow through just the motor.
It seemed to help. Can touch the motor with out much pain.
Plan on making a seal so air is sucked through the motor only.
Mount it better
When using, air coming out of the fan is warm, so it is sucking hot air out.
Got the far off of evilbay.
Not sure why I got it, but had to be one of my crazy ideas.
Also have a 12v one, but it has way less air flow.

05-31-2020, 04:00 PM
I have a 33b that has been running since Jan. 10, 2020. Only time it stops is when we lose power, and I think that has only been twice this winter. They definitely run hot and will survive.
Not 33b, it is my QT6 that has been running since Jan.

05-31-2020, 07:14 PM
Makes me nervous when a motor runs to hot to touch.

05-31-2020, 08:11 PM
Alot of the motors in that class have an operational temp rise of 60-80degC above ambient, so they do run hot. As long as you have blown any lint out of the motor and oiled any areas for lubing the end bearings you should be OK.
Use real light wt oil ie sewing machine oil. never use products like wd40 as they will dry out the bronze bearings.

06-04-2020, 03:34 AM
Played with it again.
The part of the motor that gets hot is the center (stator)
The rest of it is just warm.
I made a sleeve to try and get the air to flow only through the motor.
Also found my Thermometer, so I can see how it it is.
Ran it without the fan and got 123f.
Ran it with the air pulling through the motor 118f
Turned it around and ran it with the fan blowing into the motor 118f
I had hoped it would have worked better.
Sucking through, warm air coming out.
I used a small strip of paper towel to see how much air was being pulled through the motor.
It was not much.
May have to think about is some more.

06-04-2020, 06:09 AM
It sounds like you have done due diligence to the Nth degree. I am with you about the motor’s operating temp being alarming but I would use your well thought out fan system and let the chips fall.

If it pukes then think hard for a replacement that suits you better.

Though a .3 hp motor if that is what it is does not signify a big drain of energy, excessive heat is a waste and it does not add to the life of motors so it is two negatives anyway you stack it up.

Taking care as you have and enjoying it’s service as long as it will work is about all you can do for the time being.

Best regards


06-10-2020, 11:17 PM
I ran it for 4 hours yesterday.
2 hours at a time.
Motor was much cooler.
The center of the motor is the hottest part.
I'm going to try and make the sleeve go over the whole motor.
Maybe it will pull some heat from the center.
It ran great. Shells came out sparkling.
Next project is to make a dryer for the shells.

06-15-2020, 09:42 PM
If you are doing batches, run your duct work a bit farther and rig up some sort of wire cage to hold the previous batch of cases. As the fan cools your motor as it tumbles the following batch, the warm air scavenged off the motor could dry the previously tumbled but wet cases that you want to dry.
