View Full Version : Direction of sprue plate tab?

Martin Luber
05-27-2020, 02:46 PM
How do you orient blocks on the handles?

For Lyman 4 cavity moulds...if the tab is to the rear, you risk hitting the handles.

There is more room on H&G moulds and you only hit the hinge point.

I have taken to resting the side of the mould on the edge of my wood casting table and hitting the plate. This way, you don't crack the handles.

Hmmm, l love the cam system on Lee 6 cavities, is there a way to do it for Other moulds? Then no impact at all.

05-27-2020, 02:58 PM
I put the tab to the rear, but I don't hit the plate. I just use my gloved hand to open the plate. If you have to really hit it then you are waiting too long. IMHO.

MT Chambers
05-27-2020, 02:58 PM
The "tab" on my Lyman 4 bangers is at the front unless I'm using the not so common "nutcrackers".

Winger Ed.
05-27-2020, 03:59 PM
I put the tab to the rear, but I don't hit the plate. I just use my gloved hand to open the plate. If you have to really hit it then you are waiting too long. IMHO.

^^ this for me too.

On one or two cavity, it's on the right so I can use a big glove for it too.

05-27-2020, 04:14 PM
This is how it’s most comfortable for me. Especially w/ Cramer style hollow point molds. I use a gloved hand to open once fully up to temp. The first pour or two may require some assistance from an oak dowel.

Red River Rick
05-27-2020, 05:45 PM
.............Hmmm, l love the cam system on Lee 6 cavities, is there a way to do it for Other moulds? Then no impact at all.

A Cam Lever for the Lyman 4X moulds is available here: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?138822-KAL-Steel-Cam-Lever-for-Lyman-Moulds


05-27-2020, 09:32 PM
I position my sprue plate so that the tab is toward the handles and the sprue pivot is away. I preheat my molds. After just a pour or two, I easily push the sprue plate after the sprue puddle frosts over. I find this configuration easiest for me to cast with the least amount of effort.

05-28-2020, 06:32 AM
At the top, for me. Regardless, of the number of cavities.


05-28-2020, 08:13 AM
I face the sprue plate tab at the front of the handles.

05-28-2020, 08:24 AM
Tab toward. Cut sprue with gloved hand one, two cavities. Four and six cavities, got to start the cut with a tap from an old axe handle.

Martin Luber
05-28-2020, 11:03 PM
Thanks all, if you're opening the plate that soon, are you missing out on the final suck-in of liquid?

The NOE website was very helpful to me even though I have been casting for decades, and I sm gettig better bullets.

05-29-2020, 02:03 AM
Thanks all, if you're opening the plate that soon, are you missing out on the final suck-in of liquid?

The NOE website was very helpful to me even though I have been casting for decades, and I sm gettig better bullets.

No, I pour a generous sprue puddle and like the plate to be hot enough for the puddle to remain liquid for about 5 seconds or slightly longer. I can see the molten lead divot as the bullet solidifies, then the puddle frosts over shortly after. My boolits are very consistent in weight.

05-29-2020, 02:24 AM
I can't understand how people cut the sprue with a gloves hand. If the mould is that hot, you have to wait to cut the sprue so you don't smear lead between the top of the blocks and the cutter.

As per the cutter tab, I put it on the end or the right side.

05-29-2020, 02:27 AM
I can't understand how people cut the sprue with a gloves hand. If the mould is that hot, you have to wait to cut the sprue so you don't smear lead between the top of the blocks and the cutter.

As per the cutter tab, I put it on the end or the right side.

I occasionally get a very slight lead smear when the sprue plate lube wears off. But for the most part it runs just fine. One the sprue frosts, I wait a couple more seconds and with a light push of the gloved thumb, the sprue is cut. No problems and I dont have to "whack" the sprue plate to cut the sprue.

05-29-2020, 07:53 AM
I can't understand how people cut the sprue with a gloves hand. If the mould is that hot, you have to wait to cut the sprue so you don't smear lead between the top of the blocks and the cutter.

No you don’t. Wait for the sprue to freeze. Count to five, mold dependent, and open. No smear and no issues. Keeping the top of the mold blocks lubed helps but isn’t necessary.

It will smear if it’s still liquid. If the lead is solid it can still be cut easily if you do so shortly after it solidifies.

Martin Luber
05-29-2020, 08:51 AM
I also drop the casting from the mould onto a piece of cardboard that sits at an angle in the drawer of my casting bench. They are fragile at this time and l don't want impact damage. They slide to the rear of the drawer. I see videos where they just dump into a bin, makes me cringe...

Green Frog
05-29-2020, 09:38 AM
A trick Dale53 taught me for using gang moulds is to start casting with just one cavity, then as the mould and importantly the sprue plate come up to working temperature add a cavity, then another, and so on. This way I get good sprue cuts with no smear and no extra stress. Thanks Dale!


05-29-2020, 02:52 PM
I was wondering myself how my molds are on the handles so I went to look , mostly with the tab away from the handle , but several have the tab on the handle end . So I guess it depends on how I feel when I put the handles on .
I cut the sprue with a gloved left hand pushing the plate with my thumb if on the handle end , or if the tab is pointing away from the handle I use my left hand like a lee 6 cavity sprue handle to twist cut the sprue . I only have 1 10 cavity mold but I cut the sprue with a gloved hand when using it as well , although I have a nocker just in case it needs a wack .
Every time I think of it I am reminded to thank you gentlemen for the preheating mold tip . Every time I mentioned pore fill out or wrinkles Bangerjim would post preheat your molds - until I finally gave up and tried it . It's a game changer ....

Martin Luber
05-30-2020, 08:34 PM
Opening sooner has been fantastic! I can get the mould hotter without getting frosted bullets, l can break the sprue into the pot, and the preheated mould is super for fill out and cast quality....since the sprue is the last part to freeze, the bullet is filled intersticially with ____ phase lead. Alpha l think, anyways, MasterCaster machines have a blower on top to cool mould and sprue. Wonder if they perform differently regarding freezing up since the sprue could not saying does, could freeze first. Just rambling on thanks

white eagle
06-01-2020, 11:31 AM
I can't understand how people cut the sprue with a gloves hand. If the mould is that hot, you have to wait to cut the sprue so you don't smear lead between the top of the blocks and the cutter.

As per the cutter tab, I put it on the end or the right side.

that is how I have been doing it for quite some time now
never any trouble doing it this way
it's a system

06-10-2020, 09:32 AM
Wish NOE would make a replacement plate for their five cavities that uses the Lee cam lever.