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View Full Version : Uploading from Google Photos

05-26-2020, 09:10 AM
Any advise would be helpful.

05-26-2020, 05:27 PM
Generally, what works for me (Windows 10 OS) is to get the picture I wish to upload as large as possible on screen (using Ctrl plus the "+" key). I then hold down the "Windows" key -- it's the one between Ctrl and Alt at lower left on your keyboard,and then tap the Print Screen key. The screen will momentarily dim -- letting you know you captured it.
Then, you have a couple of choices. IF you have a photo program, you can Ctrl plus V (paste) the image in your photo program, followed by the cropping of the image, resizing (MOST important -- I generally size to no larger than eight inches width), and, again saving -- as, say, a .jpg.
If you do not have a photo program, you can open Word, and similarly paste onto a new/blank document. On the image, if you left click, you'll see a little square appear at its upper right, which you click -- and then select ability to move the picture. In the choices provided, it is the top, center box. If you wish to crop the images, then right click it, and move little black solid cursors in to the image you wish. Then, right clicking image again, a choice, "save as photo" is given -- and you may save (I do, to Desktop) -- your image as a .jpg, with a name you provide, to your desktop.
You now (hopefully, should) have the Googled image saved as a *.jpg on your desktop. As I was typing this, I Googled, "gnome", and, with instructions as I typed, saved it to my desktop as, "gnome.jpg".
To upload it, I click third box from right in toolbar here -- "insert image" -- and choose "from file".
I selected "gnome.jpg" from my desktop, clicked, and voila -- it's been uploaded.
Like pretty much all things "computer", there are no doubt MANY other methods/tricks -- but, this is what works for me, and I hope helps.
P.S.: I noted importance of "size" -- most sites, including this one, do not allow photos/images bigger than a predetermined size. I believe the greatest preponderance of image uploading difficulties is due to folks having their images toooo large! Hence -- if you keep largest edge (width or height) less than eight inches -- you should be OK.

Chill Wills
05-27-2020, 11:48 AM
That was helpful - Thanks!

smoked turkey
05-27-2020, 07:05 PM
Whew! No wonder I don't have a clue on how to post pictures. I will need to take some time and study that George. I also was helped with this explanation.

05-28-2020, 07:46 AM
Chill Wills and smoked turkey -- I appreciate the "positive feedback" on my efforts to attempt answering Mozz's querey. However, I do feel another HOWEVER is needed ;).
To wit, I was very, very "scared" vis possibly providing inaccurate info, so I performed each step I provided on a 2nd computer as I typed; and then Googled the gnome picture to "prove" steps I provided were/are OK -- and work! (They did :))
BUT, again, there are indeed ever so many computer systems, operating systems, individual computer set-ups -- it is highly unlikely the steps provided by me work on all systems for all :(. Please keep this in the back of your mind?
There are also lots of posts already out there you may check -- to either better address YOUR computer system, or perhaps be more specific on, say, one photo challenge arena. There are, too, many on this site -- e.g., Super Moderator Hatch had posted, http://castboolits.gunloads.com/faq.php?faq=vb3_attachments#faq_sizes, re photo sizes -- surely worth referencing.
While I do most, as indicated, on a Dell Windows 10 Desktop -- many other good members rely solely upon iPhones, Androids, Lap-tops, and iTabs... all great gear.
I add three words: "Don't get discouraged!". There is, indeed, a challenging learning curve (at least, to me!) re lots and lots of "computer stuff".
Good luck, again!