View Full Version : Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

05-24-2020, 08:07 AM
For how it is for this weekend is here is something

05-24-2020, 08:40 AM
“The Pledge of Allegiance has been used in the United States for over 100 years, yet the 31-word oath recited today differs significantly from the original draft. The idea of a verbal vow to the American flag first gained traction in 1885, when a Civil War veteran named Colonel George Balch devised a version that read, “We give our heads and our hearts to God and our country; one country, one language, one flag.”

Several schools adopted Balch’s pledge, but it was soon supplanted by a salute composed by Francis Bellamy, a Christian socialist and former Baptist minister. In 1892, while working for a magazine called “Youth’s Companion,” Bellamy was enlisted to write a new pledge for use in patriotic celebrations surrounding the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World. After puzzling over the project—he initially considered incorporating the French Revolution motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”—he penned an oath that read, “I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The Bellamy pledge gained popularity in public schools during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but it continued to undergo occasional tweaks and revisions. In 1923 and 1924, the National Flag Conference changed the wording to read, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.” In 1942, meanwhile, Congress officially adopted the pledge and decreed that it should be recited while holding the right hand over the heart. Before then, the pledge had included a so-called “Bellamy salute”—extending the right arm toward the flag with the hand outstretched—but with the rise of fascism in Europe, many had noted that the gesture too closely resembled a Nazi salute.

A final revision to the national oath came in 1954 during the Cold War. In response to lobbying by religious groups and fraternal organizations—and with the support of President Dwight D. Eisenhower—Congress passed a new bill that added the words “under God.” Despite occasional legal challenges from students and secular groups, the text of the Pledge of Allegiance has remained unchanged ever since.”
—Evan Andrews, History.com

05-24-2020, 08:51 AM
The Pledge of Allegiance was created to enforce the notion of primacy of Washington, D.C. over the sovereignty of individual states after the disastrous acts of aggression against the South to force them to remain in the Union. The U.S. flag no longer represents the honorable ideals of freedom and independence but rather nationalistic imperialism and coercion of any nation that dares to disagree with Washington, D.C..
Until the day American patriots stand en masse against the tyrants in D.C. and bring our government fully under our control, our flag will continue to be the representation of the rogue psychopaths that inhabit our nation’s capital and run rampant over our Constitution.

05-24-2020, 09:41 AM
I have always liked Red's recital. Thanks trapper9260.

05-24-2020, 10:37 AM
You welcome I was thinking for how it is today this will help out some

white eagle
05-24-2020, 10:45 AM
It's absolutely terrible that these words are not shared in schools anymore
these truth's are self evident

05-24-2020, 11:18 AM
J well remember Red and this is probably my most favorite of his performances - I find myself googling it every once in a while to listen to as I find it so good and truly inspiring. I can remember we always started our day in elementary school with the Pledge and a prayer - but today, young ones look at you like you are nuts if you tell them that. "Red's Pledge" ought to be shown to every kid today in school as well as other things that were instilled in us "old ones" when we were kids by our parents, teachers and elders that we looked up to.

Thanks for posting this. A strange time we are in for sure - but let's hope everyone will take a few moments and remember those who sacrificed for all of us and say a prayer for them. this country and for all of those men and women who are currently serving and their families as well. And in November . . . make your vote count and help get rid of those in office who seek to destroy this country.

05-24-2020, 01:01 PM
J well remember Red and this is probably my most favorite of his performances - I find myself googling it every once in a while to listen to as I find it so good and truly inspiring. I can remember we always started our day in elementary school with the Pledge and a prayer - but today, young ones look at you like you are nuts if you tell them that. "Red's Pledge" ought to be shown to every kid today in school as well as other things that were instilled in us "old ones" when we were kids by our parents, teachers and elders that we looked up to.

Thanks for posting this. A strange time we are in for sure - but let's hope everyone will take a few moments and remember those who sacrificed for all of us and say a prayer for them. this country and for all of those men and women who are currently serving and their families as well. And in November . . . make your vote count and help get rid of those in office who seek to destroy this country.

I remember the day for more then one reason for Monday , most of all for my one of Uncle who was KIA in WW2 in the south pacific.I still have the flag they had on his coffin with the 48 stars on it .

Winger Ed.
05-24-2020, 03:15 PM
The difference between a revolutionary and a felon is victory.
The south lost. That makes them felons, guilty of treason.

They learned that being part of the union is sort of like joining the mafia,
Once you're in, you can't get out.

05-24-2020, 03:20 PM
They learned that being part of the union is sort of like joining the mafia,
Once you're in, you can't get out.

Nothing is permanent, especially nations. If they really wanted out they would fight again. Time has seen nations and empires come and go. Nothing has changed that would prevent this from happening now.

05-24-2020, 05:15 PM
Nothing is permanent, especially nations. If they really wanted out they would fight again. Time has seen nations and empires come and go. Nothing has changed that would prevent this from happening now.

If things continue down their current path, that may happen. I don’t see most of the south or the more independent central/north central states being very accepting of communism/socialism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-24-2020, 05:26 PM
The difference between a revolutionary and a felon is victory.

The south lost. That makes them felons, guilty of treason.


I think you misunderstand the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution defines treason in Article 3, Section 3 as levying war against the United States, which is exactly what Lincoln did.
Article 2, Section 4 mandates removal from office any president who commits an act of treason, which the Congress failed to do. It was at this critical point in history which the Constitution failed to restrain the overreach of the central government in D.C., its central and intended purpose undermined by the complicity of Congress, rendering it a de-facto dead-letter document from 1861 onward.
The un-Constitutional aggressions against the American people continued apace, resulting in the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and the personal income tax amendments passed during the Christmas holiday season of 1913...the first Fed-induced market bubble ten years later that caused the Great Depression...the un-Constitutional seizure of privately-held gold from citizens in 1933...the un-Constitutional creation of a national welfare program...the un-Constitutional severance of the USD from gold reserves in 1971...the un-Constitutional practice of selling bonds backed by nothing to foreign governments...ad infinitum.
From postbellum generations of Americans gradually habituated to forfeiting their Constitutional protections from their own government, do we owe our current untenable situation.
I think time has finally run out and we can no longer defer the consequences of a government grown too large, too costly and too unpredictable for the safety and security of our country. Washington, D.C., has jeopardized our future while managing to divide the entire nation into angry tribes.
The next two decades will be quite interesting as we watch the dollar crash and runaway inflation eat away the purchasing power of our currency. If you think it won’t happen here just wait until those foreign holders of 40% of US debt all rush simultaneously to dump their treasuries before they become worthless, triggering hyperinflation and the destruction of wealth beyond imagination.
Interesting times, indeed.

05-24-2020, 06:45 PM
Don't you think it very condescending when the play our National Anthem at many events, and yet won't allow the Pledge of Allegiance in schools????
What is happening this this country?????

05-25-2020, 09:14 AM
thank you so much for posting this.
I sit today and type this, I really don't know my country anymore, it is not the nation I grew up in, served the military in, so much has changed and been re-written. As a people we are the most divided I can ever remember even reading about. Those who have worked so hard for decades to destroy our country are winning the long battle they have been fighting. We have lost so much of our freedoms, we see socialists/communist in our government, we see people saying if your of this ancestry or that ancestry you should be ashamed for something you had no control over. May we as a people turn back to the God fearing Nation I knew and loved.

05-25-2020, 09:30 AM
The destruction of Our nation is like a brick building deteriorating and turning to rubble.

It starts out with a bit of mortar coming loose. Nobody notices

Enough mortar loosens where nobody travels much that a brick is loosen, again not noticed.

When finally enough bricks fall out and an alarm is raised, someone just hangs something of convenience over the gaping hole and all just fall back into their own rut and continue to ignore the advancing blight.

Now I have to admit that the Civil War was hardly a bit of mortar loosening up, as it was a HUGE trouncing of the Constitution, but the events there after more or less fall in line.


05-25-2020, 10:17 AM
For how it is for this weekend is here is something

I remember seeing it live and has seen it many times since....each time I stand in awe of this presentation.....Thanks Red for reminding me and God bless our military and all of those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom!

05-25-2020, 07:58 PM
That's exactly what the confederate forces did. Then they lost that war.

The only property the U.S. government has a Constitutional claim to is the 10 square miles of Washington, D.C..
That’s it. The rest of country belongs to the 50 sovereign states. When a state legislature tells Uncle Sam to get lost, he must comply. Lincoln’s troops in Fort Sumpter were trespassing on South Carolina’s property.
The map below, though a little dated, shows the extent of un-Constitutional-yet-legal occupation of State property by the U.S. Government:
Our central government claims legal authority to occupy any portion of a state within its borders, yet nowhere in the Constitution is this authorized outside of D.C., therefore the claims are a priori unlawful. The government must abide by the Constitution to act in a lawful manner. That is why the retaliatory declaration of war against South Carolina, and the Confederacy as a whole, was an unlawful act, whereas the Constitution reserves to the individual states all rights not otherwise explicitly listed in it. This means the federal government is subordinate to the sovereignty of our 50 individual states, not the other way around.
Lincoln flatly ignored his oath of office and committed treason against the citizens of the states of the Confederacy. The U.S. Congress authorized the use of taxpayer monies to fund the Union Army, aiding and abetting the un-Constitutional actions of the Executive, making it an accomplice to a crime clearly outlined in the Constitution. That is a fact. Ultimately, the Constitution failed its prime directive to protect citizens from their own government, leading to generations of U.S. citizens who now believe the Constitution somehow authorizes our central government in D.C. to continue to act in the historically unlawful manner they have sadly grown accustomed to.