View Full Version : Rare tornado here.

05-19-2020, 05:32 PM
Pretty rare to get a tornado in this area. Had a system go through yesterday that spawned multiple funnel clouds and a couple of tornadoes.

Lots of people freaking out. I lived in Iowa for several years and have seen plenty up close, so these little ones were no big deal for me.

Social media was going nuts, and of course blamed on "climate change". No damage was reported.



Petrol & Powder
05-19-2020, 06:16 PM
When I was younger we just called it weather. Sometimes it was extreme, sometimes it wasn't but it was always changing. Kinda what weather does.........

05-19-2020, 07:08 PM
Funny climate change , I remember when I was a kid one touched down east of Vancouver knocked a bowling alley and a store I believe down , was in mid 70's , then a few back there was another hit Vancouver lake and other spots around the gorge and Clark county .

It happens as Forrest Gump said , people freak out and climate has been changing since planet started.

05-19-2020, 08:54 PM
Friday @ 14:50 north Spokane county had a 2.9 quake, took the agency till 22:00 to acknowledge it was a quake.

05-19-2020, 08:59 PM
If you do a google search for "Psalm Sunday Tornadoes" the first picture on the list is a double tornado. The northern one of the two cut a swath about 300 yards in front of the house I grew up in. The last time I went down that road a couple years back you could still see the dip in the tree line across the road where it tore through the woods.

05-19-2020, 09:14 PM
The first twister I remember in Spokane county was back in 1979+/-, was up near Deer Park. That area also has more storms and colder winters than the rest of the county. Weather and nature are always doing things that seem to be out of the norm or at least what we think is the norm. Like back in 2008 when we got several deep snows that were collapsing roofs, meet one older fellow who said in his living here for 60+ years he had never seen it this bad. Me I was born in Spokane in '62 and I remember the winter of '68 that was just as bad, but I spose that's just my memory.

05-19-2020, 09:44 PM
Me I was born in Spokane in '62 and I remember the winter of '68 that was just as bad, but I spose that's just my memory.
I was born in the winter of `68 in Moscow. My mom had to be taken to the hospital via snowmobile since my folks lived in a country home. I don't think there's been a winter that bad around here since.

05-19-2020, 09:50 PM
Pretty rare to get a tornado in this area. Had a system go through yesterday that spawned multiple funnel clouds and a couple of tornadoes. Lots of people freaking out. I lived in Iowa for several years and have seen plenty up close, so these little ones were no big deal for me.


That system (low pressure front) is suppose to reach MN by Friday/Saturday.
For MN, the early season twisters are the unpredictable ones.

05-19-2020, 09:55 PM
The '66 winter in central NY had snow drifts that peaked over the top ridge line of our two story cottage. That was before climate change.

05-19-2020, 10:18 PM
I wouldn't recommend anyone that mentally disturbed over a little tornado or funnel cloud move to Kansas, Oklahoma or anywhere in tornado alley! Its been a very slow start to storm season here thus far. When we do get tornadic weather around here it can be just as minor but it can also erase an entire town of man made structures up to include scouring asphalt paving and concrete off the ground! I know there has been some terrible outbreaks in the south and things like the tri-state outbreak but we're not tornado alley for nuthin'!

I remember quite vividly the destruction left by the Hesston tornado, the Andover Tornado, the Greensburg Tornado. Very scary storms, look up some video of those. Moore, OK has had a lot of bad luck with violent tornadoes. The worst one I know of and the benchmark for dangerous twisters is the El Reno Tornado. That one was unquestionably an F5 and some say the closest thing to a theoretical F6. It grew to over 2 miles wide at one point and unfortunately cost the chaser community some terrific people.

Petrol & Powder
05-19-2020, 10:21 PM
This is an hour long but it's good history:
