View Full Version : what does "dewatted" mean ?

05-07-2020, 01:14 PM
cruising Simpson site. found reference "Chamber has been dewatted via a weld", does that mean it is nothing more than a wall hanger ?


05-07-2020, 01:16 PM
"“DEWAT” is an acronym for “deactivated war trophy” and generally refers to firearms that WWII-era servicemen bring back to the United States as war trophies or souvenirs."

Yes, wallhanger.


05-07-2020, 02:00 PM
I’m not 100% positive but I think they dewatted Vietnam bring homes. Maybe only for officers, I saw AKs on plaques that had been welded. If not full auto we could get paper from Provost to carry home.

John Taylor
05-07-2020, 03:56 PM
If it's just the chamber, a new barrel would put the rifle back in action. Have had a few come in with weld in the chamber. One was an 1884 Springfield, was able to sleeve the chamber and make a shooter.

Geezer in NH
05-07-2020, 05:28 PM
I had a VN win M2 30 carbine with 1968 amnesty registration from VN. Brought home by an enlisted man. Things changed in the 1968 gun control act.

Texas by God
05-07-2020, 10:17 PM
That begs the question, why has a S&L SPORTING Rifle been chamber welded? Technically not a war trophy but I guess the lingo crosses over.

05-07-2020, 11:07 PM
That begs the question, why has a S&L SPORTING Rifle been chamber welded? Technically not a war trophy but I guess the lingo crosses over.

likely happened in england. a chamber welded iL1A1 is legal in england, even with their very restrictive laws.

Plate plinker
05-07-2020, 11:51 PM
I had a VN win M2 30 carbine with 1968 amnesty registration from VN. Brought home by an enlisted man. Things changed in the 1968 gun control act.

Another gripe I have with the way the service men are treated. Heaven forbid a guy risk everything for us back home, but heck no don’t you dare bring home some loot. Who let the rats take charge of the country?

Cap'n Morgan
05-08-2020, 02:22 AM
In Denmark, dewatted means the barrel and chamber must be sliced in two - lengthwise!

05-08-2020, 04:07 AM
Who let the rats take charge of the country?

People who vote for Democrats, because they think they'll get a free ride. We have lots of them in CA! And they've ruined this state.


05-08-2020, 04:39 AM
Another gripe I have with the way the service men are treated. Heaven forbid a guy risk everything for us back home, but heck no don’t you dare bring home some loot. Who let the rats take charge of the country?

Just a guess, but I expect that America believes that it has a brand to protect, it includes that we may kill you but we won’t rape and pillage because we’re the good guys. Allowing the collection of loot might eventually result in significant looting which is good for neither the brand nor the military mission.

05-08-2020, 07:04 AM
deactivated over here

05-08-2020, 10:51 AM
thanks fella's,

Plate plinker
05-08-2020, 10:56 AM
Just a guess, but I expect that America believes that it has a brand to protect, it includes that we may kill you but we won’t rape and pillage because we’re the good guys. Allowing the collection of loot might eventually result in significant looting which is good for neither the brand nor the military mission.

Good point. But why not weapons that would be destroyed otherwise?
Other items I totally agree.