View Full Version : Shelter in place diet !

05-03-2020, 07:54 AM
Well it's time to fess up and 'swing' into action ! The shelter in place situation hasn't been a burden to me in most ways . I am tired of it though , church , stores , gym , state parks and everything shut down except Walmart and grocery stores mainly . Texas started 'opening up' Friday . My activity level is way down and my weight is way up ! Been spending too much time on my butt I think .

I generally hover at 200 pounds , it's my benchmark weight . It gives me a gauge to use to maintain at least what I consider my 'normal' . I weigh every morning on the way to the coffee pot . I have been more than aware I have been gaining weight since the advent of the pandemic when everything shut down .

This morning when I weighed I was 221 pounds ! My pants are getting tight and flags are going up for me . Regretfully it's time to lose some weight . There may be a few slackers out there like me that have been sitting on their butts too much like myself . I'll be seeking ideas , recipes or thoughts on weight loss . I'll be posting my weight every day and talking about what I eat . I'm an old hand at dieting but new ideas are more than welcome along with criticism , I have a thick skin .
I thank you for any comments .

05-03-2020, 08:37 AM
More physical activity and lower your calorie intake!

05-03-2020, 09:31 AM
Hi Charlie,
I used this stay at home to motivate me to lose weight. I started on 2/17 and I was 243 lbs...heaviest I've ever been. So I bought a rowing machine and a couple of 25 lb dumbbells. Every day, I would walk 2.2 - 2.5 miles, row 15 - 30 minutes, and every other day do 30 minutes with the weights. I also started intermittent fasting (Keto/Paleo when I did eat,) and charting what I ate. If it isn't water, black coffee, or unsweetened tea, it goes on the food log. You'd be surprise how much you graze throughout the day, so logging helps your awareness. I had a physical on 4/22, my weight was 206, and my numbers were the best I've had in many years. Anyway, this morning I'm down to 198.5, so it's definitely working (goal is 190.) I know you'll get there too, just stick with whatever plan you've got. @smithnframe has is right, "More physical activity and lower your calorie intake!" I would add, write it down. You know the old saying, "If it isn't written down, it didn't happen."
All the best,

05-03-2020, 09:48 AM
Well for me I shed a 10is pounds just by reducing carbs in my evening meal as I don’t need that energy before I sleep... ymmv

05-03-2020, 11:06 AM
More physical activity and lower your calorie intake!

YOU NAILED IT ! South beach diet , paleo diet , grapefruit diet , low carb diet .............................
Doesn't matter the diet plan , if your not counting calories you WILL fail ! Plus you have to burn what calories you do take in . I think a prescribed diet plan is a good thing for most folks . It gives selections , portions and more of a 'balanced' diet physically speaking . I have nothing against a diet plan , have used them myself . For most it gives boundaries , guidelines and an idea of caloric intake .

For about 10 years I have been on kind of a perpetual diet anyway . After much dieting and weight loss when I attained my 'goal' weight I'd just gain it all back in a short time . This is a common problem for folks that like to eat (like me) . Plus some of us simply gain weight more easily than others . One big real problem I have is fluid gain . My kidneys are down to 60% function , salt is my worst enemy . BUT ! I have discovered there is still life worth living on a low salt diet . In most foods using salt I use 'spicy' . I buy the big bottles of Tabasco 3 at a time , lol . If you have a 'salt' problem spices can pick up the slack in an otherwise...........bland diet . My diet is anything but bland . I still cook , eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies . I started the diet this morning having about 2 cups of fresh pineapple . Went to Walmart since I put up the opening post and got broccoli , greens , tomatoes , cabbage and squash . Restocked fruit with pears , cantaloupe , nectarines and another pineapple which will be ripe in a few days after sitting on the counter .

I'm not a prophet but in three days I'll have a significant weight loss . I will not starve myself (it's counterproductive) . The loss will be cutting out all the salt in the diet . It's amazing how much weight salt can throw on you through water retention .

We'll talk more ! Any simple to prepare food ideas are appreciated ! Thank you for your involvement and encouragement !

05-03-2020, 12:03 PM
simple, less eating and more writing on tumbleweeds :mrgreen:

05-03-2020, 12:06 PM
More physical activity and lower your calorie intake!

Ain't no secret most people just don't want to do it! I been a little lazy myself time to get moving!

05-03-2020, 01:44 PM
Hi Charlie,
I used this stay at home to motivate me to lose weight. I started on 2/17 and I was 243 lbs...heaviest I've ever been. So I bought a rowing machine and a couple of 25 lb dumbbells. Every day, I would walk 2.2 - 2.5 miles, row 15 - 30 minutes, and every other day do 30 minutes with the weights. I also started intermittent fasting (Keto/Paleo when I did eat,) and charting what I ate. If it isn't water, black coffee, or unsweetened tea, it goes on the food log. You'd be surprise how much you graze throughout the day, so logging helps your awareness. I had a physical on 4/22, my weight was 206, and my numbers were the best I've had in many years. Anyway, this morning I'm down to 198.5, so it's definitely working (goal is 190.) I know you'll get there too, just stick with whatever plan you've got. @smithnframe has is right, "More physical activity and lower your calorie intake!" I would add, write it down. You know the old saying, "If it isn't written down, it didn't happen."
All the best,

Ed you exceeded expectations ! You have done well brother ....keep it up ! Me being a veteran in the war of the fat I'm glad to hear of your accomplishment ! Your method of keeping a written account let's you see progress , make adjustments and see the numbers come down . It's an encouragement to hear your story , you are certainly closer to the end than the beginning !

05-03-2020, 01:56 PM
Gained weight myself.
About ten pounds.
Beer and frozen pizza aren't all to blame. :)

05-03-2020, 02:34 PM
I have quit using so much butter on everything. Also I have quit competing with the boy for the last , drum stick, porkchop, waffle, tater tot,whatever..... He "needs" it worse than I do.

Winger Ed.
05-03-2020, 02:43 PM
More physical activity and lower your calorie intake!

Short of going on the masking tape diet, that's the only thing that'll really work.

With the masking tape diet, you leave rolls of tape in the refrigerator, next to the cookie jar, etc.
Instead of reaching for a cookie or late night snack-- put a strip of masking tape over your mouth.

Mohawk Daddy
05-03-2020, 03:11 PM
Gained weight myself.
About ten pounds.
Beer and frozen pizza aren't all to blame. :)

I'm on the International Diet. Lunch: 6 pack of German beer, half a 12 oz can of Argentine corned beef, 1/4 lb of Wisconsin cheddar, 2 handfuls of Fort Worth pickled okra, scoop of home made sauerkraut. Supper: 1 cup California rice, Taiwan soy sauce, 2 cans Phillipine sardines, 6 pack of Mexican beer. What am I doing wrong?

05-03-2020, 03:22 PM
I'm on the International Diet. Lunch: 6 pack of German beer, half a 12 oz can of Argentine corned beef, 1/4 lb of Wisconsin cheddar, 2 handfuls of Fort Worth pickled okra, scoop of home made sauerkraut. Supper: 1 cup California rice, Taiwan soy sauce, 2 cans Phillipine sardines, 6 pack of Mexican beer. What am I doing wrong?

Depending on the quality of the Mexican beer, nothing. :-D My real problem in trying to lose this weight, is I'm a home-brewer and I have two excellent beers kegged and tapped right now. One is a really nice summer pale ale, and the other a really rich and malty Scottish Ale (thanks MaryB!) I'll have to try the kraut. Sounds good and not too many calories.

05-03-2020, 03:36 PM
My MS makes it hard to exercise so I've gained some weight since I retired. But we're holding our own since the virus thing hit. We've made it a point to not eat all day long. We kind of eat a late (for us) breakfast and eat supper a little earlier and skip any snacks. I like my beer and I've cut way back on it (:sad:). With the breweries and restaurants that we normally visit being closed I'll go for days without drinking a beer.

Wayne Smith
05-03-2020, 03:54 PM
Being type 2 diabetic I know all about it, but go about it very differently. I do not count calories, or record calories. I count total carbohydrates because that's what kills you. 45gr carbs a meal and half of that between meals. When I record I record everything I eat and drink, when I did it, and how many grams of carbs were consumed. My fasting AM blood sugar is posted on the top of the next page - the previous page created that fasting blood sugar.

The good side of this is that there is nothing I cannot eat - I just have to severely limit the amount of some things. A carb is a carb is a carb, and while various carbohydrates have varying glycemic indexes this only tells me how quickly the carb is absorbed, the total is not changed.

To my mind a diet is, by definition, a recipe for failure. The reason for this is simple - a diet is based in denial. I will deny myself this or that and lose weight. What do I do once I get to my target weight? Stop denying! Welcome to the yo-yo.

What is needed is a totally different relationship with food and what is good food. In this way the "paleo" 'diet' and the "Mediterranean" 'died' are actually good, although both are very much a misnomer. There is no such thing as a single "paleo" diet, the true paleo diet varied greatly from region and climate to region and climate, and was literally opportunistic. They ate what was available. Likewise a 'Mediterranean' diet equally. The Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, and North African diets are all 'Mediterranean' diets! While they have similarities they are very different.

I say these are good simply because they are not diets in the typical sense but fit my definition of learning a new understanding of what food is. Learning to live with one of these 'diets' does give you a completely new understanding of what good food is and how to meaningfully prepare it.

I hope this helps.

05-03-2020, 09:05 PM
Well ! Just had supper . Had a nice carp fillet and two summer squash . Yea you heard me right 'carp fillet' . Went fishing on the Little Wichita River bout ten miles south of me four days ago . I like to fish for carp and like to eat them also . Caught about an eight pound carp and a five pound blue cat that I kept .


Brought em home and filleted em . Common carp are much maligned as a trash fish but that is wrong . Nice white flaky meat . But you do have to deal with the Y bones which is hardly worth mentioning . This was supper , baked the carp (no breading) with black pepper and Tony Chacheres seasoning . Microwaved the two squash then put black pepper , 0 calorie butter and sprinkled with reduced fat parmesan cheese .



And the Y bones that are super easy to just pull out as you eat .


Counting the pineapple I had at breakfast total calories for the day..739 , skipped lunch and had two small nectarines . Took my evening water pill two hours ago and peeing like a race horse ! There will be a few trips to the bathroom tonight ! Didn't have any salt today .

Ya'll are missing the boat if you don't carp fish . I watch this guy's site a lot , good family entertainment .



square butte
05-03-2020, 09:09 PM
That is one nice lookin table full of food - good eatin

05-03-2020, 09:11 PM
That is one nice lookin table full of food - good eatin

Thank you square butte ! LOL , couldn't eat all the squash but knocked most of it out .

05-03-2020, 09:21 PM
I'm going back on my diet that always works 100%. If you don't put it in your mouth, you don't have to take it off your gut!!! :kidding:

05-03-2020, 09:54 PM
I've lost ten pounds due to being home myself. From 168 to 158. It helped that my wife was dieting and asking my support. We came up with good meal plans, sorry Boaz no tamales, and worked on following them best we could. She got mad when I got to within one pound of her weight on a few particular lean mornings.
For us what helps immensely is steamed or grilled protein, with plenty of fish or seafood as a go-to protein, and my own policy of always two vegetables on the table and have as much veg as you want (carb heavy veg like potatoes are a once a week item, I'm talking green veg). By sticking to lean protein and seafood I can have as much butter as I want to season those veg and meats, as long as I keep the carbs down.

Carbohydrate and cholesterol issues vary for all of us so I won't say my diet works for all, but one thing I can recommend without hesitation is everyone should try my "two healthy veg available at every supper" policy.

If you're tired of the same old vegetables try scoping out an ethnic market you've not been to before or often. Around me the stores that cater to the Asian population have an outstanding broad selection of leafy greens and interesting squash and so on. It's hard not to find something new to try.

Our diet does mean shopping a few times a week, which did take some adjustments from our once a week American shopping style. But we feel MUCH BETTER and we look like it too..


05-03-2020, 10:39 PM
I've been baking pies, ostensibly to give away....but I always make 2. Gotta go lean for a while.

05-04-2020, 07:43 AM
I've been baking pies, ostensibly to give away....but I always make 2. Gotta go lean for a while.

Dang Hogtamer ! You don't have much mercy on a guy that just went on a diet putting up pictures like that (LOL) . What kind is it ...lemon meringue ? I have seen pictures of your cooking before and you do well ! I'm more the down home simple cooking...probably just laziness on my part . Well done sir !

Well got up about 4 this morning , stumbled to the coffee pot and fed my poor starving spoiled house dogs . I weighed in at 118 . Yep ! Nice 3 pound weight loss in one day . BUT ! It won't hold up losing that much every day . As I stated earlier , I'll lose big for 3 days . I cut out all salt yesterday , that 3 pounds was all water . Had to get out of bed last night 4 times to go pee pee .

I have been down this path many times so it's not hard to predict . I deserve no credit for real weight loss for about 3 days .

Wayne Smith
05-04-2020, 07:50 AM
I forgot to mention that on a diabetic diet green veggies are unlimited with the exception of peas and carrots - they have enough sugar to count in your carb count. So yes, two veggies at every meal is a good idea. My problem are the fruits - I used to pig out on them, fresh, dried, stewed, you name it, if it was fruit I ate a lot of it.

05-04-2020, 09:24 AM
Well got some chicken breasts at the grocery store . Just ziplocked em with Tabasco and minced fresh garlic . I'll let em sit overnight in the fridge and bake em tomorrow !


05-04-2020, 03:37 PM
I retired early... disabled with way t many back and joint issues to list... my main meal of the day is lunch, and that is usually some lean protein, salad loaded with veg, maybe a little cheese... sensible portions is key, I eat more greens and veg than meat. About 3 hours before bed I have a very small snack of some sort, half a sandwich, some cheese and crackers... less than 300 calories and NOT sugary!

Been maintaining my weight fairly well, it will bounce up at holidays then settle back down after I work it off the following week. Summer I always lose weight via sweat and replacing fat with muscles from garden work. When you are as screwed up joint wise as I am it is VERY hard to find exercise that doesn't lead to pain! Went fishing this weekend and all the up and down hill walking has my low back screaming at me today!

05-04-2020, 07:14 PM
Hi all,
Still working away at it. Part of my routine is when I do finally break my fast at 4 pm, I have a protein rich first mini-meal consisting of a pickled egg, a slice of bacon, and a V8 juice. Just like brewing beer, if you want to keep it on tap, you need to keep it in the pipeline, so I put up 2 dz pickled eggs this afternoon. Only takes about 45 minutes with very little prep. The worst thing is having to wait for a week or so before they hit their stride. But boy, the wait sure is worth it!


kevin c
05-04-2020, 07:33 PM
I've been sleeping late, exercising less and eating more baked goods (my wife has gone on a baking binge).

I was sure that I'd added more pounds to the few extra I already had when the stay-at-home thing started up in California, but I've actually lost five pounds from my high. I guess overall, even with the extra baked carbs, I'm down on the daily calorie intake.

One thing for sure: I've got less cardiovascular endurance and the strength is slipping. I think I've lost more muscle than fat, and that needs correcting.

05-04-2020, 08:03 PM
Well had a good diet day today . Had the last of my fresh pineapple for breakfast . Had a fillet off the catfish I caught , went on and baked both sprinkled with Old Bay seasoning . Saved one fillet for supper and made some turnips to go with it .



Ate two small nectarines today and might have an apple before bedtime . Counting the apple I 'might' eat caloric intake for today is about 880 calories . Trying to eat pretty light to get this thing kicked off good . Dang ! I'm out of fish ! I might need to make a trip to the river again ? I enjoy reading the ideas and suggestions . Planning on using some of them in the diet . Guess we'll see what happens on weigh in in the morning . Thanks !

05-04-2020, 08:55 PM
Butter beer and Bread got me to an all time record weight . Staying at home is killing me!
When I'm at work I'm moving the full 8 hours Being at home a 1 hour 3 mile walk can not undo the mess I'm in!:cry:

05-04-2020, 09:06 PM
Butter beer and Bread got me to an all time record weight . Staying at home is killing me!
When I'm at work I'm moving the full 8 hours Being at home a 1 hour 3 mile walk can not undo the mess I'm in!:cry:

I understand . Get on the wagon ! We'll both 'get right' . Lots of folks here to help .

05-04-2020, 10:18 PM
I'm going back on my diet that always works 100%. If you don't put it in your mouth, you don't have to take it off your gut!!! :kidding:

"A moment on the lips, forever on the hips!"

I've lost 30 since Christmas, but I'm still a long way from 225!

05-04-2020, 10:59 PM
I've been locked up since 3/8. Between My DR. And Wife, I'm stuck at home.
Pretty crippled up too, back, knees, shoulders, hands and all with arthritis for all.

My Daughter is working from home. Every day She orders in lunch, a job perk. Something for Dad too, even though I Don't ask.
Four pounds in 7 weeks.

Stop me before I eat lunch again.

05-05-2020, 06:42 AM
Hi all,
Still working away at it. Part of my routine is when I do finally break my fast at 4 pm, I have a protein rich first mini-meal consisting of a pickled egg, a slice of bacon, and a V8 juice. Just like brewing beer, if you want to keep it on tap, you need to keep it in the pipeline, so I put up 2 dz pickled eggs this afternoon. Only takes about 45 minutes with very little prep. The worst thing is having to wait for a week or so before they hit their stride. But boy, the wait sure is worth it!


Nice looking eggs ! I make them too from time to time . I like anything that's pickled .

square butte
05-05-2020, 07:00 AM
It's amazing to me how a photo of a plate of food can get me so excited

05-05-2020, 07:31 AM
It's amazing to me how a photo of a plate of food can get me so excited

I agree ! I always like to see pictures of what/how folks make different things . These days with my kids gone I don't experiment with new dishes a lot though . Living alone it's not as much fun as cooking with others involved . I consider myself pretty broadminded as to new or different food , there's not much I won't try . LOL , undoubtedly contributes to my tendency to gain weight ! I grew up on 'old timey' cooking . I like all vegetables , in this thread you'll see me eating a lot of squash ..low cal , filling , easy to make , cheap price and good eating ! I'm like Wayne who posted previously , I love all fruits too ! So in the process of dieting it's really easy for me to have a good selection of different things to eat .

Wayne Smith
05-05-2020, 07:43 AM
I had to google the carbs in an avacado! When we were in Calif (grad school) we learned to love them. 4gr. carbs, 4gr. protein, 9gr. fats, but these are the good fats.

One other piece of advice - don't weigh as often. No more than once a week, and better once a month. This way you miss the aggravation of thinking about water weight and the one thing I shouldn't have done - and more of a focus on long term progress.

05-05-2020, 08:37 AM
Avacados are HIGH calorie for the bulk they provide but I do like them ! I can just peel and eat em for snack food . Plus I love guacamole but I tend to avoid them on a diet , one of those things I can 'over enjoy' . I also agree with the weekly weigh in , you can drive yourself crazy constantly weighing .I weigh daily to keep myself 'right' . But I have been on a low cal food regiment for a long time . Plus I have to report in on the thread daily .

One of the reasons I put this thread up is that I know there are other with a weight problem . Now I don't even pretend to to put myself up as an authority or example on losing weight . I'm an over eater left to my own . I'm obsessive compulsive and like food , that's a bad combination ! First step in solving a personal 'bad habit' is realizing it then correcting it . Easy said but usually hard to do .

I got away with over eating most of my life because I worked like hell physically every day . Like I said before...I'm obsessive compulsive and work was something I loved to do . I smoked Camels for over 40 years , was up to 3 packs a day for about the last ten years I smoked , did I mention I'm obsessive compulsive ?

About 12 years ago My doctors put me on steroids and other medicines telling me I couldn't live without it . Over three years due to being over medicated and lack of physical activity I got up to 402 pounds . I still went to work every day and struggled to make every day . In got to the point I was totally miserable . I was a single parent and had an 11 year old daughter I loved , I went to bed every night wondering if I'd wake up in this world again come morning . The thought of leaving her here alone tormented me constantly .

I called out to GOD , I asked him to help me . It didn't happen overnight but he guided me through my trial , a trial I put myself in . My Lord saved me , over 2 years I lost a LOT of weight and changed a lot of compulsive habits . To him goes the glory ...not me .

05-05-2020, 09:09 AM

Well did good again (as predicted) lost another 3 pounds of water . By my genuine Walmart digital scale I'm at a hair over 215 , I don't count the tenth increments on the scale just pounds . So ! Everything is happening according to Hoyle so far . Maybe one more day of easy weight loss and then it's down to the hard part !

Well I'm out of fish and it's too dang windy to go fishing today unless the wind lays so let's bake those chicken breasts ! They have been marinating in Tabasco with a little fresh garlic for about 24 hours . I made a foil pan because I refuse to pay $3.00 or even more for a store bought one that is thrown away . I'm probably a tightwad but prefer to consider myself...'conservative', lol . I of coarse sprinkled them with Tony Chachere's , I love that stuff on a lot of things including vegetables . Set the oven on 350 and we'll bake em for 40 min .


05-05-2020, 09:17 AM
I started cutting the carbs on March 2nd, went to lean meats and vegetables as well as writing down my weight daily on a calander and as of yesterday (5/4/2020) I've lost 14.5 lbs, 213.5 to 199.0 and my goal is another 10 lbs. I stay pretty busy around the house and am fairly active so just watching what I ate has helped me, I quit smoking years and years ago so losing weight to me is just like quitting cigarettes ... you really have to want to do it, otherwise you're just wasting your time.

05-05-2020, 10:46 AM
Well Chicken is done ! Ziplocked two breasts and used the Food Saver on the other two for the freezer . I'll have one for supper and the rest of the turnips I made yesterday . Had a big apple for breakfast and lunch is wide open !




05-05-2020, 12:29 PM
Love my FoodSaver! With just me at home, I wouldn't be able to smoke brisket, sausages, pork, etc. and keep eating on it for months without one!


05-05-2020, 12:54 PM
Love my FoodSaver! With just me at home, I wouldn't be able to smoke brisket, sausages, pork, etc. and keep eating on it for months without one!


Completely agree ! Lots of advantages ! I buy a lot (most) of my meat on sale or in the 'bargain bin' . Will cook a whole oven full and bag it up . Usually just a heat and eat situation unless I want to add to it .

My son lived with me for 6 months last year while he remolded a home he had bought . I use the Foodsaver so often he called it...my hobbie .

05-05-2020, 01:40 PM
This was lunch ! But I forgot to include the black pepper shaker .



05-05-2020, 04:45 PM
Great source for Food Saver bags and rolls https://foodvacbags.com/ I prefer the premade bags just to cut down on how long I stand in one spot(kills my thoracic spine area)and these guys have the best price.

05-05-2020, 04:55 PM
Great source for Food Saver bags and rolls https://foodvacbags.com/ I prefer the premade bags just to cut down on how long I stand in one spot(kills my thoracic spine area)and these guys have the best price.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for the tip!

05-05-2020, 08:00 PM
Just had supper . Half a chicken breast with salsa and plenty of turnips . I added in an apple that I'll have in an hour or so . Total calorie intake for today 830 calories . Had plenty to eat and liked everything . Hope all of you rest well tonight !


05-05-2020, 11:40 PM
those eggs look good, care to share the recipe?


Wayne Smith
05-06-2020, 07:39 AM
"Had plenty to eat and liked everything" - that's the key - rediscovering true satisfaction rather than stuffing myself.

05-06-2020, 07:40 AM
Great source for Food Saver bags and rolls https://foodvacbags.com/ I prefer the premade bags just to cut down on how long I stand in one spot(kills my thoracic spine area)and these guys have the best price.

Thanks Mary . I'll check it out , I use a lot of quart size bags !

05-06-2020, 08:07 AM

Well again stumbled in to the coffee pot and got that cranked up . Fed my poor staving dogs and went to the bathroom where the scales are . I weigh every morning wearing a T shirt , shorts and socks . So ! There is no variable in loss (or gain) due to what I'm wearing .

My daughter used to cheat when she was trying to lose weight . She would do her first weigh in fully clothed . Then when she had 'cheated on her diet she would shed a few items of clothing to weigh . LOL , it's not much of a way to cheat though because you run out of clothes/shoes to take off . Plus your lying to even yourself . It's counterproductive .

Weigh in this morning was not quite as big , weighed 213 . Still a dang good loss at 2 pounds but still mainly fluid . Haven't decided what's for breakfast , probably just fruit . I don't ever eat much in the morning...never have . But with the 'medical' hindrances I have I'm trying to eat three times a day since I'm trying to do less than a thousand calories a day right now . That will change shortly though , not good for me to push it to the limit .

05-06-2020, 09:04 AM
those eggs look good, care to share the recipe?
Be happy to. Rather than hijack Boaz's thread, I posted the recipe here:

Spicy Pickled Eggs (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?401583-Spicy-Pickled-Eggs&p=4896607&viewfull=1#post4896607)


05-06-2020, 09:09 AM
Be happy to. Rather than hijack Boaz's thread, I posted the recipe here:

Spicy Pickled Eggs (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?401583-Spicy-Pickled-Eggs&p=4896607&viewfull=1#post4896607)


Heck ! Go on and put it up . I was curious myself , I pickle eggs pretty often . I like anything that's pickled . I meant for this to be conversational thread anyway .

05-06-2020, 09:51 AM
Well I decided what was for breakfast ! 90 calories


Just for conversation this is the back of my suv right now .


It's what I take fishing . It has occurred to me that it's more or less crazy to take this much junk for a 4 hour fishing trip . Being overly compulsive and not very smart I tend to 'complicate' a lot of things applying to much preparedness in the game plan . Maybe it's because I was a Boy Scout ? lol , remember....be prepared ! I need to condense this stuff down to a more manageable situation . Many times it takes 3 loads to get it into the river . The Harbor Freight folding chair in the picture already has pockets on the sides so it will be the main focus .

I'll be back later !

05-06-2020, 10:37 AM
OK ! Here we go ! This is my old Harbor Freight chair , bought 2 of em long ago when they were on sale for $12.00 apiece . Dang nice fishing chair . The misc black pieces laying on it is an 'arm immobilizer I had to wear after having a shoulder replaced last January . It went around your waist and has a shoulder strap . I took it apart , it's mostly velcroed together . I intend to incorporate it to make a shoulder strap to carry the chair and another bigger pocket on the side . This is a view of the left side of the chair with existing pockets .



Heck . I need to make a Walmart run ! If you have any ideas I'm pretty open minded . Thanks !

Wayne Smith
05-06-2020, 12:34 PM
One more piece of advice - never eat carbohydrates without also some protein. This tells your body to use the energy and not store it as fat, believe it or not. A couple spoonfuls of cottage cheese in that cantaloupe would do it.

05-06-2020, 12:36 PM
Going for an easy lunch today . Heat and eat . Normally I don't eat a lot of canned stuff...too much salt . This soup ain't bad if you put about a tablespoon of Tabasco it it .


05-06-2020, 05:01 PM
Thanks Mary . I'll check it out , I use a lot of quart size bags !

I just got in 400 of them LOL yeah I use a bunch that size! Will last about a year...

05-06-2020, 08:22 PM
The day is winding down . Stayed fairly busy ...it was a nice day , got up to about 80 degrees . Made a pot of collard greens , just greens and seasoning . Wish there was some smoked pork in em but they are still good just 'seasoned up' ;


Suppertime ! Having the other half chicken breast with spicy brown mustard from yesterday and a big bowl of collards ;


Will have a couple of small nectarines later . Total calories for today...598 . Got sidetracked from the 'fishing chair' but there's tomorrow...I hope !

05-07-2020, 07:44 AM
Weigh in !......OOP's !

Well after 3 days of pretty big weight loss I broke even this morning . Weighed in at the same as yesterday...213 pounds . Not totally unexpected for me , though I ate sparingly the 'water' retention is a wild card variable . But we are down to the actual 'fat' of the matter now . This ain't my first rodeo in weight loss . From now on I won't be having those deceiving big losses due to fluid retention . But on the bright side my pants are fitting better ! lol

05-07-2020, 12:04 PM
Well I worked on the 'fishing chair' for about 30 min and here's the prototype . Every thing I added was made out of the the old arm demoblizer . All Velcroed with dang good medical grade velcro ! lol, it's full loaded in the picture . The shoulder strap worked really good . I weighed it with my fish scales and it hefted out at 18.3 pounds . I'm sure I'll 'improve' it after actually using it ....Maybe tomorrow ? Depends on the wind .


Heck ! Lets make some pickled beets . lol , now from past reading here I know there are a lot of beet haters but have patience with me . Always remember that I'm not too smart , dumb people do dumb things ?

I put a little white (or apple) vinegar in a seal able container , add two tp of Equal 0 calorie sugar substitute and stir it up . Of coarse you can use real sugar if you want . Add one can of whole or slices beets . Finish filling with vinegar till beets are covered . Sit it in the fridge and they are ready tomorrow . Today we are recycling a cottage cheese container , I save em because they are handy for different things .


05-07-2020, 12:53 PM
Lunch time ! Going with a couple of zucni squash , 0 cal butter , black pepper and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese . Squash of all kinds are a big part of my eating , I always keep squash on hand . Low cal , easy to make , good and good for ya ! this is about an 90 calorie meal .


05-07-2020, 03:24 PM
Well I worked on the 'fishing chair' for about 30 min and here's the prototype . Every thing I added was made out of the the old arm demoblizer . All Velcroed with dang good medical grade velcro ! lol, it's full loaded in the picture . The shoulder strap worked really good . I weighed it with my fish scales and it hefted out at 18.3 pounds . I'm sure I'll 'improve' it after actually using it ....Maybe tomorrow ? Depends on the wind .


Heck ! Lets make some pickled beets . lol , now from past reading here I know there are a lot of beet haters but have patience with me . Always remember that I'm not too smart , dumb people do dumb things ?

I put a little white (or apple) vinegar in a seal able container , add two tp of Equal 0 calorie sugar substitute and stir it up . Of coarse you can use real sugar if you want . Add one can of whole or slices beets . Finish filling with vinegar till beets are covered . Sit it in the fridge and they are ready tomorrow . Today we are recycling a cottage cheese container , I save em because they are handy for different things .


Next time add some sweet picking spice to those beets and a stick of cinnamon!

05-07-2020, 05:32 PM
Next time add some sweet picking spice to those beets and a stick of cinnamon!

That sounds good Mary ! I have the pickling spice so I'll pick up some cinnamon sticks . With what I did you can also put in a tablespoon of lemon juice and it comes out good too .

05-07-2020, 08:12 PM
Had supper bout 30 min ago . Two pieces of crappie fillet with black pepper and dill .Had another bowl of collard greens . Sure would have liked to have some tartar sauce on that crappie but it was good anyway .


One item I forgot to even mention that I have everyday is these . It's also about the only thing I ever eat with real sugar .


Yep ! Atomic Fireballs ! Loved em since I was a kid ! But I limit myself to three a day , they are 30 calories apiece . Three of them is 90 calories plus if you keep one in your mouth all day the inside of your mouth will be hurting . Don't ask me how I know . I buy em off E BAY in a four pound bucket . Atomic Fireballs last about 30 min in your mouth . Three a day ain't much so I enjoy these in between .


I like cinnamon toothpicks too , o calories . Also buy em by the box on EBAY . The nice little plastic tube they come in is great for preloads of black powder . Total calories for today (including 3 fireballs) is 642 calories . Hope the weigh in in the morning is better than breaking even . I know you can't lose weight every day but you sure do want to . A good evening to you and I'll be back tomorrow !

05-08-2020, 08:28 AM
Weigh in !

Well I'm back in the saddle ! Weighed in at 211 , that's a 2 pound loss from yesterday's break even weight . GOOD DEAL !

I cut up that pineapple I got the other day . Had 2 cups of chunks for breakfast ...!62 calories . Pineapple is pretty high in calories but not if you don't limit the amount . I'm bout out of fish , got one crappie fillet left . Wanted to go fishing today but it rained last night and pretty windy when the sun came up . Probably be a little muddy down on the river but if the wind keeps up it would dry enough by Monday most likely .

Maybe I can find something else to get into . Sittin on my butt is NOT conducive to weight loss !

05-08-2020, 11:13 AM
Depending on the quality of the Mexican beer, nothing. :-D My real problem in trying to lose this weight, is I'm a home-brewer and I have two excellent beers kegged and tapped right now. One is a really nice summer pale ale, and the other a really rich and malty Scottish Ale (thanks MaryB!) I'll have to try the kraut. Sounds good and not too many calories.

My theory is that I use up as many calories making the beer as I get by consuming it.


05-08-2020, 11:24 AM
I had to google the carbs in an avacado! When we were in Calif (grad school) we learned to love them. 4gr. carbs, 4gr. protein, 9gr. fats, but these are the good fats.

One other piece of advice - don't weigh as often. No more than once a week, and better once a month. This way you miss the aggravation of thinking about water weight and the one thing I shouldn't have done - and more of a focus on long term progress.

As a teenager in Southern California, I once had a summer job harvesting avocados. That's something they don't do much in PA. For some reason the Mexican avocados are very cheap now, so I get them when I can. I introduced my wife and family to real guacamole, which is far superior to the green slime from the grocery store. Nowadays I get requests for it at family get-togethers.


05-08-2020, 12:33 PM
It's lunch time ! Had the same thing a few days ago . Easy to 'prepare' and I like a lot of raw veggies . Used low cal dressing with it (forgot to include it) .


Then I cleaned my carry gun . 380 Rugar LCP , the speed it collects pocket 'fuzz' is amazing ! Easy take down on this one though and easy to clean .


05-08-2020, 02:43 PM
Depending on the quality of the Mexican beer, nothing. :-D My real problem in trying to lose this weight, is I'm a home-brewer and I have two excellent beers kegged and tapped right now. One is a really nice summer pale ale, and the other a really rich and malty Scottish Ale (thanks MaryB!) I'll have to try the kraut. Sounds good and not too many calories.

So you like my ale recipe eh? Good stuff and if I am drinking beer I drink less of it because it is so rich... I am sure calorie count is horrible LOL

05-08-2020, 03:07 PM
So you like my ale recipe eh? Good stuff and if I am drinking beer I drink less of it because it is so rich... I am sure calorie count is horrible LOL

Hi Mary,
Yep...delicious. The only tweak I made to your recipe was to back off the bittering hops a little to make it more malty, otherwise, it's yours. Here's the label on my kegerator:


ETA: According to Brewer's Friend, it's 165 cal per 12/oz serving, but it tastes like there should be more.

05-08-2020, 07:28 PM
Well the wind has been blowing 19 MPH all day . Kind of killed things I wanted to do outside so did 'housework' . The wind is starting to lay but it's a little late to drag stuff out to start anything now .

Just had supper , one of those half a chicken breasts I used the Food Saver on the other day with salsa . Also had half an acorn squash with a little Splenda sweetener and 0 cal butter . Made for a fine supper !


Thought of a spot in the cattails on a small lake today , I use to go there often and did pretty good catching catfish . We had the big drought eight years ago and the lake dried up . Scrub brush grew up in the opening in the cattails and you couldn't fish it when the lake refilled . But the brush might be rotted by now ? Another negative factor is that it was never restocked with fish . But fish naturally get in by the creek that feeds into it . It's not far so I might check it out . It's shallow there but we have had a lot of rain . It's a long shot do you reckon it's worth the effort ?

05-09-2020, 08:26 AM
I weighed in this morning at 210 pounds . Not bad...lost one pound ! I knew those first big losses wouldn't hold up but a few days . I'm better than half done to get down to 200 pounds but the weight gets incrementally harder to lose as you go along . At this point I'm more than happy with a one pound loss .

Had the other half of that acorn squash for breakfast , going to get a few more on the next store run . I enjoyed it !

05-09-2020, 01:31 PM
Hey ! What's for lunch !...................Spicy pork hock soup .

In my ongoing effort to find or invent something lo cal but good to eat I discovered what I call pork hock soup . You know right now it most likely took a southerner to come up with a soup called that . You can dwell on it harder and figure a Texan might want 'spicy' pork hock soup ?

Been making it for several years now . The idea was spawned by finding a package of smoked pork hocks in the bargain bin at the meat section of the grocery . In makes three quarts of soup for a total of 698 calories . Sounds kind of unbelievable huh ?
This comes down to 14 cups of soup , now at two cups per regular bowl that's 7 bowls of soup at between 99 and 100 calories per bowl . It's not some watered down trash soup with a couple of carrots floating around in it like low cal soup at the grocery . It's soup you have to chew !

SO ! Lets get cookin !
Pour 2 quarts of beef broth into a suitable size pot . Add 5 bullion beef cubes . Add 4 TS of Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning and 1 TS black pepper , bring to a boil and stir . I use a reduced salt broth like this but you can use 'regular' if you prefer .


Put in 1 regular pork hock ( 2 if they are small ) and slow simmer till it falls apart . Leave that bone in ! It makes it 'more' better !


When it gets half way tender enough to shred it with a fork add the butter/lima beans and wild rice . When the hock is tender take it out and shred it with a fork . Put meat back in with 1 more quart of water .


Add the five cloves of garlic , onions , carrots , fresh green beans celery and chopped large onion .


Slow cook till veggies and beans are done . This was lunch today !


Ingredients ;
I pork hock
5 beef bullion cubes
1 Tablespoon black pepper
4 tablespoons of Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning
5 cloves of garlic
1/3 cup of butter/lima beans
1/4 cup of wild rice
1 cup of celery
1 cup of fresh green beans
1 cup of chopped carrots


And a big ol Texas bon appetite to all !

05-09-2020, 02:01 PM
That looks amazing, and I'll bet smells and tastes that way too! Nice job.

05-09-2020, 02:08 PM
Thank you Ed !

05-09-2020, 04:01 PM
Hi Mary,
Yep...delicious. The only tweak I made to your recipe was to back off the bittering hops a little to make it more malty, otherwise, it's yours. Here's the label on my kegerator:


ETA: According to Brewer's Friend, it's 165 cal per 12/oz serving, but it tastes like there should be more.

My OG typically runs 1.54-1.60 but that slight difference is due to equipment I am sure. FG is right on!

05-09-2020, 06:57 PM
The day is winding down here in Texas . I just had supper , started to have some more soup but am trying to be 'diverse' in how and what I have to eat on a diet . I decided on a salad for supper , not just because it's low cal but because I happen to like salads . There's no end to what you can put in one and spices , onion , peppers or other things to change it up . If your eating salad and other 'rabbit' food everyday you'll burn out on dieting pretty quick .

Just made a medium size salad with a quarter of a chicken breast shredded , iceberg lettuce , little onion , one medium jalapeno pepper with seeds removed , grape tomatoes , few shakes of black pepper and some oregano flakes . I used lo cal ranch (sparingly) and that's it ! It was good and I enjoyed it . I made one box of black cherry jello and I'll have it in an hour or so while I catch up on the news .


Certainly not an amazing meal but plenty of bulk (I'm full and not hungry) . So we'll see what happens in the morning . My crew hates it when I diet , they don't get near as may snacks !


05-10-2020, 09:11 AM
5-10-20 Weigh in this morning !........OOOP's !

Well not so good this morning . I was two tenth's short of losing a pound ! I'll make no excuses , I'm down to the hard to lose 'fat' But figured I would lose another whole pound . In my mind I don't want to settle for incremental losses till I get down to 8 pounds . BUT ! No big deal ! Need to jack up the activity level .

Bluebird sky's , mocking birds are singing , 58 degrees and the suns out , going to be a nice day ! Seems no one thought trying that spot in the cattails was worth a try I'll just do a little work around the house ! I'll probably be back for a lunch report !

Breakfast this morning ;


05-10-2020, 09:24 AM
This has been a gourmet delight around my digs. The local organic vegetable supplier for some high faluten' restaurants has lost his commercial customer base and now sells his produce to us. What a joy. Best tasting stuff I've ever had. Every night the wife, who delights in this stuff, lays out a feast. Combined with mule deer & white tail interspersed with some chicken and shrimp...........hubba hubba. I'm going to miss quarantine.

05-11-2020, 09:05 AM
Well I didn't get back on yesterday , got caught up in life's daily unexpected events .

Was out of chicken so cooked another pack of breast halves , rubbed em with chopped fine fresh garlic and put Lowery's seasoning on them . Already vacuum bagged all but two and in the freezer . Had already bagged half the collards and soup for later . I don't keep leftovers more than 3 days..MAX .


Had a bowl of soup for lunch then half a breast and 2 small squash for supper .


Was more active yesterday , watched fluid intake and just tried a little harder . When I get to 208 I'll start posting pounds with 1/10th increments . Weight loss is slowing up , the 'easy' lose is over . Just have to work at it from here . I'll not stave myself though , that's crazy . I didn't gain it over night and it ain't gonna come off over night . No big deal ! I got the time .

05-11-2020, 09:10 AM
Weigh in ! Weight was 209 this morning . As I said in the previous post ....moved around more . Lost another pound so am satisfied . Got a busy day ahead , got to keep working it off !

Hope you have a great day !

05-11-2020, 11:25 AM
This has been a gourmet delight around my digs. The local organic vegetable supplier for some high faluten' restaurants has lost his commercial customer base and now sells his produce to us. What a joy. Best tasting stuff I've ever had. Every night the wife, who delights in this stuff, lays out a feast. Combined with mule deer & white tail interspersed with some chicken and shrimp...........hubba hubba. I'm going to miss quarantine.

Sounds like your doing good !

05-11-2020, 01:14 PM
I didn't read this thread until today. Good job everybody! Love the ideas and the mutual support you have for one another. During this whole lockdown thing I joked with my brother that it would be no big deal. I'm not anti social, I just don't like being around other people much. The only thing I do miss is not being able to teach guitar to a good friends grandson. Weekly lessons meant I got to visit my good friend as well, as we are both retired, and my brother as well.

As far meals go, my brother and I plan meals together, with an eye toward cutting back. My scale has been broken for years but my belt doesn't lie. Meals are smaller portions, less fattening foods, but still good cooking. On barbecue day, we usually cook chicken breasts, pork chops, tri tip, and burgers. Burgers are for barbecue day, the rest of the meat is later meals. Sometimes sandwiches, sometimes a breakfast scramble, sometimes meat and veggies. Then the left leftovers get cubed up and tossed into chili with pintos.

We both figure that extra weight was packed on slowly, best taken of slowly. Diet and non exercise replaced with improved diet, and more activity. It works. I'm hoping to start golfing with my brother. Neither of us really golf, more like walking with clubs. Besides, once you pay your green fees getting a hole in one is a rip off. A higher score to me means more golfing for a buck. Why cheat ourselves by golfing par?

I'm out west right now so ocean fishing from several spots (man made, surrounded on 3 sides) doesn't require a license. Sitting on the breakwater catching rock fish is a great day. That and smoked fish is a great entree, great on crackers, just plain great. The range where we shoot is not closed, and never more than a few people there so social distance is not a problem. Heck, anyone with a gun tends to be pretty social anyway. Walking back and forth to check targets . . . Ok, re set tin cans, is exercise. Oh, and my brother's grandson got 'kicked out' of the trade school he was attending has been at Grandpa's. Kind of nice having him around. He's a shooter and figured out the pistol he bought didn't turn out to be as easy to shoot as our Glocks. Brother is going to buy his current pistol so grandson can get a Glock. I almost convinced him to get a 40 instead of a 9mm, but also a drop in 9mm conversion barrel and mags so he can shoot both.

Weather in the hills is getting better, hiking with guns and sandwiches may be in the near future. It's pretty remote in N CA, lots of open land, just not the State Parks. Darned socialist governor closed everything including beaches. Well, until the people started to revolt. This small county hasn't really shut everything down. The local chatter is if the grocery stores are open which are more packed than a campsite, well they send a big F U (forget you) to the big city liberals. You have to kill it to grill it, and many folks here don't stalk meat game in plastic wrapped containers located in the refrigerated section. The County Sheriff has not had anyone arrested for going to the park, he is born and raised here.

05-11-2020, 07:38 PM
OK ! Had two small nectarines for breakfast ;


Had half a chicken breast and collard greens for lunch .(sorry didn't take a picture )

Just had supper . A small turkey leg that was in the freezer and half an acorn squash with 0 calorie butter and Splenda . Enjoyed it I was actually hungry ! Total caloric intake for today...835 . Plus I stayed busy all day but it don't take a lot to keep me busy . I do move slow ! LOL

Supper ;


Being determined to 'put out' more today I started early vacuuming the living room and filling up the carpet shampooer . Going to clean the living room carpet tomorrow . did all the odds and ends then went to work .

Got my 'work' rig out ;


This trashy mesquite tree down by the shed has been an eyesore for a good while . It's been miserably struggling to stay alive though it all . Besides it's ugliness the bottom limbs never fail to bring blood on an arm when I mow around it . Mesquite thorns can rip the snot out of your hide .

So ! we are going to turn this freak of nature into a thing of peace and tranquility . Something more aesthetically appealing and less of a hazard . Here it is again ;


And BAM ! Fixed it !


PLUS ! I got a lot of smoker wood . I hope yours is a good evening and a good day to come !

05-11-2020, 07:55 PM
Discovered some strawberries that were dead ripe so had to put them to use. Cream cheese and heavy cream, mixed with some toasted pecans for base in the butter crust. Mixed the strawberries with a little Bon Mamma 4 berry jam. Turned out pretty good. I don't mean to be contrary, just can't keep my sweet tooth under control.

05-11-2020, 08:09 PM
Dang ! There you go again hogtamer ! Your killin me here ! LOL

square butte
05-11-2020, 08:12 PM
Discovered some strawberries that were dead ripe so had to put them to use. Cream cheese and heavy cream, mixed with some toasted pecans for base in the butter crust. Mixed the strawberries with a little Bon Mamma 4 berry jam. Turned out pretty good. I don't mean to be contrary, just can't keep my sweet tooth under control.

That aint fair

05-12-2020, 08:24 AM
Weigh in 5-12-20 ...........208.2

Yeee Haaaa ! Got down to '8' ! Losses will be smaller now but I'm on the down hill side . I'll include the 1/10th increments in the daily weigh in . Going to have the other half of that acorn squash from yesterday for breakfast . 8 was a 'goal' for me because it's the home stretch to 200 pounds .


Wayne Smith
05-12-2020, 09:10 AM
When you are learning a new way to eat - one that will last the rest of your life rather than for a 'diet' period - including judicious sweets and specials is part of that. Hogtamer, I really like your strawberry pie. LOML the other day asked if I would be interested in picking strawberries - they should be coming in here soon. I think I'll steal your recipe.

05-12-2020, 10:08 AM
I agree Wayne . Most struggle through a 'diet' hoping to reach an end goal without thinking about after . If you like to over eat till it's a problem.........it's time to fix the problem . Easy said and hard done ! I know from personal experience .
The end goal should not be the weight you want as a goal but to change your eating habits . It can be done and we'll talk about that later .

05-12-2020, 01:49 PM
Hi all,
Charlie, great job! I'm still tracking what's going on here and still working on my own weight loss. I'm down to 197 this morning...seven more pounds to go! In celebration, and for my next week's worth of meals, I'm smoking a spicy meatloaf. This is obviously a Paleo/Keto meal and definitely not vegan/vegetarian friendly. I'm still finishing up documenting the recipe, which I'll post once I'm done. Until then, you can see my beautiful 3.5 pound in the process of being smoked.


05-12-2020, 02:51 PM
Looking good Ed ! Glad to hear your a 'loser' !

05-12-2020, 03:40 PM
When dieting do a cheat day to eat some sweets, or have bacon and eggs and toast... Sunday was my day to have a full blown meal then back to salads and a lot of chicken breast...

05-12-2020, 07:05 PM
Hi all,
I said I'd post the recipe, so here it is. Mods, if you don't want it here and would rather it be in the Cookin' Recipes forum, please let me know.

262028 262029

Spicy Smoked Meatloaf

2 lbs 80/20 ground beef
1 lb Regular or spicy pork breakfast sausage
½ large red onion minced/diced
1 heaping tbsp of minced garlic (or 5-6 crushed garlic cloves)
2 eggs
1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1-2 tbsp your favorite hot sauce (more or less to taste)
½ cup beer or ¼ cup bourbon (optional)
½ cup raw oatmeal (steel cut or rolled)
2-3 oz (3/4 cup) Fritos or store brand corn chip crumbs
½ cup (4 oz) minced jalapeños (fresh or canned)
½ cup (4 oz) minced green chilis (canned is easier)
2 tsp Mexene chili powder (or your brand)
2 tsp Kent Rollins Mesquite seasoning
2 tsp Fiesta Fajita mix
8 oz Pepperjack sliced thin or grated

Basting Sauce:
Your choice, I left mine dry (didn’t need the extra calories – har har)

1. Preheat your smoker to 230° F
2. In large bowl, combine all ingredients except the cheese. Wash your hands and mix it all up!
3. Lay some wax paper on a cookie sheet and then spread out the meat mixture to make a rectangle about 10-12” wide x 1” thick x ?” long
4. Arrange the Pepperjack in a single layer on top of the meat
5. Using the wax paper to help manage the process, roll the meat into a loaf, and pinch/form the ends to seal. Do not roll the wax paper in the loaf (duh)! Alternatively, form a giant meat “envelope” and stuff with cheese, then pinch shut.
6. Place in smoker on a rack over a pan to catch the grease/drippings.
7. Smoke for 4+ hours or until internal temp hits 168° - 175°F, or you can smoke 3-4 hours, then pull and finish to same internal temperature in the oven in a covered loaf pan.
8. Drain drippings/fat and let rest for a while before cutting and serving

Nutrition Information (do you really want to know?)*:

Serving size:
4 oz (about 14 servings)

311.7 g

23.1 g

5.0 g

19.7 g

*Best guess based on ingredients and final weight of 3 lbs, 9 oz with all liquid drained.

05-12-2020, 07:21 PM
The day is about over . Stayed medium busy today , rained enough last night to stay out of doing work outside . But I got half the living room shampooed, went over it about a hundred times . My daughter left home 3 years ago and left me with 3 small house dogs , a pet starling named Cutie and a Leopard gecko that's 18 years old named Larry . Having 3 dogs in the house I don't want the 'dog' smell . Got a dogie door and they are good to go out . Need to pull the covers off the dog beds and wash them too .

Well I got off on a tangent there ! Anyway I'm still hangin in there . Had the half a acorn squash for breakfast (strange breakfast huh ?) . Had a half a chicken breast at lunch with half those pickled beets I made day before yesterday . This evening I'm having a yellow squash with black pepper and Parmesan cheese . Last grocery run I made I scored a nice lean (tiny bit of marbling) Swiss steak in the bargain bin , about half price . Trimmed the fat off the outside edge .


Cooked it in the oven and will have half of it . All the things I'm putting up are food I eat regularly , as I said in the beginning...I stay on kind of a perpetual diet . OH ! Of coarse had my 3 Atomic Fireballs during the day too ! Figured it up and it's 792 calories . Supper ;


05-13-2020, 08:41 AM
Weigh in ! 5-13-20..............weighed in at 207.4

Dang ! lost nearly a pound . It actually surprised me ! Good deal ! I cut up the pineapple I bought the other day . Had about 2 cups of chunks for breakfast , I really like fresh pineapple ! I'm sitting here wondering what to do for the day . I'm letting the half of the living room carpet dry good before I move all the 'stuff' back to that side of the room after I rake and vacuum it again .

It's 63 degrees . Mocking birds are busy singing . Suppose to be cloudy all day and the ground has dried up pretty good . I got things to do but I was sitting here thinking about going down on the river and fishing for a few hours............................................. ........

05-13-2020, 10:08 AM
RedlegEd this post is in the "Cookin' Recipe's" sub-branch of "Our Town", I think we won't see the world end if people post recipes in here :)

05-13-2020, 12:17 PM
RedlegEd this post is in the "Cookin' Recipe's" sub-branch of "Our Town", I think we won't see the world end if people post recipes in here :)

Ooops! Makes sense.

05-13-2020, 04:56 PM
Hi all,
I said I'd post the recipe, so here it is. Mods, if you don't want it here and would rather it be in the Cookin' Recipes forum, please let me know.

262028 262029

Spicy Smoked Meatloaf

2 lbs 80/20 ground beef
1 lb Regular or spicy pork breakfast sausage
½ large red onion minced/diced
1 heaping tbsp of minced garlic (or 5-6 crushed garlic cloves)
2 eggs
1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1-2 tbsp your favorite hot sauce (more or less to taste)
½ cup beer or ¼ cup bourbon (optional)
½ cup raw oatmeal (steel cut or rolled)
2-3 oz (3/4 cup) Fritos or store brand corn chip crumbs
½ cup (4 oz) minced jalapeños (fresh or canned)
½ cup (4 oz) minced green chilis (canned is easier)
2 tsp Mexene chili powder (or your brand)
2 tsp Kent Rollins Mesquite seasoning
2 tsp Fiesta Fajita mix
8 oz Pepperjack sliced thin or grated

Basting Sauce:
Your choice, I left mine dry (didn’t need the extra calories – har har)

1. Preheat your smoker to 230° F
2. In large bowl, combine all ingredients except the cheese. Wash your hands and mix it all up!
3. Lay some wax paper on a cookie sheet and then spread out the meat mixture to make a rectangle about 10-12” wide x 1” thick x ?” long
4. Arrange the Pepperjack in a single layer on top of the meat
5. Using the wax paper to help manage the process, roll the meat into a loaf, and pinch/form the ends to seal. Do not roll the wax paper in the loaf (duh)! Alternatively, form a giant meat “envelope” and stuff with cheese, then pinch shut.
6. Place in smoker on a rack over a pan to catch the grease/drippings.
7. Smoke for 4+ hours or until internal temp hits 168° - 175°F, or you can smoke 3-4 hours, then pull and finish to same internal temperature in the oven in a covered loaf pan.
8. Drain drippings/fat and let rest for a while before cutting and serving

Nutrition Information (do you really want to know?)*:

Serving size:
4 oz (about 14 servings)

311.7 g

23.1 g

5.0 g

19.7 g

*Best guess based on ingredients and final weight of 3 lbs, 9 oz with all liquid drained.

Meatloaf trick I tried a couple years ago and have kept on using... pulse the oatmeal in your spice grinder until it is flour like(may need to do a couple batches). Not only does it clean the grinder of spice oils the ground oatmeal really seems to make a moister and fluffier end product. I do the same in meatballs.

05-13-2020, 05:30 PM
Meatloaf trick I tried a couple years ago and have kept on using... pulse the oatmeal in your spice grinder until it is flour like(may need to do a couple batches). Not only does it clean the grinder of spice oils the ground oatmeal really seems to make a moister and fluffier end product. I do the same in meatballs.

Thanks for the tip. I'll give it as shot next time.

05-13-2020, 05:55 PM
Dang good looking meatloaf Ed !

05-13-2020, 08:22 PM
Well I went fishing on the river this morning . Started sprinkling rain pretty heavy , thought I was going to get rained out . But it passed to the north .

Stayed about 21/2 hours , did't even get hardly any bites . Finally caught about a 2 pound carp , just threw him back . A guy in a boat came from upriver and killed his engine asking me if I had done any good . He said he'd been upriver since daylight and only got one good bite but he threw the hook . Told him I had been there for an hour or so and hadn't even got a nibble . He said...I'm loadin up and goin home . I just told him...If it don't pick up pretty quick I'll be right behind you . He cranked up and left .

So ! Besides the little carp I got skunked on that trip . Came home and had lunch , half a chicken breast and one yellow squash . Stayed kind of busy and had the other half of that steak from yesterday and a small salad .


Then I made some apples . Two big green Granny Smith apples , cut in wedges . 0 calorie butter , splenda with a tablespoon of lemon juice . Microwaved em for 5 min , pulled em out half way and stirred them to get the cinnamon coating even . Just tastes like apple pie filling , It's 110 calories with 2 apples . I'll eat half now and the other half in the morning . Cheap and easy to make and low cal ! I make it even when I'm not trying to lose weight . Total calories for today is 824 .


Hope you all had a good day where ever you are and wish you an even better day tomorrow !

05-14-2020, 08:18 AM
Weigh in 5-14-20 . This morning I was..........206.4

Not a pound but not bad ! Had some pineapple for breakfast , I don't ever get tired of pineapple ! I saw something floating in the river yesterday . Didn't pay it much mind but after I got home I started thinking . In my 'compulsiveness' I'm always thinking of a use for different useless things . I don't know...just seems kind of like a challenge to me to make something out of nothing .

I'll have to think on it some more before I commit but I might be able to use what was floating in the river . I'll get back to you later .

In the meantime I'll leave you with the only picture I took yesterday when at the river .


05-14-2020, 05:16 PM
Well I went fishing on the river this morning . Started sprinkling rain pretty heavy , thought I was going to get rained out . But it passed to the north .

Stayed about 21/2 hours , did't even get hardly any bites . Finally caught about a 2 pound carp , just threw him back . A guy in a boat came from upriver and killed his engine asking me if I had done any good . He said he'd been upriver since daylight and only got one good bite but he threw the hook . Told him I had been there for an hour or so and hadn't even got a nibble . He said...I'm loadin up and goin home . I just told him...If it don't pick up pretty quick I'll be right behind you . He cranked up and left .

So ! Besides the little carp I got skunked on that trip . Came home and had lunch , half a chicken breast and one yellow squash . Stayed kind of busy and had the other half of that steak from yesterday and a small salad .


Then I made some apples . Two big green Granny Smith apples , cut in wedges . 0 calorie butter , splenda with a tablespoon of lemon juice . Microwaved em for 5 min , pulled em out half way and stirred them to get the cinnamon coating even . Just tastes like apple pie filling , It's 110 calories with 2 apples . I'll eat half now and the other half in the morning . Cheap and easy to make and low cal ! I make it even when I'm not trying to lose weight . Total calories for today is 824 .


Hope you all had a good day where ever you are and wish you an even better day tomorrow !

Carp is actually decent eating if it is a small one. Filet, cut out the mud line and make sure all under skin fat is off. then fry or bake or broil. Needs no added fat since carp is fatty to begin with. Pick around the bones while eating... LOT of omega 3... https://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/finfish-and-shellfish-products/4035/2

05-14-2020, 07:15 PM
I completely agree Mary , carp stand falsely accused . lol , I started this thread eating carp . It's a very mild white meat with no fishy smell or taste . Kind of a flaky cod meat and the bones are not even a problem . I like a 5-8 pound fish . They are a little hard to skin but no big deal , after that you fillet em like any other . Thought about baking that two pounder whole , I always wanted to try that but never have . There are no bones in the very top and very bottom of the filet . The bones are in the middle where the thick meat is . We only have the 'common' carp here , I never fished any of the other types . Strong fighting fish , fun to catch .

05-14-2020, 07:24 PM
The day is drawing to a close pretty quick . Had half a chicken breast with mustard , the other half of acorn squash from yesterday and an apple for lunch . Had a hamburger pattie from the freezer , a yellow squash and an apple for supper . Of coarse I had 3 Atomic Fireballs during the day too !
Total calories..............869 .

Didn't get much done today , still haven't finished the living room ...need to finish that ! So ! Till tomorrow I pray you rest well and had a good day .

Wayne Smith
05-14-2020, 07:49 PM
Let me add one more piece of advice and then I'll shut up.

When losing weight you are learning how to eat to lose weight. This is something good to know because you can always go back to it if you need to. Once you reach your goal you have a new challenge = learning to eat to maintain what you have. It will be similar but slightly different and needs to be equally thought out.

05-15-2020, 07:02 AM
Weigh in 5-15-20...OOOP'S ! Weighed in at 206.6

Well heck ! I gained 2/10th's of a pound . I'm not really even disappointed , I have had a dang good run this time at losing . This is only a pause , I expected it to happen before now . Being as I'm posting results I have been extra mindful to lose steadily . In my experience there's no way when trying to lose every day . And of coarse the longer you go the loss gets more incremental unless your trying to hurt yourself by total abstinence .

Like Wayne posted in the thread ..it's learning a new way to adjust your eating to maintain your desired weight .

05-15-2020, 07:00 PM
Well the ol back was acting up today . Didn't get much work done . But did some 'stupid' stuff , grocery run , doctor visit , finished the living room carpet . Not a lot of activity today . Was in and out of the house but ;

Had a big ol apple for breakfast ;


Two zucchini squash with pepper and Parmesan cheese for lunch ;


Then had a chicken breast with salsa with a big tomato with lo cal ranch dressing . It was good !; Total calories for the day 719 .


I did recycle a vinegar jug into a scoop for soured grain when catfish and carp fishing , that took at least 5 min , LOL . Hershey is pretty interested in that stinking sour grain .


So ! We'll see what happens at the morning weigh in !

05-16-2020, 08:28 AM
Weigh in 5-16-20 ! ....................206.4

Well it's a new low BUT only barely . Lost 4/10ths yesterday , still hovering at 6 plus . It can be disheartening after having big loses but it's par for the coarse . If you have quite a bit of weight to lose you'll stall out occasionally even when your eating light . They say it's your body kicking into survival mode , it's an imbalance of dieting with your system trying to compensate . There are all kinds of theories , conjecture and here say .

You can drive yourself crazy reweighing and trying to find a plausible medically correct excuse . I have been down this road too many times . I know that if your eating right to lose you'll break out of the 'slump' . It's to be expected .

Had breakfast this morning . Had half of one of these ;


A Lonestar yellow dew melon grown down in the valley at the tip of Texas . Never had one before but they had em on sale at the grocery store 2 for 5 bucks . It's a soft melon , sweet and I enjoyed it will buy them again . There no calorie counter with this melon on it so I'll go with the calorie count of a honeydew melon . Half a melon =165 calories .


05-16-2020, 07:10 PM
It's been a pretty boring day . Had a heck of a storm last night , steady continuous thunder and lightning . Wind got high and it rained till about 1 oclock in the afternoon . Just did chores and gave a dog a bath , it was a light work day . Had a bowl of the soup I made the other day at lunch . For supper had a small crappie filet with pepper and dill and a yellow squash with o calorie butter and black pepper . Tried to trim back on the food just a little .



Hate that it rained in respect to getting out working , fishing or anything outside . LOL , need to get out of my losing 'slump' . But as they say....It'll all work out !

My church opens back up tomorrow so I'll have a place to go at least . I have been missing going to church . Well we'll see what tomorrow brings for the weigh in ! I'm ready to be a loser again .

05-17-2020, 07:34 AM
Weigh in 5-17-20 . The break out !................205.2

Back in the saddle again ! Lost a fraction over a pound...Good deal ! Just ate a hair less and no salt except in the soup I ate . Had the other half of that Texas melon for breakfast this morning ;


Going to church this morning , haven't thought about lunch . Sun is suppose to be out today , hope it dries up quick . It has started out to be a good day with a nice loss and better weather . I'll go from there !

05-17-2020, 06:50 PM
Well in was good to be able to go to church again ! Everyone was glad . Got home and had 2 baked chicken legs and a cucumber cut up in vinegar . For supper had a small piece of steak and a quarter head of cabbage , lot of black pepper in that cabbage . Had my Atomic Fireballs during the day and it's all worked out well . Supper ;


It's been a good low calorie day , total calories..640 . Hoping the weigh in will be a good one.....Time will tell ! Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life here and I am optimistic !

05-17-2020, 08:40 PM
I found a diet that worked well: eat as much fat as you can find and don't shy away from the protein/meat, BUT eat as little sugar/carbs as possible.

Keto/low carb worked for me and I don't even do it as strict as suggested. Being active really helps. 4 months into it, I was walking miles every day with a toolbelt on while doing barb wire fencing. It wasn't a problem to eat as much as I wanted, but I avoided bread, ate low carb torillas and yogurt, and had salad for lunch everyday with eggs and meat for breakfast. heavy cream is always used in my coffee and I don't drink soda and low carb beer helps with the diet even though I usually don't have more than one in an evening.

When I started the diet, I bought a smoker and use it often. For the last couple months I have eaten less strict, but I always ask myself if it is worth eating the carbs. If not, I skip it or eat a low carb version. Pizza, waffles, and a few others don't have good tasting low carb versions so I cheat.

05-18-2020, 08:43 AM
Weigh in 5-18-20 ...................204.8

Well not a big loss but a loss none the less . Almost a half pound . I'm 'satisfied' with it . Had another half of one of those Texas melons for breakfast this morning . No plans for lunch , got a dentist appointment at 11 oclock so I'm figuring no lunch . LOL , I'll be pretty numbed up from the procedure . The ground is drying up , might be able to get out and do some work in the yard this evening...hope so anyway . Suns out !

Wayne Smith
05-18-2020, 05:46 PM
Hah - ground drying, that is! With Andrew leaving the area we had a very messy day and rain predicted every day the next week - another low coming up from Florida. Saw my MD today, A1C was 6.2 and at 66 years experienced (me) she was very pleased with that. I hope we see the sun this week!

05-18-2020, 08:33 PM
My day went well ! Had a bowl of soup for lunch . Had a big piece of turkey breast , another quarter head of boiled cabbage and an apple for supper .


Didn't get much work done , got a medical procedure coming up tomorrow . Might not be able to post but I'll try to ! It was a dang nice day today , got up near 90 degrees . I can almost hear the river bank getting dry enough to go fishing again . total calories for today....740 .

05-19-2020, 07:54 AM
5-19-20 weigh in . ......................204.2

Well ....not bad . Hoped to get down to the 203 mark but the fickle finger of diet destiny couldn't let it be . I have that medical procedure at noon , not suppose to eat or drink till then . Although I did drink 3 cups of coffee at about 4 this morning . So ! Maybe I'll be a big loser tomorrow ? We shall see !

05-19-2020, 07:23 PM
I got the procedure out of the way , Got a trial spinal stimulated to try out till Friday . Couldn't eat or drink this morning because of the procedure . Had a bowl of soup for lunch then had two yellow squash with 0 calorie butter and black pepper . Had a salad with the squash , just lettuce , tomatoes and onion with lo cal dressing . Supper ;


Sure ought to get down in the 3's tomorrow morning . LOL, if I don't I'll blame it on the unit taped to my back ! Calories for today ......520 . Hope you had a good day !

05-20-2020, 07:26 AM
Admission/correction !

Yesterday I put down 205.2 . It should have been 204.2 ! It goes to prove I shouldn't put up anything till I have had a least 2 cups of coffee . As I have gotten older I find it best not to make decisions when I first get up . LOL , I need to let the fog clear a bit !

05-20-2020, 08:29 AM
I got a trial electronic stimulater wired into my spine yesterday . The unit itself is just taped on my back , I don't see it as affecting the diet so we move on .

Weigh in 5-20-20..............203.6

Did pretty good yesterday . Started today having a big pear , lol my last one ..need to get a few more ! I need to test this stimulater out so will be moving around more..hopefully . My son brought me some curry he made yesterday evening . He says it's mainly butternut squash , onions and lo cal stuff . I'll try it out at noon and 'guess' at the calorie count , said he used water and no oil .

05-20-2020, 08:56 AM
Found this almost new container in the shed yesterday . My shed is an amazing place , there's no telling what you can find in my hoard of 'stuff' if your willing to dig into it . I admit to being a borderline hoarder . Anyway , Been wanting to make something to carry some common tools on my riding mower . Already had the wood slats , carriage bolts and nylon strap .


Made this amazing high tech tool [ lol ]to burn the holes in doubled up nylon strap .


Left one end undone so to 'fit' it to the back of the mower seat . SO ! We shall see ! Just a time killer project , did it while I was sitting at my computer desk

05-20-2020, 07:40 PM
Well I had a pretty good day . Had a bowl of soup for lunch and two small nectarines . Stayed medium busy , China berry trees are taking over behind the shed . Got a lot of em cut up to haul off , had two piles and this is the last one when I quit . Started to mow the grass but it's suppose to rain for the next two days . I figured what the heck and will do it this weekend . This is my yard swing and with all the high wind and storms we been getting it gets blown over too much . I didn't even stand it back up , I'll wait for two days after the storms , LOL .



Here's supper my son made for me . He said it's butternut squash (mainly) , water chestnuts and chicken . He said the curry will make your eyes water and sweat! So we shall see ! Plus I'll have an apple . I'm guessing on the calories today but I'd figure it to be around 680 . I have eaten light but drank a lot of water cutting trees up . The water factor is always a wild card event for me .


Till in the morning I wish you a good evening !

05-21-2020, 08:10 AM
Weigh in 2-21-20 OOOP"S ! ....................weight 203.8

Well ! Thought I'd have a decent loss this morning but............
Gained 2/10 th's of a pound ! I have no excuses...it happens . When you get this close to the end you get in a hurry to get there . But I know it's coming so I'm good...just keep grinding away at it .

It was suppose to rain today and tomorrow but now they say it's just going to be a cloudy day today . Since it was suppose to rain I put up all my 'stuff' to do tree work . Sooooo ! I think we ought to go fishing ! Plus ! The dang chiggers ate me up yesterday ! Spent 20 min rubbing campho phenique on the bites . Legs , armpits and unmentionable areas , LOL . I hate chiggers ! Our bible tells us to hate evil and believe me ! They are an evil !

I'll take an apple for breakfast with me . See ya later !

05-21-2020, 01:03 PM
Well ! got to the river , got set up , 30 min later my phone rang . Lady from the clinic that put the trial sitmulater told me they needed an x ray today and it was at 10;30 at the hospital . So...yea ! Spooled up and went to the house . Dang !

AND THEN ! On the way home the factory rep for the stimulater company called saying he wanted me to meet him at the clinic for a consultation at 1;00 . So.....yea ! Looks like it's gonna be one of those days .

Ok , ok ! I'm through griping . Came home and had lunch , had a small turkey leg and some carrots ;


OH ! Got two good bites in that 30 min , the fish were there .

05-21-2020, 07:31 PM
Seems the day turned into ...medical stuff . Didn't get much done...including fishing . Did go the the grocery and picked up a few things . I get the trial stimulater removed tomorrow and have to decide whether to go with it or back surgery . Had some of the curry my son made for lunch .

I just finished supper . A quarter of a chicken breast with salsa and a hunk of cauliflower , will have a small peach later . Total calories 588 .


We'll see what the scales say in the morning !

05-22-2020, 08:24 AM
Weigh in 5-22-20 Good deal !..............203.0

Lost nearly a pound . It's encouraging . Had half a cantaloupe for breakfast ;


Ate just a little of that curry yesterday with the turkey leg and carrots . There was just a little too much to get in the containers to freeze . Froze the last portion so might have it at lunch . LOL , my pants/ clothes are fitting good again but I need to go on to the 200 mark . Fact is I was thinking about...190 ? Would give me a bigger 'buffer zone' because of the fluid retention problem I have .

I know one thing ! I ain't getting out in the back forty till my chigger bites heal up ! LOL , got some calamine lotion yesterday . They nearly dove me nuts wanting to scratch em yesterday ! Pretty near painted my legs with Calamine last night and this morning . Thinking about broadcasting some Dursban out back . Plus I'm going to stop up on chigger repellent !

05-22-2020, 09:29 AM
Well it was suppose to rain today but changed it this morning...AGAIN . Don't have any plans because I thought in would rain . Suns out and clear sky's , pretty day . Might start a 'restoration' project . Fought my way to the back corner of the shed where I had a stack of old fishing equipment . Found theses ;


Two Abu Garcia 5600 reels , as you can tell the mud dobbers have had their way with em . 5600's are my favorite 'go to' reel and at today's price for em it's worth checking them out !

05-22-2020, 02:42 PM
Had a 'no cook' lunch . One large tomato , all the broccoli I wanted (lol , I didn't eat all that broccoli) . Used black pepper and lo cal dressing...sparingly . Lunch ;


I like raw veggies so that's a plus eating light when I want or need to . Had a pretty nice loss this morning and want to hang onto it .

05-22-2020, 03:04 PM
I'm bout out of chicken so picked up two of these at the store yesterday ;


These breast halves are BIG ! I cut them in half ;


Slathered them in Louisiana hot wing sauce with a dusting of Tony Chachere's seasoning ;


Baked em 30 min at 350 and ;


Took the other package and cut them in half . Rubbed em with minced garlic then dusted them with black pepper and Tony Chachere's seasoning . Let them sit in the fridge for about an hour ;


Baked them the same and ;


I eat a lot of chicken for different reasons . Beef is too dang high , you can change up seasonings with chicken easy and it's low cal . Plus I just like it , after trying to change my eating habits I just naturally lean to what's good that's less calories . You can find plenty that's good .

These are in the fridge getting chilled and I'll use the Food Saver tomorrow and bag them up .

05-22-2020, 06:59 PM
Had supper about 30 min ago . Piece of the garlic chicken I made today and leftover carrots ;


Chicken was good ! Haven't made any for a month or so . Started to figure in an apple for later but heck I'm full . Total calories for today..............698 .

We'll see if I can hang on to the loss from this morning . Could break into the '2's , this deal is winding down . Seep well and get rested up tonight ! Remember ..tomorrow is the first day to the rest of your life ! GOD is good .

square butte
05-22-2020, 07:04 PM
We just picked up a bit of chicken today, as we ran out a few days ago. I'd about forgotten how much mischief those mud dobbers could do

05-23-2020, 08:29 AM
Yea . My shed is fairly close to water , they got to have water to build their 'nests' . I get a lot of dobbers in the shed every summer . The shed is a prime target , they are a pain .

05-23-2020, 08:51 AM
5-23-20 Weigh in...............206

Nice loss ! LOL , now to hang onto it and do better . Rained like heck last night ! My son called about 9 pm saying he had golf ball size hail at his place , he lives about 10 miles north of me . But I didn't get any hail here . Body shops will get a boost out of it .

It's quit raining , suppose to be cloudy and cool today . Don't have a game plan yet . Had the other half of that cantaloupe for breakfast .


I'll check back in around lunch if I'm still at the house , today is a crap shoot as to what I'll get into .

Wayne Smith
05-23-2020, 08:58 AM
Another piece of advice - switch to weighing about every third day and then weekly rather than daily. This is more important as you get to your goal weight as you need to be gradually switching to an ongoing diet, that which will maintain your weight. Weighing daily gives you a measure of your last two days of eating. You need a measure of a weeks worth of eating, then a months, etc.

05-23-2020, 01:03 PM
Wayne makes a good point . We are all wired differently , here I'm reporting my weight daily because it's a thread . But usually I weigh once a week and Friday is the day , no particular reason...just habit . Weighing yourself constantly is a fail . Just need to figure out a routine you can live/deal with . You want a method that turns into a new eating lifestyle ..not just a temporary 'fix' .

Had a piece of pork steak and the last of the collard greens I made a few days ago . Got to make some more , lo cal and I like em plus they freeze well .


05-23-2020, 07:49 PM
Well the day is winding down . The rain quit this morning but it's awful wet out there . Just had supper ! Piece of that garlic chicken and some cauliflower , I enjoyed it ;


Boring day ! Picked up a few things for a shut in at Walmart . Just washed/folded clothes and other stupid things you have to do to live . LOL , Hope I lose again in the morning but would be glad just to break even . I wish you a good evening ! We'll see what tomorrow brings . Total calories today...740

05-24-2020, 07:47 AM
5-24-2o weigh in...........204.4

Well only a 2/10ths loss today . BUT! I hung on to the nice loss from yesterday ! I honestly don't like talking about my 'fluid retention' problem' . It could be a cheap excuse when I don't lose every day . But it's a reality for me , I have to kind of balance my eating and fluid intake at the same time to lose daily . However it's been that way so long it's just my normal thinking .

My point is I can work my way through it . Many of us have medical problems that affect losing weight . But there is a way , generally by changing your habits or routine concerning what , when and how often you eat . Weight loss is a problem for most . We are living in a time that food is everywhere . It all gets back to being in control your life as far as eating habits .

05-24-2020, 03:01 PM
Had two small plums for breakfast , I like plums ;


Had a bowl of soup for lunch , this is the last bowl so need to make some more ;


Stopped on the way home from church and picked up a big bag of collard greens . I generally always have some in the freezer ready to go ;


Got them cooked while mowing the yard...well most of the yard . Got to finish the last third by dark , yea..it's suppose to rain tomorrow . But my faith in the weather folks is severely shaken at this point . But I'll get it done and trim some more trees . I got geared up for the chiggers at Walmart while getting some collards .


05-24-2020, 06:21 PM
Had supper . Piece of spicy chicken and a bowl of collard greens plus an apple later ;


It got pretty hot today , had to kick on the air conditioner . Kind of hate to see the hot weather set in , it'll be time to get your chores done early in the morning . Finished mowing the yard and got a few things done up . LOL , trying to keep things caught up so I can go fishing when I want to ! Calories for today.........740 .

See you in the morning .

05-25-2020, 08:37 AM
5-25-20 Weigh in...............202.0

Just had a plum this morning , wasn't hungry anyway . Rained last night , the weather folks finally got it right . Got a few light projects in mind for today but nothing involving much activity really . Think I'll stick with veggies and fruit today . The end is near for the 'goal' weight I posted . But I do as a rule have meat daily . When I get back to basically 200 pounds I'll eat more at times than others . I'm use to yo yoing within 5 pounds or so because of fluid retention . Still thinking about getting down to 190 but I'll stop this thread at 200 . Might check back in at 5 pound losses a couple of times .

Hope ya'll have a good day !

05-25-2020, 01:32 PM
Just had lunch ! Turnips and a small squash with what's in the picture ;


Light rain outside ...bummer ! But lunch was good !

05-25-2020, 02:30 PM
Update on the two Garcia fishing poles !

Wet outside to do anything so brought em in the house to clean up . Cleaned em enough to see what we got .


The reel on the pole just took off working fine ! But the one pulled off has a line guide problem and the rats have been nibbling on the finger grips on the crank . I figure the worm gear and dog are worn out . I looked at several reel parts places online and I won't spend that much on the parts . They sure are proud of them !

One pole is ready to go and the other needs 2 ceramic guide eyes...very much worth fixing ! Both good graphite poles ! So , I'll clean em a little bit better . Then tear down the working reel , clean , grease and oil it . I'll just throw the 'non' working reel in the stack of junk fishing stuff .

05-25-2020, 05:44 PM
Depending on the age of the ugly stick rod it might have a lifetime warranty and they will replace the guides or send a new rod. One of my ugly sticks has that warranty and it has been repaired twice. Starting to delaminate from big catfish so it is about end of life... and not sure if they will replace it still. Heard they were saying no to "abuse"...

05-25-2020, 06:50 PM
Thanks Mary ! I didn't know that , your always a wealth of information . Heck the pole is in good shape , 5 and 1/2 foot , 15-20 break point .

05-25-2020, 06:55 PM
Just had supper . Had half a butternut squash and brussel sprouts ;


Figured up calories for the day and it comes to 482 . Guess it's time to watch today's news and get all worked up about everything , LOL . Have a good evening !

05-26-2020, 08:22 AM
5-26-20 Weigh in ...................201.4

A pound lost . Good deal ! I knew yesterday would be slow activity day so just stuck with the veggies and fruit . Had half of another Texas dew melon this morning ;


I recommend you try one if you come across em . Just an extra sweet honey dew . Well it ain't supposed to rain today . We have had a wet spring for my part of the country . Might go fishing , I know a 'public' spot that might be dry enough and don't think many except the boaters will be out in the middle of the week . I'm loaded already and can be there in twenty min . It's temping...ain't it ?

I'll try to check in at noon !

05-26-2020, 09:43 AM
Well ! That was a good idea while it lasted . Drove out to the river , it's out of it's banks , like to got my little compact SUV stuck a couple of times . Water is plum up in the trees ;


Wanted to get some fish just to encourage folks to get out and make the most of this down time during the virus . But in theory this diet goal will be met in a couple of days . The river will take a while to dry up enough to get in .

05-26-2020, 07:15 PM
Came home and had a piece of chicken breast and collard greens for lunch . Just had supper , another piece of spicy breast and the rest of the brussel sprouts from yesterday with a microwave apple with cinnamon with Splenda and O cal butter .


Sorry the apple is not in the picture , hadn't made it yet . It wasn't a very active day , was away from the house most of the time . Total calories for the day came to....690 . Hoping for a loss tomorrow !

Have a great evening !

05-27-2020, 09:25 AM
5-27-20 Weigh in...........201.2

Well ! Didn't do too good ! But I maintained and lost a big ol 2/10 ths of a pound . But I had a bigger loss yesterday than I had expected . SO ! I'm happy with maintaining and the tiny loss ! Today is another day !

Had the other half of that Texas dew melon for breakfast . Opened the front door at first light and we apparently got a light rain last night . Dang it ! It's killing my activity level ! I don't count housework or 'inside' things as activity , it's just stuff you do routinely . To me activity is getting out and doing things that are NOT routine . Oh well it is what it is .

Will try to check in about lunch time ! Have a good day !

05-27-2020, 01:10 PM
.................................................. ....Lunch time !

Decided I wanted a salad !


Nothing fancy , mainly lettuce with big slice of onion , one big jalapeno , few cherry tomatoes and black pepper . For dressing I'll use Hidden Valley reduced calorie ranch at 60 calories for 2 tablespoons . If you want to 'spice' it up a little you can add just a little Louisiana Wing Sauce . It actually makes southwest dressing and of coarse that's what I did for this salad .


Sun is out ! Hope things dry up here .

05-27-2020, 09:12 PM
Just had supper . Had a piece of garlic chicken breast , collard greens and a few pickled beets . Did as Mary suggested and added a piece of cinnamon stick and all spice . Gave em a new taste ! I liked it and will be doing it regular ! It's like chicken , using spices and garnishes to make it taste different . In this thread I have limited the chicken to the lowest calorie 'seasonings' I could . But I use a lot of different ways to change the taste and the way it looks . Chicken Rotel is a good example , chicken Parmesan is another . Through choice I don't eat much bread , grain products or grain . I don't buy rarely use real sugar . But on holidays and eating out I do without hesitation . I don't fry anything but maybe 6 times a year . LOL , I'm not a health nut , vegan , environmentalist or anything like it . I have simply gotten use to eating better . Heck ! I like hamburgers , fried potatoes , barbecue , Mexican food (could live on Mexican food !) , Chinese food , Italian food . Well heck I like food ! And I have some of all of it in moderation .

If Christmas or any other holiday or event is coming I usually just lose a few pounds in preparation . Went for Christmas to some folks that wanted me to come in Bridgeport Texas last year . There were people from India , Taiwan , Germany and just regular old Texans . It was an international menu and I tore it up ! Took me a week to get back to my regular weight .

Well I just rattling on . Supper was good ! Went on and froze the greens that were left , been 3 days in the fridge . I do need to make some more soup though . Might make some chicken and wild rice . Here's supper '


Hope you rest well . We got another day coming...good Lord willing !

05-28-2020, 08:26 AM
5-28-20 Weigh in .................200.7

We are just about there . 7/10 ths to go . Might be there in the morning ! Had an an apple for breakfast and good to go . Don't know what lunch will be but I got options . If I haven't hit 200 by in the morning it ought not to be but a literal small fraction ! I'm still thinking about getting down to 190 but haven't decided to commit . If i do try for the extra loss I'll not continue with this thread . It has went on long enough and I'm sure it's not that interesting to watch some old guy down in Texas on a diet , LOL .

Losing weight is a part of my life , to maintain a 'regular' weight just gives a guide . I don't fight it or struggle with it or go nuts if I gain a few pounds . It's just being mindful to not let it get out of hand...like I have done during the shut down . Most of my usual activities are on hold so just need to compensate for that factor .

05-28-2020, 02:03 PM
Well had lunch . Hardly worth reporting though . Just had a small piece of pork steak and some of those pickled beets . Might have a piece of fruit before supper . I like 'big' dill pickles for snack food and generally have one every day . But they have quite a bit of salt so I have abstained till the 200 is reality .

I had to make a quick run to town . Jaged out of the way coming back home to that spot in the cattails . It still has some brush sticking out of the water and I imagine quite a bit under the water too . But last night I whupped out a quick throw line with 4 hooks and swivels . Tied a half brick on the end , baited it out with some shrimp I found in the bargain bin a while back . Pitched it out and tied it off to a limber mesquite tree limb . Not expecting much though but I did see a couple of 2 foot gar just hanging out . They'll probably clean the bait off the hooks pretty fast .

You could probably throw out some sour grain for a couple of days and get some catfish coming in at night . But it hardly looks worth it to me . But I thought I'd experiment anyway .

05-28-2020, 08:16 PM
Running a little late this evening . I did go check that throw line at the lake . Line had moved and all the shrimp gone off the treble hooks . Rebaited it and pitched it out again . Got a doctor appointment a 8;15 in the morning so don't know exactly when I'll check it again .

Had a small hamburger seasoned pattie and boiled okra for supper . Yea I know , most people don't like boiled okra . Maybe that make me special ? Probably not .


We'll see what the scales say in the morning !

05-29-2020, 01:13 PM
5-29-20 Weigh in ...........199.8 !

Well we pulled it off . It was a curiosity to me if it would be this morning . At yesterday's weight it had to be a close call one way or the other . LOL , Just barely made it . I'm glad the goal is made ...SO does that mean I can finally go to an all you can eat Chinese buffet ? Not hardly .

I have been mulling it over and decided to get down to 190 (Or maybe 180 ?) I'm 68 years old , got some medical issues that losing down some more could help . I'm going for the 190 .

I'm not going to torment you with ME on the diet to go farther , I have taken up enough 'bandwidth' as it is . I can't see watching a thread on an old fat guy down in Texas being too interesting .But to the point of my staring this thread . I know there are many that struggle with their weight . As I have implied in the thread I was one of those people....And I understand . I nearly had to die to start taking control of my life and getting my weight situation under control was the first move .

If I hadn't took control I would have been one of those poor 600 pound guys you see them tearing down an exterior wall to grub him out of the bedroom with a forklift when they die . If I can learn to take control then I think anyone can ! It can be literally a choice of life or death .

Many have medical conditions (like myself) that weight is a major factor in their longevity . But losing weight is easy to put off . Monday use to be a 'magic' day to me . I'd tell myself...Well ! I got to start a diet ! Come Monday I'll start it !
Well you know what ? That 'magic' Monday never came . But I'd just tell myself the same thing that week...............Well come Monday I'm gonna- - - -

This is the only reason I started this thread . I am not trying to be an example , I'm not trying to glorify myself . I'm just a regular old guy .

Got a tip for you , you can take it or leave it ...your choice . If you want to start a diet to lose weight . And if your sure that it's what you want . Talk to GOD . Ask for his help and make a commitment to him . I assure you that he will help you . Ask me how I know .

Well as I stated you can stick a fork in this thread ..it's done ! But if anyone would want to hear of my progress ...or failure at losing more . I will resurrect this thread from the archival 'heap' and post at 5 pound losses .
I wish all of you well ! May our Lord bless and keep you !


Wayne Smith
05-30-2020, 07:29 AM
Congratulations, Charlie! Now comes the rest of your life. Use the next 10 lbs to learn how to maintain. As you well know fluctuations of up to three lbs a day are not unusual and are typically water weight. That's way weighing once a week or once a month is actually a more accurate measure of trends.

05-30-2020, 07:33 AM
Way to go, Charlie! It's been a fun journey. I got on the scale this morning and weighed 187.5 (my goal was 190...from 243.) Like Wayne said, "Now comes the rest of your life." I think we'll need to come up with a way to maintain without the constant denial of stuff that's good to eat. Moderation in all things.

square butte
05-30-2020, 07:46 AM
Beautiful - Thank You Lord . . .

05-30-2020, 06:50 PM
I appreciate all the ideas , suggestions and comments . Ed your doing a great job even exceeding your own expectations !

05-30-2020, 07:59 PM
I appreciate all the ideas , suggestions and comments . Ed your doing a great job even exceeding your own expectations !