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View Full Version : School Lunch programs, prayer needed

04-25-2020, 03:30 AM
I saw a Television ad that infuriated me. 'During the School shut downs, kids are going hungry.' My youngest daughter is a step-daughter, a term I never accepted. She's my kid, I've been 'Dad' since she was 2. I swear, if you pull DNA on her, I have permeated her down to her soul. She has never known hunger, nor has she ever received any support from her 'sperm donor.' Heck, the county stopped trying to collect, because gainful employment apparently was not in his DNA.

This man has had 2 daughters since, who have received love and support from my Wife and I since birth. They have stayed in my home, been offered a loving, caring environment whenever needed. This isn't about me and my angel of a wife, it is about supporting your children.

I lived in CA most of my life, and gladly moved our family to a more conservative place. Folks who believe in personal responsibility, and providing for their families. Half of CA's education budget goes to the cafeteria, not the classroom. My daughter's younger sister has lived with me from time to time, but not all of the time. When she moved back to her father's home, she went back on the system. Welfare, EBT cards, public assistance. And yet she was not fed at home.

Her 'dad' and current 'wife' expected her to eat breakfast and lunch, at school. The public aid they received through SNAP did not feed her, but it did feed her parents. She called upon her sister, my Wife, and me, to feed her. Food was prepared, food was sent, but food assistance was provided by the govt. to her 'family' non-the less.

Kids not in school right now due to the shut-downs, are already receiving food assistance through food stamp/ebt cards. Why are we paying for food assistance twice? First through public aid, then school meal programs? Just another way to bill tax payers to provide for tax-payer recipient users of the system.

I don't believe in children going hungry. I also don't believe in tax payers being charged twice for feeding 'system dependent children' for making up for the lack of parental responsibility.

I saw a bumper stick at work (before I retired) that said 'if you can't feed them, by God don't breed them.' BTW, my daughter's father had 2 daughters after her, 2 separate mothers. Second one makes sure her daughter is fed. clothed, housed, and loved. I never received, from her, calls/texts/messages to send/deliver food because she only ate ate school, even though they received public aid, like I have received from her younger sister. The youngest sister stayed at our home many times, so her mom could get a needed break. We do for family, no matter how dysfunctional. BTW, 2 twin grandsons on the way, Yay!

Sorry for the rant. All of my girls were fed, clothed, housed, and college educated. All are successful, married, mothers of their own, all saw the worst of poverty stricken family members of their extended family. We tried to get the second child to move with us at 18, and receive a second home of support and success. The youngest knows the same offer exists and is extended, but she is doing okay. She is still welcome. Her mom loves and cares for her.

Damn it, there are so many whose only existence has been dependency on a government provided existence. Please pray for those children, they become adults, parents, and dependent on someone other than themselves. There is a lot more to this story, but suffice to say, my home has been home to more than a dozen young people who needed love, caring, and a safe place to call home if they wanted to. By the grace of my Lord, I was able to provide a glimpse of life without govt. dependence. Please consider taking time to pray for such young people who need the love of the Father, and his precious sacrificed son.

Winger Ed.
04-25-2020, 03:49 AM
Our society has created a dependency class that has become a large voting block.
They have learned to vote for whoever promises them the most of your money.

04-25-2020, 06:13 AM
Food insecurity: the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

After NY closed the schools they opened the kitchens back up 2-3 days a week for the Food Security program. This is what they call the free lunches. When they shut down the schools they sent a survey to see who needed to maintain the Food Security program as well as daycare if you were still working & your kids were now home alone. The average household income in my area is $105,000. We get daily school notices, this is in part what is in the notice.

Food Security - Families in need continue to receive food on Mondays and Wednesdays at the High School main entrance between 11:00 a.m and 1:00 p.m. If you are in need of additional support, please contact Communities that Care https://communitycares.org/ or United Way https://www.uwwp.org.

On Mondays you get food for Mon. & Tues., Wednesday you get food for Wed, Thurs., & Friday. I think we are providing 100-150

As far as I know our school isn't providing daycare. I know other districts that are.

My buddy works in a district with a average household income of $115,000 they also are providing 5 days of meals to be picked up 2 days a week. That school district is also providing daycare for 2 children of a single parent household who's a nurse.

From a March 23, 2020 Neighboring County Executive news briefing:

"The County has implemented child care services at local elementary schools with school districts to assist during closure of all school districts. Please reach out to local districts for more information as this is evolving.

The County has developed its food distribution plan in consultation with our school districts, the Child Care Council and our community based organizations for children who already receive lunch at school. Please reach out to local districts for more information as this is evolving."

In reality it was implemented by the Governor

In NYC it's more of an issue.: Food insecurity NYC: Over 2.4 million New York State residents, or 11.9 percent, are food insecure. More than 1.2 million New York City residents, or 14.4 percent, are food insecure. ... New York City's food insecurity rate is 12 percent higher than the national rate, and 21 percent higher than the New York State rate.

04-25-2020, 06:18 AM
You are awesome

04-25-2020, 06:40 AM
Our society has created a dependency class that has become a large voting block.
They have learned to vote for whoever promises them the most of your money.

The OP is providing private charity to citizens in need, voluntarily.
The government coerces wealth from the productive citizens and redistributes it to the unproductive via taxation, under the implied threat of using force to get it.
The old saying, “Government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have” applies here. The solution is simple—reduce the size and scope of government.
Expect more of the same failures of socialism in the U.S.S.A. going forward (your pensions are not safe).

04-25-2020, 07:20 AM
One of the sad and cruel facts of life is, some people should not have children. They are incapable of being a parent, let alone a good parent.
You'd be suprised how many "parents" have psychological problems, are addicted to drugs or alcohol or just don't care at all about there kids.
At some point these kids should be taken away from these people and put in a better environment.
These sort of people have no more right to have children than a mass murder has a right to a machine gun.

My thoughts are, before a person can sign up for welfare they must agree to be fixed so that they can not have any more children, if they are third generation welfare recipients.
Welfare was meant to be help in time of need, not a lifestyle.

Teddy (punchie)
04-25-2020, 07:51 AM
We are making 500 breakfast lunch bags. We look at this way. A lot of parents that may or not take of the kids. For what ever the reason. Some people used the system, some people need the system.

04-25-2020, 08:21 AM
Hey, Hickory—
Government welfare is un-Constitutional.
Hey, Teddy—
If you are a private citizen using your own money to provide welfare for those in need, you are acting in the true spirit of freedom. My deepest respects, sir.

04-25-2020, 09:49 AM
Fcvan, you are a great person!

Its a shame that we have created a society that expects and depends on handouts. I won't even say what means that I would go to, if I had to, to feed my kids. Or Grandkids. I certainly don't want to see any child go hungry but I sure would like to see people become more responsible. But it won't happen.

04-25-2020, 11:08 AM
OP - agree with you fully.

My wife taught for over thirty years (in MI) and she and I saw what you describe over and over and over. Funny how so many "parents" - single and couples - kept/keep pumping out kids but have no means to care for them but they do for themselves. Kids come to school hungry - which no child should have to do - we pay for their breakfast - we pay for their lunch - parent/parents are sucking off the system but don't have the ability to feed their kids properly yet have plenty of money for cigarettes, booze and drugs.

In our small town back in Michigan, we have a community food pantry like many communities. Hard luck can strike anybody and when help is needed for food, it should be there . . but yet so many abuse it and many - not all - are those just as you describe. Last summer, I was talking to one of the board members of the food pantry who had that morning had worked at the pantry to hand out food. When done, he stopped at the local grocery store to pick some things up for his wife and he told of being behind an individual to whom he had just handed out food from the food pantry that was buying three fifths of liquor and a carton of cigarettes for which he pulled out a wad of bills and paid cash. Unfortunately there are so many bottom feeders who feel entitled and who refuse to work and our guvment give away programs promote it. You speak of Kalifornia - a prime example of never ending taxes instituted by the Left who are kept in office by those, many of whom, are on the "dole". Other states are the same way. One thing I could never figure out is why able bodied people who are receiving aid paid for by the tax payers are not put to work on work programs. There are plenty of roadways to be picked up, guard rails and such to be painted and maintained, grass to be cut in cemeteries and public land. I'm not talking about those who are disabled and can't work, but those who feel they are entitled. Teach them a skill and put them to work. Child support? Funny how easy it is to make a baby but not have to take care of it? If they are working, then their wages should be garnished. If they aren't working - either get a job or go to jail and be put out on a work crew - but heaven forbid their "civil rights" should be abused by requiring a deadbeat to work. No matter how you cut it, it's the innocent kids who will suffer from lack of many things - food, a feeling of worth and love and unfortunately, they will be educated by their worthless parent/parents and all will repeat again in the next generation.

Fear not though . . . . if the Left has their way, we will all be taken care of by the government and not have to work as the "guvment will know best and take care or all of us" - maybe even Pelosi will share some of her fancy ice cream with the school lunch programs?

04-25-2020, 12:53 PM
My wife is a teacher, and one day commented on the parents lack of interest in their children. She said it finally dawned on her that they didn't have time, as they were all busy DATING, or looking for the next seed donor. A stable home life is the greatest treasure anyone can give a child.

04-25-2020, 01:22 PM
A stable home life is the greatest treasure anyone can give a child.

I agree 100%. My Wife and I tried very hard to provide this to our children. If they come from warm loving parents they are much more likely to become one.

country gent
04-25-2020, 01:24 PM
One thing to add to this I think its great the ones needing this service are still getting it. The schools were contracted for this food well before the start of the school year, it was being delivered for the duration of the contract. I would rather see it given away to those who need it than go to waste. My question is since not all students qualify for free lunches where is the excess going now.
To explain my self if the school has 3000 students and half qualify there are 1500 meals left.
I grew up on a farm and we always had food beef pork chickens and wild game in season. Hunting and fishing for the "pot" wasnt unusual for us. ANd a mess of bluegills or a couple rabbits were a fine meal, we also ate alot of leftovers. Letting things go to waste was a sin.

I am more than happy to see this "abundance go to use

04-25-2020, 10:31 PM
We have the same problem here.
parents make kids just for the welfare money.
The don't pay for school lunch during school.
Not that school is not on campus, they can go and pick up lunch at some schools.
Seems parents will not feed their kids. It's the schools job.
I'm sure many kids don't even have a dinner.
Does anyone realize how much welfare pays out?????
Here they get $750 per child, on top of the regular welfare payment.
Plus food stamps.
Majority here don't even pay for housing, cell phone, cable TV, car insurance, medical care..
What a racket.
Looking at it, who's the stupid one???
The people working hard to make ends meet, or those who just make kids, stay at home, and collecting welfare.

Teddy (punchie)
04-26-2020, 12:14 AM
Hey, Hickory—
Government welfare is un-Constitutional.
Hey, Teddy—
If you are a private citizen using your own money to provide welfare for those in need, you are acting in the true spirit of freedom. My deepest respects, sir.

Money is labor of one type or another condensed. We are going in to help make the lunches. We can be setting at home getting paid. Most of the cafeteria workers are at home collecting. Most of the custodians are working to help make the lunch/breakfast bags. When Covid hit we started with 7 kitchen people and two volunteers, 3 custodian volunteers. Working in the kitchen. Within two weeks that number went to 4 kitchen ladies, 0 outside volunteers and 7 custodian volunteers.

Now I have given funds to help the kitchen manager go to the store and get food for family that's not covered under the school lunch program. Buddy looked me hand her a bunch of twenties. Early that morning I was all bummed I miss a auction of dies I wanted. I was explaining to him that I could have used them and didn't understand why and how I missed that auction, everyone knows you have to bid on evil bay in the last few seconds. Did I need them dies, guess the money in my pocket was needed else where. For it was about an hour into working with the kitchen ladies the manger explains she got a call, she's a nice young person working her way up. I'm at the top of the Custodian wage, I make a fair amount more then her with OT. So the money for me to get the dies I was watching was needed. The call was from an elderly lady with grand kids and there mom was now off work etc covid-19 and she heard/seen on the news we at B eaver were making food for people that needed it. This family was not covered, wrong town, wrong program etc.. Manager was explaining the story about the phone call. I know this young lady would go without to help, why should she when the money was in my pocket, I now knew why I didn't get that auction.

I hear of people cry they don't have money, I see people pass on OT saying I have a life, I worked "" Thank God "" some huge OT last year, everyone saying your nuts. There not laughing now. I'm getting paid a base off of my past 6 month, I'm not to work any OT. Volunteer if you will as the district is getting some type of reimbursement. Yea I was to work Easter Weekend and have 3 days off. Yea got one. Was to have Wednesday and Friday this week off. You know who let someone else have it off and got called in to work. Suc ker or dumb ?? all I can say is this. Dad say it like this, He ask his Mom (From Romania) do other people have trouble in Romanian she reply everyone has trouble, you don't now other peoples trouble. All I can do is what I can to make things run, work an extra day, Okay, someone asks for a hand or money and I have it hand it to them.