View Full Version : Captive bolt gun for dispatching carp?

Silvercreek Farmer
04-16-2020, 02:42 PM
We just finished up bowfishing season for carp, and I need to find a better way of knocking them out to minimize the risk of injury from the arrow. I clubbed a few while holding them, but the impact was hard on my hand. I was thinking a small captive bolt gun would work well. I haven't looked around yet, but through you fellows might have some ideas.

04-16-2020, 02:55 PM
light a m-80 and put it in his mouth?...... i got nuthin!:kidding:

04-16-2020, 03:08 PM
How about a bang-stick the scuba divers use?

Winger Ed.
04-16-2020, 03:12 PM
Sounds like the perfect reason why you 'need' to get a suppressed .22 pistol.

04-16-2020, 03:23 PM
Get a stun gun but wear a rubber glove

04-16-2020, 03:25 PM
Take a look at the new Keltec P-17, a 22 LR pistol. 14 ounces loaded with 16 in the magazine. Seems just the thing for a boat gun. I ordered two, as they are pretty cheap to buy and have great reviews.

04-16-2020, 04:09 PM
I agree something with a captive bolt would be a lot safer in a boat. Maybe just a spike (big nail with the tip ground round) in the end of the club..

04-16-2020, 04:14 PM
Captive bolt guns fowl. You'll spend more time cleaning the crud from the blanks.
Some one makes a captive bolt gun that uses compressed air, that would do the job.

It's called Ted Captive bolt. Kills the crap out of turkeys

04-16-2020, 04:37 PM
Take a look at the new Keltec P-17, a 22 LR pistol. 14 ounces loaded with 16 in the magazine. Seems just the thing for a boat gun. I ordered two, as they are pretty cheap to buy and have great reviews.

Not so much on the reviews. Check out The Firearms Blog. They look like junk but you may get lucky

04-16-2020, 04:52 PM
A search for Keltec P17 on The Firearms Blog turned up only this: https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2019/09/06/keltec-p17/ A glowing review, indeed.

The most recent review I read came from a buddy who took his to the range two days ago. He was very pleased with the handling and trigger manners, said the gun functioned with all manner of ammo.

My PMR-30 has likewise been impressive. I agree, many Keltecs look like junk, which is one reason I avoided them. But, some friends' experiences made me give them a try and I'm happy I did.

Had to look up what a captive bolt gun is - never heard of it. Interesting, and safer than a firearm when muscling a fish about in a boat.

04-16-2020, 04:55 PM
use what we use for salmon... a small baseball bat looking thing and club them on the head.. one good wack is all you need.


04-16-2020, 05:19 PM
Sounds like the perfect reason why you 'need' to get a suppressed .22 pistol.
EVERYONE needs at least ONE suppressed pistol.

04-16-2020, 05:53 PM
Over the years, shot thousands of fish with a bow, mostly carp and buffalo, some over 30 pounds, never felt a need to incapacitate one. Gar are a different story. I always did it from shore, I sure would be careful shooting anything in a boat.

04-16-2020, 06:14 PM
Lol... I don't know why you'd ever want to shoot a carp. I just take them with a with a bow or a spear and throw them on the bank untill they stop flopping. It's still 29° here we got a month before carp start going. Don't waste your money on a Kel-Tec. I had one that wouldn't cycle in a PMR-30 and went back to the factory three times. Kel Tec gave up on it and refunded me. Get a ruger wrangler.

Silvercreek Farmer
04-16-2020, 06:45 PM
A bit more detail: We (bow) shoot the fish while wading in the flooded margins of a lake, think knee deep swamp with some sections waist deep. After a successful shot, we drag the fish back to the canoe, sometimes a hundred yards plus. Right now we are grabbing them through the gill plate for a handhold which seems to set off a round or three of thrashing, which hard on the hand. Tried whacking the fish with a club while holding it but it, transferred the shock into my hand, and carp have very heavy skulls that require a significant whack. I woke up this morning not able to close my hand more than halfway.

Any type of firearm would be subjected to dunkings in muddy water. Things get a little crazy at times with the kids wrangling a 20+ lb fish and I don't like the idea of a loose projectile.

I might try a short length of rope to hang the fish off of and absorb the impact of the club and provide a better hand hold for dragging the fish. Although we did have one tear through its jaw thrashing after we tied it up.

04-16-2020, 06:57 PM
Lol... I don't know why you'd ever want to shoot a carp. I just take them with a with a bow or a spear and throw them on the bank untill they stop flopping. It's still 29° here we got a month before carp start going. Don't waste your money on a Kel-Tec. I had one that wouldn't cycle in a PMR-30 and went back to the factory three times. Kel Tec gave up on it and refunded me. Get a ruger wrangler.

Plenty of carp and suckers to be had this time of year, I am near traverse city, we spear at night and are mostly after catfish.

But by the infinite wisdom of our state gov, we are not allowed in boats.....[smilie=b:

04-16-2020, 07:12 PM
now this would be fun


country gent
04-16-2020, 07:46 PM
Maybe some thing similar to a hay hook to hang them from. A piece of 1/4" X 1/2" with a hook bent on one end to hang fish by gill and whack it then. I also thought of the nail firing blanks drivers short the nail. Just let the blast do it.

RU shooter
04-16-2020, 08:32 PM
Hilti gun ! What do you do with the carp ? Round here we just killem and their coon food on the bank

04-16-2020, 08:36 PM
Hilti gun ! What do you do with the carp ? Round here we just killem and their coon food on the bank

I have to admit to leaving a lot of them on the bank, but I ate a lot of them too. They're a lot better eating than many people think.

04-16-2020, 09:09 PM
build yourself a spring loaded rod inside a pipe style captive bolt whacker.

reciprocating charging handle that rotates at a notch.
flick the handle out of the notch.
rod shoots down the pipe.
then cock it back to the notch.

more or less.

good luck!

04-16-2020, 09:13 PM
I also thought of the nail firing blanks drivers short the nail. Just let the blast do it.

I think you've got something there..... remember that actor who killed himself by firing a blank cartridge against his skull?


Texas by God
04-16-2020, 09:15 PM
It's hard to tell Carp patties from Salmon patties but I'd rather eat catfish myself. We sometimes shoot rough fish with guns and the scavengers can have them.

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04-16-2020, 09:18 PM
Grind them up, add some spices, stuff into a casing of some sort and cook in some way. I've had some delicious Gefilte fish and some that wasn't worth raising a fork to ones mouth.

04-16-2020, 09:34 PM
Years ago several friends and I would go carp shooting with bows. We bought the cheap wood kids arrows. We would keep shooting them until they quit moving. Sometimes they looked like pin cushions but with 4 or 5 arrows in them they didn't fight much.

04-16-2020, 09:44 PM
2 points.

A don't use hand to hold the carp. Get one of those fish gripper things.
https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/e563e4fa-e38f-4c94-9d66-d23f17ac8601_1.3e05204037b4a20d7ba9f948366e4701.jp eg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=ffffff

15$ on Amazon.

B Think half sized baseball bat. Some bartenders used to have them for breaking ice.
Drill out the end a couple of inches. Pour in some melted lead. Now you have something that will seriously stun a big fish.


04-16-2020, 10:02 PM
Commercial cattle popper, spring bolt gun. Remove barb from saltwater hook on a rope for dragging.

Dan Cash
04-16-2020, 10:13 PM
If truly compelled to shoot them, get a cheap revolver and feed it nail driving blanks. Press the muzzle to the fish and fire; the blast will do the job.

04-17-2020, 07:24 AM

This is my bowfishing spot. The long nosed gar will spawn along those limestone ledges in mid May and the water will be full of them. This is a medium sized one I shot a few years ago, haven't done it much since. Water level has been way too high with all these heavy rain years lately.

04-17-2020, 07:54 AM
Carry a little ice pick and poke them in the brain area a couple of times. it requires a lot less arm energy to poke a hole or two than smacking it with a little night stick imo. The night sticks do work just fine. If I spear carp in the head area they normally don’t flop around or move. It will save money on ammo. I switched over to a spear from a bow back in the eighties after several lost arrows and flying back at me when getting wrapped around my bear carp reels. Figured I’d loose an eye one day. My buddy gave me a speer with what has to be a 20’ handle on it and drilled on the end for a rope if I throw it. One of these days I’ll have to buy a modern carp reel but just can’t justify a $150 set up. I still have the old bear reels and glass arrows from the 70’s.

Here a couple smoked last year that I speared.


04-17-2020, 08:22 AM
I switched over to the slider system of rigging arrows and the likelihood of a snap back now is just about none. It's a lot better system than the old way of rigging. The retriever reel like I have on that bow is a zero drag set up and works a lot better than the spool ones do. The learning curve was real steep for me my first few years and I lost a lot of arrows and had other problems including one snap back that hurt me but could have been a lot worse. The slides, the better reel and also switching to Muzzy fish head solved pretty much all problems and I have't lost an arrow for a very long time. For anybody wanting to take this up, don't waste time with any heads other than the Muzzy, they really are that much superior to any others.

04-17-2020, 08:25 AM
These have gone up considerably in price since I bought mine, but I can vouch that it is a high quality product and worth it if you are going to bowfish much. https://www.amsbowfishing.com/product/ams-retrieverr-pro/

04-17-2020, 08:35 AM
I reckon you could just use the pointed end of a chipping hammer about as easy,or easier .

04-17-2020, 10:17 AM

04-17-2020, 10:38 AM
I reckon you could just use the pointed end of a chipping hammer about as easy,or easier .

Or a killing hammer like they used to use in slaughterhouses.

I shot a carp in the head with a 22 pistol once. Once. I smelled like carp brains all day, even after I wiped off most of the goo.

04-17-2020, 10:57 AM
and pointed bit seen below in the ad

Portable air tank




see here



04-17-2020, 11:15 AM
Just carry a small baseball bat and before you pull them from the water, whack them in the head.

Heavy rains and river flooded. Farmer let us wade in his field and I used a baseball bat and just snuck up on the carp and whacked them in the head. Got laughed at when I brought the bat instead of a spear, but I got more carp than anyone else.

04-17-2020, 11:33 AM
You could make one with some wood, a steel rod with a capture ring on the breech end. Power with surgical tubing.

04-17-2020, 12:24 PM
I've got a pretty good carp recipe it,s called "Maple wood carp"
Scale,and gut carp
Rub carp with salt,and pepper
Coat carp in flour
Place carp on well greased Maple board
Bake carp in 400 degree oven for one hour
Remove carp from oven,and let stand to cool
Remove carp from board
Throw carp away,and eat board...Bon Apitite!
I figure possum would be alright fixed this way too.

04-17-2020, 12:36 PM
The father of a friend of mine used to catch a lot of Muskellunge. Probably the best musky fisherman of all time. Back in the days before they stocked muskies it was rare to catch one. This guy caught 13 muskies over 30lbs on the same lure.
He kept a snub nose 38 in his pocket. When the fish was up to the boat, he would shoot just in front of it's nose. The impact would stun the fish just long enough to get it into the boat.
I have seen it work. They roll right over from the concussion. By the way, it was perfectly legal back then.

Silvercreek Farmer
04-17-2020, 12:54 PM
Enjoying the ideas and stories, keep them coming!

04-17-2020, 01:30 PM
If truly compelled to shoot them, get a cheap revolver and feed it nail driving blanks. Press the muzzle to the fish and fire; the blast will do the job.

There can be no better idea...you nailed it (pun intended) I have a zillion 25 cal nail gun charges just waiting to stun carp. Now armed with the idea I may just make an autoloading carp stunning nail gun charge devise.

04-18-2020, 10:03 AM
25 caliber???

Silvercreek Farmer
04-18-2020, 11:53 AM
25 caliber???

6.6 lbs?!

04-18-2020, 03:30 PM
How about a co2 pellet pistol? Just choot'em in the head. Not a fire arm. Economical, safe and fun. You can also play with it when you're not fishing.

Something like this;
Or how about a snubbie?
You could even go all John Wayne on them bad fishies;
https://www.pyramydair.com/s/m/Legends_Ace_In_The_Hole_CO2_Pellet_Revolver_Weathe red/4370

04-18-2020, 07:24 PM
It's hard to tell Carp patties from Salmon patties but I'd rather eat catfish myself. We sometimes shoot rough fish with guns and the scavengers can have them.

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I Object... there is no comparison between carp and salmon!!!!;)

04-18-2020, 07:29 PM
how about what GH said... one of these and a wacker will fix your hand problem...


04-19-2020, 05:44 PM
It’s about 50 today. It was 60 and windy yesterday but in the low 20’s for a week prior. I know the buffalo are always the first to break water here early. I was casting on the dock and three huge fish splashed. I doubt they were northern pile as I’ve been casting on and off all day and would have picked at least one up. I never have any luck with dough balls but made some floaters and have one floating about a foot off the bottom right now. Last Buffalo I shot with an arrow broke my line and came by the next after noon surfacing and trying to swim...pure luck. I got the bow and drilled it again. Never weighed it but I’m 6’2” and the tail was on the ground and it’s head was about even with my belly button. It was a hog.

04-19-2020, 05:49 PM
I Object... there is no comparison between carp and salmon!!!!;)

That’s like comparing Ramen noodles to prime rib.lol I love smoked carp but I sure wouldn’t eat it any other way. Guess from being a river rat and seeing them every year bloated, rotted, and full of maggots laying all over the river banks from winter kill every year it turns me off. I can smell a dead carp a mile away. I just tossed one off the bank that could smell when I opened the back door. I was about 60 yards away.

04-19-2020, 06:08 PM
It’s about 50 today. It was 60 and windy yesterday but in the low 20’s for a week prior. I know the buffalo are always the first to break water here early. I was casting on the dock and three huge fish splashed. I doubt they were northern pile as I’ve been casting on and off all day and would have picked at least one up. I never have any luck with dough balls but made some floaters and have one floating about a foot off the bottom right now. Last Buffalo I shot with an arrow broke my line and came by the next after noon surfacing and trying to swim...pure luck. I got the bow and drilled it again. Never weighed it but I’m 6’2” and the tail was on the ground and it’s head was about even with my belly button. It was a hog.

Best dough ball recipe I have ever seen is ...Strawberry kool aid! Yup you heard it right. Mix a package of strawberry cool aid in with a batch of dough and the carp go hog wild...I would imagine buffalo too.

04-19-2020, 06:19 PM
I grabbed some oats, flower, eggs, and a tropical punch single packet drink mix since I don’t have any strawberry or cherry jello to mix in. I microwaved it for almost 2 minutes after rolling in little balls and poked holes through them to feed my fishing line through the balls afterwards. I then tied on an extremely small treble hook fed a ball through and burring the hook in it to hold the ball in place and then tied another small treble on the opposite side so it will float about and inch or so above the ball. I have the ball floating on slip sinker rig about a foot or so from the bottom. Never caught a carp on a dough ball yet. Maybe this will be the year.

04-19-2020, 06:23 PM
I had no clue so many folks eat carp in America..I know they are well liked in some European countries,but even though they come from the same water as crappie,and other fish that are considered good eating they have a stigma about them due to their rumored eating habit.(cleanest way to put it)...I remember as a kid watching the Old Sam episode of Andy Griffith,and was surprised that they were making such a Fudd over a carp.

04-19-2020, 07:37 PM
seal club

04-19-2020, 07:49 PM
If you ever had a McDonald’s fillet of fish prior to the last decade or so you’ve probably eaten carp.

04-19-2020, 08:18 PM
I grabbed some oats, flower, eggs, and a tropical punch single packet drink mix since I don’t have any strawberry or cherry jello to mix in. I microwaved it for almost 2 minutes after rolling in little balls and poked holes through them to feed my fishing line through the balls afterwards. I then tied on an extremely small treble hook fed a ball through and burring the hook in it to hold the ball in place and then tied another small treble on the opposite side so it will float about and inch or so above the ball. I have the ball floating on slip sinker rig about a foot or so from the bottom. Never caught a carp on a dough ball yet. Maybe this will be the year.

You're way over thinking it. A can of corn from the grocery store. Some people say to mix in a table spoon or two of molasses, brown sugar, etc., but I never did. Use a medium sized hook, a small split shot to get it on the bottom. Chum about 3/4ths of the can into the area you want to fish, preferably a place you know them to hang around. Then put three or four kernals on the hook and drop in in the middle of where you chummed the corn out. It doesn't take long, once you feel one take it, lightly set the hook, their mouths are rubbery and tough so they really can't spit a hook once set. Then hang on. They tend to be big fish and will usually make one hard pull for deep water, they don't fight like a bass or something. Once you get it turned play it in and use a dip net. The only fish I ever had break a rod on me was a carp and not even a very big one.

04-19-2020, 08:30 PM
How about a geologist hammer or something similar with a spike on one end

04-20-2020, 09:14 AM
Well we have problems. I figured out what was jumping...


First one found in our area. My neighbor found it floating dead by our dock yesterday. Explains the jumping fish. You can tell this one was beat up from spawning. They emailed pics to the DNR to ID it. I already knew what it was.

04-20-2020, 09:40 AM
Wait til you get a 10# Buffalo on a 7 wt fly rod! Annoyed it with a bugger. Or a 5# 'gold fish' on a 3wt with NO drag! Texhoma used to have huge Buffalo before the Gar took over.

04-20-2020, 01:49 PM
Buffalo are decent eating too, still have the Y bone problem and you do need to remove the mud line meat after fileting them. Buffalo are actually indigenous to north America which carp are not.

Another fish many relegate to trash status are freshwater drum or some people call them sheeps head. They are strong fighters too and don't have the bone problems. Good fish.

Those Asian carp are becoming a real problem in some parts of the country, haven't seen any around here yet, but there are signs up at a reservoir maybe 60 miles east of me that says they have them.

Texas by God
04-20-2020, 02:56 PM
I Object... there is no comparison between carp and salmon!!!!;)I'm speaking of canned salmon vs canned carp. I love Salmon at restaurants.

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04-20-2020, 06:25 PM
Wait til you get a 10# Buffalo on a 7 wt fly rod! Annoyed it with a bugger. Or a 5# 'gold fish' on a 3wt with NO drag! Texhoma used to have huge Buffalo before the Gar took over.

Fly rods can handle surprisingly large fish. I have seen my dad land some pretty good sized muskies on one. Tons and tons of fun. He used to bass fish with one with frog flies (big deer hair flies that look like a mouse on the water.)

country gent
04-20-2020, 09:57 PM
We used to use fly rods with weighted streamer flies and weighted lines to occasionally fish he walleye run here in some secluded spots away from the crowds. Heavy current an big fish were a challenge