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04-15-2020, 03:35 PM
I just wanted to thank you folks.

I was listening to the radio while prepping brass yesterday. I was listing to a talk show and the fellow calling in was talking about the stay at home situation. His opinion was that there was going to be massive alcohol and drug addiction issues when this is over! He felt that this was going to be caused by the lack of sports on TV. Bored because of no sports on TV. Heck, since I hooked up with Castboolits my things I 'gotta' try list is becoming a notebook.

So, thank you for keeping me from a life of drug and alcohol addiction. We won't talk of other addictions. Now, if you will excuse me I have 107 unread posts!

Der Gebirgsjager
04-15-2020, 03:45 PM
Yes, the forum is always a big part of my morning with coffee. Lots of nice folks here, with a seemingly inexhaustible supply of information on shooting subjects. Glad you're not doing drugs, but a glass or two of wine........:-D

04-15-2020, 08:06 PM
There are also going to be a lots of new little ones in a few months.
More problems.
cronics with a drinking problem, no job and infant kids.
thanks china

04-16-2020, 12:03 AM
Well I don't drink and as far as sports on TV/cable don't watch them anyways. Between a pile of sci fi movies from the 50s,you tube and other sights like this one I'm not terribly bored. I am going north in the morning to pick up a rifle CZ 527 6.5 Grendel. I have a Howa in the same caliber sitting at my ffl but the govener has declared gun shops/shooting ranges non essential ,GOA,SAF and other gun groups have filed for a TRO over turning Baker's edict.

04-16-2020, 12:59 AM
That talk show guy is a pretty dismal reflection of America today. Drug & alcohol abuse because of an interruption in watching play time? Really? A game fulfills that much of an identity that it's absence leads to dire life consequences? OMG! We can't be that vacant. Like the OP and I assume most everybody here, there is just too much to do to be so affected. Adapt and overcome. I like football, can't stand basketball, love hockey, but I'll be doggoned if it's loss means that much to me. Folks have been dealing with real problems like floods, fires, tornados, accidents, injury, war, and (at least at my house) the great chocolate shortage of 2020. I hit this site a couple of times a day and am very thankful for the discussions, instructions, and fellowship I find here. Rant over :)

04-16-2020, 01:14 AM
I've had exactly two beers since the self quarrantine started. Been catching up on yard work and with 4.5 acres that's a lot. Trash trees,tree limbs and branches that get in my way when bushogging and all sorts of stuff like that. Waging war on trees and other green stuff one day at the time. Plus checking out cast bullets. Reading not so much. Frank

MT Gianni
04-16-2020, 04:13 PM
Interesting perspective. Montanans can't get the drugs they used to because of shuttered in drivers. Those who work in the woods are being asked to be extra vigilant as meth cookers are looking for places to brew it. Wife works for FWP and they have been warned to be extra vigilant in State Parks.

04-17-2020, 10:03 AM
Interesting perspective. Montanans can't get the drugs they used to because of shuttered in drivers. Those who work in the woods are being asked to be extra vigilant as meth cookers are looking for places to brew it. Wife works for FWP and they have been warned to be extra vigilant in State Parks.

Almost no one cooks meth in my area anymore. High quality crystal meth is available for the same price as the old brown stuff thanks to the cartels. Not worth the risk for the average cook.

04-17-2020, 10:12 AM
I have actually drank less since being grounded. I like my beer and I usually sit in the shop door most every afternoon and enjoy at least one. Pretty often a buddy or even a few drop by to join in.The Wife and I even travel to visit breweries out of town or even out of State. We call them Beercations. But since I'm grounded I have had very few, and no serious cravings or withdrawal symptoms. I guess I qualify as a social drinker!!!

And I'm not expecting any babies to show up here either!!! :smile:

MT Gianni
04-17-2020, 03:37 PM
Almost no one cooks meth in my area anymore. High quality crystal meth is available for the same price as the old brown stuff thanks to the cartels. Not worth the risk for the average cook.

True but the path to Montana has been slowed due to travel and the meth heads are getting crazy.

04-17-2020, 08:07 PM