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View Full Version : cleaning between shooting plain base and gas checks

04-14-2020, 03:17 PM
Its been said to clean a barrel throughly when switching to cast boolits. Do I need to clean throughly when shooting plain base and then switching to gas checked or back and forth? Do gas checks leave the same trace material like a jacketed bullet? Am I just looking for a problem that doesnt exist? I have a LBT 115gr .310 GC that s hoots perfect but I also have the RCBS 150 .310 RNFP plain base that shoots perfect. I have had some minor problems in the past with flyers. The gun is a Mod 94 Winchester 30-30 16 inch barrel with williams peep sight. It was made in 1972. The 115 LBT .310 GC load is 5.2grs Red Dot WW LRP, Light crimp, 2.395 OAL. The 150 RCBS RNFP Flat base is 7.0 grs Unique, light crimp with Lee Factory crimp die, and 2.510 OAL. 1180 fps av.

04-14-2020, 03:26 PM
Who said that? You can shoot any kind of bullet you want at any time with no ill effects. Fliers can have a hundred causes, but usually stem from the bullet itself. Lube can have some effect. Or maybe the load simply isn't ideal.

04-14-2020, 05:51 PM
Well, it came from here . I'm pretty sure ive read it some where on here that we should really clean a barrel before starting to shoot cast boolits. I have always made it a habit to use a good copper solvent to get all the copper out of a barrel before starting to shoot cast.

04-14-2020, 06:06 PM
It is unnecessary. You can shoot jacketed, gas check, plain base, even all copper bullets at any point with no problems. A consistent bore is an accurate one, but after the first shot, there should be no difference.

04-14-2020, 06:45 PM
I've read the same thing before. Anyway, I'll shoot jacketed then cast, or vice-versa and don't have any issues. In my case it's with revolvers and not long guns.

I PC all of my cast bullets now, but when I was still shooting lubed bullets, I'd still shoot jacketed and cast and don't remember any POI differences.

04-14-2020, 07:03 PM
The common wisdom is that lead adheres to copper fouling more than barrel steel so leading becomes an issue when shooting lead in a copper fouled barrel.



Some shoot jacketed bullets to de-lead heavily leaded bore. Normally it's not an issue but in heavily leaded revolver bores is a good what to crack your forcing cone.

04-14-2020, 07:14 PM
Extreme accuracy you will likely see a difference between one type vs the other for a few shots and then it will settle down. Personally, I don't shoot to that level of accuracy and I see no difference. My winchester 94 30-30 will print less than 2 inches with both my 31141 and jacketed at 75 yards. POI is slightly different but within a few inches. I often shoot a group of one then the other and see no difference within my normal accuracy standards.

charlie b
04-15-2020, 08:06 AM
It also depends on the barrel. If your barrel easily fouls with copper (or lead) then it might be prudent to clean before changing.

With lubed rifle bullets I will noticed a difference in bullet lubes. It took a few rounds when I change lubes for the rifle to settle down.

My current cast bullet rifle (.308) will 'collect' copper fouling. I usually shoot powder coated bullets now. If I have some jacketed to shoot I will shoot the PC bullets first, then the jacketed. This also seems to make it easier to remove the copper fouling from the bore. My theory is that the bore is 'fouled' with the PC so there is a layer of PC under the copper fouling. Probably not correct but it is easier to clean than when I shoot jacketed first.