View Full Version : Where Do We Place Our Faith?

04-06-2020, 08:52 AM
Our answer to the Covid-19 crisis should be to turn to the Lord first and then to medical community. After that we can turn to our government.

After Solomon finished building the temple the Lord appeared to him by night and said, "I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7: 12-14

Instead of turning to the Lord our people are turning to the government for their salvation. It is time for us to humble ourselves and turn to the Lord in prayer for healing for our land and his entire creation. He has given the guidance we need. Will we follow it?

It's kind of funny that the evolutionists are forgetting that Covid-19 is just a process of natural selection to kill off the weak and promote the strong. Now they are trying to save everyone on the planet by blaming each other that there are no supplies to fight the disease.

I take comfort in the fact that the Lord is in charge and his will will be done.

04-06-2020, 09:28 AM
Thank you . My thoughts exactly , I'm glad you were put upon to comment .

04-07-2020, 05:35 AM
On all the news casts every day do ever hear Gods' name mentioned ? I sure have not.

Pine Baron
04-07-2020, 07:59 AM
On all the news casts every day do ever hear Gods' name mentioned ? I sure have not.

I believe president Trump and vice president Pence frequently reference God and faith in the daily press briefings. Also president Trump indicated he was listening to Greg Laurie's Harvest Crusade online message. I hear God and faith a lot more now than in previous times, but than again, I guess we hear what we want to hear.

04-07-2020, 08:36 AM
Amen, Our only hope is God!

04-08-2020, 01:35 PM
Be Sober Minded & Trust in the Lord. Yeah I'm fine personally but what is a concern is silly people freaking out & then Idolizing the MSM and government when both get most things wrong 24/7 all it takes is a real or fake crises & people forget how many lies come out of the MSM... I trust what doctors are saying (who have come forward) or caught on camera by Project Veritas & I trust what pastors are saying & i abide by the law, nothing more. CNN is so mad their total crises is not working out for them they got Project Veritas' vid removed from Facebook & all it was ,was Dr's, nurses and cops saying the MSM has blown this totally out of proportion. Where was our lock down for polio and Aids? Oh yeah their wasn't one. I believe in God not the MSM Corona hoax. the MSM is always first to exploit any situation, praying on peoples fear,bias,ignorance,sorrow or guilt. :NYC Health Officials Assess Impact; Counterterrorism Officer: A Lot of “Misinformation” About Virus https://youtu.be/rOYU2kJQfiA

Wayne Smith
04-08-2020, 07:56 PM
A lot of misinformation but not a hoax. Too many people are dying for this to be a hoax. Not as bad as we are being told, probably. Enough to take reasonable precautions to prevent, absolutely.

04-08-2020, 08:53 PM
Our answer to the Covid-19 crisis should be to turn to the Lord first and then to medical community. After that we can turn to our government.

After Solomon finished building the temple the Lord appeared to him by night and said, "I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7: 12-14

Instead of turning to the Lord our people are turning to the government for their salvation. It is time for us to humble ourselves and turn to the Lord in prayer for healing for our land and his entire creation. He has given the guidance we need. Will we follow it?

It's kind of funny that the evolutionists are forgetting that Covid-19 is just a process of natural selection to kill off the weak and promote the strong. Now they are trying to save everyone on the planet by blaming each other that there are no supplies to fight the disease.

I take comfort in the fact that the Lord is in charge and his will will be done.

Is it all or nothing?

If 65% turn to God will He heal the land?
Is 51% enough?

What if only 49%

What about 35%?

The God of the OT is not always fair and just. The Flood did not spare the innocent.
Seems only one child has died of this virus....so far...

But is the virus only killing those who deserve His wrath....or the unfaithful...seems He is targeting Blacks and the old

Just wondering.

Snow ninja
04-08-2020, 09:27 PM
I’m confused. So is it a process of natural selection to kill the weak and promote the strong, or is it gods doing and he can just undo it if we would all only pray?

04-08-2020, 09:28 PM
Is it all or nothing?

If 65% turn to God will He heal the land?
Is 51% enough?

What if only 49%

What about 35%?

The God of the OT is not always fair and just. The Flood did not spare the innocent.
Seems only one child has died of this virus....so far...

But is the virus only killing those who deserve His wrath....or the unfaithful...seems He is targeting Blacks and the old

Just wondering.

There were no innocent people on the earth at the time of the flood, except for Noah. Mankind had become the polar opposite of what God intended. Same thing goes for Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot was the only righteous person living there and he was rescued.

The tribes in Canaan were also especially wicked and therefore wiped out as the Israelites entered the land. But before that, God gave them hundreds of years to get their act together.

The so-called moral decay we see in the United States is nothing compared to the ancient people that God violently removed from the face of the earth.

The coronavirus was not sent by God to punish America or make our population turn to him. We are not Israel. Heck, Israel isn't Israel anymore! It's just one of the things we have to deal with on earth (hard work, thorns and pain and Luke 13:4).

04-09-2020, 07:29 AM
You are so right.....God is the solution.....the government is not....at least not all of the government! President Trump and Vise President Pence do believe and do ask for Your intervention. Please be with these men and women that are trying to solve this terrible virus. AMEN

04-09-2020, 05:04 PM
I don't believe we're turning to gov't for a solution. Merely for the advice that it's their fiducioary responsibility to give us. For healing, and overcoming this threat, I think most folks ARE turning to the Lord. They're just being quiet about it, as they've been "trained" to do in this secular progressively dominated culture. If those who believe in God would simply PRACTICE His teachings, and not be so "mousey" and reticent about speaking His name, this nation would be very different from what it is now. And really, it's those of us who've ALLOWED the secular progressives to dominate our culture that are MOST responsible for what exists today. After all, He came into the world to bring a SWORD, not an apology for being who and what He is! We Christians need to learn to be more aggressive and MUCH less tentative in our speech regarding Him and His plans for us.

And Dverna, your question is one we cannot know the answer to, for we don't determine that. Christ does, and only He can know when He's satisfied, or if He isn't. But we can speculate, or guess, if it pleases us. It's just not very satisfying not knowing. It's our responsibility to respond to Him and what He puts before us, not to know the outcomes or reasons for everything. We're his servants, and servants never know all that thier master does. We may not always like that, but it's always the way it just is. If He'd wanted us to know everything, He'd have made us that way. But He didn't, and maybe, in the long run, it's best that way. I for one am more than willing to give Him the benefit of a doubt, because I know He can see the past, the present and the future, and that He knows all things. I don't and can't. Therefore, there are more and more things I'm content to just leave up to Him, and concentrate on his directions and advice, where I might glean something good from it. Wondering about things I cannot know really doesn't do anything but use up my precious time here fruitlessly, or make me make up explanations from my own will, and not from His. Not what we want sometimes, but that's the way He made it, and He made things good for us, didn't He? I can trust Him that much, surely!