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View Full Version : Be Patriotic!

03-30-2020, 02:42 PM
When our country called us to duty at the outbreak of WW2 (and other wars!), we all rallied, and did our parts, to the degree that we could.

In high school and college, back in the late 60's and early 70's, I worked for a small auto parts dealer who had a machine shop. The old guys there used to tell me about how, during the war, they made engine parts for jeeps. Apparently, there was a place near Boston assembling Jeep parts for the war effort. Those guys were proud of every part they shipped out.

I see these times as kind of being like those times. The enemy this time isn't a country, it's a virus. While it wasn't fun in the old days to sacrifice and make do, and it isn't these days either..... I feel, however, that it's MY patriotic duty to do what our President and Country are asking me (us) to do.

I'm following, strictly, the guidelines to keep this damned virus at bay as well as we can. I feel a Patriotic duty to do so. And, in my own small way, I am supporting this effort to win this war. These are historical times. Thank you all, for doing whatever you can do, to win this one.

03-30-2020, 02:49 PM
So True Duke! So True!

03-30-2020, 02:53 PM
Agreed ! The measure of a patriot is revealed when the going gets tough.

03-31-2020, 09:22 AM
My wife and I were just discussing the rationing and life changes of society in WWII. Her mother is old enough to remember those times. She has been sharing her remembrances to our children and grandchildren. Our grandchildren verify some of the circumstances via the internet. Whats interesting, is some of what they are seeing (photos of rubber drives, rationing signs, cars sitting on block without tires, etc.) is new to them. They had no idea to the extent of what the "Greatest Generation" went through.
