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03-28-2020, 10:47 AM
It seems like all the group buys are at a standstill. Is my perception correct? This seems to been going on pre virus. I haven't had one complete since the method change at MP. Thanks.

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03-28-2020, 12:18 PM
they would go very quickly if people would jump in, can't complete a group buy if it aint full.

Mal Paso
03-28-2020, 12:35 PM
It seems like all the group buys are at a standstill. Is my perception correct? This seems to been going on pre virus. I haven't had one complete since the method change at MP. Thanks.

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The buy I'm in took 10 months from close of buy to mill. Someone said Miha is doing Air Gun molds. It may be Miha is a one man shop with world wide sales now.

All you guys that said how good MP Molds were. This is ALL your fault!


Green Frog
03-28-2020, 01:27 PM
The last group buy in which I participated “filled” rather quickly then we waited... in fact we waited so long that the subscription doubled, even with a substantial number of dropouts. When I finally did get it, the mould was everything I had hoped for eighteen months before, when I signed up for it!. The honcho for the group buy kept responding to inquiries of when it would drop with comments like, “Now you have more time to save money to pay for it.” I already had the money or I wouldn’t have ordered it! [smilie=b:

At my advanced age and deteriorating health, I don’t think I’ll be participating in any more group buys. I’ll go for sure things like a quest for the Holy Grail or something similar. If I can’t order a mould off the shelf or to be cut to order in a known time frame, I’ll just have to look elsewhere or do without. Life is too short for me to join these nebulous group buys. YMMV!


Burnt Fingers
03-29-2020, 12:39 PM
I'm currently in in GB, we are just waiting for a few more people to sign up.

We've been waiting for a few months. It does seem to have slowed down.

03-29-2020, 01:22 PM
NOE is very quick and Accurate promises in three weeks or so and delivers in about a week. At least that has been my experience.

Rattlesnake Charlie
03-29-2020, 01:40 PM
As people loose their jobs or get hours cut, buying bullet molds will be a luxury dropped early. And, if you get sick, ordering a new mold will not be high on the list.

03-29-2020, 01:42 PM
I'm on the list for my first group buy. I believe this will be the last, just takes too long at my age. I would most likely drop out on this one as I've purchased other moulds that fill my need but I will stay in for others here that have more patience than I do and are looking forward to the mould being cut. If I need something custom cut I'll go with Accurate and for items in stock, I've been very happy with the NOE offerings.Gp

03-29-2020, 01:48 PM
I’ve been in a couple of group buys. One was pretty quick, one took forever. I love both molds. I now have more molds and more lead than I have time to cast and shoot!!!

03-29-2020, 01:55 PM
I’ve been in a couple of group buys. One was pretty quick, one took forever. I love both molds. I now have more molds and more lead than I have time to cast and shoot!!!

I hear you BNE. Being a Noe thousand dollar club member more than twice over and owning many more from the other makers, I should just work more with what I have. This mould business is a sickness I tell you! Gp

03-29-2020, 02:41 PM
I think MP has really dropped the ball, and I will not be doing any more business with him because of it. I did a NOE group buy, and it was about a month and a half from opening the thread, to molds being shipped out. I later did an Arsenal molds group buy, and it was 3 weeks from start to molds being shipped. I was in a couple MP group buys, and months later not even an update, dropped out. Last year I joined some more MP buys to give him a second chance. One of the buys even went into last call. Still, 5 months after "last call" not even an update.

03-29-2020, 03:16 PM
I think I am in 2 group buys and for the life of me can't remember them. Guess I will have to dig thru them and see.

tomme boy
03-29-2020, 05:35 PM
There are issues with MP charging more than the agreed price on buys right now. It has been reported but no updates. About ready to send it to paypal to get resolved. The price was agreed on for shipping included on price given. He is now charging $16 more for shipping over the agreed price where it was included. So in essence you are paying for the shipping two times.

03-30-2020, 12:27 PM
My last group buy years ago was for a 6.5 cruise missile cut to proper dimensions. The buy filled up quickly, and we all waited for over two years before every one gave up on it. In fact I gave up on it when I sold the rifle it was intended for, though I could have used it in my 6.5 MS. I've been on 4 MIHA group buys, and countless NOE buys, but probably won't be doing them again. I guess NOE isn't doing them at all any more anyway...

03-30-2020, 06:36 PM
I guess I was impatient. I waited 6 months and bowed out on one GB mould. I guess I'm not much interested in waiting ≥ 6 months to save $10-15 as I'm not that hard-up for cash. I'm happy the mould makers are busy, but they should be transparent about expected turn-around.

03-30-2020, 07:39 PM
I guess I was impatient. I waited 6 months and bowed out on one GB mould. I guess I'm not much interested in waiting ≥ 6 months to save $10-15 as I'm not that hard-up for cash. I'm happy the mould makers are busy, but they should be transparent about expected turn-around.

Exactly. NOE can make a hollow point mold for cheaper, and they are kept in stock. Any maker can do a solid design as well, and have it to your door in days or weeks. If you have to have the best of the best hollow points, you can have them done by Hollowpoint Molds. You are looking about a 1-2 month tops wait for this. It costs more, but you also get a better product, and made exactly as you want.

With MP you are stuck with a brass mold, made to someone else's design, and you are looking at about 2-3 YEAR wait.

I don't care if he made them for $30, no bullet mold is worth getting jerked around like this.

Thin Man
03-30-2020, 08:19 PM
When I first joined this site I got addicted to buying GB molds. A few of these arrived in about a year from when I committed to the buy, but usually they went longer than that. Sometimes, a lot longer. It was the nature of the game to have enough commitments for the maker to justify gearing up for a new pattern and I have no frustration with the maker over that. A change came for me when the custom shops like Accurate (and others) offered large spreads of designs and fast turn around on the order. Now we have more of these custom shops with ever expanding design patterns. I got out of GB mindset (with one only recent exception) and am comfortable working with the builders who can deliver an order in a month or less. If they don't offer what I "think" I want its usually because I didn't study their catalog closely enough.

03-30-2020, 09:19 PM
I am currently in two group buys one from MiHec it has only been a few mouths, and one from NOE that is going on two years, I know the number of molds that I order has slowed down in the last few years because I have molds that work good for about every gun I own,
most of my group buys have come in less than 2 mouths. but now I don't see as many group buys happening and the ones that are is at a slower pace than in the past

03-30-2020, 09:50 PM
The last on I was in on was for NOE - at least a year ago of so. Time passed, I got busy and when I finally remembered and checked, I was surprised to see the it was closed - never received any notification from NOE - not blaming Al - I just never heard anything. I have been in on others for NOE - always was pleased and I still purchase NOE molds because I like them. I realize that when you go in on a group buy, it sometimes takes a while before you get enough to make it a viable thing. Unfortunately if the wait is too long I think some folks end up going a different route.

03-31-2020, 03:43 AM
We are still up and running. Running normally.
Problem why thinks are slow...... Look at the group buys....they are no more group buys - they are more wish lists.

Group buy means 25 SAME molds. Lately In one group buy I came out with 16 different setups. That's why thinks slow down.

Think this as McDonalds and fancy superduper restaurant.... In McDonalds they have 5 menus ready to go. Pay and go.
In fancy restaurant you wait for an hour, because you want your stake medium rare, not so spicy, done on olive oil.......you get the point?

Trying my best here.

03-31-2020, 04:35 AM
We are still up and running. Running normally.
Problem why thinks are slow...... Look at the group buys....they are no more group buys - they are more wish lists.

Group buy means 25 SAME molds. Lately In one group buy I came out with 16 different setups. That's why thinks slow down.

Think this as McDonalds and fancy superduper restaurant.... In McDonalds they have 5 menus ready to go. Pay and go.
In fancy restaurant you wait for an hour, because you want your stake medium rare, not so spicy, done on olive oil.......you get the point?

Trying my best here.

I’m glad you commented Mihec. What you said makes sense. It seems maybe we have too many options sometimes. Maybe we forget the less options that we have without MP and NOE.

I think a big issue with those of us in the US, is we’re wanting more communication, even if it’s less desirable.

I’ve been watching a few group buys that seem to linger awhile. I don’t know, maybe if there were less options on some molds for quicker production then that group buy would go quicker. Another possible slowdown problem is we all have multiple good molds so we can choose to be picky. Then again, I do know that my mold collection is slowly moving to brass and aluminum, and away from the steel blocks.

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03-31-2020, 04:46 AM
Over two years for a 45/70 mold. Finally got it a couple months ago. I'm still on a 45 mold but considering dropping out. Definitely taking way too long.

03-31-2020, 05:22 AM
Over two years for a 45/70 mold. Finally got it a couple months ago. I'm still on a 45 mold but considering dropping out. Definitely taking way too long.

From where you stand It's a long time. My view is different.
Again, if you order a Ferarri, waiting time is 5 years if you want to buy a Yugo (actually you don't buy a Yugo you get it for free with washing powder) you can get it in second.

I can employ more people, buy more machines but price will go up and quality will drop.

03-31-2020, 05:40 AM
A lot of molds on stock is here:

https://www.mp-molds.com/shop/ (https://www.mp-molds.com/shop/)

Forrest r
03-31-2020, 05:47 AM
Personally MiHec, I think your doing a fantastic job owning 15 of your molds so far. Myself I have no issues waiting for a custom mold. I have no issues paying $$$ for quality. Thank you for the molds you make Nothing better that using quality bullets cast from custom molds.

Myself I've slowed down on signing up for group buys. Got too many molds as it is and been thinning the herd for the last year selling 50+ molds.

Perhaps it has more to do with a small market to sell to & those people that buy molds have everything they want/need at this time.

Mal Paso
03-31-2020, 11:45 AM
For whatever reason the Honcho for my group buy said at various times that it would run in 30 days or that we were up next. That was clearly not the case and lead to people getting upset and leaving the buy. The lack of good information made the group buy look bad.

03-31-2020, 11:53 AM
For whatever reason the Honcho for my group buy said at various times that it would run in 30 days or that we were up next. That was clearly not the case and lead to people getting upset and leaving the buy. The lack of good information made the group buy look bad.

I'm working on that. Improved ordering and info system. Sometimes it is very hard to make a schedule due to outsourcing, waiting for materials, broken cherries.....

03-31-2020, 11:58 AM
A lot of molds on stock is here:
https://www.mp-molds.com/shop/ (https://www.mp-molds.com/shop/)

^ This is how I intend to purchase "custom" moulds anymore. If it's not in stock, ready to ship, I'm not interested.

I have MP moulds, they're nice. I am glad you're a busy man with quality being a top-priority.

03-31-2020, 08:15 PM
I’m not sure how long ago I started involving myself in group buys, or how many. I am certain, though, that I’ve never been misled regarding the time frame involved. I’ve also never had to pay for anything until just prior to receiving it.

All in all, I don’t think group buys have been drastically better or worse than waiting for an NFA stamp.

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03-31-2020, 10:08 PM
I’m glad you commented Mihec. What you said makes sense. It seems maybe we have too many options sometimes. Maybe we forget the less options that we have without MP and NOE.

I think a big issue with those of us in the US, is we’re wanting more communication, even if it’s less desirable.

I’ve been watching a few group buys that seem to linger awhile. I don’t know, maybe if there were less options on some molds for quicker production then that group buy would go quicker. Another possible slowdown problem is we all have multiple good molds so we can choose to be picky. Then again, I do know that my mold collection is slowly moving to brass and aluminum, and away from the steel blocks.

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This is what I would like to see to even consider it again. Stop taking orders, and get caught up. Then choose which designs you can made in a reasonable timeframe. By reasonable I mean from the time you get 25 or however many committed, to the time they ship, being 2-3 months tops. Better communication is must too. Simple questions going unanswered for weeks is no good. 2 years for a bullet mold is too long, no matter how you look at it.

03-31-2020, 11:49 PM
My GBs have all been with MiHec. The time to deliver was ok but I understood it was a custom mold and did not expect them in a month.

I am currently signed up for a mold for the Master Caster. It has been months. If it makes it to production fine; if not, I will make do with a Magma mold.

He does not ask for funds until he is ready...seems fair to me. If I want something quickly, I will order what he has in inventory, or look elsewhere.

04-01-2020, 05:54 AM
From where you stand It's a long time. My view is different.
Again, if you order a Ferarri, waiting time is 5 years if you want to buy a Yugo (actually you don't buy a Yugo you get it for free with washing powder) you can get it in second.

I can employ more people, buy more machines but price will go up and quality will drop.

I totally understand. I love your molds and currently have 6 of them. I'm certainly not knocking your quality and commitment to your trade.

I personally just can't wait that long any more. I'm sure some folks can, and that's fine also.

I'm sure I'll buy from molds you have in stock on your website but probably won't participate in any more group buys unless there's some way to reduce the wait times.

As I previously hinted, I went ahead and bailed on the 45 gb this morning. I've been in it over a year and others are approaching 2 years on 4/21. I'm sure it will be a fine mold for the folks that are willing to keep waiting it out.

04-05-2020, 01:04 PM
My 2 cents for what its worth, group buys are great for the more established casters we already have most molds we actually need.
We can wait for a mold we want because we really don't NEED it.
If I was new to this I would pick up a Lee mold or a used one in the swap section at a good price, start casting while waiting on a group buy mold, you can always sell them later.
I love my MiHec, NOE, and Accurate molds, I believe they would rather turn out a great product or none at all. They take pride in their work, so I am willing to wait for a mold my machinest friends look at and say wow what a mold!

04-06-2020, 10:40 AM
We are still up and running. Running normally.
Problem why thinks are slow...... Look at the group buys....they are no more group buys - they are more wish lists.

Group buy means 25 SAME molds. Lately In one group buy I came out with 16 different setups. That's why thinks slow down.

Think this as McDonalds and fancy superduper restaurant.... In McDonalds they have 5 menus ready to go. Pay and go.
In fancy restaurant you wait for an hour, because you want your stake medium rare, not so spicy, done on olive oil.......you get the point?

Trying my best here.

MiHec--I sent you an e-mail about a mould problem about a week ago, and still have not rec'd a reply. I tried the message system on your website and it did not work for me.

04-06-2020, 12:54 PM
I was never part of the Lee group buys but sure remember all the complaining that went on. Not only did they take years, the molds were out of spec when they arrived. This is not the case w/ the current mold makers.

It seems some people don’t understand low volume custom parts. The mold makers are paying for everything out of pocket before they ship. Pretty sure they don’t want that amount of money tied up for years.

If you sign up for a group buy assume you’re not going to get it for a long time. Put the money aside and patiently wait. If you need a mold quickly Mihec and NOE have molds in stock. If they don’t have what you want Tom at Accurate will make you one in short order. Be happy that there are lots of high quality options at the moment. It wasn’t always this way.

Mal Paso
04-07-2020, 10:15 PM
MiHec--I sent you an e-mail about a mould problem about a week ago, and still have not rec'd a reply. I tried the message system on your website and it did not work for me.

If you click on the red MiHec name in any of his posts it will bring up a menu to allow you to Private Message him direct.

04-07-2020, 10:35 PM
I've got my name in on a MiHec group buy right now, knowing I can't get the same design anywhere else. Sure, I could send a design to Accurate, get it drawn up and cut, pay for it there, and then send it to Erik at Hollowpoint and pay for conversion, but I like the product I've gotten in the past from MP Molds. Plus the brass is gorgeous.

I don't mind the wait, in this case. This one's only been running just under a year and recently closed.

04-08-2020, 03:36 AM
if its a simply issue of "cant get enough pre orders" double the price of the die and cut the number in half. If the product is as good as claimed, people will be happy to take the extra cost..


And in manufacturing, the term is EXPEDITED ORDERS. I am used to seeing a single part get expedited, built by 1 pm on Monday so it can get fedexed out by 3 pm on monday

04-08-2020, 05:38 AM
I gotta say it does sound unusual for a business to tool up and schedule for a custom order and then GIVE A DISCOUNT.

Group buy molds should cost MORE.

Green Frog
04-08-2020, 11:25 AM
I just cast a few hundred bullets from my Mihec 314640 HP mould I got from a group buy about six years ago. It was my first brass mould and is without a doubt as nice as any mould I’ve ever owned or used.

That’s the good news. The dark cloud around the silver lining was that from the time the GB hit its target (of 15 units back then) until delivery was nearly 18 months and the number of moulds ordered in the GB had risen to over five times the target. I blame this on the group buy participants rather than Mihec, since the honcho allowed brass vs aluminum blocks, two vs four cavities, two kinds of hollow points (one of which couldn’t be made!) and plain nose, and of course gas checked vs plain base. If there had been a bulk order of one design (with maybe 2 vs 4 cavs) there would have been one setup with one cherry needed and the whole project would have probably gone a lot faster. Group buys should be defined as mass production of a single design if we expect them to be economical and relatively fast.

Rant over, but thanks to Mihec for one of the nicest moulds I own... next time I’ll order from you from stock.


Burnt Fingers
04-08-2020, 11:43 AM
I just cast a few hundred bullets from my Mihec 314640 HP mould I got from a group buy about six years ago. It was my first brass mould and is without a doubt as nice as any mould I’ve ever owned or used.

That’s the good news. The dark cloud around the silver lining was that from the time the GB hit its target (of 15 units back then) until delivery was nearly 18 months and the number of moulds ordered in the GB had risen to over five times the target. I blame this on the group buy participants rather than Mihec, since the honcho allowed brass vs aluminum blocks, two vs four cavities, two kinds of hollow points (one of which couldn’t be made!) and plain nose, and of course gas checked vs plain base. If there had been a bulk order of one design (with maybe 2 vs 4 cavs) there would have been one setup with one cherry needed and the whole project would have probably gone a lot faster. Group buys should be defined as mass production of a single design if we expect them to be economical and relatively fast.

Rant over, but thanks to Mihec for one of the nicest moulds I own... next time I’ll order from you from stock.


You just hit the nail on the head. The more options the more people it takes to get the buy going. Design ONE style. See if people sign up I'm in one right now that offers 2/4 cavity HP, 4/6 cavity solids.

People are dropping out due to the amount of time it's taking. Pick hollow point or solid instead of both. IMHO that would make it go quicker.

04-08-2020, 02:13 PM
FWIW I received a quick reply from Miha about the problem I have getting Gator checks to fit on my 312-440 's. He sent me the specifications on the Hornady checks and they should work.

04-08-2020, 02:15 PM
If you click on the red MiHec name in any of his posts it will bring up a menu to allow you to Private Message him direct.

Thanks, I didn't know that!

04-08-2020, 02:39 PM
My issue with group buys is the wait as well. I may be casting or working on a caliber right now but who knows what I will be doing in a few months to a year so the group buys just don't make sense when there are a number of good molds on the market for purchase at any time.

04-08-2020, 06:26 PM
I gotta say it does sound unusual for a business to tool up and schedule for a custom order and then GIVE A DISCOUNT.

Group buy molds should cost MORE.

It’s called a volume discount. And the makers are using the initial run to fund the purchase of the cherries which they can keep making money off of in the future. They can also judge interest by how many and how fast the sign up is.

Look at prices for preorders for non custom products. There’s always a discount. Expect in the case of the preorders they take your money and you’re left w/ nothing until the product is shipped. W/ the group buys no money leaves your hand until the product is ready to ship. That’s a lot better seeing as his preorders get pushed back quite often.

04-08-2020, 08:22 PM
It’s called a volume discount. And the makers are using the initial run to fund the purchase of the cherries which they can keep making money off of in the future. They can also judge interest by how many and how fast the sign up is.

Look at prices for preorders for non custom products. There’s always a discount. Expect in the case of the preorders they take your money and you’re left w/ nothing until the product is shipped. W/ the group buys no money leaves your hand until the product is ready to ship. That’s a lot better seeing as his preorders get pushed back quite often.

however, if its something you WANT to have, the fact that its automatically put on the back burner tells anyone that they don't count for squat with that company. If you WANT to get something on market, and cant even make sure you do it you just kill yourself.

Its the secret that all the people doing kick start campaigns for adjustable razors and reproduction razors cant comprehend. Promise something, take money, and NOT delivering means you wont be around or get customers

04-08-2020, 08:55 PM
I’ll never get the group buy thing. The cherry idea has long given way to the lathe boring program, with it’s forever repeatability. Why waste a year going without something you want just to save ten dollars? And then find out it won’t even work for you?

04-09-2020, 12:35 AM
however, if its something you WANT to have, the fact that its automatically put on the back burner tells anyone that they don't count for squat with that company. If you WANT to get something on market, and cant even make sure you do it you just kill yourself.

Its the secret that all the people doing kick start campaigns for adjustable razors and reproduction razors cant comprehend. Promise something, take money, and NOT delivering means you wont be around or get customers

Many times it’s members (turned into honchos) with their own designs (and not mould makes) who wants to see their design to be made so if there is enough people expressing their interest (you don’t pay until it’s made, no money taken in advance) then it’s viable for maker to invest in new cherry, material, pay someone for pins, engravings (outsourcing). Even with an existing cheery, there must be certain number of moulds made to make a profit and not debt.

So if this is a business model that keeps those small but probably THE BEST companies alive-let it be that way. No money is taken before and maker is not even sure someone on the list will actually take it, so there must be a certain number of participants so he does not actually loose his profit and stay in business. And that what we want, we want all those premium mould makers to stay in business.

GB are for semi-custom moulds.
If you don’t like them, don’t participate or go to another place. Just because “that other place” many times don’t offer what we want, we put our name on the list and wait for specific mould. In my case it was worth every time. I compare this to order a custom car. No patience? Sorry, wrong place.

I talked with Miha from MP molds many times and he is a hard working very busy man. When he is answering emails, he is not cutting the moulds. He many times relies on hochos to coordinate what someone else designed, not MP. Sometimes honcho made some promise (assumption) that was not discussed with him before and that made people impatient.

Yes communication must improve, but still it’s impossible to predict when will GB finish. If you knew how much money and time MP spent on buying cutters/cherry for a difficult totally new design for 300BLK mould you would understand why GB took 2 years from idea to 2 perfect moulds in my hands. It was worth. I will continue to wait and hope more of them are mine. It’s obvious you don’t understand how GB work. Most of us are happy. Because we get products like this. Some call it work of art. I even agree.

And now many moulds like this (that WE waited for) are available for YOU in his web shop. Available at the touch of your smart phone or computer and delivered anywhere in the world in 5days.
So thank us too for our patience, we helped it happen too.

Thank you mould makers, honchos and us buyers that keep GB’s alive.

04-09-2020, 07:40 AM
I compare this to order a custom car. No patience? Sorry, wrong place.

This is exactly it. I can only assume people here have not participated in group buys/preorders for car parts. Nothing like having thousands of dollars out of pocket and no product. Lost count of how many times I’ve heard “held up in customs”. But I was willing to spend my money in advance of product delivery to get said product in the end.

This “complaint” about group buys is perpetual. Do the buys mention a delivery date in the initial post? If not then there is nothing to complain about when it takes a long time. I understand “wanting it now”. But I’ve been part of many group buys that took a long time. The Mihec 300 BLK design literally took years and was canceled at least once. But I received the mold in the end and it was worth it.

Simply put, if you want it now don’t sign up for group buys.

04-09-2020, 06:34 PM
I compare this to order a custom car. No patience? Sorry, wrong place.

I have done this. $25000 deposit with delivery scheduled for 6 months. Supply chain issues pushed it to 9 months. If I can get a custom car in 9 months, a lump of aluminum/brass/iron shouldn't be too hard once the minimum number of GB people have committed.

04-09-2020, 07:07 PM
Really? You guys are going to compare a car to a bullet mold. It's a metal block with some holes bored in it. You can send Tom at Accurate molds any design you can think of, within reason, and many times it will be on your door step that week. Now I'm not certain that Tom is human, and I certainly don't always expect such results. Still MP has to find a way to trim the YEARS waiting down to MONTHS at the very least. There is nothing else to say. He currently backed himself up years in advance for work. As people get fed up with the wait, the times are only going to increase.

04-09-2020, 09:18 PM
Really? You guys are going to compare a car to a bullet mold. It's a metal block with some holes bored in it. You can send Tom at Accurate molds any design you can think of, within reason, and many times it will be on your door step that week. Now I'm not certain that Tom is human, and I certainly don't always expect such results. Still MP has to find a way to trim the YEARS waiting down to MONTHS at the very least. There is nothing else to say. He currently backed himself up years in advance for work. As people get fed up with the wait, the times are only going to increase.

You finally put something into concise words that the majority will understand. When others can do a custom mold in under a month,, then ALL companies shouldn't need to take YEARS to do the same thing. Its also why LEE with their custom mold option is still a contender DESPITE the way the internet forums feel about lee products

04-10-2020, 07:53 AM
Like I said, perpetual complaint. If you don’t want to wait go to Tom. He doesn’t offer hollow point molds. If you don’t want to wait for a hollow point mold go to Al. But he doesn’t offer Cramer style HP molds. W/ no stated delivery time up front and no money exchanging hands there is nothing to complain about. Do I wish they completed faster, yes. But it is what it is.

04-10-2020, 07:31 PM
I'm gonna have to defend MiHec.
Do I want it now ? Accurate or NOE. Not thrilled with the "tilting" HP pins - but I want it now !
I have even bought a mould, gotten it in a week, sent it to Eric for the HP, got it back in 2 weeks, happy camper !
I'm willing to wait for the ART of MiHec moulds most of the time (have a dozen) I prefer brass over alum or steel; yes, bailed a few times when my interest changed.
I'm saving up for a "cool looking" MiHec mould - gonna put it on the shelf and just admire it - NEVER cast with it.
Everyone has their priorities, MiHec has his business plan (must be working, still in business).
My son in law is a master machinist, 20 yrs on the job - maybe I just understand better from his horror stories. lol His shop has been known to take a 500 lb block of high end steel and produce a 75 lb product. (yea, 65 hours on various mills - not all CNC either)
I have a vid somewhere of a 6 foot high, 4 foot diam "pipe" (actually a casting for a hydraulic ram) on a vert lathe. Impressive !

John Wayne
04-10-2020, 09:01 PM
I have to admit I did break a cherry once, but I was a lot younger then. I really like those brass molds though!!!!!

04-10-2020, 10:30 PM
We are still up and running. Running normally.
Problem why thinks are slow...... Look at the group buys....they are no more group buys - they are more wish lists.

Group buy means 25 SAME molds. Lately In one group buy I came out with 16 different setups. That's why thinks slow down.

Think this as McDonalds and fancy superduper restaurant.... In McDonalds they have 5 menus ready to go. Pay and go.
In fancy restaurant you wait for an hour, because you want your stake medium rare, not so spicy, done on olive oil.......you get the point?

Trying my best here.

Thank you sir. I just recently ordered a 8 cavity 358-148-WC mold from you which arrived about a week ago. DHL delivered a couple houses down by mistake but the neighbor nicely brought to me. Very nice mold. Did 3 heat/cool runs on it then cast about 9 lbs of WC’s. It cast well. I need a couple more sessions to really get in a groove with it but very pleased.

Blessings and Happy Easter.

MT Gianni
04-11-2020, 12:44 PM
Group buys are an excellent way for a custom mold maker to start and establish a business. With Accurate's design as you go program, for 30 and up calibers, they are filling a smaller niche. It is evident that they are a pain to an established business. One doesn't walk into a clothing store and ask them to make a specialty item that he and 25 friends who each need alterations will buy. If your needs truly aren't met by the MiHecs, NOEs and Accurates of the world, let alone Lyman, Saeco, RCBS and Lee there may be a need for a small custom shop. From being in Balistols failure to supply a decent 7mm Thor then resupplying one it isn't an easy thing to do.

04-12-2020, 04:18 AM
For many of the reasons already stated, I’ve moved on from GBs a long time ago. MP usually doesn’t have what I’m looking for in stock (love his molds though), so I comb though NOEs expansive catalog. If he doesn’t have what I need on hand, I’ll design it on Mountain Molds or Accurate’s web site.

All of the above make excellent molds. I’m just getting old and impatient and want the ball rolling in an expedient and predictable manner.

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