View Full Version : Furlough

03-25-2020, 07:00 PM
I just got the news, Furlough.

My heart breaks for the 15 people that I lead, many will not have the money to get by and some have underlying issues that will lead them down dark paths. I ask for your prayers, for strength and obedience to God. I too am furloughed but we are prepared and will be OK. I ask not for your prayers as I am blessed beyond measure with a loving wife and family, a warm house and a grand child playing at my feet.

May God bless you all in this time of trial,


03-25-2020, 07:21 PM
These are the times that test a person's character.

03-25-2020, 07:24 PM
got my walking papers monday, so I feel your pain.

03-25-2020, 08:55 PM
Getting mine tomorrow at noon...

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03-25-2020, 09:08 PM
Two years ago I was warning my coworkers about this bubble popping, and got nothing but condescending attitudes and laughter behind my back (Best. Economy. Ever.)...Ignoring them, I set about preparing for this recession by saving every cent of OT pay earned between then and now. Transferred 75% of my 401K into a self-directed brokerage account and bought shares in mining companies, then pulled cash out of savings and bought gold. Kept repairing my now-24-year-old truck and wife’s 13-year-old Honda Pilot, deferring a new vehicle purchase. We now have a year’s worth of salary saved between all of our diversified assets, plus my stocks, growing even now as my coworkers’ 401K’s are evaporating. They aren’t laughing, now. They’re learning a painful lesson that was not learned back in 2008/2009. There is a very high probability that some of them will be forced to work past their planned retirement dates to recoup the losses in their 401K’s.
Sorry, but I don’t feel sorry for those who weren’t prepared for this downturn, especially after the last crash, for which I, myself, was completely unprepared and which cost my family our home. It woke me up. Hopefully, this go-round will shake every American awake from their fake American dreams and encourage them to stop “living a debt-based lifestyle they can’t afford with money they don’t have”, to quote the inimitable Peter Schiff.

03-25-2020, 09:57 PM
Thoughts and prayers for you and your coworkers.

03-25-2020, 10:24 PM
Sorry Rancher and oneofsix, I feel for you both.

Dangitgriff, same happened here, we 'felt it' coming too, sold our suburban home and moved 60 miles north just a year ago. The wife has 225,000 miles on her XB and I have 190,000 on my Pilot. Both still run strong and are in good shape. All we pay for is electricity and food. We self sustain on the rest.

03-26-2020, 04:43 PM
Mrs Bookworm just got her news this morning. 2 and 1/2 weeks leave, at roughly 60% pay.

We both are conservative by nature, and have plenty of supplies stocked here at our place. A pantry full if food, a freezer stocked, we have no outstanding loans, even the house is paid for.

We'll be fine for the foreseeable future.

03-26-2020, 05:57 PM
The Stimulus bill about to be passed allows small business owners with less than 500 employees to apply for a loan that does Not have to be paid back. The owner of the business can borrow up to 10 weeks of what would of been paid in wages so employees can be paid.
The fine print of the bill still needs to be read but that’s the gist of it.

03-27-2020, 08:28 AM
Sorry Rancher and oneofsix, I feel for you both.

Dangitgriff, same happened here, we 'felt it' coming too, sold our suburban home and moved 60 miles north just a year ago. The wife has 225,000 miles on her XB and I have 190,000 on my Pilot. Both still run strong and are in good shape. All we pay for is electricity and food. We self sustain on the rest.

I apologize for my angry-sounding response. I do have compassion for those about to lose so much, and I understand me and my family are still at risk of lost income. Virtually no one is immune from this economic downturn.
The government and bankers seem to think they can suspend the laws of economics; well, they’re about to get the surprise of their lives, just like the rest of us!

03-27-2020, 08:42 AM
From what I understand the package that may get passed today would give you unemployment of full pay plus an additional $600 a week for four months. Guess it is one of those will see if it is true when it passes. Good luck folks.

03-28-2020, 12:21 PM
Got mine yesterday. Essentially burn my severance package for six months, then termination. Only "plus" is I keep healthcare through the six months as opposed to money up front option.

That said, stay positive. Though this is going to be tough on the whole country, but I'd add that as a nation, we're so much better able to weather this than other countries. Back in my War College days, we were taught the most significant lever of US power isn't really our military, it's our economy. We can pull out the "dollar bazooka" like nobody else. We did that yesterday. How many countries on this earth can, in the space of about a week, commit 6 TRILLION dollars? Nobody but us. That is six MILLION piles of a MILLION dollars each. We can get through this.

My faith in this nation has only grown as we've confronted this issue. People and business getting away from what we "Can't" do, but finding what we "CAN" do. Can we make masks? Yes. Will they be perfect? No. Will they be good enough? Heck YES! Great, start making them! Does everyone need a high end ventilator? Nope. Ok, we'll still ramp up production as insurance, but what else can we do? For some can we share one instead of 1:1? Heck YES! Great, figure out how to do it & buy what you need. Will CPAP machines be good enough for some? Heck YES! Great, then figure out how to do it, buy what you need. That sort of thinking. Fighting the "war" with what you have....

This nation and it's extraordinary citizens WILL find new and creative ways to solve this. We've been privileged for the last couple decades to be able to nearly always be able to get the perfect rather than the good enough. But today is different. But we've done it before, we can do it again. Share resources. What's good enough? Create new ways. ... All that. We've got this!

But it'll only work if we all do our part by staying put!

03-28-2020, 02:44 PM
Two years ago I was warning my coworkers about this bubble popping, and got nothing but condescending attitudes and laughter behind my back (Best. Economy. Ever.)...Ignoring them, I set about preparing for this recession by saving every cent of OT pay earned between then and now. Transferred 75% of my 401K into a self-directed brokerage account and bought shares in mining companies, then pulled cash out of savings and bought gold. Kept repairing my now-24-year-old truck and wife’s 13-year-old Honda Pilot, deferring a new vehicle purchase. We now have a year’s worth of salary saved between all of our diversified assets, plus my stocks, growing even now as my coworkers’ 401K’s are evaporating. They aren’t laughing, now. They’re learning a painful lesson that was not learned back in 2008/2009. There is a very high probability that some of them will be forced to work past their planned retirement dates to recoup the losses in their 401K’s.
Sorry, but I don’t feel sorry for those who weren’t prepared for this downturn, especially after the last crash, for which I, myself, was completely unprepared and which cost my family our home. It woke me up. Hopefully, this go-round will shake every American awake from their fake American dreams and encourage them to stop “living a debt-based lifestyle they can’t afford with money they don’t have”, to quote the inimitable Peter Schiff.

Wow dude, way to show some empathy for your fellow man. Instead of a long winded "I told you so" lecture. People are losing their jobs because of nothing they did. No one could of seen anything of this magnitude coming and causing disaster for so many decent hard working folks.

03-28-2020, 02:49 PM
Wow dude, way to show some empathy for your fellow man. Instead of a long winded "I told you so" lecture. People are losing their jobs because of nothing they did. No one could of seen anything of this magnitude coming and causing disaster for so many decent hard working folks.

Wow, dude...
We get what we vote for.
We voted for big government.
Plenty of people saw the biggest financial bubble in history being inflated by the government and the Federal Reserve, and have been raising the alarm for the last decade, but no one paid attention until it was too late.
By the way, I AM a decent and hardworking citizen, no less than anyone else still paying taxes and getting no government welfare.

03-28-2020, 06:09 PM
.....We can pull out the "dollar bazooka" like nobody else. We did that yesterday. How many countries on this earth can, in the space of about a week, commit 6 TRILLION dollars? Nobody but us. That is six MILLION piles of a MILLION dollars each.....

You do realize that those piles of millions of dollars don't actually exist, right ?
It is fiat currency, just being printed up on the Govt printing presses. Just the existence of the new currency waters down the value of the dollar.

This dumping of fake money is just showing us how concerned the DC Elites are, but they are only concerned with losing their grip on power.

If the hoi-polloi ever REALLY start rioting, the first thing that goes is the cushy sinecures of Congress Critters.

This is just a payoff to the masses to keep us quiet. Bread and circuses, to reference an earlier (defunct) society.

03-28-2020, 08:13 PM
If most people would tighten the belt for 2 years they could put enough money away to get them by for 3-6 months. But few are willing to sacrifice short term satisfaction for long term financial security. At some point in their life it catches up to them.

03-29-2020, 02:13 AM
On the one hand we appeared to have a strong economy prior to the Virus Invasion.

In theory our ecomony should have a significant snap back as soon as the virus is mostly whipped.

What we do not know is what the permanent damage being done is.

But the real gloom are the national debt and the unfounded mandates!

I am really shocked that DC borrowed so much ($2.2T) to fight less of a crises than O’Bummer essentially ignored in ‘09 until 1,000 Americans died.

I certainly believe that a Federal response is in order, but 2.2 Trillion dollars? That is like running over a stink bug with a Mack truck!

I figured that a stop gap for unemployment benefits between what the States do as in paying for the initial first period that is skipped over and endemnify the process for a time after the States ran out of insurance if the down turn went over their capacity.

A loan process for business’s genuinely hurt but not a grant process.

If this bailout is targeted I would hate to see what they call a shotgun approach!

A historian said what finished off the Roman Empire was when the “wealthy” began getting paid by the government. By that metric, I would say we are there!
