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03-24-2020, 11:33 AM
I recently misused a word in a post and received a well earned warning for it. My humble apologies to any and all who were offended by my crudity. I am going to reread the rules and regulations to better understand how to be a better poster on this forum. Again, you have my apologies.

03-24-2020, 11:41 AM
Although I missed the infraction , learn from it and move on .
Apology excepted

03-24-2020, 02:19 PM
Welcome to the club.

country gent
03-24-2020, 04:00 PM
Yep I quoted a member who had "misspoke" in his post we both got a warning.

Land Owner
03-24-2020, 05:30 PM
What "word" (hehe)?

Me too, in a publicly published (re)quote from the Net. It happens...most likely in The Pit.

No apology necessary. We're all guilty of something at one point or another. You can bet your Sweet Bippy that NO ONE got offended and the Mods were following the Rules (a good practice to keep it from gaining a foothold and going completely PANDEMIC).

I wondered when and how I might use THAT word...

tomme boy
03-24-2020, 05:37 PM
If something you typed pops up as ************************************************ then it is the word filter this forum has to block profanity. Go back and change it before you get caught. Been there!

03-24-2020, 05:57 PM
I found out what ***** meant the hard way myself... but you can use the word "batch" , such as
" I made up a batch of Bens Red Lube " and not get dinged .
Also when discussing 1851 Navy Colt cap and ball revolvers you can ask about replacement " nipples" and not get dinged...it ain't what you say , it's what you don't say.

03-24-2020, 07:45 PM
What did you say?

Land Owner
03-24-2020, 08:54 PM
Sometimes, as in an Interweb QUOTATION, the filter does not operate, and one can and will get "dinged".

There ARE pencil whipped "work arounds" that WILL get you "dinged" if the meaning is clear and profanity was intended.

This is a family friendly site and it is best to leave the pointed language and roughshod attitude outside its limits.

03-24-2020, 09:05 PM
I've found my conversational and socially acceptable verbiage doesn't print well sometimes. Even unintended comments and select terms used in normal conversation have to be considered before committing to type. That and I can't spell for beans may explain my transgressions. We all have done it ~ well, most of us have.

03-24-2020, 10:03 PM
You do not need to apologize, mistakes happen but with an understanding of how to avoid the problem maybe it will keep it under control. So I submit the following for everyones edification.

Type what you have to and if it's on the list the censor will catch it. If it doesn't you're good.

Don't try to help the censor by using characters instead of the correct letters or you will get dinged. This rule applies to everyone even the Staff.

Want to check a word use the Go Advanced tab below your post before you submit it and it will show you how your post will appear when submitted.

Remember too, the owner wants this to be a family friendly site and that many times there are more guests viewing the site at any give time then members. We have no way to determine their ages so the rule is there to protect the youngsters. You represent the members at large and your handle is out there for all to see. Personally I don't want the world to see me as an uncouth heathen in this setting.

I personally hate issuing infractions for censor violations because they are so easy to avoid... But they will be enforced. I hope this helps explain what the Mods are task with doing.

03-25-2020, 01:31 PM
What did you say?

I didn't say anything !

The older I get the more "unfiltered" my language becomes ... I don't know why but I need to watch it , it's not nice to say bad words .

Thanks for reminder,

03-25-2020, 02:50 PM
Sometimes you have to call a spade an implement for manually digging in the ground. I know what my boss called it when I was a young engineer and that would get me banned here.

But the site owner is the boss so we work by his rules. BTW, it may not always seem "fair". But we do not know what happened behind the scenes. A lot of great talent has left or been banned. Don't expect it to change unless there is a change in management.

We should be thankful for the moderators who have to deal with it all.

03-25-2020, 02:55 PM
BTW, it may not always seem "fair". But we do not know what happened behind the scenes. A lot of great talent has left or been banned. Don't expect it to change unless there is a change in management.

We should be thankful for the moderators who have to deal with it all.

Very well stated.

Land Owner
03-25-2020, 04:15 PM
This is NOT a public venue where the 1st Amendment applies. This is a Web Site on the Interweb that is PRIVATELY HOSTED with its own rules of fairness and decency. Opinions are welcome. Ignoble opinions of spirited language and course attitude are not. No. 1 has set the bar. If Members try to raise it, No. 1 enforces the Site's Rules. People slip up. Attitudes rub together. Malice increase rancor. Even exuberance is cause for "temporary insanity". Stuff happens. Nothing to see here. Back to your lives Citizens.

country gent
03-25-2020, 05:04 PM
You can still voice an opinion, argue a point even disagree with another member. This can all be done with out getting mean nasty or vulgar. Many have never learned the difference between debating arguing and instigating. Debating is acceptable means of working thru a problem or issue.

03-30-2020, 12:22 PM
A lot of great talent has left or been banned. Don't expect it to change unless there is a change in management. We should be thankful for the moderators who have to deal with it all.

Is the glass half full or half empty. A lot of great members have left because they have tired of viewing the clown circus the troublesome members present on an almost daily basis.

This is NOT a public venue where the 1st Amendment applies. This is a Web Site on the Interweb that is PRIVATELY HOSTED with its own rules of fairness and decency. Opinions are welcome. Ignoble opinions of spirited language and course attitude are not. No. 1 has set the bar. If Members try to raise it, No. 1 enforces the Site's Rules. People slip up. Attitudes rub together. Malice increase rancor. Even exuberance is cause for "temporary insanity". Stuff happens. Nothing to see here. Back to your lives Citizens.

Correct, follow the rules or take your lumps either way move on.

You can still voice an opinion, argue a point even disagree with another member. This can all be done with out getting mean nasty or vulgar. Many have never learned the difference between debating arguing and instigating. Debating is acceptable means of working thru a problem or issue.

True. We pride ourselves as being educated. We represent the shooting industry. Is there any reason we can’t make our point without using profanity?

03-30-2020, 01:22 PM
I'm thankful for this forum. The wealth of information to be gleaned, and the ability to read about my favorite subjects at more than just a superficial depth are invaluable.

Thank you to No1, the mods, and all those who contribute.


03-30-2020, 03:38 PM
I'm thankful for this forum. The wealth of information to be gleaned, and the ability to read about my favorite subjects at more than just a superficial depth are invaluable.

Thank you to No1, the mods, and all those who contribute.


Well said

03-30-2020, 09:05 PM
It happens. I had two instances where my judgement was overridden by my questionable sense of humor in the Pit last year. A violation is a violation, ya learn yer lesson or ya move on down the road.

03-31-2020, 03:41 PM
Stuff happens. The filter is pretty good at catching it but sometimes doesn't. Learn and let it go.