View Full Version : Colt Python to help fight Coronavirus!!

Patrick L
03-22-2020, 10:10 PM
Ha! Made you look!

Actually I broke out an old "Python" to fight off the incredible boredom of not being able to go shoot!


I'm taking all of the advice about not going anywhere unless it's absolutely necessary seriously. That includes going to the range. Boy I really envy the country folks who can literally just go shoot in their own back yard. They frown on that in the suburbs.

Anyhow, I got this for my son when he was a little guy (He's 26 next month.) I built a target trap out of a big cardboard box, and we used to shoot airsofts, his Red Ryder, and this down in the basement. I'll bet it's been 10-12 years since we shot down there.

I figured what the heck, shooting a pellet gun is better than not shooting at all. It doesn't do too bad. I can manage about 30-33 feet in my basement, so I reduced a standard 50 foot target about 78%. Here's what I did.


That one really low shot and the two just out of the black were with reclaimed pellets. I wanted to see if I could reclaim and shoot them again. Apparently not, or at least not consistently.

This reminds me of MY Crossman 357. I got mine as a teenager back when they first came out in the 80s. Those older ones were closer copies of an actual Python, and were 6 shot. I really loved mine.

Oh well, this will have to do for the forseeable future. Oh, and I also dug out my old rubber X bullets for the .38s These are primer powered, but tougher to make shoot. I'll need to play around with those a bit. As I recall, there were poi differences and other issues. I bet its been 20-25 years since I shot those.

Chihuahua Floyd
03-23-2020, 08:29 AM
Might have to take the air rifle down to the basement this afternoon.
Supposed to rain all day today.

03-23-2020, 09:41 AM
Been dryfiring at the Cardinals on the bird feeder.

03-24-2020, 11:10 AM
I remember gazing at those Crosman break-top Pythons when I was a kid. My folks wouldn't let me get one because it looked too much like a real gun, which I now understand why they did.

Patrick L
03-25-2020, 02:47 PM
Yeah Ferguson, the one I had back when they came out in the early 80s was a dead ringer for a real Python. Correct number of rib slots, long sight ramp along barrel, Colt style target grips, etc. I LOVED that gun. I even bought the other barrel off the parts list (I think I got the gun as a four inch, bought the six inch barrel???) as you could swap them by removing the pivot screw. I eventually gave it to my godson.

Like I said, this one I picked up for my son maybe 10-15 years ago.

03-25-2020, 03:54 PM
I could go to the range and still comply with the social distancing. It is an outdoor with a shelter over the shooting benches. I have never seen more than two other shooters there when I have gone and that was on a Saturday.

I decided to go for it only to find that our recent flooding dumped may tons of mud on the range so its closed. Last time they had a small maintenance issue it took over a year to fix.

So, no range trip for me. I may wander up in the mountains and do some plinking.