View Full Version : Thompson Center Customer service .....

Larry Gibson
11-19-2008, 08:54 PM
The hammer spring broke in my TC Contender last week. It's 20 years old and seen lots of rounds so I've no complaint with that. I called the customer service number friday and got a message that all service representatives were busy and was put on hold. After about 15 minutes a new message came on telling me about the business hours and to leave a message. I left a message asking about getting a new spring. Thought I'd back that up so I sent them an email to the "contact us" email they listed. I called first thing monday morning PST (3 hours behind TC in EST) and got put on hold again. After a few minutes a message came on telling me the extension I asked for (? I didn't ask for an extension) was busy and to leave a message and the customer service representative would call me back. I left my name, phone # and a description of the problem. Monday morning passed and I got no response so I called again. Same mesage, put on hold, told to leave message and then hung up on. Called this morning, same same, and left 3rd message, no response. Called at 1 pm, same message, left message, no response.

Anyone know of where i can get a hammer spring for a Contender except through TC?

I am not a happy camper.

Larry Gibson

11-19-2008, 09:00 PM
Sieverts Guns in Pueblo, Colorado is a service station for TC or they used to be when I lived there. They updated my Contender at no cost to me. They should have one. Try 719-564-0035 Good luck.


Larry Gibson
11-19-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks Skeet1, I'll call them first thing in the morning.

Larry Gibson

11-19-2008, 10:29 PM
let us know how this works out with the guys in Colorado!

Your not the only one who would prefer to do business with someone that thinks customers actually keep the lights on!

Jon K
11-19-2008, 10:57 PM

I got one, you're welcome to it. PM me where to send. Brand new, never needed it, T/C has always rebuilt n/c, Lifetime warrranty. T/C customer SVC has always been top notch for me.


Larry Gibson
11-20-2008, 12:45 AM

I got one, you're welcome to it. PM me where to send. Brand new, never needed it, T/C has always rebuilt n/c, Lifetime warrranty. T/C customer SVC has always been top notch for me.


PM sent. I sure do hope this is just a disconect and not their usual MO. I've had their products for a long time and didn't have this happen the one time I called them in the past. They answered right away on the first call and took good care of my problem. Wasn't TC bought out by a major company recently? (Remington comes to mind).

Larry Gibson

11-20-2008, 01:10 AM
I bought parts last yr about this time. The invoice had a S&W Logo on it!

Larry Gibson
11-20-2008, 01:57 AM
S&W....I am doomed:-)

Larry Gibson

11-20-2008, 07:59 AM
Mike Bellm of Bellm TCs should have anything you need for Thompson Center Contender and Encores. Just put Bellm TCs in your search engine.
Larry Miller

11-20-2008, 08:14 PM
Thompson Center Customer service sucks..... +1. I bought a 17m2 carbine barrel. It splits just about 80% of the fired cases. I sent it back after weeks of trying to get a hold of someone on the phone, also with no luck. They sent it back saying it was fixed. I took it out and now it splits 90% of the cases. I'll never buy anything from t/c ever again. Their quality and service is without a doubt the worst in the industry.


11-20-2008, 08:34 PM
What a shame the big green R is ruining yet another previously fine product.

11-20-2008, 08:46 PM
Make a slave pin just the width of the hammer. Slip the new spring in the hammer install the slave pin , push the hammer into the frame and push the slave pin out with the hammer pin.

11-20-2008, 08:58 PM
What a shame the big green R is ruining yet another previously fine product.

I thought Smith & Wesson bought Thompson Center.


11-20-2008, 10:14 PM
OOPS! My mistake. I mean big grean S&W. Now that dont sound right either.

11-21-2008, 11:04 AM
Lets see T/C CS is bad because of S&W and H&R CS is bad because of Remington, you ever think the larger a co. is the worst the service gets? Big isn't better! look at the government. There is not a decent gun store in Amarillo due to the box stores, ran all the mom and pop stores out, ther isn't a smith that is trustworthy because the box stores ran them out.
Gun control doesn't need legislation just needs box stores and poor service. We will get rid of our guns by de-fault. Over priced ammo, primers, powder, and make lead against the law. Might ought to get a sling shot.
Who are you depending on to protect your rights? The Government! like that is going to work. The NRA (I am a member) they found out there is money in "protecting our rights"
I think we are out on a limb and sawing the wrong side and the fall may be terminal.

11-21-2008, 02:24 PM
I also have been trying to get a reply from T/C via the "leave a message" phone tag, after 5 un-returned calls I finally gave up and asked to speak to the President of the Company, Tyler Stone, I spoke to Gail McKuhen , his secretary instead and explained my frustration and related the problems laid out by Larry and scb as well, I will be passing along their contact information in a email so they can finally get some attention.

I expect a call back from Gail soon as well as some more information as to how to improve communications between ourselves and the company.

I have been a owner of T/C's for decades and in the past my contact with them has always been top notch and in fact superior to most company service experiences.
The versatility of the products has to be unequaled in my mind when you consider the rimfire to centerfire equation and from 17's to ,, yes,, a insane 600 Nitro.
I had always been proud to own these guns and the recent customer service nightmare should be regarded as an anomaly and not a reflection of their roots.
I certainly hope by speaking to Gail personally we can make progress and get these issues resolved.

Larry Gibson
11-21-2008, 03:19 PM

Thanks a lot, you "da man"!

Like I said earlier I do hope this is just a disconect or their answering service isn't working right. I too have owned TC products (I have this Contender and numerous barrels along with a Blk Mtn Magnum muzzle loader - also had a Hawkin in years past) and have been very satisfied with them. I'll post the results of the call. Thanks again.


Not sure where your coming from. In business, big or small, customer service should be a priortiy as without customers you have no business. Doesn't matter whether it is firearms realated or anything else. I am a Life NRA memebr BTW.

Larry Gibson

11-21-2008, 03:45 PM
I heard back from Gail, my 444 extractor is going out fedex today, I hope Larry and scb have as good a response !
I really expect that to be the case and will adjust the title of this thread if warranted.

Larry Gibson
11-21-2008, 05:04 PM

I hadn't recieved a call from Gail and since it is pushing their closing time back east I thought I'd call and leave a message (a nice one) for Gail. Halfway through the recorded message a very nice gal named Dianne answered for customer service. She took my name and address and a spring is on the way. Kudo's to TC for correcting a problem.

I am a happy camper now and have 2 springs on the way. I will pass one forward to anyone in need as Jon K has graciously sent me one also. Please correct the title when scb is satisfied. If anyone needs a hammer spring for a Contender let me know and it will be off to them.

Thanks to all including Thompson Center.

Larry Gibson

11-21-2008, 06:46 PM
Thompson Center isn't a large company, and the new owners, Smith&Wesson just laid off 88, or more people according to a guy I know that lives very near by. That could be what has customer service kind of messed up right now.

11-23-2008, 07:06 AM
Larry Gibson and others,
S&W bought T/C about a year and a half ago. They have indeed laid off the people as pointed out in a previous post. However, I've heard their plant in Springfield hasn't been effected. Customer Service is very short on personnal and haven't a prayer of answering all phone calls, S&W will not hire or replace any people that we need to run the factory. The picture at T/C is pretty bleak as of now. It took S&W 1 1/2 years to bring a profitable company to it's knees with no encouraging news in sight. If anyone would like, the S&W web site has thier stock prices posted under investers. Their stocks were selling for $22 and change, to a low of $1.53.
My apologies to all customers who have run amuck with Customer Service. The girls who answer the phones are very busy with hunting season and are truely doing the best they can.

11-23-2008, 11:59 AM
Larry Gibson and others,
My apologies to all customers who have run amuck with Customer Service.Ed

Should read: My apologies to all customers who have been run over by Customer Service

The girls who answer the phones are very busy with hunting season and are truely doing the best they can.

By returning defective products to the customer and saying "tough"?

The only assumption is if they are THAT busy they must be building ALOT of junk.

11-23-2008, 07:31 PM
Mike Bellm of Bellm TCs should have anything you need for Thompson Center Contender and Encores. Just put Bellm TCs in your search engine.
Larry Miller

The only problem with Bellm's is they are extra power springs. I bought one for my Encore but don't use it. It was about like a garage door spring. His trigger springs are good stuff if you find the right one.

Larry Gibson
11-23-2008, 10:31 PM

I guess it's a harbringer of things to come. I guess since we're all going through "the change" things are going to get better or so we're told. I guess its's "Bush's fault" like everything else. No doubt it was his fault that the spring broke in the first place. My sympathies to those who've been laid off.

Larry Gibson

Jon K
11-24-2008, 04:14 AM

Did you anneal the cases before fireforming? Your cases look like they failed because they didn't form to the chamber.


11-24-2008, 06:40 AM
customer service doesn't work on guns, they answer phones. Your post is irrelevent.

Jon K,
In this particular caliber, one companies ammunition is brittle, T/C no longer uses that brand because without fail they split when fired. A competitors ammunition works just fine and the problem goes away. Your post was spot on as to the reason for the splits.

Larry Gibson,
Thanks for your comments. Have you read 1st. Freedom from the NRA? Very interesting article on the not so wonderful things to come from the pres. elect. Have a good day.

Larry Gibson
11-24-2008, 01:04 PM

I got another call from Thompson Center this morning (a different department than customer service). They were checking to make sure I had been taken care of. It appears they are trying. Perhaps scb should recontact them about the barrel and send or email the picture he posted. Yes I've read the 1st Freedom info put out by the NRA. I am amazed at the number of gun owners and hunters I've met since the election that voted for Obama and bought off on "the change". Imet two yesterday while pheasant hunting. I asked them what was needed to be "changed". One said he didn't know but things just needed 'changing". The other said we didn't need "4 more years of Bush" and what he's done to the country. These were both teachers BTW. I just shook my head and went hunting, wasn't much esle to say to those two. Somehow the NRA has got to stop preaching to the choir (NRA members) and get the message out to the mass of gun owners and hunters. Not sure how they can do that with the prejudice of the mass media. One thing would be articles in gun and hunting magazines (other than in the AR and AH) about what's going on. Adds to join the NRA aren't enough in those venue's. Just my opinions on this, I am a Life Member BTW.

Larry Gibson

11-25-2008, 06:48 AM
Larry Gibson
Very glad T/C is showing interest in getting things straight with you.

SCB's problem is so typical of the 17 mark II cartridge that I hesitate to add fuel to the fire. The barrels I have delt with showing the same problem as his has been solved by a change in ammunition. His circumstance is not cast in stone as I haven't the barrel in front of me. Communication is always good, if he would like, the head person of repair is available thru T/C switchboard.

I agree that a much better way to inform the public needs to be found. People don't want to take the time to stay up to speed on the issues. Liberal media hold all the cards. I would like to continue but I would violate the politics rule of this forum. So, Sir, thanks for also posting the positive things T/C has accomplished. The best of the day to all.

11-26-2008, 03:19 AM

I have a NEF Sportster model in Mach II. It is an absolute tack driver and has killed many a beaver and muskrat in my pond. I have shot 1000's of rounds through it with everybodys ammo (Whatevers the cheapest at the time I buy it.)and it has only split one case that I know of. I would think that SCB's bbl has a problem.

If NEF can handle all brands of ammo TC should also, I would think. Maybe I was just lucky with this gun.

I own TC products and have never had a problem with them. I have always been satisfied with them. But I guess its a good thing.

If I buy something and spend my hard earned money for it. And it breaks (Things Happen) and the company gave a warranty with that product when I bought it. Then I couldn't get that warranty work done. Or done right. I would fix the item and sell it. Never buy their product again, and bad mouth the company to any one who would listen.

But for me and many others we think, we paid for the warranty and we want it when we need it. Thats part of the reason we buy a certain product. Then when its the Companies turn to hold up their end of the bargain and they back out, or give us the run around. We as consumers have only one choice. Don't give that company your business....

I understand where SCB is coming from and don't blame him for being angry. I'm sure when he bought the bbl he didn't purhase it with the idea that 80% of the cases would split. And when repaired 90% of cases split.

Just my rant for the day.


11-26-2008, 04:48 PM
I too have had a very difficult time with T/C customer service. I have left messages and had to wait up to a week for a response. Quality of the products has dimished also from my recent experience. I have a ProHunter 7mm Rem Mag. barrel with .005" clearance between the frame and the cases also drop below the rim of the barrel .004". The cases were spitting ahead of the belt so I fireformed a new batch with 20 grains of Unique and about 38 grains of Cream of Wheat with a wax plug in the end. I have loaded them with appropriate charges and bullets but have not fired them yet.

Larry Gibson
11-27-2008, 12:57 AM
Got another call from Thompson Center today to make sure I was taken care of. Haven't got the spring yet but it is spposed to be "in the mail". Looks like they are bending over backwards now to assist me. The last message I left while 'civil" was not very complimentery. Apparently they are having their problems like many businesses these days. I'll exercise some constraint in crticism at this time because out savior, Obama is going to make all well again. Just ask any one who voted for him or now even those who didn't vote for him, they will tell you he is the next FDR. (BTW; FDR didn't get this country out of the Depression, Hitler and Tojo did).

Larry Gibson

11-27-2008, 12:17 PM
Well Mr. singletree SIR, in that YOU are THE expert regarding this barrel I have sitting here next to me, perhaps you would be so kind as to enlighten me as to what ammunition I should be firing this fine example of Thompson/Center craftsmanship. You see it splits Hornady, CCI, and Remington equally well. As far as I can tell (although I am probably wrong) I can’t find where Winchester or Federal loads it. I understand Eley makes it but have been unable to find it. Perhaps I should be shooting that under-powered stuff made by Aguila, I know it’s not 17m2 ammo but they say it will chamber and fire. You see SIR changing ammo was the FIRST thing I did.
Now seeing as you have unilaterally set yourself up as the arbiter of what is and is not relevant I’m sure you will declare the above to be irrelevant as well. Which I guess is in a way correct. Having not heard anything from Thompson Center, as I knew I wouldn’t, I have decided to throw a couple of hundred dollars more at this “work of art” and buy a set of dies for, and have it re-chambered to 17 Ackley Hornet. I figure it’s better than throwing it away. See I could NOT in good conscience sell this to someone else as it is. Stupid on my part – right, at least from Thompson Centers point of view.

customer service doesn't work on guns, they answer phones. Your post is irrelevent.
Now, in that my views have been declared irrelevant I guess it’s time for me to join floodgate and say good by and good luck. scb

11-27-2008, 12:33 PM
Hold on Steve,, I am still working on it. Don't give up on me or the board.

11-28-2008, 11:28 AM
Hi Ken. I looked in to pick up some PM's. First and foremost I'd like to thank you for going above and beyond - on my behalf with this. Please don't bother yourself with it further. The barrel is boxed up and will be going out to get re-chambered today. Thank you for the work you've done for the site while I was here. Steve

Larry Gibson
12-06-2008, 11:41 PM
Ken and all

The hammer spring from TC arrived today. I guess it was a little slow but given the circumstances of the economy and the layoffs back there It's understandable. It has been a good company and I've had several TC rifles along with the Contender over the years. I do hope they survive the economic situation. Hard to sy where it will end as now evryone wants a handout from the feds, even the governers of quite a few states. I don't know but I would like to thank Ken and the folks at TC.

Larry Gibson