View Full Version : A Thought for these Troubling times

03-14-2020, 08:02 PM
Just a thought: I have been thinking (I know, a dangerous thing). We who consider the military and first responders our heroes, must add another group to our prayer list. The health care providers that will show up every day to take care of those of us that fall to the virus and work to find a solution to this plague. The Docs and nurses and aids all the way down to the folks that mop the floors. They are also heroes. They are continuing to "Move toward the sound of the guns" If you have a little room on you list you might keep them in your thoughts.

From the bunker where I am up to my elbow in TP and Ammo!

03-14-2020, 08:50 PM
Yes, Nurses way up in the top of list.
Garbage collectors too.
ER Doc's yes other doc's not so much.
Firemen and EMT's yes.
All these are above cops and the military.


03-15-2020, 05:57 AM
Prayers sent for all those who provide services we need ! We should not take these people for granted !!!!.

03-15-2020, 08:28 AM
Amen, We hold them all up in prayer!

03-16-2020, 07:22 AM
Thank you Lord for those who help us in many ways through their efforts . Use us to help them when we can to help others . In this fallen world they bring order that we take for granted most of the time . Thank you for giving the the gifts of ability and talents that sustain us . Protect them in their works . Amen

03-18-2020, 06:54 AM

03-18-2020, 07:04 AM
Amen! I have a daughter who is an LPN. Currently she mostly oversee's medications and paperwork for same. But who knows what this will bring.

She came to pick up some stuff from us last week, called from her car in our driveway. Asked us to bring it out and leave it on the drive in front of her car, then return to house. Was really touched knowing she was trying her best to protect us.

Nurses, cleaning staff, doctors are on the front lines. I know several doctors in Wuhan got it in spite of all the gear and precautions they were taking.

Praying for a Miracle, but afraid I am seeing the hand of GOD in some of this.
I think no matter how this turns out, life will not be the same after.

God Bless and keep all of you who are helping people and trying to keep control of this virus.

03-24-2020, 06:54 PM
Amen! Nurses get all the blame and very little of the money in the health care system. God bless them and the good docs who help keep us alive after we've abused ourselves enough that the symptoms start to show up. When I was young, I had such good health that I thought hospitals and docs were for others. Now that I'm old, they're some of my best "friends," and I see them often. They really deserve our thanks and our admiration. Great post!