View Full Version : Short Article on Barrett Founding

03-12-2020, 09:58 AM
Just received an email from Numrich that told of the founding of Barrett rifles. Appealed to me because Barrett is located in my home state of Tennessee. It is very interesting.


I don't have either the time or the money to own a Barrett but they are interesting. I wish I had the time or the money to own a gun from another Tennessee company, Bowen Classic Arms. Makes me proud that two high quality companies call my state home.

Larry Gibson
03-12-2020, 10:39 AM
Got to shoot a lot of Barret M82s and M95s in SF and contracting. Have shot a few other models since also. Lots of fun but a bit more than I prefer in both cost and recoil. Still fun to shoot. Pic is of me shooting/zeroing a M82 at 1500 meters for 5th SF while training with them at Camp Wilson, 29 Palms Marine base.


03-12-2020, 01:48 PM
No lack of long range in the Stumps. Sand in every direction![emoji41]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-13-2020, 08:00 PM
LG that picture gives one an idea why people lay down a mat to reduce that signature.

Yes Barrett is only 30 minutes away from here.
I have been to their retail store once.
Luckily there was nothing demanding that I release cash and bring it home.

03-14-2020, 05:44 AM
I am bit of a fan. Here are pics of my three Barretts...


Top gun on the left is a M82A1 .50 BMG and the one below it is an older MRAD in .338 Lapua.

and the third...


He's the newest addition to the family, this was taken a couple of weeks ago and his name is, "Barrett".


Winger Ed.
03-23-2020, 10:00 AM
29 Palms Marine base.

They say,,,,,,,,,,,, that if you 'go over the hill' there without a car,
The command doesn't 'write ya up' for 3 days because you're still in sight.

Larry Gibson
03-23-2020, 10:31 AM
They say,,,,,,,,,,,, that if you 'go over the hill' there without a car,
The command doesn't 'write ya up' for 3 days because you're still in sight.

Could be as there is a lot of wide open space there, typical of southwestern Mohave desert. Never was stationed there as I wasn't a Marine. Shot a couple service rifle NMCs there though. We (my SF B Team) were using Camp Wilson as an AOB (advanced Operations Base) inserting SF strat/recon teams into NTC in front of the defending force to track the OPFOR movements. The Army put me in a lot of pretty crappy places over the years but that was just about the worst place stateside.....the desert was fine, it was the camp that sucked.....

Larry Gibson
03-23-2020, 10:41 AM
LG that picture gives one an idea why people lay down a mat to reduce that signature.......

Yes, a mat should be used in a tactical situation. Poncho doesn't work too well but an old shelter half works pretty good. Actually the dust gets blown to the side and back so it doesn't really interfere with the shooter's perspective that much. It is a "signature" of your location for sure if you are shooting at close range but at 600 - 1 mile+ it's not really detectible to all but a really well trained observer with very good optics. The main target for the Barrett M82 at that time was SCUDs, their launchers and support vehicles. The optics we have today along with much more accurate bullets have extended the range of the M82 [along with the other large caliber sniper rifles] and made smaller targets doable. Of course it is the bolt action such rifles that have rally come into their own at extended long range.

03-23-2020, 11:31 AM
Larry; thanks for bringing up old memories.

I was at 29 Stumps (Palms) back in 1975 for 6 months. We had a 3 day Santa Anna (where the wind patterns reverse in the S. California area and it blows East to West instead of West to East) where the dust was blowing so bad you could not see more than 7 to 10 feet. In the barracks we had to stuff all the door ways and window sills with rags and towels to keep the dust out, still had 1/2 dust on the deck after it was over. There was a Sherrifs Deputy car that stalled out during the storm out near Joshua Tree; it had no pint left and the windows all frosted over from sand blasting. Any way - a linkage of the dust stirred up by the 50BMG and blowing sand in the desert. Thanks for bringing up some old memories from the past.

03-23-2020, 12:03 PM
I was stationed at 29 Palms circa 1971. But we mostly dealt with artillery. We were using radar chronographs to calibrate the big guns so you could enter the information into the firing computers at the time. The big 8 inch self propelled howitzers could really kick up a lot of dust. Playing golf on the golf course there was something of a experience. The golf balls could roll for 200 yards or more quite easily on the hard ground. Not all of the holes had a putting green with grass either. yeah I remember the dust storms. The dust storm would quickly turn into a thunderstorm with rain, thus the cars got all dirty and then muddy right afterwards. Yes those strong dust storms could scour the windows on cars and buildings.

Combat Diver
03-26-2020, 05:10 AM
Met Ronnie Barrett several times while in 5th SFGA at Campbell and worked on the XM109 25mm version of the M82. Been playing with the M82/M107 since 91' till today here in Afghanistan. Also had some M99s in Kuwait/Iraq 15-16'
Firing the M82 in Kuwait Feb 2000
