View Full Version : If you are having problems with a Dillon press, go here...

Russel Nash
11-18-2008, 10:39 AM
yeah, sure you could call up their customer help line.

Me, I'm kinda stubborn and I like to research things on my own and then see if I can fix them (which hasn't really happened with my 550).

So I would rather go here:

Brian Enos Dillon Reloading Equipment sub-forum (http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showforum=78)

The competitors on the Brian Enos forum shoot about 8.2 gazillion rounds a year, all reloaded on their Dillon presses.

If there is a hiccup with your Dillon, chances are good that a Brian Enos forum member has encountered that problem before and figured out a fix for it years ago.
