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View Full Version : Trigger Point Injections ?

02-23-2020, 01:15 AM
OK I had them the other day to "Help" with nasty Head Pain that has been getting a lot worse
Not for the Migraines , that set of injections is going to be repeated in about a month
But in the muscle area of the forehead that moves the jaw

I talk much or chew anything hard and the pain gets REAL BAD !!

Not sure all what is in the injection ... but
On day 2 my forehead pain .... was maybe 50% better
Day 3 it had gotten worse , only maybe 25% better than before the injections

Now 5 days after the injections , IMO MAYBE 10% better than before the injections

My question is .... do sometimes the injections need to be done several times to work the best ?
Or is there a delay in the results ?

As I go back next week for a different set of injections to help with pain in the back of my skull were a area of the skull had several breaks
This pain also has been getting worse , as it started out as mild to medium head pain .... now has gotten to REALLY BAD some times

So I am interested in knowing what to talk to the Doctor about


02-23-2020, 12:31 PM
I know exactly what you're talking about. Several years ago, I was diagnosed with 'trigger point' in my right shoulder...pain is not continuous but when it hits it's like an ice pick shoved under my right shoulder blade. Since then have been though anesthetic injections, physical therapy, acupuncture, more physical therapy (including deep massage almost as painful as the 'trigger point') and, most recently, injection of a cortisone/steroid/anesthetic 'cocktail'. None of these treatments have had any long-term effectiveness...like, by the tenth day, back to square one.

Last injection was done by one of med center's 'pain control' specialists whom I really trust...a couple years ago, he helped get me through rehab after major back surgery. Since injection failed so quickly, he's declined to continue the series and referred me to Occupational Medicine (orthopedics) for a complete eval of that shoulder for neuromuscular damage. Appointment is at the end of next week so, maybe, I'll know more then.

Sorry I can't offer more encouragement but, after 10 years of this, I'm about out of optimism.


02-23-2020, 01:33 PM
I have trigger finger injuries, my hands cramp up. When I ride a motorcycle, I can't let go of the handlebars. I have to open my left hand with my right hand and it hurts like hell...

02-23-2020, 01:44 PM
This is his wife talking. I have had migraines since an accident in the early 90's and went thu all sorts of drugs. Now, with the narctiocs being pretty much banned, I have turned to presure point injections. It is the same stuff the dentist gives you without the adrenalin (does not make a difference) and for some ppl, it works right away. Mine take bout 2-3 days.
I do neck stretches, which work sometimes if I have one comming on. (Long slow stretches till I can pull my head to the front of my shoulder no more then release slowly)
I have gotten the shots up to three a week for up to a month and then I do not need them for a few months. As for the jaw, I cannot chew anything hard either. Almonds can set me off. I have learned not to chew anything even semi-hard. I have tried splints that do help for a while. This could maybe work for you if you have any teeth alighnment problems. The jaw is THE most sensitive area as it is connected all the way up into your head.
The Doc has me on duloxitine. It really helps with my nerves from the neck and jaw. What works for one may not work for another, but give this a try. Also Gabepentin helps if you have not abused narcitics (I did searching for instant relief)

02-25-2020, 03:58 PM
Had them for spine pain that radiated down my legs... made things worse in the long run...