View Full Version : LLA on slugs

02-22-2020, 12:08 PM
I have been shooting up some home brewed Lee slug loads that I have had for awhile and getting ready to try some Thug slugs and Dangerous Game slugs from BPI. Unlike slugs that are wrapped in a sabot, these ride directly on the rifling. Does this style of slugs deposit lots of lead in the bore or is clean up not that big a deal? Has anyone tried coating them with LLA either by dipping or using a little paint brush on all the high spots? I don't want to add complexity to the process but if it works I've got plenty of time to address this issue (it is still winter). Thanks to any and all for your input.

02-22-2020, 12:39 PM
I believe the biggest factor is going to be how rough the bore is. Some shotguns are built dirt cheap. In my own shotguns, I have had no problems with leading with factory or cast slugs. Even in a rifled barrel, I had no problems with bare lead slugs. That said, for the most part I do use Alox lube, just because. It doesn't hurt anything. Anything inside of a wad, wrap, or sabot I wouldn't bother, and lube may actually hurt you there.

02-23-2020, 01:44 AM
I scorched my first double batch of Ben's Red on my first attempt to make it (too much heat). It came out darker in color than it should have, so I didn't want to use it as a bullet lube. I now use it as a preservative/ corrosion preventative on all my slugs and buckshot. I bring it to liquid state and use a small fryer basket to put the slugs or buckshot in, then leave it submerged in the liquid lube until the slugs/ buckshot are the same temp as the lube. This leaves a light coating on the slugs/ buckshot and has improved both group sizes and the condition of the recovered wads. To replace the lube in the pan I have added beeswax, some stick lubes as I have picked them up used, and have even added a couple toilet wax rings.
I can't tell you what this would do in rifled barrels as all my shotguns are smooth bores.
When I was a kid I had an uncle that used to give me old ammo that I would tear down to recover the lead, to melt into sinkers I sold to local bait shops. It was quite common for old slugs and buckshot to be oxidized on the surface when disassembled. My reasoning for coating slugs is to eliminate this oxidation, during long term storage/ use. The improved group size was just a bonus. The improved condition of recovered wads tell me it is an improvement.

a danl
03-03-2020, 04:32 PM
try lee's liquid alox ,,,works well for me,, drys to the touch in a few hours , excuse me but now that i look back is that what LLA stands for? i hate abbreviations .