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02-17-2020, 09:47 PM
Anyone else sensitive to the mattress they sleep on?

I grew up sleeping on everything from cheap inner-spring mattresses to the foam sleeping mats in the military and was fine. Then in my early 40's, my ex-wife and I bought a nice memory foam mattress from Costco and it was amazingly comfortable. Fast forward to our divorce a few years ago and lived with my brother in his guest room for a few months and slept on his decent inner-spring and I was waking up sore.

When I bought my own house, I bought a cheap queen-size memory foam off of Amazon for around $250 and it was great. Then the past couple of months, I've noticed I've been waking up sore. My girlfriend also commented that she was not getting as good a night's rest as she used to when we started dating over a year ago.

So I ordered a new king-sized memory foam that was on the Consumer Reports recommended list. It says it is infused with gel and green tea (what?) so it sleeps cooler and doesn't have an odor. It was under $400.

Can't wait for it to get here!

Anyone else getting sensitive to the mattress they sleep on? When I travel and stay in hotels, or guest bedrooms, I wake up sore and can't wait to get home to my memory foam bed.

My bedroom at the family cabin has a decades-old inner-spring mattress that is so bad, that I can't spend the night down there anymore unless I bring a cot and an air mattress.

Last year, I woke up one morning at the cabin and my hip had gone out of joint. Incredible pain and I couldn't move for an hour or so.

I'm only 51 and never thought I'd see the day that I have to have a certain mattress to get a good night's sleep.

02-17-2020, 10:15 PM
Experienced similar frustration with new mattresses. My wife’s massage therapist, our chiropractor and mattress salesman all said the same thing, for many a new mattress feels good at first just because it’s something different but sooner or later body changes. How true, I don’t know but even with the best top of the line 2-5 years is about all we get. With memory foam we found that a good thick mattress cover helps, but everybody is different

02-17-2020, 10:17 PM
I finally bought a Sleep Number air bed. Dual chambers so Da Momma can set her side at what she wants, and mine at what I want. I've had it a few years and I like it.

RU shooter
02-17-2020, 10:26 PM
I'm in the same boat as you , just turned 51 this year bought a memory foam about 4 years ago a mid priced one , don't know how I could go back to a inner springs ever again .

02-18-2020, 10:04 AM
I haven't found a mattress yet that I can sleep on for more than a few days. Been sleeping on the floor for about the last 10 years. I am curious about the sleep number though.

02-18-2020, 02:03 PM
My wife works for a small local mattress company, they do several types and are reasonably priced and of good quality. Over the years we have had several different ones but the last one is a pocket coil. It seems firm but the individual coils relieve the pressure points. One can move or get up without transferring motion to the other side. I don't wake up sore or feel beat up. I like this one but picking a mattress is a personal decision.

My wife insist that the mattress be flipped or turned over frequently to help insure long life. A friend once told me to buy a good mattress and good shoes because if you are not in one you are in the other, good advice I think.

We went from a queen to a king this time, gives us more for the two little dogs that took up residence between us.

02-18-2020, 02:54 PM
I'm not sure if there is a specific age when this starts to happen to people. But mine started about the time I hit my 50's also. While a little costly, a Sleep Number is the only way to go.

Words of wisdom from a dear old friend who was in the furniture business for decades in Oklahoma City. He ran TV adds for their furniture store and when he'd have a mattress sale his words of advice were simple, and true.

"Folks, you send 1/3rd of your life in bed. We've got the best mattresses in town!". (Jude & Jody) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


02-18-2020, 06:56 PM
I put off spending the money on a new mattress for years...decades even. The wife said our matress was over 40 years old...I am buying a new one ! I went with her and tested every matress in the store ...they let me . I picked the one that felt best to me . Don't know the brand name but salesman said it was a hybrid something like a memory foam with a pillow top... I love it .
The wife can leave but I'm taking the bed , it is so comfy... I don't wake up feeling like my shoulders and ribs have been punched ...so soft and cushy . I'm retired and spend most of my day lying in it watching TV then telling the wife I did stuff ...I lie ... I wish I had spent the money years ago , except for middle of the night rest room trip I can sleep all night and wake up feeling Good !!!

02-18-2020, 08:08 PM
Firm Memory Foam here also! But A sleep number may be in our future.
I recently started using a 30 deg wedge to help with post nasal drip which has a tendency to mimic sleep apnea because I wake up choking if sleeping flat. Also the addition of a "My Pillow" changed my life ...they really work

02-18-2020, 09:04 PM
There are cheaper air beds out there than the Select Comfort/sleep number, but be careful. We had one years ago - the pump sounded like it was powered by diesel, and the baffles that form the chambers let go one night on my side of the bed. It was kinda funny, and very loud. Luckily I wasn't on the bed or I would have been launched to the ceiling. The Sleep Number bed is well made. I haven't had to add air at all since we've had it. And if it's a little too hard, or too soft, you push a button to change it.

Love Life
02-19-2020, 10:49 AM
I have used a sleep number for years and I love it!! Just FYI, inflate both sides to the same pressure when you and the misses want to get physical.

02-19-2020, 11:39 AM
You mean when we wrassle over the remote?

Love Life
02-19-2020, 11:52 AM
You mean when we wrassle over the remote?

Not quite, lol.

02-19-2020, 01:17 PM
I am most fortunate! I am 81 years old and I can sleep almost anywhere, on almost any surface. I do not thrash around at night, rather I get in bed, roll onto my left side and am asleep within 5 minutes (most nights). I do have to get up during the night (sometimes more than I like) and when I go back to bed I make it a point to lay on my right side. Again I will usually be asleep again within 5- minutes. I can get up in the morning and just adjust the covers a bit and the bed is made. I do, however, snore LOUDLY, to the point my wife sleeps in another room (at the other end of the house). Works for us. My bed is a queen-size and I have had it for better than 30 years. One other thing, I sleep with my eyes open (or at least partially) freaks the heck out of my wife (she thinks I'm dead)!

02-19-2020, 10:13 PM
New bed and frame arrived today around noon. Took me a long time to disassemble the old bed, completely clean the bedroom, then assemble the new frame and unpack the mattress. It's currently sitting on the new frame and expanding slowly. Luckily, I don't go to bed for another 10-11 hours, so it should be good to go by bed time. So far, so good as far as the frame and the mattress.


02-20-2020, 05:55 AM
my wife go us a new mattress memory foam top third spring mattress underneath .this combination works better for us than memory foam alone.

02-20-2020, 08:34 PM
Got my first night's sleep on it and it was what I hoped for. When I got my first memory foam, I woke up slightly sore but better than with the old mattress.

It's like the new mattress was trying to adjust my body back into alignment. Sort of like having a chiropractor work on you slowly all night.

So, the past three weeks or so, I developed a pain in my lower right back, near the hip joint. It was getting pretty bad, which prompted me to order the new mattress. This morning, it is almost completely gone. Hopefully a couple of more nights and it will be completely gone.

02-20-2020, 08:47 PM
My wife used to have to have a soft mattress, I have NEVER been able to sleep on a soft Mattress even as a kid. Now my wife needs a firmer mattress to sleep comfortably as well. We bought a Bedroom set and Firm Memory Foam Mattress. Now after10 years together both of us sleep well and wake up without a back ache.

02-21-2020, 06:39 AM
I've been sleeping on a water bed since 1980. I can't imagine sleeping comfortably on anything else. It's heated, so it's warm even upon initial entry.

ol skool
02-22-2020, 03:21 PM
2 years ago (at 60) went through the same thing. A futton or a hard mattress for ever, then BOOM couldn't take it anymore, yup getting old.


02-29-2020, 10:05 AM
I remember back in the days I could sleep on rocks on a mountainside and get a good night's sleep. Now I'm more like "The Princess and the Pea". I ordered a memory foam top, hoping it helps.

02-29-2020, 11:31 AM
After a week or so of sleeping on it, I think it was a good purchase. It is firmer than what I like, but my body is slowly adjusting to it.

I've had a sciatic nerve issue in my left hip area for about a month now that the old mattress seemed to be exacerbating. Now I wake up and I'm pain free and sleep like a log through the night, not moving at all. But as soon as I get out of bed and start moving, the pain comes back. I need to go to a chiropractor. My girlfriend is getting impatient with me griping about the pain and is about at the end of her rope in telling me to make an appointment.

But the bed stand, a Zinus 14" steel version, is rock solid. The old mattress was on a box spring and traditional metal frame and when I came to bed at 0400 (I work graveyard) it would squeak and move and wake my girlfriend up. The new set up is absolutely solid and quiet and she sleeps through me getting in or out of bed. She also said it is very comfortable and loves it.

For the price of a Glock, it was a good investment. Funny how these days I gauge a purchase by what firearm I could buy with the money.